I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 140: [Tianshui City teacher is inferior! 】

This is the self-confidence from the realm of Jindan!

This strength gave Jiang Chi confidence!

Li Zhongkai didn't answer him, because Li Zhongkai had already experienced the Golden Core Realm a long time ago, and he had also cut his own demons. His mentality has long been different.

In terms of state of mind and insight, Li Zhongkai is the forerunner ahead of human history at this moment.

In the long marathon, the first place and the second place are only one position behind, but the pressure is completely different.

People after the first one only need to stare at his back, but in front of the first one, the forerunner is an unknown road and endless distance.

Li Chongkai thought of the "Heavenly Palace" that had not arrived, and there was a panic in his heart.

"Jiang Chi. If! I mean if something like "Hell's Gate" appeared in Daxia Country, what would you do? "

After Li Zhongkai finished speaking, he hesitated for a while and changed his statement: "I mean, an enemy far more terrifying than "Hell's Gate" appeared here, but what should we do? "

Jiang Chi was slightly taken aback when Li reopened the question.

Then quietly glanced at the Ling Zhou in Li Zhongkai's hand: "You tell her, don't **** me this time!"

"If there is such a day, then the first hero of the era of human aura recovery will be born!"

"And if there is no accident, he should be called Jiang Chi!" Jiang Chi said with a free and easy smile.



student dormitory.

The Institute of Spirituality is still very angry. For the sake of each student's practice, everyone has a separate room for rest. There is also a public practice area for classes to exchange feelings.

At this moment, almost all the members of Class 7 were sitting in the public area speechless.

Because their teacher grumbled them today...

The other teachers came back to teach the students in their class to practice Reiki, while Li Zhongkai was still outside talking with Jiang Chi.

"How to say?"

"What can I say! The other class students are one day ahead of our practice time!"

"Um... Maybe something is wrong with Teacher Li Zhongkai? After all, the protection array was triggered today."

"That's it, thinking about the good, maybe it's a sacrifice?"

Now the large group in the school, other classes know that there is no practice in the seventh class, and they are all gloating.

Zi Chen was calm, because he believed in Wen Chengjie's choice.

Judging from today's Master Li Zhongkai's kendo level, his conjecture was confirmed even more.

It's hard to say whether Mr. Liu Jianbo and Gu Chengyu are guiding the sword. But what Li reopened must be the Guiding Sword!

Zichen speculated that, judging from Gu Chengyu's reaction before and after, Li Zhongkai must be better than Kendo teacher Liu Jianbo.

But Mr. Li Zhongkai's original sign did not write this advantage! This shows that Kendo is not necessarily what Li Zhongkai is best at!

Maybe his formation, alchemy is extraordinary, not losing his kendo level!

"Hey! Look everyone! What did I find?" Wen Chengjie exclaimed, pulling Zi Chen back to reality.

Zi Chen was a little curious, but he didn't want to ask Wen Chengjie exactly what he was. Doesn't this seem to be demanding?

So Zichen quietly stretched his neck and looked over, only to find that Wen Chengjie had forwarded the link directly to the class group.

He turned on his cell phone with a dark face, but he didn't expect to be shown by Wen Chengjie invisibly.

The video on the mobile phone of the teachers in Tianshui City, helpless with cockroaches, is full of comments.

"Isn't it? That's the monk? Can't even beat a cockroach?"

"Don't be embarrassed upstairs! These cultivators are obviously not at the same level as the leader Jiang Chi!"

"I think so too, how fierce Jiang Chi is, these few are too broken!"

"Inverted brothers, this is not an ordinary monk! This is the teacher of Tianshui City Spiritual Academy!"

"What is a spiritual school? Is it possible that I have a 2G network again?"

"Fuck, you are embarrassed to teach people at this level?"

The events on the Internet quickly fermented, and the video was quickly topped by hot searches.

The big guys looked at each other. Is this eating melons on their heads? Although I just joined this school, how can my own school let others abuse them at will? Everyone expressed their intention to join the battlefield and align with netizens!

But before it was over, Wen Chengjie quickly forwarded another video.

That was the video of a teacher from the Luolong Spiritual Academy against a giant cockroach.

The College of Spirituality in Luolong City is a college aimed at the age group of college students, and it is also the second of the three colleges!

In the video, a huge cockroach slammed out of the ground and began to gnaw the surrounding buildings frantically. Demonstrates unparalleled destructive power!

Fortunately, the location where the video was filmed seems to be remote, and there seem to be not many people living around.

But with the destruction of the building, "ordinary people" still appeared near the cockroaches!

The video almost perfectly shows the huge size of the cockroach and the details of its body! After seeing it, people can't help but feel disgust in their hearts.

Seeing ordinary people will suffer! An old man with an immortal wind and bones appeared at the right time like a mechanical descent.

The battle process is almost full of special effects!

This immortal old man has solved the huge cockroach even more and more. Although he is very old, he looks otherworldly in the video!

The title of the video is not good either: "Some monks are bad, I won't say who they are. 》

The comments below are almost one-sided.

"This is the real monk!! Too strong!"

"It is said that this is also a teacher of Reiki Academy. My evaluation is: There is also a gap between teachers!"

"The teachers in Tianshui City are inferior!"

"My mother, that piece is an abandoned suburban wasteland in our city. Fortunately there are monks, otherwise such a big cockroach will run into the city along the high speed! I will suffer!"

"Similarly, I was scared when I saw the small ones. I just watched the big ones through the video and almost didn't scare me to vomit!"

Moreover, not only the teacher from Luolong City College~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the teacher from another adult spiritual school also hurriedly released a video to show their strength!

Of the three major spiritual schools, only Tianshui City Spiritual School has become a laughing stock at this moment.

A comparison of the three shows the difference in strength.

Except for the monks in Tianshui City, the other monks who defended the masses received almost unanimous praise! Some parents even said that they must go to university before going for a physical examination. Strive to avoid the opportunity of entering Tianshui City in high school.

Suddenly, a lot of information about the spiritual institute appeared on the hot search list.


#The most vegetable spiritual school is actually? hot

Some related questioning topics also appeared on the website at the same time:

# Is the appearance of cockroach monsters related to nuclear waste water?

#Without the monk, how do ordinary people fight against the tenacious creatures like giant cockroaches?

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