I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 51 Monthly Entrepreneurship Competition

Hearing Gu Xi's words, Dong Mingming's whole body is not well.

--What? Gu Xiju, Juju... then bet Sheng Xiuyan! Even if you bet, you actually repaid so much.

So Gu Xi doesn't even have confidence in herself? !

Thinking of this, Dong Mingming suddenly wailed in despair: I'm done...

She bet on five five-three books, one top student, and if she loses the bet, according to the current odds of one to two, wouldn't she want to harvest five five-three books,...all five textbooks? ,?? plus two top students!

According to the regulations, all of these have to be done in one semester, okay?? It's impossible for so many to kill her.

Dong Mingming looked at Gu Xi, and finally turned away with a look of love.

Seeing Dong Mingming's appearance, Gu Xi was a little amused.

I didn't know what Dong Mingming was thinking at first, but after hearing her complaints, Gu Xi probably knew what this person was worried about.

Seeing Dong Mingming's appearance, Gu Xi couldn't bear it, so she patted Dong Mingming's shoulder and said, Don't worry, don't be so nervous.

Seeing Dong Mingming look over, Gu Xi gave the other party a reassurance, and said: My test scores may not necessarily lose.

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Dong Mingming: ... Then you remand Sheng Xiuyan's so many books?

According to the amount that Gu Xi bet, if he loses the bet, what to do...

Well,?? I dare not count.

If you come first in the end, and you lose the bet, I won't help you share the burden. Dong Mingming looked at Gu Xi resolutely with a somewhat sympathetic face, and muttered: The main reason is that there are so many, she is a mortal I can't afford it.

But,??Thinking about it, Dong Mingming said again: Forget it, I'll help share one, um, two, but it's agreed, I only do English, and I don't do Wusan. That is too perverted.

Seeing Dong Mingming's serious and serious face, Gu Xi was amused and a little moved: In fact, she wanted to say that there is no need to share.

But if Dong Mingming wants to share, when she wins the bet, she can also give her two copies.


The exam next week, although Gu Xi is quite confident in herself, she also started to study seriously.

Fortunately, during this period of 'Tianchuang Contest', their project has entered the technical design stage, basically [Lin] is doing it, and it will take one to two weeks after the materials of 'sl Youth Creativity Competition' are submitted. time will be notified. Therefore, during this time, Gu Xi can review with peace of mind and prepare for the monthly exam.

Seeing Gu Xi's concentration on reviewing, Dong Mingming, who was at the same table, expressed great relief: She was already desperate and was thinking about how to complete her few exercises, but now, Dong Mingming finally had some peace of mind.



Come on! Dong Mingming said to Gu Xi. But she was thinking in her heart, if Sheng Xiuyan, Gu Xi's bet, loses, or she can help her share two more books.

Glancing at Sheng Xiuyan's direction, Dong Mingming said to Gu Xi with a serious face, But we can't take it lightly!

Because Sheng Xiuyan also started to get serious.

——In the past few days, not only Gu Xi is serious, but even Sheng Xiuyan, who has never been to the morning reading class for ten thousand years, comes to school on time every day to listen to the class obediently, and actually reads the book in every class.

Also because of such a personal state, the atmosphere of reviewing and preparing for the whole class is now tense.

Of course, more and more people are betting, and they are getting more and more excited.


In such a tense and excited atmosphere, the monthly exam of the attached high school finally ushered in.

On the day of the monthly exam, Gu Xi was fairly calm, but Dong Mingming was even more nervous than her.

Gu Xi, although this is the first time for you to take the monthly exam in our attached high school, you don't need to be nervous, you know? Show your usual level and perform normally. Dong Mingming patted Gu Xi's shoulders and looked at each other. said nervously.

If you encounter a question that you are not sure about, you should choose an answer first, don't keep hammering on it, but don't you just know?

Oh, by the way, and, have you brought all the pens, rulers and pencil erasers for the exam?

Gu Xi nodded, and was about to say I brought it, when Dong Mingming took out a bag of exam stationery from her bag and stuffed it for her, saying, I have prepared two, this one is specially prepared.

Seeing this, Gu Xi couldn't help laughing and crying: I brought it.

It doesn't matter, prepare another set, just in case! After a pause, Dong Mingming pointed to a piece of red cloth on the small bag outside the stationery bag and a yellow cloth pendant on the zipper and said: This is my special trip. I asked for it online, the Confucius Temple consecration gold list title signature, and this one is the Wishing and Things Come True requested from Shaolin official website.

In order to take the lead for Gu Xi, her deskmate was also heartbroken.

Hearing Dong Mingming's nagging, Gu Xi couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, but seeing the other party's concerned face, Gu Xi decided not to tell her that the consecrated lottery is probably fake, and it's hard to say whether the talisman was consecrated or not.

Okay, I will take the exam well. Gu Xi accepted the 'Consecration' stationery bag handed over by Dong Mingming, then patted Dong Mingming's shoulder, and said: It's time soon, hurry up to the exam room, come on.


Saying goodbye to Dong Mingming, Gu Xi found her own examination room.


What's surprising is that Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan were actually drawn to the same examination room, but their seats were on the left and right sides of the classroom.

The exam begins.

The morning of the first day is Chinese.

After getting the test paper, Gu Xi still looked back and forth habitually: the difficulty of the Chinese test paper was similar to that of her last entrance test, but there were some newly learned knowledge points added in it.

The topic of the big composition is a painting, and writing is done by looking at the picture, regardless of style.

In the painting, a large family sits at a big round table to eat. If you write a narrative, it is a reunion dinner and a festival. An argumentative essay is the meaning of home and traditional festivals. Prose can write about family, family, etc...

Such a proposition is not difficult, but in the past, such a composition probably required imagination and guesswork.

Now, seeing such a proposition again, the images of Gu Shao, Grandpa and the others naturally appeared in Gu Xi's mind.

After staring at the stick figure for a few more seconds, Gu Xicai took it back and started the problem from the beginning.

It wasn't until the end, when the composition was finished, that Gu Xicai took a look at the additional questions at the end of the topic.

The monthly exam papers of the High School Attached to A University generally do not set additional questions except for the occasional additional questions in mathematics. But this time, 20 extra points were added to the last side of the Chinese test paper.

This is a classical Chinese translation answer question.

Gu Xi read the content carefully. This article is obviously not learned before. However, using the knowledge of other classical Chinese translations to do it, the explanations that I don’t know can be answered by combining the context and context.

Because she has never taken the monthly exam of the attached high school, Gu Xi has no idea that there is no tradition of additional questions in the monthly exam of the attached high school.

Therefore, when other people see the additional questions, the whole person is in a bad mood: the additional questions, to put it bluntly, are not super-outline questions? And this question is too much.

Hearing murmurs in the examination room, the invigilator knocked on the table and reminded: Take the exam seriously and keep the examination room quiet!

This additional question was not originally prepared for most students.

——This time the students had a bet between Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan who would be the number one, even the school teachers had heard about it, and then there were a few active teachers in the problem group who watched the excitement, so it was not a big deal Proposal to add a super-outline question later.

Everyone has figured out how Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan are doing. The difficulty of the questions in the monthly exam is normal. If both of them get full marks in the exam, won't they be able to tell the difference? Let's increase the difficulty. The larger additional questions are just right. ’ With such a sentence, the leader of the question-making team who talked about it actually agreed to add this additional question.

Not only Chinese, but also mathematics, English, and the second day's sub-examination papers also added 20 points of additional questions.

After finishing the exam of the last subject, Gu Xi came out of the exam room to hand in the paper, and heard wailing and complaints in the corridor.

The topic of discussion is basically the last additional question of difficult to get out of the sky.

At this time, Dong Mingming came over from her examination room, found Gu Xi, and grabbed her hand: Gu Xi, how is it? Have you finished the last additional question?

Dong Mingming looked nervous. After all, Gu Xi's performance directly determined the quality of her campus life in the second half of the semester.

It's done. Gu Xi nodded.

The last test is physics, probably because I have read a lot of books on the basics of electronic technology recently, and the additional questions at the end of today's test are also related to current circuits, so Gu Xijue is actually quite simple.

Seeing Gu Xi's relaxed face, Dong Mingming also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, I saw Sheng Xiuyan idly coming out of the examination room, and Dong Mingming's expression was not very good.

—— In previous exams, Sheng Xiuyan didn't hand in the papers and leave early as soon as it was time to hand in the papers, but this time in the monthly exams, Sheng Xiuyan actually waited until the end of each exam before handing in the papers.

Based on everyone's long-term understanding of God Cultivation, he waited so long to leave the examination room, definitely not because he couldn't do it, but because he was serious about Cultivation God!

Dong Mingming's heart beat again.

Gu Xi, how about Sheng Xiuyan's exam this time?

It should be pretty good. Gu Xi thought about it and said.

What about you? Which one of you feels better? Dong Mingming asked.

I don't know either. Gu Xi spread her hands and said.

After a pause, Gu Xi took Dong Mingming's hand again: Let's go, the exams are over, and the results are the same. Let's think about the competition first.

Huh? What a competition.

Gu Xi glanced at Dong Mingming faintly: Youth Innovation Competition.

This student Xiao Dong must have forgotten about the 'Youth Entrepreneurship Competition'.

After being reminded by Gu Xi, Dong Mingming remembered that the first round of defense of the 'Youth Entrepreneurship Competition' was just a week after the monthly exam.

At that time, Dong Mingming seemed to have heard that Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan were discussing, saying that they had three days to prepare the explanation and ppt.

Meeting Gu Xi's 'profound' gaze, Dong Mingming blushed and said embarrassingly: Well, she admits that she is an unprofessional lying party.

Then what, if He Sheng Xiuyan is going to explain the content, give me the information, and I will make the slides. Dong Mingming said.

Is there any problem? Gu Xi asked a little worriedly.

Of course, tell me, I'm a professional in ppt! After a pause, Dong Mingming said again: Besides, I just happened to get acquainted with our subject.


After thinking about it, Gu Xi nodded.


So, in the remaining few days, the three of them began to use their spare time to prepare the materials needed for the first round of defense.

During the process, guarding the two masters, Dong Mingming originally wanted to inquire about the exam status of the two, and analyze who is better. Unfortunately, seeing that Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan were both confirming the preparation materials, Dong Mingming had no choice but to give up and continue to be in a state of scratching his heart and lungs.


In the second week, the first round of defense of the sl Youth Entrepreneurship Competition arrived as scheduled.

In order not to cause mutual influence among the contestants, the competition adopts a defense system in turn: the teams participating in the defense wait in the waiting area, and enter the defense venue in turn according to the order of drawing lots for explanation and defense.

Unfortunately, the lottery they drew was very high, so it didn't take long before it was their turn.

The three walked into the venue, and the venue was quiet at this moment. Apart from the 5 main judges in the front row and the 20 judges in the back row, there were only a few on-site staff and the film crew.

When they first entered, the judges seemed to be discussing something, and Gu Xi vaguely heard that they were talking about their project.

The three of Gu Xi introduced themselves to the judges, and one of the female judges sitting in the front row smiled at them and said, Let's get started.

At the scene, Dong Mingming was in charge of playing the ppt and covering up the models of their group, while Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan reported on the design ideas, concept, feasibility overview and design part of the project respectively.

During the reporting process, Gu Xi could clearly see the changes on the judges' faces, from anticipation to surprise, and even the female judge's face was still slightly affirmed, which also made Gu Xi's inner tension dissipate a lot .

The above is the project report of our group, thank you all the judges. After Gu Xi and the others saluted the judges, they ended the report.

The judge sitting in the middle was the first to speak, and commented: The subject of your group is not bad.

Although this comment is not satisfactory, it is not difficult to see from the expression of this judge that he approves of Gu Xi's project.

After a pause, the judge's conversation changed slightly, and he pointed to the model again: At present, our model can only, let's call it 'propagation', and now it can only spread the five kinds of taste and smell substances. Too little, and we also know that whether it is smell or food taste, it is a composite substance, which is very complicated.

Hearing the questions raised by the judges, Gu Xi nodded, and explained without concealment: Teacher, you are right. In fact, to realize the transmission of taste and smell described in our project requires a complex and delicate design. Our design model is far from It is far from reaching, so our original intention of designing it is more to demonstrate the operation mode visually and prove the feasibility of this design.

Gu Xi's pertinent answer obviously satisfied the judges.

At this time, another reviewer said: Well, let me also ask a question. According to the long-term progress of our design, the smell and the taste of food are very complex components, especially the taste and smell of food. It’s easier to say, it only needs to combine and release the odor substances in proportion, then, how to realize the taste mentioned in the second step of our project, and let the people at the receiving end really feel it?”

When asked this question, the three people on the stage stopped and thought for a moment.

Then, Sheng Xiuyan said: In essence, there is no difference. The carrier of the smell is air, so you only need to find a carrier for the taste, which is better than solid sugar tablets or liquid entrance sprays.

Following Sheng Xiuyan's words, Gu Xi added another sentence: As for the taste of food, it can be achieved by using electromagnetic wave equipment to stimulate the oral nerve within a certain range.

The answers of the two were both expected and unexpected by the judges.

It was expected because they also thought about it in the same way, but it was unexpected because the judges didn't expect that the two junior high school students in front of them could think of this step and their ideas were perfect.

I have no problem. The judge said with a smile.

I have one last question, said another reviewer, that the device you designed will be used by ordinary people in the future, and an overly complicated design process may result in a very large machine, just like the current home treadmill , take up space, troublesome, useless, have you ever thought about this?

Hearing this question, Gu Xi thought for a while, nodded, and said confidently: I believe the design of this device in the future will not be too large.

As he said that, Gu Xi gave an example: It's like through the continuous development of science and technology, human beings can condense the computing functions of a computer from 160 square meters to a mobile phone. Our future design can also be as small as a mobile phone. Big, totally a lightweight little add-on.

And, taking the current technology as an example, the computing chips, sensitive components, etc. used in our models can actually be reduced to 5-10% of the current size, and other auxiliary components can also be achieved. It’s down to the micron level.” Gu Xi spotted this on Gu Shao’s notebook one day in his study.

Gu Shao can write, there must be some, but it may not have been published.

When she said this, she didn't know if it was Gu Xi's illusion, she always felt as if she saw Gu Shao at the scene and in the direction of the backstage control room.

——Probably misunderstood.

Gu Xi silently shook her head, muttering to herself.

—— Originally, Gu Xi wanted Gu Shaoneng to watch today's defense, but one side

This link is not open to the public. On the other hand, Gu Shao has a very important summit today, so this idea has to be given up.

As for Gu Xi's answer, it was obvious that the judges on the scene were surprised and very satisfied.

Okay, no problem, thank you.

Thank you teacher judge. The three saluted the judges again and left the venue.

As for their topic and the score of this defense, they will not be announced immediately, and will be announced uniformly after 3 days.


The three left, and as soon as they walked out of the arena, Gu Xi received a message on his phone.

After reading the news, Gu Xi's eyes lit up, and her face was full of surprise.

[The answer is good. 】

This message was sent by Gu Shao.

So Gu Shao just came? !

Gu Xi was overjoyed, Dong Mingming and Sheng Xiuyan beside her didn't know what she was laughing about, they thought they were happy because they succeeded in the defense.


Cherish their project is indeed very successful.

Not only did he get a high score, but he was even featured in special media reports along with the other two subjects.

However, at this moment, someone jumped out and questioned Gu Xi's competition topic.

The person who raised the question first was Liu Dexing. This person was one of the important experts invited by the Young Entrepreneurship Competition over the years, but he did not participate this year. However, because of Liu Dexing's long-standing authority in this area, his words carry weight .

Liu Dexing Yitong: This design is a mirage, with fancy ideas and no suitability or feasibility at all.

To put it simply, in his opinion, the idea of ​​cherishing them cannot be realized at all.

This evaluation has aroused a lot of attention and controversy. Therefore, the competition team decided to re-evaluate the subject of cherishing them.

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