I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 335 Cold War, Miss Granger’s Changes

Speaking of which, the quarrel between Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall was entirely Owen's fault.

He is outspoken and quick-thinking.

When he was in the school infirmary, when he heard about the recent events from Harry, he easily deduced that Old Deng must have guessed part of Voldemort's plan, and then he used it to his advantage, and that's how the rest of the story came to be. .

Owen even suspected that he had even guessed about the portkey.

The reason is very simple. If you want to take people away from Hogwarts, there are just a few methods.

The door key is the most secret and effective.

On the surface, by doing this, he was undoubtedly gambling with the lives of the little wizards, even though he had done this before in first grade.

But Professor McGonagall didn't know that that time.

And this time, he miscalculated.

Dumbledore probably didn't expect that all nine young wizards would be teleported away. He probably only had Hermione and Harry in his plan.

He was confident enough that Voldemort would not kill the two of them immediately. Snape might reveal some of the resurrection ritual to him.

So Dumbledore understood that Voldemort needed the blood of two people, so he would not kill them immediately, and this gave him room to operate.

Or even - be a little bolder.

Snape may have tipped off Voldemort about his appearance at Dumbledore's behest.

Said that Dumbledore might have done something to the little wizard.

Owen felt that the biggest reason why he was so bold was not only the news that Snape brought him, but also his speculation about the situation.

There is one other person.

Lucius Malfoy!

Owen didn't notice it before, but afterwards, during the few days he was in the hospital bed, he suddenly realized that at the beginning - Lucius seemed to have a tendency to deliberately delay time?

Of course Dumbledore is the one who knows that Lucius is now Grindelwald.

Could he have taken advantage of this?

Ah - in short, in the Battle of Azkaban, the three parties participating in the war, Dumbledore, Voldemort, and the Ministry of Magic can have eight hundred minds.

The competition between them is by no means purely magical.

And intellectually.

Everyone is planning, and this is a battle with no losers.

Even the Ministry of Magic didn't think they had lost, at least Barty Crouch would never think so. They recaptured Azkaban, and they also grabbed Dumbledore's pigtails and held his handle.

No matter how you look at it, he is always the happiest one.

And in the ward, Harry, Owen and Hermione were sitting on the same bed, and he was talking about it, enjoying the happiness brought by the difference in IQ, forgetting everything.

Professor McGonagall walked in by chance.

It's so embarrassing.

She came to check on the health of the little wizards.

Then the professor's face darkened.

Without saying a word, he turned around and left the ward.

The furious Professor McGonagall immediately went to the old principal and had a big quarrel with him.

The professor expressed his abhorrence for Dumbledore's wanton behavior and plan to put the little wizard in danger, and why didn't he tell her in advance?

Don't discuss it with her?

Even if he had 10,000 ways to ensure that the little wizard wouldn't get hurt, that wouldn't work!

Besides, listening to Owen's calculation, he made a miscalculation, didn't he?

Look at Harry and the two girls. Isn't everything going to be fine without losing a few lives? Is being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse an inconspicuous thing?

Professor McGonagall was furious!

She even directly threatened Dumbledore that she would resign.

For his wanton style, I can no longer work with him.

There was a big fuss about this.

Although the young wizards except Harry and Hermione had no idea what was going on, many young wizards saw Professor McGonagall sorting things in the office.

The familiar office was gradually vacated, and a sense of panic immediately spread.

The Gryffindors were shocked!

Ah~~~~The sky fell, the ground sank, and Teacher Meow disappeared.

After hearing the news, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Gemini, Seamus, Angelina, etc., a group of Gryffindors ran to block the door of Professor McGonagall's office.

After several mutual pulls, mutual promises, and true feelings revealed, in the end, it may be the sincere emotions of the young wizards that melted Professor McGonagall's heart. In the end, she still did not choose to leave this beloved castle, but this was under Dumbledore's presence. Promise her there won't be another time.

However, the two still maintained a 'cold war'.

Owen estimates that the cold war won't end until next semester.


It’s another beautiful and pleasant summer day.

The weather at the end of May is enough for little wizards to wear singlets.

After lunch break, Owen was taking a walk in the courtyard.

He held a long piece of parchment in his hand, and on it was a complete schedule, which he designed based on Miss Granger's class schedule for next year.

Get up at 6:30 every day, exercise for an hour, wash, eat and drink, go to class, free activities, lunch, lunch break, afternoon class, exercise, free time until dinner, go back to the dormitory at nine o'clock, and rest at ten o'clock.

The queue is full.

Of course, although it looked dazzling, in fact, he definitely left enough free time for Hermione!

Hogwarts starts class at nine o'clock. A standard class lasts only forty-five minutes and ends at nine forty-five. Gryffindor only has two classes in the morning one day a week, so in most cases she still has lunch time. There is one and a half hours of free time. Class starts at 1 p.m. Even if there are three classes, they will finish school at 3:45.

Until dinner time at seven o'clock, she has enough time to do what she wants to do. Miss Granger's problem is that she wants to learn everything. She must understand that she has to give up some elective courses and give up some advanced studies in required courses. It is reasonable. Plan your own time.

That's why Owen made this schedule for her.

As for the last month of this year and the summer vacation, he has another schedule, uh-huh - until September when she is in fifth grade, the goal is to gain her twenty pounds! (About eighteen pounds)

Unknowingly, he had entered the courtyard.

The marble floor tiles that reflected human figures illuminated the many little wizards coming and going.

On the walls on both sides of the courtyard, the many armored puppets that were originally erected have now been reduced by half.

In their place were more than a dozen burly silver giants, each about ten feet tall, ancient puppets.

They were either holding big bows, long swords, or spears. There seemed to be a pair of eyes in the helmets with invisible heads silently watching the corridor.

"Hi, Owen."

The person who greeted him was a Ravenclaw witch.

She has a very tall figure, and her shoulders are wider than many boys.

"Well, hello." He walked straight past without raising his head.

"Sanchez, I have something to ask you!"

Someone blocked his way again.

Owen put down the parchment in his hand impatiently and said, "What are you doing, Draco? Go get your ass and leave me alone."

He took a step forward, but Malfoy still blocked him.

"Do you know something about my father? The Dark Lord is back, but he is not anxious at all. He keeps writing letters these days asking me to have more contact with you."

"Huh?" Owen frowned, then took a step back.

"I'm not interested in men, well - not even in women's clothing. So stay away from me, and be careful Miss Granger beats you up!"

After that, he sidestepped Malfoy and walked straight into the auditorium.

Behind him, Draco was gritting his teeth and staring at Owen's back.

He could vaguely feel that his father had some secret, and that this secret was related to Owen, but he had no way of knowing it unless the other party told him.

As for Owen, he walked into the auditorium with great swagger.

It was afternoon, and the sunlight passed through the glass and cast a golden glow in the hall.

From a distance, he saw Hermione sitting on the Gryffindor bench, discussing something with Harry and Ron.

She must have just woken up from her lunch break. She has already been forced to adhere to this year's schedule for a week.

After getting closer, Owen saw Hermione holding a copy of the "Daily Prophet" in her hand, with a very ugly look on her face.

Even said - a little gloomy.

"What's wrong?" he said.

"Owen!" When she saw him, her expression returned to normal instantly.

"What else could it be?" Harry took over and said irritably, "Look, what Rita Skeeter said in the newspaper!"

He threw the newspaper over.

Owen grabbed it casually, glanced at the title, and sneered in his heart.

"The Ministry of Magic is renovating Hogwarts, and Dumbledore may leave the position of principal"

"They want to drive Dumbledore away, that's crazy!" Ron said, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Don't worry, this is just a test." Owen simply skipped the content. Those non-nutritious things are just plain disgusting.

"Testing?" Harry said.

"Do you understand the sausage tactic? Today we will release the news that Dumbledore is leaving, and tomorrow we will find a lot of his dark history, and then we will contact and monopolize the board of directors, and squeeze him out of the position of principal bit by bit." Owen shrugged. , said in the tone of someone who has experienced it, "You can't really force Dumbledore to resign in one go, otherwise the public will strongly oppose it. You have to do it step by step to achieve the final goal.

Well – this report was from a week ago, so I guess they’ve already started on the next step. "

"Then what should we do? We must fight back. Hogwarts cannot live without Professor Dumbledore." Harry said urgently, his eyes widening.

"Find Luna to publish an article in The Quibbler attacking the Ministry of Magic, or—" Owen rubbed his chin, "get Rita Skeeter."

"Catch Rita Skeeter?" Harry was stunned. "How can we catch Rita Skeeter? She's not in Hogwarts."

"Who said she wasn't here?" Hermione suddenly said. "She's here."

"?" Harry stared at her, "Where?"

"I finally figured out how she eavesdropped on other people's secret conversations when she was in a place she shouldn't have entered." Hermione's eyes narrowed slightly, and an unfriendly smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"How did she do it?" Harry asked.

"How did you figure it out?" Ron also asked.

"She was too anxious. Remember the week we came back from Azkaban?" Hermione said happily, "Even the Minister of Magic was not allowed to ask us, where did she take our photos?"

“And you didn’t realize that those photos were all at night, when we were asleep.

"So she must have sneaked in." Hermione suppressed some proud and cruel emotions and said with a slightly trembling voice, "——She is an unregistered Animagus."

"What?" Harry and Ron were shocked. "Like Sirius and Professor McGonagall?" they both said in unison.

"That's right." Hermione nodded, and then took out a small glass jar with fine holes on the top from her coat pocket.

In the glass jar, there are several branches and leaves, as well as a flat one. A half-dead giant beetle.

"She can turn into a beetle."

"You're kidding me." Ron's eyes widened, "You can't do it without her."

He pointed at the glass bottle and said in disbelief.

"That's right." Hermione shook the glass jar, and the big beetle shook weakly twice, and then lay down again.

"You" Harry immediately noticed something strange, "Hermione, how long have you been holding her?"

"How long?" Miss Granger frowned, "I forgot, four or five days."

"Four or five days!" Harry's eyes widened, "Are you going to kill her to death of thirst or starvation?"

"How is that possible?" Hermione said nonchalantly, "Aren't there a few leaves in the bottle?"

"Leaves!" Ron shuddered, and then moved inexplicably away from Hermione, a pair of brown eyes constantly looking at her and Owen.

Is it his imagination?

Is Hermione possessed by Owen?

"You just pointed at her to eat leaves?" Harry had almost the same expression.

Looking at Hermione in shock.

"What about that?" Hermione raised her eyebrows, "Am I still going to raise her and give her food every day?"

She smiled contemptuously, "This is a herb, you won't die if you eat it."

"Perhaps this way she can completely change her bad habit of slandering and insulting others."


Harry and Ron swallowed and looked at Hermione with inexplicable fear.

In fact, they had already noticed that Hermione had undergone huge changes, some dark changes, but before, she looked weak, and the feeling was not very obvious.

But now—when she had regained her composure, the feeling was palpable.

Harry felt it more strongly of the two.

Because he suddenly remembered the magic spell Hermione used in the attack on Barty Crouch that day - it was definitely black magic.

He still remembered that the Death Eater's armor spell had failed, leaving a terrible scar on his arm.

"Let me see the bottle." Owen opened his hand.

"Oh!" Hermione handed it over.

He took the bottle and slowly took out his wand.

"Owen, what are you going to do!" Harry yelled, "You don't want to kill her, do you?"

"I have this idea." He said flatly, "If I kill her now, no one will know where Rita Skeeter went? It will be like disappearing from the world."

"But - she is nothing, she deserves to be killed by me." Owen snorted, "The person who opposes me is either a Death Eater, a goblin, or some other dark wizard, a tabloid reporter, she is also match."

After saying that, his wand glowed faintly, and then he uttered a spell that made Hermione's eyelids jump.


The next second, all the secrets appeared in his mind like a peeling cloud. They were all the memories of Rita Skeeter in the past five days.

Then, he closed his eyes lightly, settled for about two meters, and then opened them.

Then he stared straight at Hermione.

"It will do you no good to stop your research in that empty classroom under the restricted area, Miss Granger."

Under the forbidden book area, in front of the steps leading to the underground secret room, there is a room full of miscellaneous items, about the same size as a library.

In Rita Skeeter's memory, Hermione used this as bait to lure her into taking the bait, and she discovered some of Hermione's secrets.

"Why!" Miss Granger said stiffly. No intention of giving in.

"Because it will cause hair loss, that kind of magic will make the wizard bald." Owen made a joke, but there was no smile on his face. "Do you think it will be that simple?"

"I know what I'm doing."

"You don't know." Owen grabbed her shoulders.

He did influence Hermione in some ways.

She actually started to study black magic like him.

How could he not know what happened to him in the dream?

Now, it is just because of ancient magic and the principle of regression that he will not be affected by the mental influence of black magic, but he is the only one.

Because he is the heir!

Those who learn from others will live, those who resemble others will die.

Stop while she's still coming.

He stared at her, and in the end, it was still his problem.

He has too many questions to count.

"Huh" he took a breath, and the complicated thoughts gradually calmed down. He had thousands of words on his lips, but in the end, there was only one sentence left.

"I'm very sorry."

Hermione was stunned, the corners of her mouth pursed slightly, and the muscles in her cheeks trembled, as if she was holding back something, "No need to apologize," she said.

"Luna is right."

"You will also be afraid, you will be afraid, you will be very uneasy, and you will even feel angry. But you can't.

You must be full of courage at all times, you must be fearless, you must be resolute, you must not be proud, you must not be stupid, you must not be careless, you must accept it, you must not care, you cannot shrink away and escape, let alone act like an ordinary and ordinary boy. ...just be an ordinary person.

I just-" Her eyes were reddish, and they were filled with crystal clear tears, "I just hope that I can help you, if one day."

"If, if - if I could do more, if I could really help you, instead of just writing a book."

"You've done a lot." Owen wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"The way to help others is not just in fighting."

"You're already helping a lot just by existing."

He rubbed her still thin cheek.


"I like you Miss Granger," he said suddenly.

"If I knew more about spells, it would be like if I knew what Trance is." She was still talking to herself, as if she didn't hear her.

"I love you, Miss Granger," he said again.

Then, stare at her.

Suddenly Hermione stopped speaking, as if she had just heard his voice.

Beside them, Harry and Ron couldn't stop smiling.

Then even the other Gryffindor wizards in the distance hurriedly turned their heads and looked at the two of them.

"Don't change yourself secretly." Owen grabbed her panicked hand.

"Perhaps you could write a report or something beforehand?"

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