I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 444 Dumbledore’s Arrangement

Hermione glanced at Coyatel a little longer.

It was found that the other party did not make any movement.

Still leaning against the window, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Seeing this, the embarrassment in her heart dissipated a little.

Then, the little witch leaned forward and whispered, "It's a sense of security."

"A sense of security?" Ron looked at Hermione in confusion.

Hermione quickly motioned for him to lower his voice.

"Haven't you noticed? She always feels alienated when she stays with us. It's not that she doesn't trust us.

I think this is a kind of self-protection. Given her past, it is normal for such psychological problems to occur. "Hermione continued in a low voice, "Only when I talk to you will I appear natural and relaxed. "

"Is there any?" Ron said, rubbing his head.

"Yes!" Even Harry nodded.

Maybe after he and Ginny started dating secretly, he improved his emotional intelligence a lot, and now he can actually see it.

"And it's obvious," Harry confirmed.

"Look -" Owen spread his hands, "So young people, seize the opportunity. If you miss it, you really missed it."

"I" Ron was a little panicked and couldn't stop looking at the seat opposite them.

But I don't know what to do at all.

Irving understands that at this time, it is time to send out assists.

He turned his head sideways and stared directly at Justin opposite him with a pair of emerald green eyes.

Justin, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation, immediately noticed Owen's gaze.

His expression froze and he didn't know why.

After intersecting Erwin's eyes several times, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then quickly stood up and gave up his seat.

"Come on!" Owen said. A proud smile on his face.

"Huh?" Ron frowned.


On what?

Harry grabbed it.

Then he was dragged and kicked and thrown to the opposite side.

The set of combos was very smooth. It was obvious that he had wanted to do this for a long time.

Justin sat over and he and Ron switched places.

Like this - the atmosphere on the other side suddenly became weird.

Of course Hannah understands very well.

She lied casually, got up, left her seat, and walked a few rows back to find Susan.

As for the rest of Ernie, he almost got up with Justin.

He walked forward a few rows to find Zacharias and Neville.


At this time, the train suddenly sounded its whistle.

Large amounts of steam drifted from both sides.

The water vapor instantly obscured the sight of the little wizards, but after that moment.

The vast fields show the beauty to the little wizards.

The warm wind blew the green grass, and the sound of "rustling" sounded like ocean waves.

There seemed to be a Muggle town in the distance. Under the tall oak trees, the outline of the eaves was vaguely visible.

The wind carries the smell of flowers, grass and people.

A feeling of comfort suddenly burst out in my heart.

Owen couldn't help but hold the hand of the girl next to him even more tightly.

They talked to each other one after another.

Justin and Harry in front of them had long disappeared.

One might have gone to find Susan, and the other should have gone to Ginny's carriage.

Well - it's youth.

Just like the fields outside the window, they are full of charm that never fades.

In that wilderness, there are always men and women who want to explore.


The train continued to move.

The two people on the other side never spoke.

They sat facing each other, leaning against the window, as if they were made of wood.

Silence - until the train pulled into King's Cross Station.

Once the train pulled into London, Harry came over with Ginny.

When he saw that Ron and Koyatel were still in the same posture as before he left, he thought that bringing the two together was a failure.

Owen and Hermione didn't think so though, if that failed, they wouldn't have sat together for hours, just not talking.

The train stopped.

When the conductor signaled that they could safely pass through the magic barrier between platforms nine and ten.

A group of people were waiting for them outside.

Owen saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and Mr. and Mrs. Granger.

They were at the front of the crowd.

He also saw Luna's father, Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood.

Hannah's father, Mr. Abbott.

Finally, there is Neville’s grandmother, Lady Augusta.

At this time, she changed her usual serious expression, smiled, and stood in the crowd.

Neville walked quickly past them.

"See you in September." He said to Owen, Harry, Hermione and other young wizards.

"Happy summer vacation. Have fun," Owen responded.

Neville held a flowerpot in his hands, with a strange plant growing in it.

Quyicao—Professor Sprout spent a semester but did not find out that this magical plant has any effect. It is just that this plant will make a cheerful sound when someone passes by it.

The professor only regarded it as an ornamental plant and transplanted many of it in the Hufflepuff common room.

Neville asked for one. Judging from his cheerful steps, he must have planned to bring this happy plant to his parents.

After half a year of treatment - the Lombards had sobered up a few months ago.

They are still living in Rosier Magic Hospital for the Disabled. Although they are awake, their souls are not easy to recover and require a long period of rest.

This summer vacation should be their last time in the hospital.

"Ron, Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley called their names enthusiastically, then walked over quickly, and then hugged her child tightly, "Oh! And dear Harry, um—— It’s nice to see you, kid.”

She hugged Koatl tightly in her arms again, "I have already tidied up the room. I don't know what decoration you like, so I can only follow Ginny's style."

"That's enough." Koyatel said flatly.

"Mom——" The twins walked up.

"Did you pick us up from the goblin cave?"

"Oh - of course not." Mrs. Weasley pressed the twins' heads, kissed their foreheads, and pulled them away from the platform.

Mr. Arthur also came to help, and the busy family was enjoying themselves.

Harry looked on with envy.

When the crowd slowly dispersed, he suddenly discovered something unexpected waiting for him on the other side.

At least they were looking at themselves.

There was Mad-Eye Moody, who wore a bowler hat pulled low over his magic eyes and looked just as menacing as he did without the hat, holding a stick in his rough-skinned hands. He has a long wooden staff and is covered with a fat traveling cloak.

Tonks was standing right behind him, the sun pouring through the dark glass on the platform ceiling. Her bubblegum pink hair shone in the sun. She was wearing a pair of heavily patched jeans and a t-shirt with Bright purple T-shirt with the Weird Sisters graphic.

Next to Tonks was Lupin, with a smile on his face and a coat draped over a brown Muggle suit.

He was waving at Harry.

"Hello, Harry." Professor Lupin stepped forward and greeted Harry.

At this time Mrs. Weasley was greeting Hermione.

"Hello." Harry responded, "Why are you here?" In fact, he wanted to ask, are you here specifically to pick him up?

"Oh," Lupine smiled softly, "We are here for Sirius - he is in the Far East now.

There was a new department set up in the Federation and, you know, Dumbledore wanted me to be involved in running it - and I was going to Sweden via London.

But now that we have met, I think - before your aunt and uncle take you home, you should have a brief chat with them. "

"I don't think that's a good idea," Harry replied immediately.

"Oh, I guess that's not necessarily the case." Moody smiled cruelly without comment, "Can they be more difficult to deal with than Scrimgeour?"

"That's them, isn't it, Potter?" He pointed back over his shoulder with his thumb, his magic eyes apparently peering through the back of his head and bowler hat. Harry tilted slightly to the left and looked in the direction Mad-Eye pointed.

Sure enough, the three Dursleys were watching the wedding party of a group of wizards with trepidation.

"Yeah!" Harry nodded.

Owen also stopped and watched with interest.

After receiving a positive answer, Moody, along with Professor Lupin and Mr. Arthur, walked towards the Dursleys.

"Good afternoon," Mr. Weasley spoke first, "You may remember me, I am Arthur Weasley."

Mr. Arthur had gone to their home two years ago to pick Harry up and take him to the Burrow.

For his convenience, he asked people from the Ministry of Magic to connect the Dursleys' fireplace to the Ministry of Magic's floo network.

But unfortunately, what Mr. Arthur didn't know was that most of the fireplaces in Muggle homes were decorations, so when he used the Floo network to go to the Dursleys, he was obviously stuck inside.

In order to get out - Mr. Arthur had to use a spell to blow up the Dursleys' fireplace and destroy their living room.

Vernon's memory must have been fresh. I will never forget it in this life.

Sure enough, after hearing that name.

Harry's Uncle Vernon's face suddenly darkened and he stared at Mr. Weasley fiercely. But he didn't say a word, maybe because there were so many wizards around him, and he knew he had no advantage.

Aunt Petunia was equally frightened and embarrassed. She looked around frequently, as if she was afraid that an acquaintance would see her with such a person. At the same time, Dudley seemed to be trying hard to shrink his body to appear smaller, but his efforts were in vain.

"We thought it necessary to have a brief word with you about Harry," Weasley said, still smiling.

"Not bad." Moody whispered, "The main thing is his safety work next."

"Safe?" Vernon's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face, "What do you mean, that freak, I mean Harry, will bring danger to our family?"

"We don't know!" Moody growled, "It's just because we don't know what will happen that we need to be more vigilant!"

This is what Dumbledore meant - originally he was very confident in his concealment magic, and the magic of love left to him by Harry's mother still existed. In theory, no accidents would happen - but, who knows?

This world is becoming more and more unknown, and there are gods and ghosts everywhere. Maybe Voldemort and the Death Eaters have some tricks that they have never seen before?

"It's not just Harry." Moody continued, his magic eye turning wildly, and then fell on Hermione. "Granger needs protection too."

"Huh?" Hermione, who was greeting Mrs. Weasley at the side, came over with a puzzled look on her face.

"protect me?"

"That's right!" Professor Lupine said, "But someone is responsible for your safety."

"Please wait!" Vernon was bulging with anger. His anger seemed to have exceeded the fear of the wizard in front of him. "I can't let my family take risks! If there is any danger, then you should take him away! "

"Humph - Dumbledore has already discussed this with you!" Moody said, "Harry must live in your house for at least more than one month every year."

"I don't understand—" Vernon said loudly. It made passersby turn their heads.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger also came over.

"You don't need to understand. Because it's hard for me to explain the reason to you." Mad-Eye stared at him. "You just need to know that this is the magic contract left by Harry's mother. Her son must be with her." blood relatives stay together."

As he spoke, Moody moved his bowler hat back, completely revealing his fierce face and rotating magic eyes. "Also, don't think that we don't know about the things you abused Harry. Let me tell you, if you do anything similar again, we will take measures immediately."

"Tonks." He turned to look at the female Auror who was greeting the Grangers. The other person was very curious about her pink hair.

"Harry, Tonks is responsible for protecting you."

"What?" Harry was not mentally prepared for the sudden changes around him - why would Dumbledore suddenly arrange this?

This made him slightly unhappy, because the principal still treated him as a child - he could protect himself!

However - out of respect for Dumbledore, Harry finally nodded.

And Owen - he probably guessed the reason why Dumbledore did this.

It should be what happened in the Brazilian God's Tower that stimulated the professor. He didn't want any little wizards to get hurt again. He had to completely prevent this kind of thing, even if it was just to nip it in the bud.

Hermione's expression on the other side was also very confused.

She walked up to Owen and asked him in a low voice if he knew the reason.

Owen shook his head and just told her his guess.

The Grangers and his wife on the side - they frowned slightly.

They can guess why their daughter needs to be protected.

Hermione got so many medals last year, and they're not stupid.

Medals are merit - naturally they have their counterpart - enemies.

No one could hurt Hermione at school - but outside?

To be honest, the Grangers were still very grateful to these wizards for protecting their daughter - at least they didn't do nothing.

Of course, in addition to these, what made them continue to frown was the way their daughter had a close relationship with a child who looked ridiculously beautiful.

"That must be a girl!" Mrs. Granger whispered in her husband's ear.

They had seen Owen in his current form before in Egypt, but it was only a short encounter. Hermione was afraid of saying his name, so she never introduced him in detail.

They were quite happy at the time because their daughter had a new boyfriend, who seemed to be at least much better than the previous one.

But now - after looking at Owen carefully.

A terrible thought arose in the minds of Mr. and Mrs. Granger.

This boyfriend doesn’t look too obvious

Mr. Granger turned his head and glanced at his wife, with the same concern in his eyes.

They looked at each other.

Then he immediately stepped forward, took Hermione's hand without any explanation, and left immediately.

This made Hermione feel doubly strange.

He quickly said, "What happened?"

"Well -" After thinking for a moment, she guessed that her parents might be worried about her safety, "There's nothing dangerous here."

But the Grangers did not stop after hearing Hermione's explanation, but instead walked faster.

Owen originally planned to say hello.

As a result, he was not given a chance to speak at all.

But - before the Grangers took a few steps.

A man suddenly walked upstream from the tide of tourists leaving.

The man's steps are steady and powerful, his posture is tall and proud, and his expression is calm.

Wearing a dark blue vest, the texture is fine and inlaid with subtle dark patterns, which is low-key and gorgeous.

A white shirt with a delicate tie hanging quietly from the collar.

Wearing a black robe with complex silver runes on the lining.

The man seemed to be in his fifties.

The gray hair does not make him look older, but makes him appear more mature and stable.

At this time, he was walking slowly with his hands behind his back.

His eyes were on Hermione.

"Mr. Grindelwald?" Hermione's eyes widened, looking in shock at the legendary wizard who suddenly appeared in front of their family.

"Well -" Grindelwald nodded, and his deep voice continued, "You should change your name, Miss Granger."

"Uh" Hermione was startled, and then realized what she should call her.

At this time, the wizards around him all turned their heads.

Professor Lupin, Moody, Tonks, Mr. Arthur, etc., everyone's eyes showed surprise.

"Hello, sir." Mr. Granger frowned slightly. The man in front of him must have a prominent family background. Because temperament doesn't lie.

"Hello." Grindelwald held out his hand.

Mr. Granger immediately shook his hand.

"Children over there, call me: Grandpa." He said. "Pretty sure he's a boy."

"." Hermione was stunned again, and then realized why her parents reacted so strongly.

She covered her mouth and snickered, looking back at Owen.


"Magic - there are always accidents, such as growing long hair that cannot be cut off. I believe this is only temporary." Grindelwald said, "Of course - some things have to be taken care of, right?"

"Well -" Mr. Granger had already noticed that in just a few seconds, his daughter had turned back several times.

Sure enough, he has grown up.

"You're right."

"If you have time, let's have a chat." Grindelwald said casually. "In addition, the child's grandmother invited your family to travel to France during the summer vacation."

He said slowly, "The child will be safe there."

In an instant, Hermione knew what Professor Moody had just said, that her safety was complicated by someone else, and who this other person was referring to.

That is of course Irving's grandmother, Ms. Rozier.

"Well -" Mr. Granger pondered for a moment - looked at his daughter and wife, and then responded with a smile, "As for this invitation, we don't seem to have any reason to refuse."

This wizard they met for the first time gave them a good impression.

Although he is not as enthusiastic as the Weasleys, he is much friendlier than most wizards in the wizarding world.

When they accompanied Hermione to Diagon Alley for shopping, the gossips in their ears never stopped.

Grindelwald smiled slightly and nodded.

Miss Granger's parents were among the few very intelligent Muggles he had come into contact with. Their intelligence lay in their ability to see Hermione's future clearly, and knew that their daughter would definitely have a place in the magical world and would be incompatible with the secular world. Disconnect to avoid.

As parents, they encourage their daughter and actively expose her to the magical world.

If his daughter cannot integrate into the magical world, then she will become neither a person here nor a person there.

Being abandoned by both worlds is an absolute disaster.

This is where the Grangers' real wisdom comes into play.

Many people fail to see this clearly.

But it's also the case - how could the parents be stupid if they could give birth to such a smart daughter?

A verbal agreement was reached.

Then they separated.

"I didn't expect you to come. Is that a good thing?"

After watching Hermione's family leave.

After saying goodbye to Harry, Owen spoke to Grindelwald.

"Bad thing!" the man said bluntly.


"Let's go." Grindelwald stretched out his hand, and Owen took it without hesitation. The next second, the two of them disappeared.

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