Xu Anruo had always thought that if he lived his life again, he would at least marry late, even if he would not not marry.

But, it was very unexpected.

He married early.

Actually, it was not very early.

Less than a year after graduating from college, Xu Anruo was just 24 years old, and at the beginning of the year 19, on the sixth day of the first lunar month, he completed an important role change in his life.

The bride's surname was Tan, and her name was Zijin.

The wedding was also held in Lucheng.

It was a grand Chinese wedding. Tan Zijin, with waist-length hair, took off her glasses, and wore a phoenix robe. She was tall and beautiful that day.

There were many guests, and the largest banquet hall in Lucheng was full of 100 tables.

It is worth mentioning the best man group and bridesmaid group.

Xu Anruo didn't want to have so many groomsmen, but there was no way. The three roommates would not let her go, Hua Ge was still a non-marriageist in his thirties, Wang Bin couldn't escape, Zhu Yusen also had to join, and then several close business partners also wanted to join in the fun.

In this way, after streamlining again and again, a group of twelve people was still formed.

After calculating, the total net worth was less than several billion.

But it was still not as good as the bridesmaids.

The head of the bridesmaids, the senior sister, had a net worth of several billion and she beat the entire groomsmen in seconds.

Then add Mu Jingwen, Zhao Xue, and some friends and girlfriends of Tan Zijin during internship and work, the overall appearance is even more amazing.


There is another one!

Fatty Fu Yanjie!

This guy fulfilled the promise he made to Xu Anruo that year. Although the bride was not Cheng Xuanyu, he still took the initiative to wear women's clothes. He was obviously Xu Anruo's childhood friend, but he became the treasure of the bridesmaids!

Liu Sinan had already booked the host.

As a rising star of a satellite TV station in a developed province, and also a good friend of the bride and groom in college, Liu Sinan was indeed a suitable candidate.

Before the ceremony, Uncle Tan vowed that he would not cry, but when he handed Tan Zijin to Xu Anruo, he still cried miserably.

On the contrary, Xu Guangcheng laughed so happily that his mouth was about to burst.

At the beginning, he joked to Luo Xiulan that the youngest daughter already called you mom, and if the eldest daughter called you mom, that would be great, and you would raise both daughters, and now it really came true.

Not to mention Luo Xiulan, at the ceremony, she changed her words to offer tea, and Tan Zijin, who was gentle and shy, called out "Mom", and her response of "Hey~!" almost lifted the roof of the banquet hall.

Speaking as the new mother-in-law, Luo Xiulan put on her reading glasses, took the manuscript, and wrote five or six thousand words, which made Xu Anruo dumbfounded.

Tan Zijin, who held his hand, squeezed it hard, and it hurt, but her pretty face was still smudged by tears.

Cheng Qigang also came, and Zhang Hongzhi and the youngest son Cheng Zihang sat next to him in the male guest seat.

If you want to say the most handsome and happiest person, it is undoubtedly the groom Xu Anruo on that day.

Early marriage...

Very unexpected.

Not unexpected.

On the one hand, my parents urged me to do it.

On the other hand, Xu Anruo also felt that it was time to marry Tan Zijin.

In the previous life, he lived to the age of 28, and his experience was rich. After being reborn, it was almost five years later, and his mood was different.

Since 2015, Xu Anruo has basically not stayed in school.

That year, he and Brother Hua made the KTG club famous, from the secondary competition to the top four of LPL. As the only and strongest female midfielder in the history of the league, Lin Huanhuan's value soared, and the club was directly promoted to a first-tier hot spot.

However, this is not Xu Anruo's focus.

He started his business this year, starting with shared bicycles. Four years later, before the industry was in chaos, he successfully sold the company and cashed out billions.

Money is secondary. The important thing is that this entrepreneurial experience on the stage gave Xu Anruo an extra layer of endorsement, and he naturally turned to the backstage and established a foothold in capital.

Xu Anruo has really worked hard in recent years.

On the one hand, he continued to assist and pave the way for his old senior sister Gu Zheng Capital, allowing it to successfully grow from a small private equity fund of 1 billion to a dual-currency mid-level institution with a management fund scale of over 200 billion.

On the other hand, he successfully helped Miayou launch the Yuanshen project, in which Xu Anruo personally invested 500 million yuan, which also brought his equity to the first place and became the largest shareholder.

On the other hand, he has been working hard to prepare for the transition to the backstage, closely participating in the industrial layout of Lucheng, and establishing his own private industrial capital. With the endorsement of his personal reputation and the support of a group of partners led by his senior schoolmate, he raised more than 5 billion yuan in the first phase and invested heavily in the new energy track.

At this level, it is no longer meaningful to talk about personal assets.

Because it has been fluctuating,It has been increasing in value. At present, it should be close to 10 billion. Looking forward, 100 billion is not a big problem.

He is not the CEO of a listed company. He has always been low-key. He does not need any wealth list to promote himself. The equity structure has been split and interspersed. Ordinary people can't penetrate it at all, so the wealth value is not obvious.

Only when you reach a certain circle, you will know that there is a person who is very young and very bad. His name is Xu Anruo.

The main thing is that the mentality has changed.

In the previous life, I worked hard.

After rebirth, I still worked hard.

At first, it was a habit, after all, I was energetic and young, but gradually, it was different.

Especially when the wealth accumulated to a numb number, Xu Anruo inevitably began to think about something.

Well, it's very hypocritical. Why do people live?

Xu Anruo thinks that he is actually quite simple, or rather, quite pure.

He is not ambitious, but he is not bad. In his heart, he is still the big boy who was born in a small town.

He lived two lives and traveled for half his life. His original intention was always there. When he returned, he was still the young man in bright clothes and vigorous horses.

And this is exactly why Xu Anruo chose to marry early and chose to marry Tan Zijin.

But before that.

Xu Anruo and Cheng Xuanyu dated for four years.

From freshman to senior year, it almost spanned the entire four years of college. Although Xu Anruo was not in school most of the time, these four years were very happy. There were many beautiful and sweet things. The two experienced a very complete first love relationship.

During this period, the Cheng family experienced misfortunes. After the factory was upgraded, it lost all its money and was heavily in debt. Zhang Hongzhi was desperate and knelt down to Luo Xiulan, and Luo Xiulan softened her heart.

Xu Guangcheng has been a good man all his life, and he can't bear to see his old buddy down.

In the end, Xu Anruo helped Cheng Qigang by lending him 10 million yuan and pointing out a new way to turn things around. Later, he injected a lot of real estate into Cheng Xiaomao's name in the name of asset hedging, with a total value of over 100 million yuan, and also made an offshore trust of 200 million yuan for her.

In the second year of her senior year, Cheng Xuanyu took the initiative to break up and went abroad to study as soon as she graduated.

It seemed that Xu Anruo's promise was fulfilled, "If you don't leave, I won't abandon you."

The relationship between the two has never been made public.

Even though Zhang Hongzhi tried every means to bring the two together, Cheng Xuanyu never admitted the relationship between her and Xu Anruo.

At that time, Xu Anruo was basically not in school, and her relationship with Tan Zijin did not cross any line, and it was still the same as before.

She was working hard.

He was looking forward to it.

Xu Anruo really felt that he could do it.

He said, give him some time.

This time is four years.

After the breakup, Xu Anruo naturally got together with Tan Zijin.

Xu Anruo seemed to be quite happy with Tan Zijin. He didn't have the sense of guilt he had when he was operating on two lines before, and he didn't have the messy internal friction. He was completely relaxed.

Not only were his parents satisfied, but his friends were also blessing him.

Tan Zijin satisfied all of Xu Anruo's fantasies about his other half, and was his real ideal type in the world.

This girl was gentle, beautiful, intellectual, devoted, smart, and considerate... Almost all the good things a woman should have could be found in her.

The most important thing was that her soul was highly compatible with Xu Anruo.

In the end, it was still the same sentence, Xu Anruo was still a big boy in his bones.

Tan Zijin could always admire him, and always look at him tenderly with a mature side when he was childish, taking care of him and coaxing him to say, "Little Xu, be good."

In fact, men are very strange creatures.

It's not wrong to say that they are teenagers until they die.

Anyway, Xu Anruo didn't want to toss too much, nor did he want to be too tired.

He began to move behind the scenes and slowly let Tan Zijin start to participate in his career.

Tan Zijin never let him down. After changing her major, she took the initiative to choose accounting and passed the CPA exam in her senior year. Xu Anruo was very surprised by her strong ability.

The key is that the direction is well chosen. A financial officer and accountant, Xu Anruo needs such a person too much.

Xu Anruo is not a person with too much ambition for the country.

He thinks that it is enough to do something valuable within his ability.

Even more accurately, he has more family feelings, perhaps because he has lived two lives, or perhaps it is the original intention of small town youth.

There is enough money, and personal value has been realized.

Then don't toss.

Be nicer to your parents and spend more time with them.

Be nicer to your friends around you, meet more often, and have a drink.

Be nicer to yourself, spend money when you earn it, play with cars, have more hobbies, and it doesn't matter if you burn money.

And theseIt was also after being with Tan Zijin that he suddenly became so pure and simple.

Bride, bride, nothing more than this.

So after only six months together, under the urging of his parents, Xu Anruo decided to marry her and live like this for the rest of his life.

Everything happened naturally and logically, and they got married.

When they got married, Cheng Xuanyu was still abroad and had not returned, so Xu Anruo consciously cut off contact with her for a long time.

Some friends who knew about this past were very tactful not to mention her, as if this person had never existed, and Xu Anruo knew it well.

Xu Anruo always told himself that a man should have a settled heart and a clear mind at this point.

He was afraid that he would be like the old senior sister, who wanted everything but got nothing in the end.

There is no all-choice question in the adult world, because many options are mutually exclusive and exclusive.

After marriage.


Tan Zijin did satisfy all of Xu Anruo's fantasies about his other half.

This girl is so smart and understands Xu Anruo so well, especially after taking off her glasses, she immediately went all out.

Xu Anruo has just become a husband and has just adapted to the new life. He is not ready to become a father yet.

But his parents are anxious, and even Uncle Tan would mention it from time to time, asking if it is time to have a child. You two are not young anymore.

Even Tan Zipei is clamoring for a nephew.

There is no way.

One late night.

Tan Hanhan came in as a secretary.

Xu Anruo thought for a moment and said:

"Wife, how about we have a child?"

Tan Hanhan was stunned for a moment, put on and took off his glasses, took them off and put them on again, and finally took a deep breath, pulled Xu Anruo up, and said:

"Xiao Xu, do you really want a child?"

"How should I put it? I'm not in a hurry. The key is that my parents are in a hurry. I'm going to be annoyed by them."

"Actually, you already have..."


"And it's a boy and a girl..."


Xu Anruo was stunned.

He stared at Tan Zijin's perfect belly and was confused.

It doesn't make sense.

How did they have it?

When did it happen?

Can we be sure that it's a boy and a girl now?

The next breath.

Tan Zijin took out his mobile phone, flipped out an encrypted album, and showed it to Xu Anruo one by one.

In the photo, Cheng Xuanyu is holding two babies, and her eyes and eyebrows look very much like Xu Anruo.

Xu Anruo is dazed.

She said with red eyes:

"I went to see her last time I went on a business trip to California...Xuanxuan has always kept it a secret from everyone, but I think I can't keep it a secret anymore. It's really hard to have twins. She's so stupid..."

"When has she never been stupid!!" Xu Anruo's eyes were red, and she got up and dressed.

"Xiao Xu, I'll book a plane ticket for you. There's still time. Go slowly." Tan Zijin followed.

Xu Anruo was stunned again, looked back at her, and sighed: "You're stupid too!"

Tan Zijin just smiled foolishly.

(The story ends here)



[Words written at the end:

After thinking about it, I still think the story should end here.

The ending is half open, and there is no Shura field. In short, it is still the same sentence. Xu Gou is nothing except lucky.

Because it is the first time to write, I stepped on many landmines and pitfalls. The most terrible step is the step of reconciliation with Cheng Xiaomao. After writing hundreds of thousands of words, I realized that the book was broken at 300,000 words, so that the data of the book later also collapsed, with almost no income, and many negative reviews, and then my mentality collapsed.

At that time, I didn’t know what I was insisting on. Later, I thought about it. It was because some readers kept following, and I really liked the characters in my writing, like Xiao Tan, and I also like Cheng Xiaomao, especially Cheng Xiaomao. The reconciliation was also because I was addicted to writing and felt sorry for her.

Finally, as a new author and a new book, there are indeed many problems. I am also very ashamed. If this book brings you a bad reading experience, I apologize, I am really sorry.

Finally, thank you readers and friends who have followed all the way. Let us meet again in the rivers and lakes if we are destined. 】

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