I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 90 Didn't release water for the test?

The time soon came to the day of the ntn interview.

Although in front of Gu Shao, Gu Xi pretended to be very calm on the surface, but in fact, Gu Xi had quietly made a lot of preparations for this day.

Let's go,... I'll take you there. Before going out, Gu Shao said to Gu Xi.

Hearing this, Gu Xi shook her head and said firmly: No,... I'll go there by myself.

Seeing Gu Xi's stubborn face, Gu Xuan was secretly amused, didn't insist anymore, took his coat and went out.

After Gu Shao went out for a while, it was time for Gu Xi to go to NTN.


Gu Xi came to the ntn building, and as soon as she stepped into the gate, she was greeted by a bright smiling face from the lady at the front desk.

Xiao Xi is here, good morning.

Good morning, sister. Gu Xi smiled and greeted the other party, and then took the elevator up the stairs with ease.

The difference is that this time Gu Xi didn't take Gu Shao's special elevator, but an ordinary elevator.


This is not the first time that Gu Xi has come to NTN, but the first time, Gu Xi is so nervous.

The elevator reached the 15th floor, Gu Xi took a deep breath, and then walked out of the elevator. According to the information on the notice, he went to the waiting room.

When Gu Xi arrived, there were already six or seven people seated in the waiting room, probably the same batch of people who came to take the test as Gu Xi.

This person looked a little older than Gu Xi, and he should be mostly high school students.

Gu Xi walked into the waiting room, her petite stature stood out among the group of people.

Is this a high school student? Why doesn't it feel like it? Someone whispered.

I don't look like it either, maybe I'm only in junior high school.

Junior high school? The shortest young man who spoke the most, widened his eyes slightly, then frowned, and said with disapproval, Come to take the ntn test when you are only in junior high school?

I'm afraid it's not meant to be funny.

Hearing the contempt and dissatisfaction in this person's tone, the person next to him gave this person a blank look, and retorted: Your family opened the NTN? Who stipulated that junior high school students cannot take the NTN test? Besides, you are not good enough. Wouldn't someone smarter and better than you not be allowed to exist?

Hearing that he was bullied, the short young man curled his lips and said nothing. However, in his heart, he had decided that Gu Xi was here to run with him, so it was impossible for him to pass the test.

This small interlude didn't last long, and soon everyone quieted down, continuing to make their own preparations for the test.

When the time comes, the test officially begins.

The test is divided into two rounds, namely the written test and the interview.

During the first round of the written test, everyone was taken to a test room, and there was an electronic answering board in front of everyone's seat.

Soon, the test questions for this time appeared on the answer board in front of Gu Xi.

Gu Xi took a rough look. There were ten questions in the test, including five basic subject questions and five professional questions. These five professional questions involve five different directions related to electronic technology.

Gu Xi began to answer the questions.

Probably because last semester, Gu Xi read a lot of professional basic books and did a lot of basic questions. When doing this kind of questions again, Gu Xi felt that it was much easier than before.

On the contrary, the next five professional questions were difficult for Gu Xi.

For the first question, Gu Xi had seen a similar report in a publication before, relying on his memory, he reluctantly answered.

The second question, Gu Xi still can't, but she remembers that when she was in Gu Shao's office, she randomly turned to a related material when she was bored. Answered up.

The next few questions are equally difficult.

Originally, Gu Xi was worried about whether Gu Shao would drain himself in this test, but now it seems that Gu Xi's worry is completely unnecessary, this test really has no water at all.

It's so difficult... Gu Xi murmured silently in her heart.

For the first time, I deeply realized what kind of feeling Dong Mingming always loved to say, It's hard to cry.

However, adhering to the principle of don't leave it blank that the head teacher always likes to tell them before the exam at school, Gu Xi still stumbles and fills in all the relevant content that she knows.

When the time for the written test was up, the answer board in front of everyone was automatically closed, making it impossible to perform any more exercises.

Gu Xi looked around, and found that everyone had the same look on their faces. Obviously, this written test was not easy for some people.

Before everyone came back to their senses, someone came to inform that the interview was ready to start.

According to ntn's test regulations, the scores of the previous written test are only for reference, and the real decision whether to pass is actually the interview.

Gu Xi quickly adjusted her mood, and followed the staff member back to the waiting area.

There were a total of nine people who participated in the test, and Gu Xi was ranked third.

After the two people in front went, their expressions were normal when they came out again, and nothing could be seen.

Hearing that number 3 was called on the announcer, Gu Xi couldn't help feeling tense even though she had done enough mental construction.

Gu Xi stood up and followed the sign into the interview room. No matter how many times she took deep breaths, Gu Xi still couldn't help feeling nervous.

Until the moment the door of the interview room was opened, Gu Xi was dumbfounded when she saw a row of people sitting inside.

——Everyone here is actually someone they know.

This is not surprising: Gu Xi likes to follow Gu Shao to NTN when she has nothing to do. During a holiday, she spends most of her time here accompanying Gu Shao to work. She is already familiar with the uncles and aunts in this building.

Seeing that the person who came in was Gu Xi, all the experts present had kind smiles on their faces, and the original serious atmosphere disappeared instantly.

In order to prepare for this test, today's Gu Xi specially tied a very energetic ponytail for herself, and wore a more formal suit, which looked a lot more serious than usual in school uniform.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Gu Xi is still the cute and cute kid who followed Gu Shao.

Therefore, when everyone saw Gu Xi, the smiles they showed were completely subconscious.

However, thinking of what the boss had specially emphasized before, the few people quickly put away the kind smiles on their faces, and put on a serious look.

Cough, this time the main interviewer coughed dryly, straightened his voice, and said to Gu Xi, You are taking the test on the 03rd, so Gu Xi?

Yes. Gu Xi nodded.

Although the atmosphere became serious again, the original tension in Gu Xi's heart dissipated a lot because the people in front of her were all acquaintances.

Please sit down.

Hearing this, Gu Xi sat on the chair in front of several people.

At this time, Gu Xi's application materials and personal resume were already displayed on the computer screens in front of the experts.

——Xiao Xi is so powerful.

After reading Gu Xi's resume, grades, and awards for participating in the competition, the main interviewer subconsciously wanted to boast, but realized that the environment was not right, and quickly returned to a serious look, nodded, and pretended to say: It's not bad.

You're applying for security? The main interviewer looked at Gu Xi.

Gu Xi replied: Yes.

The main interviewer nodded: Then, our interviews for you will also tend to be in the direction of safety.

it is good

The interview officially begins.

The first two minutes were Gu Xi's self-report. Next, the experts began to ask questions, from one basic question to five safety-related questions. Finally, Gu Xi asked her to talk about her understanding of technology in this direction.

Okay, it's ok, we've clarified your situation, and the grading has been completed. If you have any questions, you can ask us. The main interviewer went through the prescribed process.

No more... Gu Xi shook her head, got up, bowed to everyone, said 'thank you' and left the interview room.

When she was about to leave the interview room, Gu Xi couldn't help but turn her head to look at all the experts present.

Uncle Li. Gu Xi stared at the main interviewer and whispered.


Did you really not release the water?

Gu Xi endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, and asked what she really doubted.

Meeting Gu Xi's 'sharp' eyes, the main interviewer was taken aback: Of course not.

In fact, the few of them were also quite surprised. They didn't expect that the treasure of Gu Shao's family had so much professional and technical knowledge.

The content of their interview questions is based on the direction of the site selection of the test takers and the level of previous written test answers. Although the directions are different, the difficulty of the questions is similar.

Hearing this, Gu Xi nodded suspiciously and exited the interview room.

Her entire interview process went smoothly, but why did she feel that the questions were so simple if she didn't let her go?

Gu Xi still had doubts.

In fact, Gu Xi didn't know: because she was too concerned about the fact that the opponent used the ntn security system to attack Gu Shao in the novel, she paid too much attention to security system issues, whether it was theoretical or public opinion. , or technical level.

Gu Xi has accumulated a lot of relevant knowledge points in her mind subtly, so she doesn't find it difficult to face the experts' questions.


Those who have completed the interview will pass through the waiting area when they leave.

In the waiting area, the number of the short young man was two behind Gu Xi.

Seeing Gu Xi leave, the expression on his face was very calm, he didn't look like he was being hit at all, the short young man couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Could it be that the content of the interview is not difficult?

How do you know if it's difficult or not? The person next to him looked at the short young man and said.

Look at the junior high school student just now, it doesn't look like he has encountered a problem at all.

Hearing this, the people next to him snorted and stopped talking.

But the short young man breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and began to chuckle: the interview that even junior high school students don't think is difficult, should be easy to pass.

However, he was wrong.

When he entered the interview room and came out of the interview room, his face was ashen.

The person who finished the interview was supposed to leave, but the short young man stopped when he walked through the waiting area.

I think this test is unfair. The young man said in a deep voice to the staff on the side.

The staff frowned, but still asked calmly: What do you think is unfair?

NTN's talent selection mechanism has always been the most stringent in the industry.

I think since we are here to take the test together, no matter what age the testers should be the same

The difficulty of the test should not be treated differently for different ages and grades.

He still feels that Gu Xi's expression was so calm when she came out, the expert judges must have lowered the difficulty intentionally because they saw her as a junior high school student.

Hearing the young man's words, the staff frowned even deeper, and the next second, they smiled.

Do you think the reason for the smoother interview with test taker No. 3 is that we lowered the difficulty of the test? the staff asked back.

Isn't it? Not only for Gu Xi, the interview effect of other testers seems to be better than him, and he is relatively older in this batch of testers, he reasonably suspects that ntn will adjust the difficulty according to age adjusted.

The staff did not explain too much, but directly took the short young man to the office next to the waiting area, and directly called up the answer sheets of the written test of the young man and Gu Xi from the computer.

Seeing two large answer sheets on the projection screen, one left and one right, the young man was confused.

The junior high school student he looked down on had a higher score in the written test than him! And I paid back more than 20 points!

It's not that Gu Xi's knowledge level and knowledge reserves are really much higher than his, but judging from the test papers, Gu Xi's answers are more serious, and the scores of the previous basic questions are slightly higher than those of the young people.

What really opened the gap was the professional questions later.

For the sixth question, the score of youth is better than that of Gu Xi, and the answer is also better.

But except for this question, he left almost all the other questions empty. On the other hand, Gu Xizhi did all the questions. Although she didn't get all the questions right, she could always find a point in her answers.

The young man's main focus is skd automation. He mainly did the sixth question, and he didn't do the rest, and he couldn't do it. He never thought that this junior high school student could answer everything.

The two answer sheets in front of him seemed to have slapped the young man hard, making him confused.

I see, I will work hard... The young man left NTN dejectedly. Although he didn't know the result of the test yet, he knew that he had lost.


Three days later, on the way home from school, Gu Xi received a new email on her phone, which was from ntn.

Gu Xi held her breath, clicked on the email, and the content inside jumped out: [Congratulations, you passed successfully...]

Okay! Seeing only the first few words, Gu Xi's face was already full of excitement, if it wasn't for being in the car, Gu Xi would have jumped up excitedly.

Holding the phone tightly, Gu Xi read the contents of the email several times to make sure that she read it correctly.

Gu Xi couldn't wait to hold her mobile phone and approached Gu Shao.

Dad, look, look!

Gu Xi, congratulations, you successfully passed my center... Gu Xi pointed to the contents of the email and read it to Gu Shao word by word. At the end of the reading, she laughed foolishly.

How is it! I passed! Gu Xi jumped up in the car and said like offering a treasure.

The next second, Gu Xi suddenly stopped and looked at Gu Shao quietly.

Did you already know?

Seeing Gu Xi's angry look, Gu Shao felt amused, so he suppressed a smile and nodded.

Seeing this, Gu Xi suddenly felt bored, pouted, turned her head and leaned out of the window.

However, before waiting for half a minute, Gu Xi approached with a smile on her face.

Dad, are you not busy? If he was busy, Gu Shao probably wouldn't have time to pick her up from school.

What's wrong?

Before Gu Shao finished speaking, he saw Gu Xi took the schoolbag from the side.

Then help me read this. Gu Xi took out a notebook from her schoolbag while talking, handed it to Gu Shao, and explained: This is the strategy I made.

In order to be successfully selected into the project team of ntn that requires a security system, Gu Xi specially made a strategy.

The corner of Gu Shao's mouth twitched as he looked at the densely packed strategy book.

In it, there is actually an analysis of how to get his appreciation.


In the end, Gu Xi didn't get any useful advice from Gu Shao, but only got a 'warning' from her parents, asking her to obediently attend class and study hard.


However, what made Gu Xi very excited was that she finally passed the audit and got the qualification to participate in that security project.

It has been less than half a year since the project was prepared, but the project has not yet had an official name, and now ntn people still refer to the project by the number plate 709 of the project office.

But Gu Xi knows that the more this is the case, the more it proves that this project is extraordinary.


On Wednesday night, Gu Xi officially received the work permit for the 709 project, and came to NTN as a trainee to attend the seminar of the 709 project.

Regarding the core meeting and core research part of the 709 project, Gu Xi is not qualified to participate in the current trainee status, but she can participate in a directional seminar.

At the meeting, Gu Xi unexpectedly discovered that the team leader of the 709 project was actually Gu Shao himself.

No wonder... Gu Xi muttered in a low voice.

——It’s no wonder that in the novel, Xie Hongbo tampered with the materials submitted for this project. After the project went wrong, Gu Shao was the first person to be held accountable.

The meeting started, and the main members of the 709 project sitting at the front conference table began to report on the progress of the project one after another.

Gu Xi sits in the back row, taking

He took a notebook and began to record seriously.

The meeting entered the discussion stage, and everyone expressed their views.

My suggestion is that the 709 system can be linked with the existing sky eye system. One person suggested.

Another person expressed his concerns: From a technical point of view, it is indeed a good thing to link the two systems, but from a security point of view, there are hidden dangers in doing so.

Such concerns are not unreasonable, and the discussion has reached a stalemate.

At this time, Gu Shao spoke.

Linking the two systems is indeed a direction that can be considered, but I need everyone to emphasize that the 709 security system and Sky Eye are not two equal systems. The data of Sky Eye can serve as auxiliary data for 709. , that is to say, even if the data is linked, the transmission of information is a single item...

Gu Shao's words made everyone present suddenly enlightened.

Gu Shao scanned the crowd again, and asked, Are there any more?

I have no problem here for now.

Me too.

Work on our side will proceed as planned.


At this time, Gu Xi, who was sitting in the back row, raised her hand cautiously.

Gu Shao raised his eyebrows and said, Let's talk.

Hearing Gu Shao say this suddenly, the people with their backs to Gu Xi didn't realize who Gu Shao told them at first, until they heard a crisp voice.

I have an idea. Gu Xi said.

Seeing Gu Shao nodding, Gu Xi continued, Can this security system be made into two sets from the beginning?

Gu Xi's proposal sparked a lot of discussion among the crowd.

Two sets of security systems? Someone's eyes lit up: It's not impossible to make two parallel systems.

Indeed, in this way, it is equivalent to double insurance. When one system is in normal operation, the other one is used as an emergency or backup.

The people on the side also nodded.

But there are also people who have concerns: I wanted to mention this kind of consideration before, but the cost will be a lot, and there is also the operating burden of the basic equipment.

Everyone discussed about it, but Gu Shao looked at Gu Xi.

Others may not know Gu Xi's real thoughts in making this suggestion, but Gu Shao can guess it.

—— Gu Xi cares so much about this project, probably it has something to do with the dream she once talked about.

This girl is worried that Xie Hongbo will make a fuss about this project, isn't she?

Gu Shao lowered his eyes, thinking to himself.

Indeed, Xie Hongbo's wrist is not impossible.


At this meeting, Gu Shao did not express whether he agreed with the proposal of the two systems.

But at the subsequent core meeting, Gu Shao directly made plans for two systems.


In the evening, after the meeting was over, Gu Xi went home with Gu Shao.

Sitting in the car, Gu Xi took advantage of Gu Shao's inattention and secretly played with her phone.

A piece of news popped up.

Originally, Gu Xi rarely paid attention to such news, but she saw a few familiar names in it.

Something happened to the Sun family's business: a large number of prohibited |prohibited|items were found in their foreign-related goods.

As for the main person in charge of the Sun family's business, Gu Yaobai was attacked in an unknown country in the south, and his whereabouts are unknown.

The content of the news is very simple, but the simpler the news, the more severe the situation.

Gu Yaobai's accident surprised Gu Xi.

Did you attack Gu Yaobai? Gu Xi turned to look at Gu Shao and asked.


Is that uncle, grandpa? Gu Xi asked again.


After a pause, Gu Shao said, It's Xie Hongbo.

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