I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 152: [Wen Chengjie slumped in a chair]

"what happened?"

   "Damn, where are my special effects?"

   "At that moment, I seemed to see a Dongfeng missile rushing out against the surface..."

   "Pinch the hemp, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, right? The 300,000 happy beans of labor and capital are gone!"

   Tang Jingle had a bitter expression, and the other party had obviously reserved his hands.

   "This kind of life and death duel, can you also control your sword?" he asked.

   Gu Chengyu slowly withdrew his sword: "Ordinary duel, it's not about life or death." After all, after the referee pronounced the result, he stepped out of the ring without looking back.


   Class 12 player seats.

   Teacher looked at Gu Chengyu's strength in disbelief.

   "Teacher, is this really the mid-level of our class you said?" Bai Shui Kai asked in surprise from the side.

   Our middle class has this level?

   Teacher also looked ugly, he didn't expect the other party to be so strong.

   is completely different from love.

   "The white water is on, you go on the next game! Be sure to win! Remember not to underestimate the enemy! Be sure to pay attention to the opponent!"

   After seeing Tang Jingle's end, Bai Shui Kai nodded with a serious face.

   "I will definitely face the enemy with 100% seriousness!"


   Class 7 players seats.

   Wen Chengjie looked at that sword and suddenly dropped his jaw!

What? !

   Aren’t you just getting started with Reiki?

   "It turns out that everyone really hides their strength!" Xiang Shuxiang was not surprised, after all, he had guessed it before, but now it is just a confirmation.

What? !

   Wen Chengjie suddenly turned his head to look at Xiang Shuxiang on the right. What do you mean by this sentence? If it doesn't work for you...

  Wang Qisi scratched his head: "What a great sword, but if it were me, it might smash to the end! Use my fist..."

What? !

   Wen Chengjie suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Qisi on the left, this Dongfeng missile-like thing, you can actually hard-wire it!

   is too ridiculous! All of you are too ridiculous!

   Wen Chengjie shook his head in disbelief.

   Zi Chen looked at Gu Chengyu's sword just now, and fell into thought: "My words may not be hard to resist, that would be too uneconomical..."

   After talking, Zi Chen suddenly saw Wen Chengjie shaking his head.

   So he changed his head, "If it's the captain, maybe such a sword can be completely blocked!"

   Wen Chengjie was in disbelief, and when he heard this sentence, he immediately wanted to deny it.

   I am not, I am not, don’t talk nonsense!

   "He can!" After Gu Chengyu stepped off the ring, he walked silently to the side of everyone.

   Gu Chengyu carefully looked at the success of a master, his instinct told him that his sword would not cleave Wen Chengjie.

   It is really strange to say, but in his eyes, Wen Chengjie has always been shrouded in a mysterious and mysterious fortune, which has covered Wen Chengjie with a layer of mist, which is elusive.

   Hearing Gu Chengyu's affirmation, Zi Chen's eyes suddenly lit up. This is another benchmarking event that can gather Wen Chengjie's strength.

   Now that Wen Chengjie can block this sword, he can at least figure out what realm he is in.

   Wen Chengjie is numb.

   The whole person slumped in a chair.

   He doesn't know why the world is changing so fast!

   Almost a few minutes ago, he still wanted to take on the responsibility of his captain for the weak teammates, and a few minutes later, his teammates pushed him away, saying that he was actually the boss!

   Destroy it, this is the world where I am the only one and the husky!

   "Is everyone so strong?" Zhong Maomao scratched his head shyly.

   "I can't take this sword at all!" he said.

   Xia Jie also nodded, confessing: "Yes, I definitely can't stop it! This sword is too ridiculous!"

   You two!

   Wen Chengjie burst into tears in his eyes.

   Although he has always felt that these two naturally gifted people are very strong, they are obviously much more gentle than the others right now!

   "That's right! Then you will be the next one! Xia Jie!" Li Zhongkai called directly.

   "Huh?" Xia Jie shouted unconfidently, "I can't, let the captain come!"

   How similar is this moment to when Gu Chengyu played just now!

   It's just that the character reversed instantly.

   "No, as the captain, I am obviously better to be the finale!" Wen Chengjie slumped in the chair and said with a serious face.

   No one can separate me from the chair now!

   have the ability to bring a chair to carry me away!

   Li reopened the same thought. He felt that Wen Chengjie's strong fortune might be surprisingly useful at the critical moment.

   "It is up to you! Xia Jie! Go and show off your secret skills that you have practiced for a long time in retreat!"

   "Please come on stage for both players!"

   The next stage has been announced!

   Xia Jie had no choice but to catch the duck on the shelf.

   "This is a battle that can reverse your image, be serious!" Li Zhongkai took a deep look at him from the side.

   As soon as he heard that he could reverse his perverted reputation, Xia Jie suddenly became excited!

   Both sides immediately stood on the ring.

   "Brother, be merciful, give me some face!" Xia Jie immediately pleaded as soon as he took the stage.

   Bai Shui boiled and shook his head, his expression unmoved: "Don't worry, I won't be fooled! I will treat you very seriously!"


   Xia Jie lowered his head.

I can rest assured that.

   "Here is here, I will push another 300,000 yuan in this wave! Give the twelfth class to the master!"

   "The front row reminds that the abilities of the two are: Xia Jie: Paper Man! Baishui Kai: Cutting! Both are rare people with innate awakening talent!"

   "But the current surface repair is clearly ahead of Baishui Kai! Xia Jie only has the ability to get started with Reiki, while Baishui Kai has three levels of condensation!"

   "I think Xia Jie also converges to repair?"

   "I feel like it too!"

   Xia Jie slowly closed his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He did use the phantom array to hide his cultivation base, but his cultivation base was only Condensed Qi, which was just promoted yesterday.

   is not as good as the opponent, if you want to win, you can only think of other ways.

"Game start!"


   Bai Shui Kai directly activated his abilities! The sharp lines of aura immediately attacked Xia Jie, and Xia Jie was cut into pieces in an instant!

   If it weren't for Tang Jingle's loss in the last round, maybe he would not be willing to use his ability because his ability is really strong!

   But Xia Jie is a paper man. Unless he carries a sword intent like Gu Chengyu, he can recover from ordinary sharp weapon attacks.

   But this time, Xia Jie did not choose to recover all.

   is a piece of paper that is allowed to fly out of the body, floating in the air.

   Bai Shui frowned, he had known that there was a paper man on the other side who was able to restrain him, but he did not expect to meet him by such a coincidence!

   And it's not clear what the other party's cultivation is.

   had to cover with the cutting ability, while approaching the opponent trying to cover the aura with his fist, causing a blunt attack.



  'S rapid activation ability even made Xia Jie's recovery speed completely unable to keep up.

   Seeing the opponent quickly approach in the blink of an eye.

   Xia Jie finally looked up at the other party.

   Magic array!

  The arrangement is complete!

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