I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 89 Is it your pride? Always

Another recently opened dessert shop.

In a separate cubicle, Dong Mingming's wails echoed from every corner.

Oh my god, the whole parent meeting is held as soon as school starts, the school is going to play us to death!

Too unhuman!

It's definitely the darkest start of school I've ever experienced! Dong Mingming complained with a look of lovelessness while holding the book.

Because the score rankings were not announced before the holiday, many people had a peaceful and happy holiday.

How beautiful the holidays are, how sad the beginning of school is.

Simply doubly sad!

No, it should be three times sad!

The start of school is already sad enough, but you still have to face the last semester, you may get terrible test results, and most importantly, you have to pay your homework!

Seeing Dong Mingming complaining happily, the corners of Gu Xi's mouth twitched: Who said before that he would finish his homework the day before the holiday? After a holiday, Dong Mingming didn't even write on the front page.

Gu Xi glanced at Dong Mingming with a face full of shame, couldn't help but interrupt her, and asked, Have you finished copying?

I didn't copy it! Dong Mingming retorted without thinking, and then said: I only refer to it.

Gu Xi gave a dry cough speechlessly, looked at Dong Mingming with a smirk, and asked, Then,...Excuse me, classmate Dong,...have you finished your reference?

not yet……

Hurry up, wait for me. Dong Mingming finally calmed down, and began to copy, no,?? began to 'refer' to Cherishing Holidays.

It's just that...once,...the silence was less than 5 minutes,...Dong Mingming raised his head to look at Gu Xi again.

That's not right, Gu Xi, you didn't write the question wrong,?? Look, it's such a big grid, and you just write four lines to get the answer? Dong Mingming pointed to a certain question in Gu Xiye's notebook.

Gu Xi: ... Good guy, she still questioned her? !

You still have 6 kids. Gu Xikan reminded.

The group face has been notified that the holiday business department must submit it before the parent meeting.

Hearing this, Dong Mingming looked at Gu Xiyi resentfully: Don't mention it, we are good friends.

Hey, Dong Mingming sighed, I want my grandma to help me hold the parent-teacher meeting.

Speaking of which, Gu Xi, who will hold the parents' meeting tomorrow in your family?

My dad.

That's great. Dong Mingming and Gu Shao are just super gentle fathers. And handsome!

I think so too. Gu Xi frowned and said.


The next day, Gu Shao took Gu Xi to school.

Along the way, Gu Xidu chatted non-stop.

In the front row, the driver heard the voice from behind, and a smile appeared on his face.

He picked up and dropped off Gu Xi the most, and at first he drove when he went to Zhangjia Village to handle household affairs for Gu Xi.

Some things seem to be the same, but if you look closely, you will find that there have been changes - compared to the restraint at the beginning, Gu Xi and Gu Shao are now much more lively in front of them.


Huh? Gu Shao was dealing with work, and when he heard Gu Xitong talking to himself, he would occasionally respond.

We said good things before, do you remember? Gu Xi blinked, looked at Gu Shao and asked.

Before the holiday, Gu Shao had promised Gu Xi that as long as Gu Xi could get the top of the city in one final exam, Gu Shao would agree with her to take the ntn test.

The ntn technology research and development center is a youth training plan, which is mainly aimed at students from middle school to university age, mainly middle school students.

Those students who are talented enough, professional enough, or have participated in some competitions and won the ranking, as long as they pass the ntn test, they can become a member of the ntn training plan.

Although it cannot be regarded as an official employee of ntn, people who pass the test can get ntn learning and scientific research support, and are eligible to participate in some ntn projects.

For some, Gu Xidu made an online investigation in advance to make a request to Gu Shao.

Gu Shao looked down at Gu Xi and raised his eyebrows: Why do you want to go to NTN?

Yeah. Gu Xi nodded, she had her plan.

Seeing Gu Xi's serious face, Gu Shao secretly laughed, raised Gu Xi's head and said, Don't worry, I haven't forgotten.

That's good.

The car quickly drove to the school gate, Gu Shao and Gu Xi got out of the car and walked to the school all the way.

He didn't notice that after them, two sneaky figures also sneaked into the school.

The two, regardless of the old man and old man Shen, who else is there.

From the side?

Nonsense, no, where?

How do I see there is a door over there. Mr. Shen pointed to the side.

The gate over there is open to the teaching staff and the school's public vehicles, and the other one goes in and out of the gate normally.

So it is.

Nonsense, but, you old man, you haven't been here before, have you? Mr. Gu looked contemptuous.

I haven't been here, have you been here?

Of course. Mr. Gu said in a tone of embarrassment - he had sneaked here many times before.

Let's go, let's take you to visit today.

Mr. Gu called Mr. Shen to go to school.

As a result, just as he was about to step through the school gate, he was stopped by the school gate security guard.

Grandpas, you

What are we here for? The security guard asked.

Let's come... Mr. Shen was about to drive when he was interrupted by Mr. Gu.

It's nothing, let's just walk around casually. Mr. Gu said.

Walk around casually? The two security guards pretended to be walking around nearby, and said, School, if you wander around casually, you won't be allowed to go.

Then how can they go? Mr. Gu pointed to the parents around the school gate.

Those parents who are all students, come to hold a parent meeting today. If you are not parents, of course you cannot be let go. Facing the two elderly people, the security guard patiently explained.

Who said we are not parents of students?



Hearing this, the security guard sized up the first two elderly people with extraordinary bearing, and thought that the two of them didn't seem to want to tell lies, so they asked, Then, which class is your child in?

Class 7.

Class 7 of the second grade of junior high school. Mr. Shen added.

My student's grandfather.

My student's grandfather.

The two said one after another.

The security guard looked at Mr. Gu and then at Mr. Shen, feeling amazed.

Your family? I've seen my parents come together for a parent-teacher meeting, and it's the first time I've seen my grandpa and grandpa come together.

Mr. Gu: Of course not.

Mr. Shen: Almost.

About what? Hearing this, Mr. Gu glared at Mr. Shen, and then explained to the security guard: He and his family, my family, only two children in the same class, and my other two grandchildren are also attached to the middle school.

The security guard nodded suspiciously, and finally decided to call the head teacher of class 7 and ask him to come to the school gate to pick up the person.


After a while, Teacher Chen rushed to the school gate. When he saw the two old men, Teacher Chen was taken aback.

Hello, both of you, I am the head teacher of class seven of the second year of junior high school. My surname is Chen. The head teacher introduced himself first, and then asked the two of them, Are you parents of the students in our class?

Mr. Gu and Mr. Shen nodded.

Teacher Chen frowned.

I don't know if you two have heard from the students' parents that we try not to recommend students' grandparents, brothers and sisters to hold parent-teacher meetings. Teacher Chen said in a deep voice.

Once, she told the parent group before the start of school that the parent-teacher meeting is very important, and it is recommended that parents of children come to hold it as much as possible.

Moreover, I didn't see any parent replying that they couldn't come in the group.

Teacher Chen thought in surprise.

Which parent of your student? the head teacher asked again.

Originally, the head teacher thought that any student in his class would not dare to let his parents come because he did not do well in the exam.

In the end, before the head teacher guessed it out, he heard two old men, one said 'Gu Xi' and the other said 'Sheng Xiuyan'.

Sheng Xiuyan and Gu Xi?! The head teacher's attitude changed instantly.

Although theoretically speaking, all students and teachers are the same, but it is undeniable that the two students are the most worry-free students she has ever taken care of.

Moreover, when Sheng Xiuyan and Gu Xi were mentioned, the teacher in charge couldn't help being excited.

The city ranks in the top 10, and their class accounts for 2, and they are also in the front row, so it is not too shameful.

When the head teacher left the school, she felt that all the school flowers were blooming for her.

It turns out that Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan are grandpas and grandpas, so it doesn't matter. After all, with the two students' grades and self-consciousness in learning, it doesn't matter if their parents don't come to the meeting.

Come with me, both of you, and I'll take you to sit in class. The head teacher said enthusiastically to the two old men.

Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the two elders became strange.

No, no, no need, Mr. Gu said, We just heard that the results will be announced today, so let's take a look. There's no need to go to class. The child's father is probably already in school.

The two of them came here secretly today, originally thinking that one or two children would get lower grades before leaving, and they would go to class, wouldn't they be exposed?

As for the cause of the incident, we have to start from the Chinese New Year.

——The two old men don't know where to start, and somehow they compete with each other, even their own grandson/grandson's grades are also competitive.

So, speaking, the two met today to take a look at the ranking of the first results.

Hearing the two people's explanations, the homeroom teacher probably understood what they meant, nodded with a smile, and then did not let the two old people go any longer, and directly found out a city ranking from the machine, and handed it to the two people.


On the other side, on the square in front of the teaching building.

Gu Xi and the others were also standing in front of the bulletin board looking at the results of a final exam.

Compared with the fancy way of publishing the results of the previous monthly exams, the announcement of the city's unified exam rankings is much simpler and clearer: from left to right, and from top to bottom, each person's name is arranged in order according to their test scores and grades.

First the serial number, name, then class information, then the total test score, and the last number represents the city ranking.

Once, Gu Xi's name was still ranked first, but her last number was written as '1'.

Not only pity, the last number of the second and third place below is also '1'.

Does it mean that the top three or three students in our school are tied for first place? Someone asked next to him.

On the other side, a teacher explained: Our teacher also said before that because of the city's unified examination papers, the difficulty will be easier than our school's self-issued papers. points plus

There are several that are close to full marks.

According to the market ranking method, the same score will be ranked according to the tied position.

What do you mean, there are quite a few first-ranked students in the city? another parent asked.

Indeed, the teacher nodded, changed the subject, smiled at the students and their parents, and said, However, if you take care of their scores in the test, there are only five people in the city, and our attached high school accounts for three. , it’s not bad.”

And the three tied for first place, from top to bottom, were Gu Xi, Huang Kaisen from Class 9, and Sheng Xiuyan.

The three have the same total score, and they are sorted according to the first letter of the pinyin of the name.

It doesn't matter who goes up or down.

However, seeing Zi and Gu Xi have an extra name, Sheng Xiuyan finds it annoying no matter what.


On the side, Gu Shao received a call. The phone call from Mr. Gu's bodyguard.


Both the old man and the old man from the Shen family go back. The bodyguard said on the phone.

I know. Gu Shao responded.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Shao looked up at the ranking list in front of him, flashing a smile.

Not only did Gu Xi get the first place, but Gu Yanxiao and Gu Chenyi also did well in the exam, and both entered the top places.

Gu Shao's grades were photographed and sent to the Gu family group.


Parents will start.

Hesitantly, the overall ranking of the Affiliated High School of A University was among the best among the major middle schools in the city, and Class 7 was even more top-notch, so the head teacher was in a very good mood, and the whole parent meeting was very happy.

Even Dong Mingming, who had been worried that he would cool off Dong Mingming before, was relieved after the parent meeting.

Although her overall ranking has not changed much compared to before, but thanks to the simplicity of the test, her score is very good.


After the parent meeting was over, Gu Xi followed Gu Shao home.

In the car, seeing Gu Shao holding the phone, not knowing what to edit, Gu Xi was suddenly curious.

Looking at the interface, it looks a little familiar, like a circle of friends?

Gu Xi's face showed surprise.

Gu Shao seldom posts to Moments, because it is set to be 'visible for three days', so most of the time, Gu Shao's Moments are empty.

Gu Shao was one of the few who posted greetings on Moments, and Gu Xi was either sleeping or doing homework. In addition, Gu Xi didn't like to check Moments at first, and when she finally opened Moments, Gu Shao's status had already been checked by other students who didn't know where to go.

So much so that, for a long time, Gu Xi tacitly agreed that Gu Shao would not post to people in Moments.

Therefore, Gu Xi was very surprised to see Gu Shao posted in Moments.

Dad, what are you posting? Gu Xi moved over, lay on Gu Shao's arm, and then leaned her head to look at Gu Shao's screen curiously.

Enter her exam results once, and then attach a simple sentence: [Daughter's final exam results. 】

Gu Xi looked at the posting status in surprise, and then at Gu Shao, her face full of disbelief. Obviously, Gu Xi did not expect that Gu Shao's posting status was actually about her.

When it was discovered, Gu Shao didn't hide it, and clicked 'Share' in front of Gu Xi.

It took less than 5 seconds for the first message to be sent, and two messages were received.

Gu Xi looked at Gu Shao, and seeing that the other party didn't mind, she grabbed Gu Shao's arm and stretched out a finger to open the two messages.

Xu Fei replied to the two messages, with one like and one reply: [666, it is more difficult to get first place in the easy exam than the difficult exam. 】

Makes sense.

Seeing Xu Fei's reply, even Gu Xi nodded silently.

Gu Xi and Gu Shao took a look on the plane and posted on Moments before seeing the other party.

——Originally, Gu Xi thought that even if Gu Shao's circle of friends was to be posted, it should be full of domineering style, not about the latest technology of ntn, but about financial knowledge.

In the end, Gu Xi found out that she was wrong.

Gu Shaoer's circle of friends, except for a few children's education chicken soup sharing, the rest are about her.

Although Gu Xi didn't show her face in some of the photos, she could see where and what she was doing in each photo.

In each circle of friends, besides the photo, Gu Shao also attached a simple text description: daughter contest, daughter participating in Sutuo activities, daughter giving gifts...

Although they are all described in a simple way, there is always a sense of showing off in the lines of words.

Okay, don't look at the phone in the car. Before Gu Xi finished checking Gu Shao's status, Gu Shao had already put away the phone.

Gu Xi felt a little regretful, but she was thinking about when Gu Shao was not paying attention and changed his Moments settings to be permanently visible to himself.

Gu Xi raised her head to look at Gu Shao, then grinned.

What are you laughing at? Gu Shao asked. Laugh silly.

Gu Xi's smile widened a bit, and she asked Gu Shao, Aren't you proud of me?

Although Gu Shao didn't say it, she felt that his circle of friends was showing off! Show daughter!

Hearing this, Gu Shao was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Gu Xi with soft eyes, laughed twice, and said, Always.


Gu Shao didn't speak any more.

Gu Xi laughed twice, and said again: Then before I take the market test, don't you have to fulfill your promise?

Get her to take the ntn test pledge.

Gu Xi also submitted an application to ntn before, but unfortunately it was rejected.

Later, she heard from Xu Fei that Gu Shao personally rejected the application because of the delay in his studies.

Gu Shao glanced at Gu Xiyi and nodded, Yes.

Mr. Gu said

When it was done, Gu Xi went back and submitted the application again, and received a test notification from ntn the next day.

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