I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 263 What does it mean to “lead by example”

Miraculously, as soon as he finished speaking, a large pile of food appeared on the long table of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

A wide variety of delicacies from Europe and North America filled the long tables.

"Eat!" He smiled and directed Hannah and Justin beside him.

What are you doing in a daze if you don't eat?

But in the eyes of others, his expression was like a demon crawling out of the vestibule of hell.

Then, perhaps the aroma of the food dissipated the tense atmosphere in the auditorium.

The little wizards of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw began to sit back in their original seats one by one, and then started eating and drinking stiffly.

As for Gryffindor, Slytherin, and the unfortunate Ilvermorny and Durmstrang, they could only stand there and stare.

Because their long table was destroyed in the battle just now.

"Huh——" in front of the auditorium door.

Miss Granger took a deep breath.

He forcibly suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart.

The college points she had earned in the past half semester were gone overnight, and she even lost several points.

This feeling is terrible, like you worked hard to clean the dormitory and mop the floor brightly, but before you could celebrate, your roommate broke in with muddy shoes.

At that moment, you wanted to kill someone.

What's even more uncomfortable is that she can't blame Owen because Gryffindor deserves it.

She could only hold in her anger.

He held the wand tightly in his hand.

Then take a deep breath, calm down your mood, and tell yourself that you have to be patient and strong - they are all your friends, it's not a big deal, it's just that you can't win the Academy Cup for four consecutive years!

It does not matter.

As long as Harry and the others aren't hurt, that's fine!

Miss Granger found that no matter how many excuses she gave herself, the anger in her heart never weakened even a little bit.

There is even a trend that is getting worse.

These traitors will piss her off sooner or later.

——The above——Irving guessed it by observing Hermione's expression.

In fact, Hermione had a cold face from beginning to end, and her black leather shoes stepped on the muddy ground without any scruples.

Then, she took action.

Raise your vine wand high.

An extremely exquisite repair spell enveloped the entire auditorium in an instant.

The powerful magic power seems to be endless.

The broken pieces of wood fell back into place like building blocks.

Marble that was broken into pieces was reassembled from the dust.

Hermione walked slowly from the door of the auditorium. Behind her, the broken world was returning to order like counter-entropy.

Mud, dust, bricks, sawdust, they were like a tidal wave of water rolling up behind Hermione, rushing, setting off huge waves, covering the ceiling.

Then the sea calmed down and fell beneath her feet.

Just like her forbearing look, her reserve before the storm.

Magic is a manifestation of the power of emotions.

Cruel emotions gave birth to dark magic like the Death Curse.

The belief of protection gave rise to white magic such as the Patronus Charm.

And the scene, that turbulent scene that finally calmed down, was a reflection of Hermione's heart at this moment.

Angry, complex, inhibited, calm.

As she approached the podium, behind her, the long tables and benches belonging to Gryffindor and Slytherin had been restored.

"Everyone, please sit down." She turned around and said calmly.

He sat on the bench closest to him.

The wand tapped the table.

The next second, sumptuous food also appeared on the freshmen's table.

This is something no one dares to move.

Unlike the smile that Owen showed, he actually had a devilish temperament.

Many young Gryffindor wizards saw the shadow of Professor McGonagall in Hermione.

Something called majesty.

The scene was deadlocked for a moment.

Then the Slytherins, who were the first to break the mud, sat down in silence.

The resistance to Hermione was always stronger in the Snake Yard.

After that, the Gryffindors took their seats one after another.

Both parties lowered their heads and began to eat in silence.

Although I have already started greeting each other's parents in my heart.

Those Gryffindors (Slytherins) are really uneducated, look! We are embarrassed again.

But there were no more verbal or physical conflicts.

The auditorium became quiet again.

The little wizards from other schools all looked at Owen and Granger in surprise.

Very few wizards have such prestige in school. Even powerful wizards like Dumbledore and Grindelwald were not able to convince everyone when they were students.

People who hate you just hate you, and there is no reason for it.

It is extremely rare for a person like Owen to overpower all the little wizards. After all, they are wizards, not Muggles. As the saying goes, the wand is in my hand and my fate is up to me, not Merlin. People who challenge you will always exist.

As for Hermione.

She is more like Dumbledore himself. Her majestic aura can suppress most wizards. Although there are a small number of young wizards who are not convinced, they do not dare to make mistakes.

Of course - the young wizards of the other three schools expressed their understanding of Miss Granger's ability. After all, the heir of Gryffindor and the famous outstanding wizard of Hogwarts, the Daily Prophet has been reporting for several weeks. Publish her personal interview.

Her names range from Ireland to Wales, from the Highlands of Scotland to the cities of England.

Miss Hermione Granger, now quite a bit, don't worry about the road ahead without friends, there is no one in the world who doesn't know the signs of you.

It was Owen who shocked the other school wizards.

Why does this 'unreputable' little wizard have greater prestige at Hogwarts than the Gryffindor heir?

In addition, the terrifying strength displayed by Gryffindor and Slytherin wizards during the duel also made them frightened.

This school felt strange to them, as if they were in another world.


Why are you so good?

And just when the little wizards from the three major schools were thinking about life.

The side door next to the podium was suddenly pushed open.

The visitor is Professor McGonagall.

As she approached, she was stunned for a moment.

She was a little startled by how quiet her ears were.

Then he saw the little boy in the crowd who ate rudely, even grabbing and grabbing, and had no education at all.

Immediately, the answer naturally came to mind.

"Hermione Granger!" She stood in front of the small door and shouted towards the auditorium: "Miss Granger! Please come here!"

Hearing Professor McGonagall calling her, Hermione lifted her hair from her ears and stood up in confusion.

Then, she walked along the passage between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables and the podium, with thousands of eyes behind her staring at her.

"Okay - go to that door," said Professor McGonagall gently.

But the more gentle Professor McGonagall behaved, the more guilty Hermione felt. She felt that it would be a shame if she didn't win the Academy Cup even once in seven years of school.

Professor McGonagall's gaze was more like a lashing at her.

"Professor-" Hermione opened her mouth and told Professor McGonagall everything that had just happened in two or three sentences.

Hear the sound.

The Dean of the Lion Academy, who was famous for his seriousness, still had a smile on his face.

But it could be seen from the slightly twitching corners of her mouth and the increasingly cold eyes that Professor McGonagall was on the verge of breaking out.

"Okay, Miss Granger. Go in. The professors will take care of the other things." She reluctantly opened her mouth and then made way for the passage behind her.

After looking back deeply and forgetting about the Gryffindor wizards who were already sweating all over, they resolutely turned around and followed Hermione.

After walking out of the Great Hall, Miss Granger found herself in a small room with portraits of wizards hanging on the walls on both sides. A fire burned brightly in the fireplace opposite her.

As she entered, all the faces in the portraits turned to look at her.

Hermione frowned, feeling self-conscious at the unfamiliar looks around her. Their eyes were too intense, as if she were some rare treasure.

She saw a crumpled witch fleeing from her frame and into the frame next to hers, where a wizard with a walrus beard appeared. The wrinkled witch began to bite his ear quietly.

Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, and Koatl Stewart were all gathered around the fire.

Against the backdrop of the flames, the four figures made a particularly strong impression. Krum leaned against the mantelpiece, hunched over and thinking about something, slightly distancing himself from the other two people.

Cedric stood with his hands behind his back, staring into the fire.

Coyatl Stewart stayed away from everyone, standing alone in front of the wall, looking at the portraits.

When Hermione walked in, only Fleur turned her head first. She rushed over quickly, her long silver hair flowing like a waterfall flowing behind her.

"It's nice to see you here. Hermione, now we have to be rivals again."

"???" Hermione was confused, she didn't understand what Fleur meant.

Behind them, the professors and principals were talking.

Until Professor McGonagall walked over.

"Oh! Stopped outside?" Dumbledore said with a smile, "That kid is still cruel, alas - he is getting older and is becoming less and less cruel."

He said.

"As for punishment, Miss Granger just told me about the child's punishment for all students-"

"I think this is very reasonable." Principal Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonagall calmly, "Staying up all night may have a negative impact on the health of the young wizards, and most people will not be able to persist without sleeping for one night. ."

"It's better." Dumbledore smiled slightly: "Let them copy the school rules! They should be able to copy the school rules twenty times in one night. They are still young and energetic, and they can copy quickly."

Old Deng looked like an old naughty boy, his blue eyes full of treacherous excitement.

Hearing the sound, Professor McGonagall's cheeks twitched - she was unable to complain about the boring prank in front of him. She has been used to it for decades.

However, since that boy appeared at Hogwarts, Albus's 'naughty' seems to have become more and more serious.

"Then Mr. Sanchez himself——"

"Of course he followed the little wizard to copy the school rules in the auditorium." Dumbledore said seriously, "He is the president of the student union and must set an example."

What a sin!

Professor McGonagall could no longer control the expression on her face.

the other side--

When Owen mentioned the benefit of copying the school rules twenty times, Hermione finally learned from Fleur that she had become a Hogwarts warrior.

To be honest, she was a little surprised, but not much.

Since starting school at Hogwarts, I have walked into the castle twice a year, and every time there has been a new crisis. She was used to it not being the same every year.

Needless to say, there was another conspiracy this time - and it was probably against her.

But getting used to it doesn't mean Hermione has to obey such an arrangement. She doesn't want to participate in the competition at all, and she doesn't have much time to read.

"Hermione, you must participate." Fleur blinked a pair of beautiful green eyes, "When the Goblet of Fire spits out your name, it signifies a magical contract with you. If this contract is not fulfilled, terrible things may happen."

"But, I didn't throw my name into the Goblet of Fire. I wasn't even in the castle all day today." Hermione frowned, "And I'm not even seventeen years old."

"The age limit was only added this year." Fleur explained. "At the beginning, there was no such limit in the Goblet of Fire. This is why there were so many casualties in previous games. Someone must have put your name into it. Goblet of Fire, he cast a powerful confusion spell to make the Goblet of Fire think that there were five schools participating in the competition, and you were the only competitor from the fifth school, so it would definitely spit out your name."

"This is a conspiracy." Hermione said solemnly. "Anyone want me to compete?"

"But why?"

She is just an ordinary little wizard. Why would anyone want to tamper with her?

"I'm just an ordinary little wizard."

"Ordinary?" Mr. Ludo Bagman from the Sports Department rubbed his smooth chin, walked over with a smile, and looked down at Hermione.

"Miss Granger, I must tell you honestly. In other parts of the world, you are almost as famous as Dumbledore. Everyone says that you are his successor. You are his favorite student and the number one student in the world. Two rising wizard stars."


I don’t know why, but the moment Mr. Ludo Bagman said that she was Dumbledore’s favorite student, a strange look passed over her.

Then, an instinct engraved in her DNA forced her to speak immediately: "I'm not, I don't have it. Owen is Professor Dumbledore's favorite student."


Hermione had just finished speaking.

From the corner of the small room, a short, sharp sneer suddenly came from the corner.

"Oh, sorry."

Coyatl, who was visiting the portrait, turned around, one of her hands naturally drooped, and the other hand covered her mouth.

"I thought I heard a joke."

"What do you mean!" Fleur stood up first. She stared at the woman with disgust. The woman with silver hair similar to hers was really annoying.

Especially the slightly sarcastic expression on her face, people who looked at it just wanted to punch her.

"Hermione's strength is beyond doubt."

"Fleur," Granger called to her, "ignore her."

Then he turned to look at Mr. Ludo Bagman, "Don't the Ministry of Magic have a way to cancel the Goblet of Fire contract? Hasn't it always been kept in the Ministry of Magic?"

"It's just a preservation." Ludo Bagman slowly explained: "No one can figure out who made it. There is a theory that it may be Merlin's creation. He made it according to the legend. The Goblet of Fire was created from the Holy Grail."

"Holy Grail?" Hermione's eyebrows were frivolous. The name was so familiar. She could guarantee that the Holy Grail in the wizarding world was by no means the Holy Grail in religious concepts.

"A powerful source of magic that allows wizards to form contracts with some powerful magical creatures. I heard that a seizure war called the Holy Grail War broke out before. But these have all been lost in history." Ludo· Bagman continued, "What I want to say is that this magical contract has been passed down for a long time. Currently, there is no way to cancel it in the magical world. Maybe you can destroy the Goblet of Fire, but that is absolutely not allowed."

"Mr. Ludo Bagman is right." At this time, the group of professors and principals finally reached a consensus.

"No matter what, Miss Granger, you must participate." Dumbledore came over and said softly.


"Or are you not confident in winning the championship trophy for Hogwarts?" Old Dengtou smiled slightly.

"Of course I do, Professor."

"That's enough." The old principal looked at Mr. Ludo Bagman, "Next, let's ask the Minister of Magic, Mr. Crouch, to provide guidance to our warriors!"

"Okay." Barty Crouch walked out of the shadow behind Dumbledore.

His face was extremely ugly, as were Ms. Maxim and Professor Eulalie.

Crouch waved his hand and motioned for the other little wizards to come closer.

Then he said it in a serious tone without any fluctuation.

"The first project will be carried out on November 24th and will be completed in front of other students and the judging panel.

Warriors may not request or accept any assistance from their teachers in completing competition events. When the warrior faced the first round of challenges, the only weapon in his hand was his wand. You will not know about the second project until the first one is over. Due to the high demands and long duration of the competition, the warriors do not participate in school year examinations. "

After that, he turned to look at Dumbledore and said stiffly: "I think that's all, Albus?"

"Yes," Dumbledore said, "Thank you, Mr. Crouch for being very detailed."

"Hmph!" He was answered by Cratchit's soft hum.

Then, when the matter was settled, he turned around and left the small room with Mr. Ludo Bagman.

Judging from his appearance, he should be going back to the ministry.

With the departure of Barty Cratchit, the atmosphere in the room became more solemn.

Dumbledore looked at his figure, with waves of emotions surging behind his half-moon glasses. In his memory, Barty Cratchit was an unsmiling and self-disciplined child when he was a student.

Although he was born in Slytherin House, he was not as keen on pure blood as those Death Eaters. Although he is also passionate about rights, he is ultimately a just person.

But now - time has passed, and like Fudge, he has become a slave to power.

Cold-blooded and scary.

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