I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 445 Relics Protection Committee

I can't believe that I have one day when I have free time to think about whether I should put one piece of sugar in a cup of tea, or two pieces.

Mr. Ober Bennie watched happily as the tea poured down in front of him. The sugar cube gradually melted and collapsed, and the corners of his mouth cracked slightly, and he couldn't help but let out a cheerful chuckle.

The last remaining bits of sugar had nowhere to go and finally fell into the dark tea soup.

"Finally freed." He said happily.

On the table, there is a notebook, a half-written letter, a quill, and a half-filled bottle of ink.

A delightful city.

Mumbai, India.

The British Ministry of Magic has built this place well. Although it is now independent, the shadow of Britain can still be seen everywhere.

Mr. Auber Bennie had no sense of being in a foreign country.

He suppressed his smile.

He took a sip of tea.

"Hmm - it's a bit sweet."

"Sure enough, it's more appropriate to put sugar on one piece."

Putting down the teacup, he slowly picked up the quill, dipped it in ink, and continued to finish the half-written letter.

"——The most bizarre thing I have seen in half a month is a mountain.

We found it in a dense forest. I was wondering at the time because the day before, there was no hill more than ten feet high in that forest. Although I have almost worn glasses due to hard work in the past few years, But believe me, I can still see a mountain clearly.

We went over to check it out and at first it looked like a normal rock, but then I saw... a face! I really wanted to go over and say hello, but I felt like I would be crushed if I got too close.

Other colleagues from the International Committee for the Preservation of Wizarding Monuments can attest to what I'm saying - by the way, is this definitely the name of our department? Don't you think it's too long? I really don’t know what Secretary-General Serphis Kama is thinking about, but seriously Remus, are you sure we don’t want to change our name?

——Back to business, that’s not actually a mountain. Thinking about it, you know it’s definitely not. ——Yuses said that there are magical creatures like mountain spirits in the Ming Dynasty, but that mountain is not, it seems to be a wizard. The petrified body, in addition to the remains of a square spire, we also found an ancient hammer on the top of the mountain. Jusus said that it might be Thor's hammer, haha ​​- of course I don't believe it.

We found nothing in the remains of the obelisk, and unlike the one in Brazil, the one in India seems to have really been eroded by time. The ancient runes on the surface of the wall are almost indiscernible, and there are broken stones everywhere. In the center of the ruins, we found some traces of magic. It seems that someone has fought here. Fortunately, after passing by Users It was confirmed that the traces did not belong to hundreds of thousands of years ago, nor were they recent. Fortunately, the Death Eaters had not been here. After I saw those traces, I was afraid that the Death Eaters had already arrived first.

Jusus said that those magic traces came from more than twenty years ago. This is really not good news. This indicates that someone was searching for these ancient ruins all over the world more than twenty years ago.

President Dumbledore said that these obelisks contain power from ancient times, and he hopes that the Federation can protect and take out the Death Eaters as soon as possible. But it seems that our actions were too late. If there is really any ancient power buried under these rubbles, then I can guarantee that it was taken away decades ago.

Now our job is easier.

After determining that there was no danger around, the excavation work mainly focused on protection and investigation. For a week, there were no accidents, nor were there any traps or curses encountered in the excavation of the pyramid.

It's so peaceful - I really wish this kind of work could continue.

By the way, regarding the obelisk in Australia, Basil Pierre led the team and said that it has been found, but unfortunately theirs is also in ruins and there is nothing valuable at all. He will report the specific situation to You wrote a letter to report.

That's it - the actual excavation may take a long time, and the rune inscriptions found in the ruins will also take time to decipher. Yusus is a second-hand swordsman. He can only recognize a few dozen of the hundreds of words on the inscriptions. , if the Federation has a better rune expert, please send one over to assist us.

Finally - May Merlin bless you!

May world peace! "

Mr. Auber Bennie stopped writing.

Raise your head and look into the distance.

Sea, beach, vacation!

Everything he longed for has finally arrived!

Haha - he finally got rid of the heavy work of the Ministry of Magic and the search work of the Order of the Phoenix. Sure enough - joining the excavation committee was the most correct choice he had ever made.

"Hehe - I should let Usus go slower. It is best to continue the excavation for seven or eight years - haha!"

Mr. Ober Bennie laughed, then stood up, put away the letter, and headed straight for the sea.




The endless thunder and lightning made Mr. Basil Pierre, who was already depressed, even more depressed.

If he knew what kind of happy life Mr. Auber Bennie was living at this time, he would definitely go crazy with jealousy on the spot.

His current location is in Australia, a pure wizarding town in the southeast of the Tasman Peninsula.

His name is Tassie.

Abandoned old houses and dilapidated houses are crowded together without any order.

Even in the most prosperous center of the town, during the day, the place is still lifeless and sparsely populated.

This is Tassie.

Of course, if you see the above, it can only mean that you came at the wrong time.

As a famous blood port, valuable things naturally cannot grow from the local scorched black soil.

Seaport - all valuable things are naturally in the sea!

"Come again!" M. Basil Pierre covered his nose with his perfumed facecloth.

Then quickly walked back to the hotel from outside.

Next thing - a stench swept over the place.

It's like a punch in the stomach, knocking you out of breath and unable to raise your sails.

That stench always penetrates so deep that you feel like you can never get rid of it.

That was the intense salty smell after the sea beast Leviathan was disemboweled.

Leviathan - The name means "coiled thing". As its name suggests, it is a snake with a huge body that can easily capsize a large ship.

The guts that came out were thick enough to hold a human, and the rest stuck to the cobblestones and sat in the sun for weeks.

In addition to sea animals, there are also guano left by tens of thousands of seabirds that steal food. This stench is so powerful that even those with a strong taste will make their stomachs vomit.

Yes, it stinks, but wizards love what it represents.

The stench signifies prosperity, returning home with a full load, and the vast wealth brought by the sea monster.

The waves are stained with blood, which means people have money in their pockets.

Leviathan - legendary magical creature.

A gallon of his blood could be sold for fifty galleons.

Including its skin, bones, internal organs, and even feces are extremely precious magic materials.

As for creatures like Leviathan, they are huge - each one is tens of thousands of galleons walking.

This town was born. Thanks to its unique location, it is the perfect place to fish for this creature that only lives in the ocean.

There is a reason for the dilapidation of the town. After all, sailors do not live here. The wizards will leave after the fishing season ends every winter.


Taking a deep breath of clean air, Mr. Basil Pierre stayed in his guest room and looked through the window at the carnival at the seaside.

He was a bit disgusted - but had no intention of blaming the locals.

Every place has its own way of survival.

Prosperity always smells fishy.

"Bang bang bang——"

Suddenly there was a knock on his door.

M. Basil Pierre turned to open the door.

"Is it you?" He was extremely surprised that the person outside the door appeared here.

Once they were colleagues.

But the relationship ended three years ago.

Because before the third grade, the then Vice President of the International Federation of Wizards, Swann Rozier, fell.

Later she heard that the other party had returned to his hometown.

I didn't expect to meet you here.

"Relevant experience - it's such a harmful thing." The visitor spoke fluent English, with an accent that even sounded like a London accent, "I'm on vacation."

She walked straight in.

Sitting on the sofa minding his own business.

M. Basil Pierre understood everything at once.

After he applied for support from the Federation, Dumbledore must have used some means to ask the Far East Ministry of Magic for help, and they sent her, who had experience working in the Federation.

After the fall of Vice President Swann Rosier a few years ago, he was ordered to send Rosier's family tree to the descendants of Rosier who were studying at Hogwarts.

It was then that he came into contact with Dumbledore.

He was not Vice President Swann Rozier's man.

Because it was not, the things were delivered to Owen safely. If it was hers, Dumbledore might not allow him to enter the castle.

"I heard that you have returned to China. How is it? What are you doing now?" Mr. Basil Pierre waved his wand, and the teapot on the table floated and poured tea into two teacups.

He moved towards the armchair by the window.

He sat down, picked up the tea cup and said, "The Federation is different now. President Dumbledore is in charge, Grindelwald has returned, and the mysterious man has been resurrected - um - maybe you can come back?"

He looked at the girl in front of him with burning eyes.

She was a tall girl with a proud look.

Her long black hair falls naturally, and its slight waves add a bit of laziness and spontaneity to her.

The tips of her hair were flying slightly, and her black eyes were a little weird and lively.

She always wears a pair of simple silver earrings, which were given to her by her teacher as a magic weapon.

Wearing a blue plaid suit with a white shirt.

The cut of the suit fit her perfectly and highlighted her figure.

The lower body is wearing dark blue loose trousers and a pair of black high heels.

She looked to be in her twenties. She has delicate skin and exquisite facial features, and her whole body is filled with an elegant temperament. She also holds a folding fan in her hand.

"Hmph -" the girl snorted softly, her black eyes falling on the man, "It sounds like trouble, what? Basil? Are you trying to drag me into trouble?"

"He who can do it should work harder." Mr. Pierre smiled unnaturally, "You are a famous genius wizard. After a few years of training, you will definitely become a legendary wizard like President Dumbledore."

"No need." The girl held up the folding fan and gently touched the tea in her hand. For a short time, a chill came over her, and the temperature of the tea suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees. "There are enough genius wizards now.

And—" She took a sip of her tea, "I'm pretty good at being a professor at Chang'an Taixue. "

"Chang'an Imperial College? Professor?"

"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts," the girl explained.

"Master, you agree? That's really good." Mr. Pierre said with regret.

"Okay, let's get down to business! I still want to go back this morning and enjoy my vacation."

"Well -" Mr. Pierre nodded, and then said, "The excavation work on the obelisk has begun, and the location is near this island. So far, we have found nothing. It's like there is just a piece of land there. ruins."

"Bad news." Hearing this, the girl frowned slightly, "It seems that what I was worried about has happened - well - it really is a troublesome thing."

"There are some strange areas over there in the sea. We are going to conduct an exploration."

"So you applied for support? Are you unsure?"

"Think about Brazil and Italy." Mr. Pierre rolled his eyes, "Who dares to say that he can be sure?"

"Where is the local Ministry of Magic?" the girl asked again.

"Australia? They are only willing to be responsible for the concealment and safety work on the island. They are indifferent to the dangers in the sea and are not willing to provide any help."

"It's normal - they just don't want to take responsibility." The girl said, "Okay, now that you have decided, when will you set off."

Mr. Pierre paused for a moment and took another sip of tea. "Don't worry, all our support has not arrived yet. Blake is still on the way, Winston is in France, and Roy is not finished with his American affairs yet. Maybe he will Come on, um – there are a few more that are probably due tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.”

"So I'm the first one?" The girl raised her eyebrows and said unhappily, "That's okay - I'll go shopping in Melbourne."

"Uh-" Mr. Pierre put down the tea cup quickly, then stood up quickly, "Together?"

"Basil Pierre?" The girl narrowed her eyes and looked at him warily, "Don't you have any evil thoughts about this girl?"

"." Mr. Pierre was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. His eyes looked away in a panic. "I - no - I just -"

"No?" The girl smiled brightly, like a colorful flower, waving the folding fan slightly in her hand, with a strange look in her eyes, "Hmm - it seems that I really have no charm at all. Even Mr. Pierre is careful The house cannot be moved."


The familiar feeling suddenly arises.

He couldn't help but feel a little hot, and his mind couldn't help but recall the scenes three years ago.

"Okay - come to your senses - don't let me know what you are thinking about." The girl stopped smiling, and then said nonchalantly, "Let's go, let's go."

"Let's chat on the way."

"Okay." Mr. Pierre responded, and then the two parties left the hotel, the town, and apparated to Melbourne.

The dim light of morning gradually brightens the sky, and the city wakes up from its slumber.

The outlines of high-rise buildings gradually became clearer in the morning light, and the glass curtain walls reflected bright light, like countless little suns beating.

The pace of pedestrians began to become hurried, and they shuttled through the streets, forming a morning rush hour flow of people. Young office workers carry briefcases and wear neat suits. They are parts in the big machine of the city, each performing their own duties. There was a trace of exhaustion on their faces, and there was no hope in their eyes.

Two people walked out of a statue.

Then take a stroll through the streets of Melbourne.


"Xiao Lin -" Mr. Pierre said, "Do you really not consider the work of the Federation? This is no longer the case. After the fall of Swann Rozier, the Federation has been 'cleaner' a lot. Besides, you I still have blood relatives in England."

"What? You want me to go back so much?" Zhang Xiaolin's lips curved in a subtle arc.

"Of course - we all need you." He said eagerly.

"Well - let's take a look again." The girl shook her hair and said proudly. The black eyes fell on Pierre, slightly revealing a hint of hatred for iron.

Walked two steps.

She quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, before I came here, I heard that there had been an accident in the excavation work in India in the past two days."


"Something has infiltrated our territory."

"So? What are you going to do about it?"

"We don't have to worry about it. Thanks to Gilderoy Lockhart's books, wizards sneak in across the border every year."

The Himalayas exist because of the existence of such creatures as snowmen.

It was a magical creature that could reach a height of more than fifteen feet. Its whole body was covered with snow-white hair. It might have some connection with the troll.

Every year, exploration teams go to investigate.

Some are legitimate, and some have evil intentions.

Gilderoy Lockhart's "A Year with the Himalayan Snowman" has led to an annoying increase in the number of such wizarding adventure groups every year.

"Lockhart is dead," Mr. Pierre said calmly.

"But his influence is still there," the girl said. "In order to study the Yeti, the International Federation of Wizards has established a permanent research station here, and has cooperated with the Ministry of Magic of the Ming Dynasty to station a national ranger. They should be able to handle this But the main problem is that the excavation team did not do a good job of hiding it in advance. Now wizards throughout the Southeast Asian peninsula know that there is an ancient magic ruin there."

"The concealment work is the responsibility of the local Ministry of Magic, and we don't have enough manpower." Mr. Pierre said with a stern look, "That's why I applied for support. Besides, it is completely normal to discover an ancient magic relic in the Far East. "

“That land has a lot of history.”

"It's mainly causing trouble for us." The witch looked unhappy. "This also warns us to be more meticulous in our excavation work."

"I will pay attention." Mr. Pierre nodded.

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