I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 334 Harry: You don’t have to die!

Haigh isn't finished with his case against Barty Crouch.

He said quickly with an eagerness, "He also raised the fight between Owen and that Coattel to the level of Dumbledore's mismanagement, as well as some fights between the little wizards, in short It’s such trivial matters!”

"He made many accusations against Dumbledore, which were simply made up out of nothing."

"Oh! And you." Hagrid suddenly looked at Harry and the young wizards here, "This year's battle between you and Ilvermorny also became an excuse for him to attack Dumbledore. This game was really bad, I didn’t expect this outcome at all.”

At this time, Owen was walking over.

He distributed the food to the little wizards, and when he finally handed it to Harry, he received a big eye roll from Hagrid.

"I hope you can learn a lesson." He said seriously to Owen, "Don't use black magic on other people casually!"

Hearing the sound, Owen nodded.


From now on, buddy, I will only use source magic!

Irving didn't care about this, but he still had to move the target. He can't be the target of public criticism.

Then, he turned to look at Koyatel, who was eating a meat pie.

An old-fashioned voice rang out, "Did you hear me? Don't use black magic on people casually!"

Owen said, "I really want to kick him out when the portkey is transferred!

If you hadn't pulled Furong and the others! "


Koyatel raised his head impatiently, glanced at Owen, then raised his free left hand and raised an international friendly gesture towards him.

Then, Irving responded with one.

"By the way! Yesterday at Azkaban," Harry suddenly said.

He was still worried about his godfather and the other wizards who had arrived.

If they were injured or killed - to a certain extent, they were killed by themselves.

"It's been solved." Hagrid turned his head. He seemed to see Harry's inner struggle. He touched Harry's head and said, "They retreated quickly and suddenly they all left."

"Our men were not injured."


No one was injured.

Owen can guarantee that there are definitely no Aurors from the Ministry of Magic among the people Hagrid mentioned as ours.

"Stop talking about Crouch, Hagrid, talk about Madam Maxime. I saw her joining the battle against the Death Eaters yesterday. Why has Beauxbatons completely turned to Dumbledore?" Owen suddenly asked, "Eulalie Hicks is easy to understand. She is Dumbledore's through and through, my grandmother.

To be honest, I have no idea what is going on in her head, but she is my grandfather's assistant who stayed in the castle to help Dumbledore - although it is a bit strange, it is understandable.

Maybe she's doing it for me?

They say that beating is kissing and scolding is love. She keeps saying that she wants to kill me. Is this actually a different kind of love? "

"." Hagrid, Harry, and everyone else in the room looked at Owen quite speechlessly.

His family relationship is really unusual!

After a long while, Hagrid spoke, "Olim has indeed promised Dumbledore to her."

"Wait? Who is Olim?" Owen and Harry asked together.

"It's Mrs. Maxim, that goes without saying." Hagrid said in a matter-of-fact tone.

After just saying that, she felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly distributed the rock biscuits he had brought to everyone, even though no one wanted to eat them. "Dumbledore found a job for her and me."

"He wanted to contact the giants and asked us to do this and send them a message. Olim would also go with me. I convinced her that we would work together and set out to find the hidden giants. "

"Giant? A strange species?" Owen suddenly asked.

"?" Hagrid looked at him doubtfully, not understanding what he meant.

"Uh-it's okay, I mean, where are those giants?"

"I don't know, maybe somewhere in Eastern Europe. My mother -" Hagrid stopped and was silent for a moment before continuing, "But recently, there have been traces of giants in other places. Specifically, the largest size of the giants It will take time to carefully investigate where the gathering place is.”

"That's it."

Owen sat on the edge of Miss Granger's bed, leaning against the headboard.

He didn't know much about giants.

I just simply know that this kind of creature once wreaked havoc across the European continent, and was later defeated and expelled by wizards. Of course, this is also related to their own aggressive and cruel nature. Even if the wizards do not participate, they will gradually reduce their numbers. Wizards just Speeds up the process.

It seems that the gradually shrinking giant clan should have turned into many tribes, large and small, scattered all over the European continent. Dumbledore obviously hopes that Hagrid and the others will find the largest one.


At this time, the door to the school medical room was pushed open again.

It's Sirius, and Dumbledore.

They walked straight over.

Sirius looked a little pale, not very energetic, and there was a hint of exhaustion between his brows.

I guess he hasn't slept since yesterday.

"Sirius!" Harry looked very excited when he saw the familiar figure. He stood up from the bed, but the sudden mental exhaustion made him fall back down.

"Don't move!" Sirius came to Harry's bedside and put his right hand on his shoulder, "Lie down, what you need now is to rest."

There was a genuine connection in his eyes that made Harry feel reassured and moved.

It was like an aggrieved child seeing his parents. A day ago, he could still stand up to Voldemort, but now his nose was a little sore.

"Okay kid." Dumbledore said gently as they walked over. "The bravery you showed far exceeded my expectations of you, but I hope you can show your courage again and tell us everything that happened yesterday."

"What happened after you were portkeyed?"

"Yes, Professor!"

Harry took a deep breath and began to tell them.

As he spoke, everything that happened yesterday was like a movie, before his eyes - scenes flashed: he saw the potion that brought Voldemort back to life with sparks on its surface; he saw the gloomy faces of the Death Eaters smile; he saw the deaths of countless Muggles; and he also saw Owen's exaggeratedly powerful spell.

Once or twice, especially when Harry was telling the story of nearly a hundred Muggles who had their souls ripped out and died, Sirius made a little sound, as if he wanted to say something, but his hand was still tightly grasped. Lee's shoulders.

But Dumbledore held up a hand, stopping him.

This made Harry feel lucky, because everything was difficult in the beginning, but now that he had opened up the conversation, it was much easier to continue talking.

He even felt a sense of relief, as if something poisonous was being sucked out of his body bit by bit.

He used great perseverance to support himself to continue speaking, but he felt that once he finished speaking, he felt much more comfortable.

When Harry told of the Death Eaters stabbing him and Hermione in the arm with daggers, Sirius let out an excited cry.

Although the wounds on both of their bodies have long since healed, the terrible memory and the bloody feeling are still as clear as just now.

"He resurrected with my blood and Hermione's blood. Voldemort has become more powerful, I can feel it." Harry said to Dumbledore, "The power that my mother left in me - —He wants to have it too.”

"But Hermione -" Harry turned to look at Hermione's hospital bed and found Owen looking at him teasingly, while Hermione leaned against Owen with a slightly hot face and bit into a piece of pie.

"He got the wrong guy!" Owen said.

Just now, at that moment, when Harry said that Voldemort was resurrected with his blood, Dumbledore's eyes flashed with joy.

He was happy because Harry could live.

"Wrong person?" Harry was puzzled, but vaguely, he guessed that the person Voldemort should arrest was Owen, but he thought it was Hermione.

Although he didn't know what was different about Owen's blood.

Is he the same as me?

"Very well," Dumbledore nodded and continued, "Voldemort has overcome that unusual obstacle. Harry, please go on."

Harry continued. He described how Voldemort emerged from cyanosis and told them what he remembered of Voldemort's speech to the Death Eaters.

The next thing was nothing, Owen broke free from Bella's spell, and then used a magic called "Fire Shield" to save them, and then used a spell to blow up the entire top of Azkaban's tower.

Then, the professor and others arrived.

"You broke away from Bella's Legilimency Curse?" Sirius looked at Owen with some surprise. It was not an ordinary curse. Although it was not as good as the Imperius Curse, few people could resist it by their own will alone.

"Yes! What's wrong? It's very simple. Is there anyone who can't break free?"

Owen raised his eyebrows, holding a bowl of pumpkin porridge in both hands and feeding Miss Granger.

But he continued to say unforgivingly, "No way, no way! Just don't have hands!"


Sirius withdrew his gaze and focused all his attention on Harry again. He didn't want to talk about this topic with Owen.

Because the only way to resist the Legilimency curse was to learn Occlumency, and of course he knew this spell.

As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he also learned this spell to prevent his secrets from falling into the hands of Death Eaters.

Think back to how old you were when you learned this curse?

Seventeen or eighteen?

Look at Irving now?

Tsk - He has always felt that he is very talented in magic. Whether it is Animagus or various defense against dark arts, he can easily win. But now, the little wizards are all excellent. Surprising.

This Sirius kept having the illusion that he was old.

As for Dumbledore, when he looked at Owen, his face was more of a happy expression.

Yes - luckily this kid arrived.

Fortunately, he went with him to Azkaban.

Otherwise - he really didn't know what kind of unpredictable disaster would happen.

As for the two magic spells used by Owen.

This child is growing up too fast.

Dumbledore could tell that something must have happened during the three months he was asleep.

"Okay, I think I'm going to review it again," Dumbledore said, speaking solemnly to Harry and everyone in the school nurse's room, "Your performance tonight was very brave, far beyond your ability. I expect from you young wizards that the courage you have shown is equal to that of those wizards who fought to the death against Voldemort in his heyday.

You have taken on the responsibilities of an adult wizard and found that you are more than capable of shouldering this burden - making me expect even more from you.

Next, calm down and rest for a while...Sirius, are you willing to accompany him?"

Sirius nodded.

Afterwards, Dumbledore stood up and walked to the school doctor's room.

In fact, he also wanted to talk to Owen about his experience in the past three months.

But obviously now is not the right time.

The little wizards have just experienced a war.

He only needs to know the most urgent thing. As for Irving's experience, he can talk about it later.

On the other side, Hagrid left after continuing to chat with Harry for a while.

It seemed that he was very anxious - he didn't know whether he was really interested in what Dumbledore had arranged for him, or whether he was interested in this opportunity to date Madame Maxime alone.

After Hagrid left, Sirius didn't stay long. After all, he had other things to do, and there should be a follow-up to the battle in Azkaban.

Besides, he also needed a rest, so after promising Harry that he would take him out for a walk during the summer vacation, he left.

It's a pity that Hannah, Ron, and Justin can't get in here. It's probably because the professors don't allow other little wizards to disturb them.

But that's okay. They can chat quietly by themselves.

The chattering voices made Harry, who had escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, suddenly have the illusion of returning to the human world.

He was in good spirits, maybe he was really nervous. Cho Chang and Gabri were still sleeping, but he could talk quietly to the others (Cedric).

But this has nothing to do with Irving. Even if he has the best spirit.

Last night he was finally able to sleep peacefully.

The horrible dreams in my head disappeared.

This was a joy worth sharing, and Owen planned to share this joy with Hermione.

Speaking of which, Hermione was very lucky to a certain extent. It was precisely because she looked so weak that Voldemort never took her seriously, and because of this, he did not torture her.

Continue to feed Hermione.

Until she couldn't eat anymore. Owen stopped.

She still looked a little weak, but she was in good spirits. She looked at him with bright eyes, never wanting to look away.

On the other side, Harry and the others finally brought the topic to Owen.

——Because few people in the ward are in the mood to chat. Qiu Zhang and Gabrielle were still sleeping, but their faces looked rosy, so they were probably fine. Fleur focused entirely on her sister.

As for Krum and the Durmstrang witch, their eyes were blankly staring at the ceiling.

Apparently he still hasn't gotten over the horror of last night.

Cedric was in the mood to have a few words with Harry, but it was obvious that his attention was more on Cho Chang.

It seemed that the only person Harry could talk to was Owen.

————Harry automatically blocked Koatl.

Immediately, he began to ask what exactly Owen had experienced in the past three months.

In this regard, Owen did not show off, and told Harry and Hermione straightforwardly that he was trapped in a spiritual realm called trance.

It took him a long time to get out of it.

Harry didn't understand what trance was, but Hermione kept the term in her mind. She planned to go to the library and look through the books to see if she could find any clues.

Then everyone told him interesting stories about what happened during this period, but the thin sounds disturbed the real owner of the school nurse room, Madam Pomfrey.

She walked into the room with an aura of eighty feet.

His eyes were like a torch, with thunder and lightning.

With one glance, the monsters on the hospital bed immediately closed their mouths.

Harry lay back and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

And Owen - he quickly lifted Hermione's quilt, then got out of bed and ran back to his bed. Cover yourself with a quilt and lie down.

Start counting sheep.

After doing this, Madam Pomfrey's face became slightly better.

Then she said in a serious tone, not allowing them to whisper to each other, at least not today.

All they have to do today is sleep.

As she spoke, she brought many strange potions.

After preparing a cup for everyone.

Watching them drink it, they left with satisfaction.

And what about the little wizards?

Everyone seemed to have been slapped with a stick, and they immediately became depressed.

A life of drunkenness and dreams began.

One week in a row!

A whole week!

The young wizards, especially Harry, Hermione, Cho Chang and Gabrielle, were forced to rest for a whole week by Madam Pomfrey.

Then they were let go.

In the new week, Harry felt like he was growing roots and sprouting.

Only then finally walked out of the hospital.

During this time, the situation in the Ministry of Magic has undergone tremendous changes.

First up is the Battle of Azkaban.

The "Daily Prophet" naturally praised the bravery of the Aurors with great praise, without mentioning that their loose management allowed Voldemort to sneak in for several months without them noticing.

The information Owen heard from Sirius was that Voldemort seemed to know that Dumbledore was coming. He had already made preparations and retreated while fighting. He exited Azkaban in a very orderly manner.

At least in his eyes he quit.

He suspected that Snape was secretly tipping off the information. This was supposed to be a good opportunity to annihilate the Death Eaters in one fell swoop, but in the end nothing was gained.

Secondly, there is a vague direction of public opinion. In the following days, the Daily Prophet has been subtly trying to infiltrate Dumbledore and question his leadership ability.

And attributed all the accidents that happened throughout the year to him.

Especially the two children who were tortured by Voldemort, Qiu Zhang and Gabri have almost become representatives of the young wizards.

I don’t know who took a photo of the two people tossing and turning in pain on the hospital bed.

This suddenly aroused the anger of parents.

A snowflake-like letter of accountability was sent into the principal's office by owls.

Even Professor McGonagall had a cold war with Professor Dumbledore during this time.

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