A burst of wild laughter spread throughout the whole heaven and earth, the heaven and earth of the underworld, and the earth were all vibrating madly in the midst of this wild laughter.

Pluto and the others felt this terrible death force and endless fear appeared in their hearts.

Yes, it’s fear.

A comprehend of the power of death actually has a fear in the face of the power of death, which is simply something that he does not dare to imagine.

“The Emperor is definitely a super strong person at the Emperor level, how is this possible?” A Dan Yao Spirit has the strength of the Emperor level, what level of Dan Medicine has been refined by this predecessor!? ”

Pluto’s heart shook madly.

At the same time, endless worries also emerged, and it was almost impossible for individuals condensed by the power of death to control the power of death in their hearts, so every spirit condensed by the power of death was a party killing God.

Not to mention such a spiritual body, even in the underworld, from time to time there will be a ghost body that understands the power of death but cannot control it, and such beings can only destroy it one way.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause immeasurable damage to the underworld.

And now the figure in front of him was a terrifying being whose strength had reached the level of the Great Emperor.

Such a strong person, who can kill it.

“Yes, that formation, just a Heavenly Rank Product, is indeed a little weak!!”

However, Yu Feng smiled indifferently, and his laughter suddenly made a trace of anger appear in Dan Ling’s heart in the sky!

He was refined by Yu Feng, but he was not at all grateful because even the fool knew that Yu Feng was refining him absolutely for food, so now he only wanted Yu Feng to die in fear, but Yu Feng’s indifferent look made him suddenly have endless anger.

“I don’t know if it’s wrong to die, go and die!!”

Death Dan Ling roared in an instant, and the next moment, a palpitating and terrifying death breath began to emerge from all over his body, and this breath made the entire underworld begin to tremble madly.

In the face of such a terrible power, Yu Feng did not care at all.

“Do you know what I meant by laying down the formation method that sealed the birth of the Spirit Wisdom before!?”

Yu Feng slowly opened his mouth, but at the same time, his fingertips were slightly towards Dan Ling in the sky.


In the next instant, a terrifying wave instantly erupted from Yu Feng’s fingertips.

As soon as this wave came out, Death Danling’s face suddenly changed drastically.


The next moment a terrifying wave echoed through his body that shook his whole body.

At the same time, he was horrified to find that his body could not move in an instant under this breath.

“You… What have you done to me!?! ”

In an instant, Death Dan Ling panicked, and he screamed at Yu Feng in horror.

However, no matter how he mobilized his power, he found that his spirit body was still unable to move a single bit, and even his strength lost all contact in the next instant.

At this moment, he knew that he was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in the face of Yu Feng.

“Damn, what’s going on, what the hell have you done to me, I’m the Emperor, the Supreme Emperor!!”

A roar erupted from his mouth, and Pluto and the others could hear endless despair in his tone.

“I laid down the formation to seal Lingzhi, that is, to prevent the birth of Lingzhi, because the elixir that gave birth to Lingzhi is also a living body, and the old man who kills for no reason does not want to do it, and you should know that the difference between a elixir with Lingzhi and without Lingzhi is not small.”

I would rather sacrifice the spiritual power in these elixirs than kill but you still run out!! ”

Yu Feng was also slightly helpless when he said this.

The spirit body transformed into by the elixir he had personally refined could be said to be a life form created by Yu Feng himself, if it had other attributes.

It is also a disguised child of Yu Feng, so the Heavenly Order Dan Medicine Yu Feng will lay down the formation that blocks the birth of Lingzhi, only this time the Heavenly Order Grade Formation Method he laid down was actually destroyed under the impact of the Heavenly Disaster, and only after the Dan Medicine refining was born this Dan Ling in front of him.

Unfortunately, Yu Feng couldn’t just make a one-handed preparation, and in this Dan Ling, he also laid down countless formations that could control the other party.

After all, Yu Feng also knew what kind of terrible consequences would occur if the other party was born with spiritual wisdom.

If the other party knew each other, Yu Feng wouldn’t mind extracting 10% of the death power from the underworld to re-refine a Death Breaking Emperor Dan.

And this Dan Ling Yu Feng can also be cultivated and cultivated.

However, since the other party wanted to kill himself, then Yu Feng was not welcome.

After hearing Yu Feng’s words, the admiration of the Pluto King and others for Yu Feng also reached its peak in an instant.

It is completely powerful to obliterate any born spirit wisdom but because it does not want to kill, it would rather let the quality of the elixir decline than let it produce spiritual wisdom.

It can be said that there are absolutely few Heavenly Order alchemists who can do such a thing.

And now Yufeng not only did it, but also did it so thoroughly.

There are few such virtuous and powerful people in the world.

“The Lord… Master, please don’t kill me, I know I’m wrong, I don’t dare in the future!! ……”

However, the Death Dan Ling, who knew that he would undoubtedly die, finally instigated it, and hurriedly begged Yu Feng for forgiveness.

Unfortunately, as long as Yu Feng made up his mind, even if he knelt down and begged Yu Feng Yu Feng could not change his heart.

“It doesn’t help to say more, I’ll let you go without pain!!”

Yu Feng’s tone was very calm without the slightest fluctuation, and the next moment, his right hand slightly grasped towards the void.


In an instant, the hundreds of Heavenly Order Formation Formations that he had placed in the Death Breaking Emperor Dan were activated at the same time.

Each of these formations can destroy the Dan Spirit of Death Breaking Emperor Dan from the inside out.

After all, these formations were all spread on top of the elixir itself.

It’s like a cannonball that hurts a person at most, but if you put it in that person’s brain and explode, it only takes one percent of the power to kill the person! The rationale between the two is the same.

With hundreds of formations activated at the same time, the Dan Ling of the Death Breaking Emperor Dan instantly twisted, and all the power instantly shrank back into the Dan Medicine.

No trace of power was leaked out, and at the same time, there was a trace of the elixir on the body that did not have the other two elixirs.

This trace of agility was enough to increase the power of the elixir a lot.


With a wave of Yu Feng’s right hand, this elixir instantly returned to Yu Feng’s hand.

“That’s it! Ling’er, Zhan Ling, let’s go back!! ”

Yu Feng sighed slightly, and then with a wave of his right hand, he and Yu Zhanling’s father and son both disappeared into the underworld at the same time.

Leaving only a respectful face of Pluto and others!!



“Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent…”

In a courtyard of the Yu family, a gentle and elegant young woman was teaching Yu Lingxuan to recite ancient poems.

When she read this sentence, the young woman’s eyes couldn’t help but look at the pond in the corner of the courtyard, and her thoughts seemed to return to the scene of Yu Yanling reading to herself five years ago, when Yu Lingxuan had just had a full moon.

However, at this moment, a voice that shocked her came from behind.

“Xuan Mo! I am back!!! ”

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