Two hours later, the thunderclouds in the sky had consumed almost all of their strength, and it could be said that only the last bit of power was left.

However, if this last percent of the power were to erupt, it would be more terrifying than any previous thunderstorm.

“There’s one last thunderbolt!” The tenth Death Law Rune had also been condensed to the extreme, and the last thunder raid might be able to condense it! ”

Yu Feng couldn’t help but smile slightly at the corner of his mouth as he looked at the blood-red elixir in the sky.

If you take this elixir, you will be able to directly comprehend the Death Law of the Ten Laws of Rune!

At that time, his own strength can be regarded as a strong man among the emperors.

After all, this is the power of the Law of Death, the power of the Law of Death, one of the four special laws, the ten law runes, maybe comparable to the average thirty or so law runes!

“Grandpa, what are we going to do with these ghost emperors!?”

At this time, Yu Zhanling’s two fathers and sons also slowly flew to Yu Feng’s side and respectfully said to Yu Feng.

And Yu Feng took a look at the demon body that had been beaten and shattered, and did not know how many times the Pluto King and the others who had been dying immediately nodded with satisfaction.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, your descendants defeat the mighty and gain the God’s Upgrade Points: 20”

At this moment, a systematic prompt tone was also transmitted to Yu Feng’s mind, and the upgrade point of fifty points was directly increased to seventy points!

“Well, yes, let’s keep it first, when the Dan Medicine refining is over, we will have to leave, they have guarded the underworld for so long, it is also a great merit!” My refining of the elixir almost destroyed the underworld was already a loss! ”

Yu Feng said casually, but as soon as his words came out, the Pluto King and the others below who originally thought they were certain to die instantly widened their eyes.

I didn’t expect that the other party actually let go of himself and others, and listening to the meaning, after the Dan medicine was refined, he would leave.

“Thank you for the grace of the seniors not to kill, before I was reckless to collide with the seniors, and asked the seniors to forgive the sins.”

As the Lord of the Underworld, the Hades King hurriedly arched his hand towards Yu Feng at this time.

Before seeing the entire underworld begin to crumble, he was indeed extremely angry, so without saying a word, he began to attack Yu Feng and the others.

However, now it was found that Yu Feng was only because the alchemy fluctuated too much, and accidentally caused the underworld to have a trace of turmoil.

Just like a person even if he takes two steps is a disaster for ants, but it is absolutely impossible for people to apologize to ants, and now Yu Feng actually said that it was his fault, and he was convinced of such a strong mind.

“Thank you for the grace of not killing!!”

“Thank you very much!!”


One by one, the ghost emperors were also very excited, not only to save the underworld but also to save their lives, which was simply something they just couldn’t imagine.

And this was the change in their hearts after Yu Feng showed the strength of the crushing level.

“No problem, the Underworld can also be regarded as the second destination of the human beings of the Dragon Teng Continent, and it will need your guards and management in the future!”

Yu Feng smiled slightly, and then looked at the last heavenly calamity in the sky that was about to fall.

Seeing Yu Feng’s appearance, Pluto and the others also closed their mouths in interest and looked into the sky.

However, at this moment, they discovered how terrifying this thunder raid that was about to fall was, and if this thunder raid fell on the Underworld Continent, I was afraid that the entire continent would collapse in an instant.

Because this attack has definitely reached the level of the terrifying Emperor, and it is not weak among the Emperor level!

“Alchemy can cause such a terrible power, what kind of elixir is this adult refining!?”

This thought instantly came to Pluto’s mind, and the next moment he immediately remembered the super strong man who had recorded the Death Sacrifice Array on him.

The formation that such a strong person had burned for several hours to end was actually broken by Yu Feng casually, and you can imagine how terrifying Yu Feng’s strength really is.

Even, he felt, would that old man who existed like the Heavenly Dao be Yu Feng’s opponent!?




However, it was at this time that the last percent of the power gathered by the entire thundercloud also exploded in an instant.

The blood-colored thunder disaster seemed to transform into a billion-kilometer-long blood-colored divine dragon roaring madly towards the Death Breaker Emperor Dan below.

All the space in the entire underworld shattered in an instant.

The endless breath of death made the heavens and the earth tremble for it.


Finally, the Death Breaker Dan still landed on the Dan Medicine below.

The endless breath of destruction was directly vented on top of the Death Breaker.


Death Breaker Dan also began to absorb this thunder raid rapidly.

If the Thunder Raid had gathered 10% of the power into a lightning raid to attack the Death Breaking Emperor Dan at the beginning, the Death Breaking Emperor Dan would have begun to crumble no matter how powerful it was.

Unfortunately, the operation of the Heavenly Disaster is based on the laws of the operation of the Heavenly Dao.

The power of the Heavenly Scourge can only become stronger and stronger, and it is impossible to erupt at once.

Otherwise, it will not be a test of heaven and earth, but a destruction.

And what the Heavenly Dao wanted to destroy was almost non-existent.

With the passage of time, the breath of that blood-colored heavenly devastation was also becoming more and more weak, and it was finally swallowed up by the Death Breaking Emperor Dan like a gluttony.


After devouring the power of the last Heavenly Disaster, the Death Breaking Emperor Dan instantly bloomed with a terrifying brilliance.

The tenth Death Law Rune also condensed instantaneously.

A powerful wave of spiritual wisdom was then born from the Death Breaker.

Then a blood-colored breath emerged from the Death Breaking Emperor, and this breath quickly condensed into a blood-colored figure.

This figure was actually the appearance of Yu Feng.

“This is the legendary Dan Ling that only the Heavenly Rank Dan Medicine can appear, and it is also a humanoid Dan Ling, which is a Dan Ling that can only be born if the Dan Medicine above the Heavenly Rank is high!”

Pluto’s hole contracted violently, but he was relieved to think of the power that had just erupted from the elixir.

At this moment, this newly born blood-colored Danling looked at Yu Feng but smiled disdainfully at the corners of his mouth!

“I didn’t expect that the strength of my person who was refined was so low, not even the level of the Great Emperor!”

A teasing sound emanated from Dan Ling’s mouth, and after a few extremely powerful Dan Ling were conceived, some Heavenly Dao memories would be attached.

Naturally knowing a lot of things, there was no doubt that this one Dan Ling was definitely quite powerful, because his strength could reach the terrifying level of the Emperor Triple Heaven or so.

Yu Feng frowned when he saw this.

“I was actually able to break through the Spirit Destroying Array I laid down and give birth to my own Spirit Wisdom, which is indeed worthy of the Heavenly Rank Top Dan Medicine, and also condensed ten Death Law Runes!”

The corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly and smiled.

Hearing Yu Feng’s words, the blood-colored Danlington burst out laughing.

“Hahahahaha, as far as your broken formation is concerned, I will come out at once, by the way, I remember that I still have two brothers, and after killing you and devouring them both, my strength can definitely rise again!”

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