I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 262 Do you want to rebel?

"Armor protection!"

"The flames are blazing!"

"Shattered to pieces!"

The next second, the magic spell was like a rapid cannon, and there was a direct magic bombardment in the auditorium.

Like firecrackers, the series of explosions shocked the little wizards from other schools around them.

Almost everyone can use conventional spells like the Disarming Charm.

As for more advanced magic, such as hanging upside down with a golden hook, many people know it, especially Slytherins. Almost all of them are proficient in this spell.

It is not difficult to imagine that Snape must have taught them.

The situation in the auditorium gradually got out of control.

The tour group headed by Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were sitting on the benches in the corner, watching the noisy stage play with great interest.

——Now let us applaud and invite Justin, who has obtained one-tenth of Irving's true biography, to give you a detailed introduction to the current battle situation.




"Snake Yard Yakuza!"

"Shiyuan Bichi!"

————Stop————It seems that Justin has completely failed to grasp one ten thousandth of the true biography of the great Dark Lord Mr. Sanchez. He walks with the king all day long, but he has not been tainted by the king's style at all. In fact, It can be regarded as another kind of power.

Okay - on the other hand, let me see the introduction of the battle by the young lady named Qiu Zhang who was hiding among the Ravenclaws.

oh! Look at her, her black eyes are shining.

There was a strange smile on his fair face.

There is a saying in ancient books - the lion courtyard has great supernatural powers, and the snake courtyard has high abilities.

The stick is on fire and the tongue is bright, and the ruins and broken trees are floating in the sky.

The snake showed its power in front of the auditorium, and the lion's feet stood high on the wooden table.

A staff can kill an evil lion to protect the school, and a sword can pick up poisonous snakes to show heroism.

Two are spitting out clouds and mist, and two are spitting out fragrance.

After three hundred rounds of fighting, the bright moon on the ceiling of the auditorium was darkened. The world in the main hall is in a state of confusion!


This is a real martial arts show under the rostrum.

There was a lot of noise on the podium over there.

Different from the original work, whether it is Two-Face in the first grade, The Chamber of Secrets in the second grade, or Azkaban in the third grade, this has no impact on other countries.

In other words, Sirius's reputation is greater, and some countries in Europe may know it.

But in the end, it had no impact. At most, it was just something to talk about after dinner.

But things are different now - ever since the Deadites swept across Europe, the nerves of all parties are now stretched to the limit, and any external force may break them.

When Dumbledore pronounced the name 'Hermione Granger', anyone with a sane mind would realize that an imminent conspiracy was hovering over them.

Everyone here is the dean of the major magic academies, and no one wants to put their students in danger.

On the other side, Dumbledore actually regretted it!

The moment he saw Miss Granger's name, his brows furrowed.

He should allow Irving to play, at least if he is on the court, there will be room for maneuver.

"Albus!" Professor Eulalie stood up and looked at Dumbledore seriously, "We must pause the game."

On the other side, Mrs. Orim Maxim also stood up immediately.

Her tall frame bumped against the staff table.

With a violent shock, the silver plate and wine glasses on the table were knocked over. On the side, Professor Flitwick was almost knocked over because he was leaning on the table.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Mrs. Orim Maxim.

Her reaction was a little too much.

But in fact - Mrs. Orim Maxim also has her own reasons.

As a major European country, it is the backbone of the Federation. During this time, the French Ministry of Magic was busy fighting fires across Europe.

They really have no choice but to imprison them in a certain area through magic seals.

The most important reason why she agreed to Dumbledore restarting the competition was to maintain the friendship with Hogwarts and the greatest white wizard.

But now - at present, even if Hogwarts has two of the most powerful wizards in the world, the enemy can still play such a trick. What does this mean?

It shows that Hogwarts is not very safe either.

"Dumbledore!" Barty Crouch stood up suddenly and looked directly at Dumbledore. "You know the rules. Once the game starts, it cannot be stopped."

He will not allow the competition to be suspended.

The reason is the same as the World Cup!

Britain needs an event like this.


On the edge of the faculty seat, the white-haired Grindelwald looked at him with a sneer, "Rules?"

"What rules?"

"A cup makes you so nervous? Can a guy like you be the Minister of Magic?"

"You!" Barty Crouch suddenly turned his head to look at him, and his voice suddenly stopped.

His face turned red and he hesitated to say something, but for a long time he did not dare to say even one more word in front of the most dangerous dark wizard in history.

"Zi Zhen!" Upon seeing this, Moody immediately let out a short sneer.

Those who bully the weak and fear the strong will dare to show their teeth to their own people.

He didn't have a good impression of Barty Crouch. If it weren't for his genius 'strategy', the Aurors would never have suffered such heavy casualties.

"Continue, Albus." Grindelwald said flatly, a pair of strange-colored pupils bursting with dangerous light, and a slight hint of ridicule on his stern face. "Let the game go on, Durmstrang will be there."

"I want to see what tricks those clowns have up their sleeves!"

Dumbledore on the podium withdrew Grindelwald's gaze.

That's what he actually meant.

Those chosen by the Goblet of Fire actually sign a contract with it. This is an ancient and powerful contract that has never been broken by anyone for hundreds of years.

In other words, those warriors must compete.

If the competition is stopped at this time, something bad may happen.

"Hermione Granger!!!"

Dumbledore's voice lingered in the auditorium, but the young wizards underground were busy fighting and no one responded to him.

Only Ron and Harry pulled away and shouted to Dumbledore: "She's not in the Great Hall."

"We haven't seen her go anywhere since morning."

Hearing this, Dumbledore understood.

Immediately, all the professors and principals stood up and walked directly into the small room next door.

They still had an argument that was not over yet.

As for the little wizards making trouble - let it be, they will stop when they get tired.


On the other side, Owen and Hermione, who had just walked out of the principal's office, were struggling to walk up the spiral staircase, exhausted both physically and mentally.

He offended the Sorting Hat too hard.

This bastard was unwilling to spit out the Sword of Gryffindor. Not even if Granger was a true Gryffindor.

Owen was so angry that he almost wanted to tear it apart.

The dogs had been struggling with him for hours, with Headmaster Brigid Weasley offering them no help.

She is an examiner and cannot help candidates.

Until the afternoon, the little thing finally felt sleepy. After so many years, the energy of this legendary magic item was no longer what it used to be. Owen, who caught the opportunity, cast a powerful confusion spell to make it spit out the Sword of Gryffindor. .

Although his confusion spell only lasted probably less than a few seconds.

But his timing was excellent.

Miss Granger passed the first level of the test questions left by Godric.

As for what the prize was, Owen didn't know. He only saw Dean Brigid stretching out a glowing metal bottle from the mirror with a smile and handing it to Granger.

And told her that in the principal's office, there was a magic item that could unlock the secret in the bottle.

He guessed it was a memory.

Use the edge of the Pensieve to see the information contained within.

To be honest, he wouldn't be surprised no matter what Hermione got. After all, the underground secret room has existed for so many years. There are probably countless hidden treasures. It is possible for her to get anything.

"I'm going back to the dormitory to get some sleep." On the spiral staircase, Owen had a nervous breakdown and rubbed his swollen head. It's said that the air is coming out but not coming in.

Can you not be tired after scolding that hat for so long?

Hermione, who was following behind, looked very tired, but she had an inexplicable smile on her face.

The Sorting Hat was returned to her office, along with the two Gryffindor swords.

Although the process was very difficult (she was mainly responsible for watching Owen and the Sorting Hat spit out sweet things to each other), the result was still satisfying.

"Let's go eat first!" she said.

"I feel like we forgot something very important."

"Is it important?" Owen looked back at her dejectedly.

At this time, the two of them had already reached the door of the auditorium.

The sound of the roaring mountains and tsunami inside poured into their ears like ocean waves.

"Oh! Tonight we will select warriors representing four schools." Hermione suddenly remembered that her memory should not be so bad. There was reason to believe that it was cognitive impairment caused by hypoglycemia caused by hunger.

It's definitely not because of being with Irving.

"It's already this time. I guess they've already finished dinner." Owen reached out and pushed open the door of the auditorium.

"Damn, what's the ghost screaming in there?"


"Harry, be careful!!!" Ron yelled.

The tip of the wand lit up with blue-white light, and the armor born in the void immediately came into action, wrapping Harry's back.

Under the erosion of a red curse, the armor disappeared immediately.

"Well done, Ron!" Harry nodded approvingly towards Ron, then turned around quickly and with a gray petrification spell, pinned the little Slytherin wizard who dared to attack him to the wall.

Then the two of them quickly moved closer to each other, one behind the other, waving the magic spells in their hands, and the magic spells in the sky were not able to get close.

Even Professor Flitwick would curse the curse at such a tricky angle.

But even so, they couldn't break through the Haro bicycle combination.

Perhaps the passive defense is tiring.

Harry breaks a disarming spell.

Holding the wand in both hands, he slammed the wand to the ground, then waved it vigorously and spread his arms. "ah!"

He yelled and the floor tiles in half the auditorium shook.

Then, as if they were separated from gravity, they were suddenly untied like a quilt.

Countless floor tiles weave into a large network, roaring towards Slytherin's important task.

Seeing this, the snake hospital responded quickly.

Several exploding magic spells directly collided with the large stone net.

In the "rumbling" sound, the stone bricks were exploded.

The splashing stones smashed the heads of several unlucky guys and caused bloodshed.

At this time, sitting with the Slytherins, the little wizard Durmstrang had already sat around Ravenclaw like the wise Hufflepuffs.

The difference is the look on their faces.

The Hufflepuffs looked indifferent, while the Durmstrangs stared at what was happening in front of them with their jaws broken open in shock.

The fighting between hundreds of people was a spectacle to watch.

Especially the dueling skills displayed by the little wizards at Hogwarts are amazing!

"Help!" Ron yelled.

Then the little wizards in the Lion Court also reacted.

With the blessing of transfiguration and the stone bricks, the stones turned into chains, and they were about to catch all the Slytherins.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly became clear.

Anyone could see that the Slytherins seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Finally - under the intense pressure, someone in Slytherin lost his mind.

Immediately afterwards, someone was heard shouting, "Shen Feng Wu Ying!"

In an instant, an invisible blade split the chains and struck directly at the leader, Harry Potter.

"Harry be careful!"

Originally the blade was invisible, but because it split the chain and the dust around it highlighted its silhouette, Harry immediately sensed the danger.

He dodged to the right.

The curse was like a meteor passing by, heading straight towards the door of the auditorium.


"Damn, what's the ghost screaming in there?"

Owen pushed open the auditorium door.

And then - it was discovered that someone was trying to murder him.

The blade was less than a few feet away from him.

In the flash of lightning, he immediately cast a spell without a wand, "Sanchez Force Field!" to deflect the fatal spell.


An unpleasant sound of a sharp blade striking wood reached his left ear.

Looking sideways, Owen saw a deep mark left on the door of the auditorium.

Go into the wood at least one inch deep.

The poor door was in disrepair.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed in the auditorium, and the quarreling little wizards turned their heads to look at the door.

Quiet - the scene fell into deathly silence.

But Owen, as the protagonist, just turned his head and stared at the scars on the wooden door in trance.

After a long time, he came back to his senses.

He had no words.

Just in silence, walking across the auditorium floor filled with dissatisfaction scars.

There was no floor here, and every foot he stepped on was dirt.

The wet soil made a muddy "checkered" sound with every step he took.

That sound - it was like stepping on flesh and bones.

The air was condensing, and an inexplicable pressure hung over the auditorium.

It's so sticky that it makes you breathless.

But Owen never spoke.

Wherever he passed, the little wizards on both sides spontaneously gave way to a path.

No one dared to look him in the eye.

Owen walked towards the podium step by step.

After he took the final step, he walked to the podium.

Then he turned back to the little wizards and just looked at them.

Still silent.

————Owen’s identity made the little wizards uneasy.

The suffocating silence gradually turned into a roar.

They couldn't help but want to make some noise to break the suffocating silence.

But no matter what actions they made, the figure's response was still - silence. Terrifying silence.

Owen even had time to sort out his clothes.

Dust off your robe.

People don’t understand the power of silence.

They're afraid - afraid of the unknown.

And that's exactly what Irving wants.

Another long time.

Owen took a deep breath.


Giving silence a sound.

"Do you want to rebel?" His plain voice sounded like thunder in the auditorium.

That seemingly weak voice was like a sharp knife piercing into the hearts of the little wizards.

Many people shuddered subconsciously because of this voice.

The idea of ​​‘finishing’ came into everyone’s mind.

"Over there -" he pointed to the back of the Slytherin table, "there was a print there, which was probably created in 1550."

"Were any of you born in 1550?"

Owen asked flatly.

No one dared to answer.

They all lowered their heads, as if gold galleons grew out of the ground beneath their feet.

"Two hundred points from Gryffindor and Slytherin!" he said, "Everyone will be locked up in the Great Hall tonight."

"Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are also together. Don't ask why, aren't you a part of Hogwarts? Won't you stop it?"

"It's really ruined Hogwarts' thousand-year reputation!"


"I see you are just full of energy and have no place to vent!"

"That's good, don't sleep tonight!" His voice got louder step by step.

Until the last sentence was finished, it was undoubtedly a reprimand.

In the entire hall, the little wizards of Hogwarts were standing there tremblingly.

Theoretically - Owen has no right to punish all students in the school.

Although he is the President of the Student Union, he can only deduct points, put individual students in confinement, and punish all students. In the entire Hogwarts, except for Dumbledore, only Professor McGonagall, as the vice-principal, has this power. that power.

But - the interesting thing is that Owen's prestige in the castle is extremely high.

Unless Dumbledore explicitly objects to the punishment he imposes, the young wizard will assume that he agrees.

As it happens, the old principal will definitely not object to this matter today.

At this time, there were no professors on the rostrum.

They all followed Principal Dumbledore to the small house next door.

No one dared to contradict him at this time.

Unless he doesn't want to hang out at Hogwarts.

"In addition -" he stood on the rostrum, leaning his hands behind his back, raising his head slightly, looking down at the auditorium, "all wizards in Gryffindor and Slytherin will be fined two Galleons each. "

"The money must be handed over to the prefects of each college before noon tomorrow."

"Damaged school property. Is there anything that doesn't require compensation?"

"This is outrageous."

After reprimanding these lawless guys, Owen returned to the Hufflepuff bench.

He sat next to Hannah.

Then stared at the empty long table.

In an instant, the fire came out again.

"It seems that the elf also wants to rebel!" His slender fingers were gently placed on the long table, and his fingertips were tapping back and forth, and the sound of 'dong dong' was heard endlessly.

"Excuse me - where is my meal tonight?"

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