No. Gu Xi subconsciously denied.

Meet Gu Shao's gaze, bit his lower lip, struggled for a while, and whispered: Just a little bit.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's just..., Gu Xi thought about it and said, Nervous?

The expression in Gu Shao's eyes relaxed a little, and he said, Don't be nervous, and don't be afraid.

When you arrive at the new school, you can do what you want and what you think you should do. Get along well with your classmates, but you don't need to care too much about others' opinions. Understand?

Is Gu Shao teaching her how to face the new environment?

Gu Xi was surprised, and heard Gu Shao say again: If you encounter those things that happened in school before, and you can't handle it, you can tell me, and I will help you handle it.

Gu Shao's voice was flat, but it warmed Gu Xi's heart, her eyes were astringent, as if they were blocked by something.

Looking at Gu Xi's incredible face, Gu Shao's heart sank: Although Gu Xi has always behaved normally, it is obvious that the actions of the Lin family have subtly left a big hole in Gu Xi's heart. Shadow, ?? so that, ?? Gu Xi maintains a deep guard against the outside world.

When encountering a problem, Gu Xi can always think of how to solve it by her own strength, but when encountering something that she cannot solve, Gu Xi learns to forbear.

That's not what a fourteen-year-old should be.

Awesome website novel reading

Gu Shao put down the documents in his hand, walked up to Gu Xi, patted Gu Xi's head, and said, I am your parent, these are my obligations.

Gu Xi opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say, she just looked at Gu Shao in a daze.

go to sleep.

Okay. Gu Xi smiled at Gu Shao.

Hee hee. This smile was trying to hide a trace of redness in the corners of his eyes.

Gu Xi ran back to the room, buried herself in the bed, and rubbed her face against the soft, scented pillow, and wiped away the 'golden beans' from her eyes.


The next day, Gu Shao rejected the report meeting at University A in the morning, and personally sent Gu Xi to the school, and sent it to Gu Xi's new head teacher.

Gu Xi found out that her class teacher was actually the teacher Chen who was in charge of invigilating her own test that day, so she said hello to him.

Gu Shao nodded towards Teacher Chen, said trouble teacher again, and handed him over to Teacher Chen.

Professor Gu, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with Gu Xi here. If anything happens, we will contact your parents as soon as possible. Teacher Chen said.

After sending Gu Shao away, Teacher Chen looked at Gu Xi and felt excited.

——The reason why Gu Xi was assigned to her class was because she tried her best to 'grab' it over.

After finishing the test that day, Teacher Chen couldn't help being surprised when he saw Gu Xi's score. Then he preemptively found the grade teacher and asked Gu Xi to be assigned to their 7th class.

Originally, Teacher Chen only thought that Gu Xi was a good student with good grades. It wasn't until yesterday when Gu Xi's student status was transferred, and she looked at Gu Xi's information, that she remembered the identity of this student.

No wonder she said that the word 'Lin Xi' looked familiar. Isn't this kid the number one student in the previous grade at the school 'opposite'!

The open and covert struggles among several first-class middle schools in city b have never stopped, so the teachers on their side paid close attention to Liming Middle School's competition results, entrance examination results, and the situation of a few top students.

The annual comprehensive autumn joint exam is a joint exam held by several first-class schools in city b, and it has become a tradition for many years. In the past ten years, almost every year, their High School Affiliated to A University came out on top. Prior to this, the No. 1 for nine consecutive years was in their High School A, except for last year.

And it was a top student from Liming International Middle School named 'Lin Xi' who ended their winning streak in the High School Affiliated to A University.

Teacher Chen never dreamed that the top student in the competing school would actually become a student in her class.

Originally, their class 7 already had a student god, and now they add Gu Xi, which is hardly a miracle.

Teacher Chen seems to have seen all kinds of bonuses and interviews rushing towards her.

Teacher Chen looked at Gu Xi and showed a 'kind' smile.

Gu Xi, let's go, I'll take you to the classroom.


When Teacher Chen and Gu Xi arrived in the classroom, the class had just finished the morning self-study.

There was a lot of noise in the classroom, but seeing the head teacher's arrival, everyone fell silent instantly.

However, when Dan saw Gu Xi who followed into the classroom, the classroom became lively again.

Look, look, is that a new classmate? a person raised his voice.

Following this person's words, other people's eyes also focused on Gu Xi.

The new classmate looks good!

Are you sure this is the bully that Teacher Chen mentioned yesterday? I always feel that the appearance of the new classmate doesn't match the word 'scholar'.

Old Chen didn't say yesterday that he was going to have a school belle. Someone replied.

When everyone was chattering, Teacher Chen coughed: Be quiet, don't delay the study of the next class!

As soon as the head teacher said this, the class gradually quieted down.

So, the head teacher took Gu Xi to the front of the podium again, and introduced: This is Gu Xi, who is newly transferred to our class.

, I already said yesterday...

Before Teacher Chen finished speaking, another person shouted from below: woc, it's really her.

Unsurprisingly, the person who spoke was glared at by Mr. Chen.

Seeing the man shrank his neck and closed his mouth, Teacher Chen said again: The new students have just arrived at our school, and there are still many unfamiliar places. Come down and communicate more.

At this moment, what Teacher Chen was thinking in her heart was to let the students in the class who made her worry break their hearts to communicate more with other students, and find some ways to improve their grades.

After finishing speaking, Teacher Chen looked at Gu Xi again, pointed to a position in the class, and said, Gu Xi, you can do it over there.

Gu Xi looked in the direction pointed by the head teacher, and there happened to be an empty seat in the third row.

It looks like it was vacated in advance.

Gu Xi nodded, and walked to that position against the curious eyes around her.

On the podium, the head teacher explained a few more words before turning around and leaving, leaving the classroom to the subject teacher who was going to be in class for a while.


Here, Gu Xi had just sat down at the seat, and before she had time to put her things away, the girl at the same table had already moved over enthusiastically.

Your name is Gu Xi, which Xi is it? The Xi of Chen Xi? the girl asked.

No. Facing the other party's friendly inquiry, Gu Xi smiled and explained, It's a treasure.

Ah, Souga, the girl also smiled, and introduced herself: My name is Dong Mingming, the first name of the word Cao.

Hello. Gu Xi said to the other party.

Hey, you're good too.

Don't be nervous. Our class is very harmonious. I'll introduce you one by one during the break. Dong Mingming said.

Gu Xi nodded, expressing her gratitude - she felt that this classmate Dong Mingming was an acquaintance.

By the way. Thinking of something, Dong Mingming leaned closer to Gu Xi and asked, Are you really a top student?

Hearing the other party's question, Gu Xi froze for a moment, a little surprised.

Why do you ask?

Ah, that's it. You don't know. Before you came yesterday, Lao Chen came to our class first and said that he wanted to transfer a new classmate, so that everyone should learn from the new classmate.

You don't know, if old Chen said so, the new classmate must be a top student. Dong Mingming said. Especially when Mr. Chen was talking about this yesterday, his face was full of smiles, as if his class had won the first place in the whole grade again this time.

There is also this position, which was also transferred out by Lao Chen yesterday. Before the new classmate arrived, the arrangement had already been made.

Hearing this, Gu Xi suddenly realized: No wonder she felt that the reaction of other people in the class, and this empty seat...was quite sudden.

So, are your grades really good? Dong Mingming asked curiously.

Not bad. Gu Xi was not humble either.

Hey, that's good, so we can help each other and join forces.

By the way, the next class is Chinese, and there will be physics, mathematics and English this morning. Have you brought your textbooks? Dong Mingming asked again with concern.

Bring it. Yesterday the school sent the schedule to Gu Shao, and then Gu Shao gave it to her.

As Gu Xi said, she turned her head and was about to look through her schoolbag.

At this time, Dong Mingming, who was next to him, seemed to have suddenly discovered a very miraculous thing, tilted his head in surprise and approached Gu Xi: Gu Xi, I found out that the color of your iris is amazing.

Dong Mingming looked at it from a few more angles to confirm that she was right.

Gu Xi's irises are light brown, and if you don't pay attention, you can't see the difference, but if you look closely, you will find that it is slightly different from most people's.

Did you wear colored contact lenses? Dong Mingming asked.

No, it's this color, inherited from my father. Gu Xi explained, the corners of her mouth raised a little unconsciously.

After finishing speaking, Gu Xi took out a few textbooks from her schoolbag.

These are new books.

The textbooks used in Liming Middle School were kept at home, and these were prepared by Gu Shao for her.

Although they are all the same textbooks, she is no longer 'Lin Xi' now.

Gu Xi opened the first page of the book one by one, and carefully wrote the word 'Gu Xi' on it.

Your handwriting is beautiful. Beside, Dong Mingming said.

At first, she wanted to say something, but when she saw that the Chinese teacher had walked in and looked directly at them, Dong Mingming immediately shut her mouth cowardly.

At this time, the gun hits the head, she doesn't want to be woken up by the Chinese teacher to recite yesterday's text early in the morning.

Dong Mingming silently moved back to her seat, making an appearance of 'nothing happened, she has been reading a book obediently', but when the Chinese teacher's 'death glance' moved to other places, she secretly stretched Come over, point to Gu Xi's textbook, and tell her the text to be taught today.


The Chinese teacher started class, and Gu Xi also turned her attention back to the textbooks.

The course progress here is similar to when she was in Liming Middle School, and the teacher's lectures are also similar, so after getting used to it a little, Gu Xi followed the rhythm of the new teacher.


After one class, taking advantage of the recess, Dong Mingming began to introduce the people in this class to Gu Xi one by one.

cherish as much as possible

Remember the names and appearance characteristics of these people in the class.

At this moment, a sudden noise in the classroom caught Gu Xi's attention.

What's wrong? Gu Xi asked Dong Mingming.

Dong Mingming also looked in the direction of the noise, then turned around and explained to Gu Xi: Those people should be betting on which class the Cultivation Society will come to the classroom today.

Hearing this, Gu Xi raised her eyebrows in surprise: Cultivation of God refers to the students in this class? 'Which class will come'...

Are classes so casual now?

Gu Xi complained in her heart, and then heard Dong Mingming say: Looking at how excited they are, I guess the God of Cultivation is coming soon.

Before Dong Mingming finished his sentence, he saw a tall figure leisurely walking into the classroom, with an expression on his face that was completely sleepy.

Look, I'm right. Dong Mingming muttered.

And the few people over there became even more lively.


Gu Xi looked at this person and paused: Sheng Xiuyan?

You know him? Dong Mingming asked.

Gu Xi shook her head: I don't know.

It's just that I met this person during the entrance examination before, and the head teacher at that time seemed to call this person 'Sheng Xiuyan'.

Hearing that Gu Xi said she didn't know each other, Dong Mingming couldn't help talking to her about science.

Let me tell you, don't look at Sheng Xiuyan's foolishness. In fact, he is super awesome. He is a magical existence like a textbook. He has a good family background, is handsome, and has good grades...

Very good? Gu Xi asked after taking the words.

Yes, that's great. Otherwise, why do you think the name 'Cultivator' came from? Let me tell you, this guy is completely at the level of a student god.

Do you know what my wish is? Dong Mingming asked again.

Better than Sheng Xiuyan? Gu Xi asked back.

Dong Mingming quickly shook her head: How is that possible.

I just hope that one day when I accidentally get second in the exam, Sheng Xiuyan misses the exam.

Seeing the corner of Gu Xi's mouth twitching, with an expression of 'you are exaggerating', knowing that the other party didn't believe it, Dong Mingming said again: I'm really not exaggerating, there is still a saying in our attached middle school, there is no Sheng Xiuyan who can't take it The first one to arrive, unless he didn't come for the exam.

After finishing speaking, Dong Mingming patted Gu Xi's hand again: I'm telling you now that you definitely don't have an intuitive feeling. When you take the next monthly exam, you will know what absolute suppression is.

Gu Xi: ...

After listening to Dong Mingming's words, Gu Xi took another look at Sheng Xiuyan: Why does she think it's okay?


On the other side of the classroom, seeing Sheng Xiuyan coming to the classroom so early, the people around all had expressions of 'the sun is coming out from the west'.

Brother Yan, why did you come so early today? This is unscientific.

Sheng Xiuyan glanced at the man, remained cold, and said nothing - he couldn't say that he came here because no one in the group replied to him yesterday, so he went to bed early and couldn't sleep in the morning.

Brother Yan, are you insomnia?


Sheng Xiuyan stared at Wang Yankai in front of him, showing disgust: Why are you sitting here?

Old Chen made the transfer. We have a new student in our class, so Lao Chen adjusted the seat. After finishing speaking, Wang Yankai said again: By the way, brother Yan, you didn't come yesterday, so I don't know.

We have a new student in our class, girl~

After Wang Yankai said this, several other people came over.

And she's a good-looking girl, hehe.

Here, Brother Yan, look, it's over there. Someone pointed in Gu Xi's direction.

--It's not my business?

Sheng Xiu said in his heart.

However, he glanced in the direction these people pointed.

Then, Sheng Xiuyan's gaze stopped.

It's her? The girl who took the monthly exam with him that day.


Here, a few people were just talking casually, but seeing Sheng Xiuyan staring at his new classmate, they were confused and looked at each other.

- woc! what's going on? Why did Brother Yan stare at him for so long?

——Brother Yan didn't seem to have watched anyone for so long before.

——Could it be love at first sight? Fuck.

When a few people were surprised, Sheng Xiuyan withdrew his gaze, and then met the gossip-filled eyes of the guys in front of him.

Brother Yan, don't you really like his new classmate? Someone asked in a low voice.

Sheng Xiuyan looked at the other party with contempt, and threw out a sentence: Idiot.

Everyone: ... Well, Brother Yan is still the same Brother Yan.

It was just a joke, and everyone didn't care.

Soon the topic of conversation among the boys turned to other things.

By the way, brother Yan, I passed by the office that day and heard from Lao Chen that you made up the monthly exam again? Is it true? Zhou Bufan asked.

It's made up. Sheng Xiuyan said.

As soon as these words came out, several people showed regretful expressions.

Hey, originally my ranking went from 378 to 377 this time. Brother Yan, if you take the test like this, wouldn't I just go back to before liberation with one move?

Not only Wang Yankai. Due to Sheng Xiuyan's absence from the exam, this time the grade ranking for the whole grade has theoretically moved up by one.

Then I'm fine,

I lost nearly a hundred this time, and my parents gave me mixed doubles when I went back. Anyway, I finished the fight, so there is not much difference in the name of brother.

But to be honest, brother Yan, did Lao Chen tell you about your results this time? What is your ranking?

... Sheng Xiuyan didn't speak.

It won't be the first, right? Can there be some surprises?

Sheng Xiuyan still didn't speak, but the expression on his face deepened to the extent visible to the naked eye.

——He read the results and knew the rankings.

But to his surprise, his ranking was not the first, but the second in his grade.

He didn't take the make-up exam before, and Sheng Xiuyan saw it when the school announced the rankings of the monthly exam for the whole grade: the one ranked first was from Class 17, and the other party's score was more than 30 points lower than his later score.

If he is second.

Then there is only one possibility...

Sheng Xiuyan turned the line to Gu Xi again: the only person who could possibly be taller than him is this one person.

The others didn't know what was going on in Sheng Xiuyan's mind, and when they saw Sheng Xiuyan unconsciously peeping at the new classmate, everyone was stunned—it's over, it's over, Brother Yan won't really fall in love with the new classmate at first sight, right?

I mean brother, really?

My brother has fallen?


Ignoring the inexplicable stares of several people, Sheng Xiuyan withdrew his gaze, lay down, and fell asleep.


The day's class is over.

Gu Xi has adapted well to the courses of several subjects, and it feels as if she has returned to the state she was in Liming Middle School.

When it was time to leave school, Gu Xi put away the textbooks one by one, then put on her schoolbag and got up to leave.

As soon as she took two steps, Gu Xi was held back by Dong Mingming, who was at the same table.

Gu Xiaoxi, why are you so fast, wait for me.

Dong Mingming held Gu Xi back, and at the same time speeded up to stuff the books and stationery into the schoolbag.

At the same time, he pretended to be sad, and complained: You don't mean to abandon your dear deskmate, run away alone.

Because of Dong Mingming's familiarity, she became the tablemate on the first day, and the two of them are already very familiar with each other.

Hearing Dong Mingming's words, Gu Xi was suddenly stunned.

No... After a pause, Gu Xi explained: I was thinking about something just now.

What, the math problem just now, why? No matter how I calculate it, it is 0.

En. Gu Xi replied vaguely.

She just gets used to it.

When I was at Li Ming, because of those rumors, gradually no one was willing to talk to Gu Xi, and no one would go with her.

Therefore, Gu Xi is already used to it. As soon as she hears the bell for the end of get out of class, she quickly packs up her things and walks out alone.

Here, Dong Mingming has already tidied up.

Okay, let's go. Dong Mingming pulled Gu Xi closer.

The two left the school together.

At the school gate, Dong Mingming saw the car coming to pick her up from a distance, and greeted Gu Xi.

My car is here, I'm leaving first, see you tomorrow.

Gu Xi also waved at the other party.


After saying goodbye to Dong Mingming, Gu Xi continued to walk towards the parking area east of the school gate.

Before going out today, Aunt Mei told her that a car would come to pick her up from school in the afternoon, and she also sent the license plate number to her mobile phone. Gu Xi looked around but couldn't find it.


After walking a few more steps, Gu Xi suddenly stopped.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she seems to feel that someone is following her behind.

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