Facing Gu Xi's suspicious and probing gaze, Sheng Xiuyan suddenly realized something, and his face froze.

What's the problem? The corners of Sheng Xiuyan's mouth tightened, Sheng Xiuyan tried his best to withdraw his smile, and asked Gu Xi instead.

Are you good at programming? Gu Xi asked.

She originally thought that Sheng Xiuyan's addition was just for soy sauce, but she didn't expect Fang Ju to be able to program.

No, it's not very powerful either. It's just average. I mean, I just learned it not long ago. It's just an entry-level level. Maybe. Sheng Xiuyan subconsciously straightened his back, and nonsense, ?? I didn't notice how red my ears were now.

If this program is quite simple, it doesn't have much technical content. Sheng Xiuyan added an explanation.

No matter how you listen to these words, it is a bit ambiguous.

——It's rare to hear Sheng Xiuyan say such a long sentence.

Gu Xi raised her eyebrows, stared at Sheng Xiuyan for a few seconds, and suddenly smiled: As long as you can handle it.

I know someone, he is a master of programming, and he also likes to say what you just said.

Hearing Gu Xi say that he is a master of programming, Sheng Xiuyan was a little happy in his heart, but now he has no time to be happy.

The corners of Sheng Xiuyan's mouth became even stiffer: Really?

Gu Xi: You don't ask me what I said?

Sheng Xiuyan: Which sentence?

It's just the phrase 'make a program and it's all about it'. Gu Xi said, the last time she asked [aaa] to help her edit the stage light and shadow effect program, the other party said the same thing.

So when Sheng Xiuyan said that sentence just now, Gu Xi subconsciously thought of [3a] brother.

But [aaa] is a chatterbox, and likes to post those kind of emojis, Gu Xi has always guessed that the other party should be quite old, and this young man in front of him has completely different styles of painting.

Gu Xi suppressed the doubt in her heart.

Sheng Xiuyan laughed twice: Really, that's really a coincidence,?? We can get to know each other when we have a chance.

You may not want to know each other. Gu Xi said seriously.


Gu Xi: ... Because the other party is a talker.

Dong Mingming listened to the conversation between the two, looked at Gu Xi, then at Sheng Xiuyan, with a strange expression on his face.

——Why does she feel that the painting style is not right today?

Must speak, but the expression looks a bit stupid?

She shouldn't think so, but it's so stupid, what to do...

Dong Mingming complained wildly in her heart, and suddenly had a bold idea: some boys in the class used to say that Sheng Xiuyan liked Gu Xi, could it be true?

Sheng Xiuyan Sutra could hardly hold back here.

By the way, I think there can actually be another trigger here. Sheng Xiuyan pointed to a certain place on the picture and said.

Dong Mingming: ... This topic has changed, not blunt at all, really!

Hearing what Sheng Xiuyan said, Gu Xi put away her doubts and carefully looked at the picture, not noticing Sheng Xiuyan's relieved expression.

——Sheng Xiuyan is right, this place can indeed add a trigger.

Gu Xi nodded: I'll get it.

Assistant Wu helped them prepare the equipment components and put them on the side shelf, which was easy to find.

It's just that the trigger that Sheng Xiuyan said was placed on the top layer.

Gu Xi stood on tiptoe and found that she couldn't reach it, so she was going to find someone.

At this time, Sheng Xiuyan stood up and walked over: I'll come.

Sheng Xiuyan felt that it was all due to a guilty conscience.

However, in Dong Mingming's eyes, his appearance is not like that.

——There is a problem with this Sheng Xiuyan.

Dong Mingming touched her chin, thinking to herself that there was still a little bit of gossip hidden in her expression.

Jie, here, before Sheng Xiuyan got the things, the other hand on the side took the lead and took down the trigger equipment box above.

What else? Gu Shao asked Gu Xi.

By the way, he glanced at the little Shen family next to him, his eyes darkened.

Gu Xi thought about it, shook her head, smiled at Gu Shao again, and said, That's all for now.

Father, are you done with your work? Gu Xi asked.

En. Gu Shao responded.

Then dad, come over and help us see if there is any problem with this design.

This is a competition, wouldn't it be a disadvantage to ask Gu Shao to help, so Gu Xi planned to complete the whole process by herself.

However, if you just look at it and give some advice, it should be okay.

Gu Xi thought secretly in her heart.

In fact, she just wanted to find something for Gu Shao to do, so as not to be pulled over by that lady just now.

Gu Shao walked over, glanced at the people's design drawings and simple building models, and saw their thinking with just a glance.

Single fixed sex model? Gu Shao asked.

Yeah, Gu Xi nodded, and said, It's too complicated, and we can't do it.

Gu Shao nodded. After all, Gu Xi is only in the second grade of junior high school. It is very good to do this step, but the Tianchuang Competition is a bit too much for Gu Xi.

Gu Shao has not guessed the purpose of this girl's participation in the Tianchuang Competition until now. Among them, Gu Yanlin is the only one who can really show some strength in the competition.

As for the little one next to it...


, not so much.

Since it is a single model, there is no need to have two inputs at this position. Changing to a single input will not affect the model knot. In addition, there is this part...

Gu Shao pointed to the model and made a brief commentary.

Although there are only two sentences, they have brought up the problem of cherishing their current existence.

And after Gu Shaofan's don't this one and remove that one, Gu Xi and their entire model successfully slimmed down, which is more than a little easier.

After a brief explanation, Gu Shao stopped intervening and left the rest to Gu Xiren to complete.


In one weekend, Gu Xi's project model was preliminarily completed.

Although their current experimental samples only have sweet and salty taste, the machine can successfully distinguish the sweet and salty reagents, and collect information from the initial end to the terminal, and then release the corresponding taste samples at the terminal.

Gu Xi took a video of the whole process of model operation and put it on a USB flash drive. During the week, he submitted the text of the project with his group.

After receiving the materials handed over by Gu Xi, Ban Ren was a little surprised: Did you finish it so quickly?

She didn't read this material, but she had read Gu Xi's preliminary design ideas submitted to the school before, and felt that the idea was very good and strange, but at the same time worried about the complexity of implementing this thing, could this child in their class be able to complete it?

Unexpectedly, Gu Xi and the others figured it out so quickly.

But thinking about Gu Xi's father, Ban Ren instantly calmed down again.

I'll help you submit this right away, Ban Ren said.

The final time for submitting projects is days later, but now the judging team has begun to conduct preliminary screening and scoring of the projects. Although there is no quota limit for the screening, based on past experience, it is easier to get attention and get a high score if you submit a project earlier At the end of the day, the review team will see too much, and the review will become fatigued, and the scoring will become stricter.


Ban Ren swiftly submitted the subject of cherishing them to the Youth Entrepreneurship Competition competition group through the school.

After half a day, this project material appeared in front of the review team.

Prior to this, more than a dozen groups of subjects were called up.

Among them, there are many designs such as environmental protection logo design, labor-saving tote bag, environmental protection water cup, and bus stability pull ring. Although these design ideas are good at the design level of middle school students, they are still a bit too thin in general.

At this time, I suddenly saw Gu Xi's subject, which immediately brightened people's eyes.

Hey, the idea of ​​this 'Long-distance Transmission of Smell and Taste' project is very interesting! A reviewer said with a faint glare after receiving Gu Xi's project, and quickly called the female teacher next to him: Master Yu, come and have a look, this The subject, I think is very good.

Really, let me take a look. The teacher also came over and took the subject materials and read them carefully.

The idea of ​​long-distance transmission of smell and taste is really good. After a pause, Master Yu smiled and said with emotion: I also thought about whether smell can be transmitted remotely, but it was just an idea at the time, and then I found it too difficult. It couldn't be realized at all, so I didn't think about it further, I didn't expect it...

Unexpectedly, a few students of Jubei came up with it, and it seems that they have found a reasonable way to spread it!

Teacher Yu continued to turn backwards a little excitedly.

[Applicable prospects: It can be used in the webcasting industry, future advertising innovation, online sensory experience, AR technology innovation...]

Seeing the summary of this piece, Yu Shi smiled, looked at the colleague next to him, and said: Looking at it this way, the prospect of this project is very broad. The point is that it has great market value and meets the needs of long-term development.

After a pause, Master Yu said again: And I think the real field of application may be more than these.

After seeing and looking again, Teacher Yu was surprised to find that this group of topics not only had an innovative concept, but even had a relatively complete idea and conceptual design model.

I'm not very professional in this area, Mr. Chen, please help me to see how the design of this group of subjects is going.

Teacher Yu called the rest of the judges.

When Teacher Chen was called to look over the subject carefully, the expression on his face changed from calm to amazed, just like his teacher.

The overall idea is very complete, the idea is OK, and the logic is not wrong... After reading it all over, Mr. Chen said: I think this topic is possible.

The most important thing is that compared to the currently submitted topics, this topic is definitely the highest in technical content, and it is also the most complete and in-depth consideration.

I don't know which high school it is... Master Chen muttered.

In order to ensure the fairness of the competition, the subject was encrypted after the preliminary review team, and they had no way to know the information of the subjects.

Master Chen, do you think this topic is interesting? After hearing the meaning of what Master Chen said, Master Yu asked with bright eyes.

Based on my experience in judging so many Youth Entrepreneurship Competitions, this project is definitely one of the better ones. Master Chen nodded, and said, I'm quite optimistic about this.

Haha, me too. Master Yu said with a smile.

Then I will pass this project? asked the reviewer who first got this project.

It's worth it. Such a good subject.

What about the rating?

Let's give a grade within the range of grades for similar subjects. Teacher Yu said.

When she said this, the other reviewers who also read the subject materials had no objection.

Seeing his colleagues submitting the grades for this subject material, Teacher Yu was full of expectations.

——After all, it was she who once thought about the instant thing, and now someone has really made it, and I am really looking forward to the performance in the future!


Here, Gu Xi didn't know that their subject had aroused quite a heated discussion in the review room of the 'SL Youth Innovation Competition'.

After leaving the class office, Gu Xisheng Xiuyan and Dong Mingming went back to the classroom together.

Seeing Gu Xisheng and Xiuyan entering the classroom one after another, someone suddenly shouted: Hurry up, Xiuxi is here!

When the words came out, the rest of the class also booed.

What's the matter? Back on the seat, Dong Mingming poked the back of the art committee member in front and asked.

Why did she feel like she missed a lot by going out.

The literature and art committee and her tablemate turned around and explained with some excitement: Just before you came in, everyone in the class was discussing who will get the first place in the monthly exam, Gu Xisheng and Xiuyan!

So that's how it is. Dong Mingming's face flashed with disappointment.

Tch, she thought everyone was gossiping about Sheng Xiuyan and Xi Xi...

However, after the disappointment, Dong Mingming also became excited.

Yeah, the monthly exam is coming up next week!

Dong Mingming pulled Gu Xi's wrist, and asked, Gu Xi, Gu Xi, who do you think you, Sheng Xiuyan, will get the first place?

Dong Mingming's inner curiosity surpassed her fear of the monthly exam.

After all, both of them are perverts. Last time, these two scored full marks in the 'Science League' under the witness of everyone. This time, who will win the first place is full of suspense.

Being reminded by Dong Mingming, Gu Xi also remembered that her last entrance test was based on last month's exam papers, and she has been living in the attached middle school for almost a month.

It's time to tell. Gu Xi raised her eyebrows and said with a light smile.

This appearance immediately caused Dong Mingming and the others to roll their eyes: Gu Xi, why are you so calm, are you not nervous?

Yeah, aren't you looking forward to it?

Also? Gu Xi replied, after all, it was only a monthly exam.

After saying this, Dong Mingming glanced at him again.

That's why you don't know how cruel the monthly exam specifications of our attached middle school are.

The last time Gu Xisheng's revision was a make-up exam at a later date, and the teacher did not announce the result ranking to Gu Xi, so Gu Xi really didn't know what the monthly exam was like for the High School Affiliated to A University.

So Dong Mingming explained the science to Gu Xi very seriously.

Don't look at it as a monthly exam. It's a monthly exam. Let me tell you, the specifications of the monthly exam in our attached middle school are all the same as the final exam. No, it's the same as the city's final exam!

Each person's report card will not only have the scores of each subject, the total score, but also the ranking of the whole year.

Not only that, the school will display the test results directly on the display boards on the day of the parent meeting, and it will be synchronized online and offline, and the headlines on the front page of the forum will also be displayed.

Therefore, for those with poor grades, this link is almost like Ling Chi Chu.

This model has also prompted the students of the attached middle school to pay special attention to the results of the monthly exam.

But don't worry about this, you are destined to be on the 'Emperor List'. Dong Mingming said to Gu Xi with a giggle.

The reason why it is called Huangbang is because the school will place the top names of each grade exam on a separate display board, and the names will be enlarged and bolded, which is really similar to the Huangbang in ancient times.

So, now everyone is really curious about who will be the 'No. 1 Scholar' by Gu Xisheng Xiuyan.

Emma, ​​I'm so curious!

Who isn't, let me tell you, the literary and art committee moved back again, and said, Not only our class, but also many people in the altar are discussing this issue now!

Oh, that's right! Before you came in, everyone even made a 'gamble', betting on which of you will be the first.

Really! Dong Mingming's eyes lit up when he heard the words of the literary and art committee member: Who are you betting on? I'm going to bet too!

After thinking about it, Dong Mingming looked at Gu Xi again and said, Then I'll bet on you this time.

Seeing Dong Mingming's serious face, the corners of Gu Xi's mouth twitched slightly, and asked again: What bet?

Gambling|Gambling is wrong.

At this time, the literary and art committee explained: Only Five, there are also complete explanations of textbooks, top students, research on test questions, and points in the classics...all are fine.

Fifth, the full explanation of the textbook is counted as two notes, and the rest is counted as the main note, that is to say, if you don't want five chapters, you can change it in the middle of the two books. Dong Mingming added from the side, and said, with a serious face Looking at Gu Xi, he patted her on the shoulder and said, Gu Xi, I decided to place a big bet on you this time. My happiness in the second half of the semester depends on you. You must strive for success!

Hearing the conversation between the two, Gu Xi probably understood the meaning of the bet. At the same time, this way of 'gambling|gambling' also made Gu Xi feel quite novel.

So if you win someone, you can get double the teaching aids? Gu Xi raised her eyebrows and asked a few people.

Don't think so. This is a supplementary textbook! Think it's the loser who takes those books. Dong Mingming said.

As he said that, Dong Mingming asked the art committee again: What are the odds now?

At present, it seems that Sheng Xiuyan's odds are the same, they are all more than two points. In other words, the loser will probably bet on the midpoint of the book, and will get a big five and a half of the book.

That's right... Thinking of something, the literary and art committee said again: Now the biggest bet is Lin Yejia, 3 books of 5 and 3 textbooks are all explained.

Woc, arrogance! She is a little Xiu girl, she must be betting on Sheng Xiuyan.


Then I'll add more! I'll bet on Gu Xi, five five fives, and... add another top student.

You are even more arrogant! said the literary and art committee member, then looked at Gu Xi again: Gu Xi, do you want to bet?

After thinking about it, Gu Xi asked, Can I also bet next semester?

Ok, Ok.

Gu Xi nodded: Then I'll bet, too. I'll bet 6 books for this semester, 5 books for this semester, and 6 books for next semester.

Committee of art:!

Dong Mingming:! ! !

She thought she was arrogant enough, but she didn't expect Gu Xi to be even more aggressive.

Dong Mingming was suddenly full of confidence in his victory.

However, in the next sentence, Gu Xi said again: I bet on Sheng Xiuyan.

Dong Mingming: !

What are you talking about? !

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