I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 141: [The best dish in class 7? 】

At this moment, the air pressure in the common room dropped instantly.

The students in Class 7 looked at each other and were silent.

After all, no one wants their school to be devalued outside.

But refute?

How to refute?

The few students who just wanted to go to the Internet to fight the keyboard man three hundred times, are also dead at the moment.

No way, the gap between my own teacher and other college teachers is too big.

Now it is not just the students in Class 7 who are depressed, but also in other classes.

Everyone was discussing the matter irritably in the large group, from disbelief at the beginning to gradually accepting it later.

I don't know when they started, and everyone seemed to think that their school was really bad.

The weak draw a knife to the weaker!

In the large group of Tianshui City College of Spirituality, internal comparisons soon began again, seeming to want to prove that they are not the worst in this school.

And which class is the worst in the school right now?

That must be the seventh class that hasn't practiced spiritual energy.

But everyone did not say clearly. Because the ranking of the seventh class is still very high, after all, the first few students are in the seventh class.

But one day passed, two days passed.

Li Zhongkai still didn't come out to teach the students in Class 7.

At present, the seventh class only has three elective courses of kendo, formation and alchemy. Because there is no introduction to Reiki practice, the students in Class 7 are doing nothing almost every day.

There are also more and more ridicules in the crowd, and it's been three days since school started! On the fifteenth day of school, there will be an internal competition in Tianshui City College of Spirituality.

Then the internal competition will determine the number of places to use the Spirit Gathering Array.

The gathering of spirits was also one of Li Zhongkai's initial goals.

But now one step is slow, step by step is slow! No one felt that the seventh class was definitely a place for the Hopeless Gathering Array.

Three full days have passed, even if you are all geniuses? useless!

The teachers also discussed internally:

"Sigh... I heard that Senior Li hasn't taught students in the past few days!"

"It seems to have been in retreat ever since I talked to Meng Master Jiang."

"This is too irresponsible! It's really impossible. I will teach him!"

"Hey!" A long sigh came, "Without a competitor in the Golden Core Realm, you can just steal it. Is it possible that you really think that your spiritual training can be better than the Golden Core Realm?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone closed their mouths.

On the fifteenth day of the competition, the quota for the use of the Spirit Gathering Array was determined. With the blessing of this large array, the students will surely advance by leaps and bounds.

In the competition of the three hospitals a month later, it is estimated that the ranking will be higher!

This is like snowballing! Which teacher's students can advance all the way, which teacher gets more benefits!

The competition has already begun.

"Oh...it's a pity that those few good seedlings, how nice it is for me!"

Several other teachers who heard it also nodded secretly, expressing regret.


Tianshui City College of Spirituality is the weakest, and Class 7 is the weakest in Tianshui City College!

This argument has already spread among the students.

The negative emotions generated by being belittled by the keyboard man on the Internet were all passed on to the seventh class by the students in turn.

"I really envy you, I still have to practice. I'm so busy every day!" A first class student greeted Wen Chengjie and the others specially.

Gu Chengyu frowned. After the kendo duel, his whole body converged a lot.

I also gradually cared about the friends around me. When the other party said so, it was obvious that he came to find a sense of superiority deliberately.

As soon as Gu Chengyu wanted to draw his sword to warn him, Wen Chengjie already responded.

"Ah, yes, yes! You are so amazing!"

"You!" The student seemed to punch the cotton, and suddenly became a little frustrated: "I hope that when the time comes, you can be so positive and optimistic about your life!"

After speaking, he hurried away.

After all, Wen Chengjie has a lot of people, and he can't beat it.

"It's time to teach him a lesson." Zi Chen said suddenly.

Wen Chengjie shook his head, and then said seriously: "There is no need to be extravagant. I believe Teacher Li Zhongkai must have his own ideas, maybe it's just not the time."


That night.

Li Zhongkai slowly opened his eyes.

"Albinism": You will not be shot.

"Forty Not Confused": Intelligence +2 at the age of 40.

"Thirty and standing": Family background +2 at the age of 30.

The talents of these three days were a little unsatisfactory, but fortunately, the albinism was regained, and after the two talents with increased attributes were integrated into the talent tree.

His current evolutionary talent tree is only one talent short of being promoted!

But the main gain in these three days was the improvement of cultivation base.

"Building the three floors of the base realm!"

Break the two realms in a row!

Since talking with Jiang Chi, he has a sense of crisis surrounding him. So immediately started practicing in retreat and trying to improve one's own cultivation level, but this is not the main reason for indulging in cultivation.

It was Li Zhongkai who discovered that the aura inside the school was too different from the aura outside the school!

The school seems to have a large array that can increase the concentration of aura inside the school.

This is good news for Li's reopening, but not for the students!

It may not be a good thing for ordinary people who have not yet practiced to start cultivating in an environment where the aura is very different from usual!

Li Zhongkai calculated by himself that if it takes three days to allow the body to adapt to the concentration of spiritual energy, the subsequent training will have a multiplier effect!

Afterwards, once you practice, you will grow by leaps and bounds!

Li Zhongkai specially waited for three days to allow the students to adapt themselves in this environment for later practice.

And for these three days, Shen Lingxin has also been developing the techniques of the witches.

"Shen Lingxin, haven't your techniques been developed yet?"

"How is it possible!" Shen Lingxin waved her fist in Lingshu Space, "I have done all the 11.0 version, okay!"

That's good.

Li Zhongkai heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked the witch to modify her practice. Presumably, with the help of the witches, it will be easier to deal with some disasters later.

Li Zhongkai picked up his mobile phone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to see how the Internet public opinion environment has been in the past few days.

The part about the three major schools is basically the same as he guessed.

But what he did not expect is that there is actually a seventh class in the hot search?


The students in the school are not isolated from the rest of the world. In addition, curious netizens pay more attention to this school.

So what happened in the school soon spread to the Internet.

"No one in Class 7 has successfully practiced so far. Is it the problem of the students or the teachers?"

With the comparison of the three previous schools, netizens almost unanimously targeted the teachers in the school.

"The first grade is the best! Now the grade is the worst. Is this the teaching level of the teachers in Tianshui City? Love it."

"Tianshui City Spirituality Technical College? No dogs go!"

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