Liming Middle School is the school that Gu Xi attended before.

There seems to be only one reason for Gu Shao to take her to Liming Middle School.

Are you going to transfer schools? Gu Xi asked, feeling a little excited.

En, Gu Shao responded, and said again: So, now go to bed.

Okay! Knowing that he had to get up early tomorrow to transfer schools, Gu Xi stopped talking in the living room, and obediently ran back to his room to sleep.


The next day, Gu Shao brought Gu Xi to Liming Middle School.

Looking at the familiar campus, Gu Xi actually felt as if she was a world away.

This time happened to be class time, and the whole campus was very quiet.

A teacher specially came out of the school to welcome the two of them to the principal's office.

In the office, Liming's principal held Gu Xi's transfer application form, and looked at the father and daughter in front of him, his heart was full of ups and downs - before this 'Lin Xi' was still a child of the Lin family , Why haven't you seen each other for a few days,?? became Gu Shao's child.

Although he was shocked in his heart, he knew that he couldn't ask casually about this kind of thing, so the principal refrained from asking, and looked at Gu Shao and Gu Xi with a fairly normal expression.

So, Mr. Gu, you came here to handle the transfer procedures for Lin, uh, Gu Xi, right? the principal asked.


After receiving Gu Shao's affirmative answer, the headmaster nodded: I see.

The materials are complete, and the transfer procedure is not complicated.

However, thinking that such a good student would be transferred to another school, the principal felt a little regretful—although they are a private school, they still attach great importance to teaching.

The existence of a good student can bring a lot of honor and beneficial influence to the school.

Not to mention that Gu Xi has won many awards on behalf of the school, even in every city-wide unified examination, Gu Xi's results are quite good when compared with other schools.

Actually, if you just change your guardian...cough, I mean if you change your living environment, you don't necessarily have to change schools. After all, this child has been studying in our school for more than a year, and he has adapted well to all aspects of the school. , the grades have been very stable, and it may be uncomfortable to change to a new school.”

After a pause, the principal said again: If you change your name, it doesn't matter. The name on the school's student files, past grades and awards can also be modified accordingly.

The principal tries to make Gu Xi stay with them and study at Liming.

Gu Shao's gaze sank a little.

Gu Shao asked Gu Xi to wait outside first, while he looked at the principal coldly.

It wasn't just a change of guardian that moved her.

Looking at the principal coldly, Gu Shao said again in a deep voice: During my daughter's study at your school, she was slandered by rumors, which had a serious impact on her interpersonal relationships and personal reputation at school.

But in this case, the school did not give a very reasonable treatment, and because of this, it made her situation in school even more embarrassing, and she has been exposed to public opinion violence on campus for a long time.

The above, I don't think it is necessary for my daughter to continue studying in your school. Gu Shao's voice was not loud, but every word was stern and irrefutable.

Hearing Gu Shao's words, the expression on the headmaster's face froze, but he also understood Gu Shao's attitude, and his complexion became even uglier immediately.

——He admitted that regarding the incident that happened in school before, as the school side, they really didn't do it right.

But they also have their reasons.

At that time, they found out that Lin Anxin was the one who deliberately spread rumors, and they were going to deal with it seriously.

But before they announced the investigation, the Lin family came to the school: not to seek justice for Lin Xi at the time, but for Lin Anxin. The Lin family hoped that the school could suppress this matter and stop doing it. any processing.

Both 'Lin Xi' and Lin Anxin are children of the Lin family, and their parents have come to ask to make things smaller. What else can their school do.

But who would have thought that Gu Xi was not a child of the Lin family.

The principal looked at Gu Shao with an embarrassed expression. Finally, she stood up, bowed to Gu Shao, and said, Mr. Gu, that incident was indeed our school's negligence. I'm sorry. If Gu Xi wants to transfer, our school will fully cooperate.

Gu Shao's expression was still cold and hard: Then there is trouble.

In addition, I hope you can clean up the false remarks that my daughter was maliciously slandered while she was studying in your school, as well as those rumors on your school's forum. If it’s clean, I don’t mind doing it for you.”

The first half of Gu Shao's sentence is a request, but the latter sentence is completely a threat.

Hearing Gu Shao's words, the headmaster's face changed, and he became nervous, and hurriedly said: No, no, don't bother Mr. Gu, our school can handle this matter.

If Gu Shao were to handle it, I'm afraid this matter would not be so easy to end, and maybe their school would get into trouble because of it.

Please rest assured, Mr. Gu, I assure you that this matter will be cleaned up and will not have any impact on Gu Xi in the future.

The school has also dealt with the rumors before, and posted an announcement, but this time, if it wants to deal with it thoroughly, it may take a long time to shut down the entire forum.

If necessary, I am afraid that the identity of the rumor maker will have to be revealed.

But this is also a no-brainer.

Although the Lin family has a great career, in comparison, Gu Shao's status as a professor at A University and the president of NTN has more influence on the school.

If he had to make a choice, he would naturally choose to sell face to the latter.


outside the office.

Gu Xi leaned against the wall and didn't know what Gu Shao and the principal were talking about inside. She was a little bored.

At this time, it happened to be the big break after class, and two students who helped the teacher deliver things to the office building came not far away.

Gu Xi saw the other party, and the other party also noticed Gu Xi, with surprise on his face, as if he recognized her.

Gu Xi's heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously wanted to hide.

In the next second, Gu Xi stopped: no, what is there for her to hide? As long as she didn't do anything wrong, and she wasn't some shady existence, why did she hide.

Thinking of this in her heart, Gu Xi stood at the door of the principal's office, straightened her waist, looked calm, and did not even show the slightest dodge when meeting the curious scrutiny of the two people.


The two students walked past Gu Xi and walked towards the grade director's office.

It wasn't until they walked a little farther away that the two exchanged winks, then quickened their pace, and then started to discuss in a low voice after walking a little further away.

Am I not mistaken, was that Lin Xi from Class A of the second year of junior high?

The number one in the whole grade, although it later became an existence that was squeezed out by everyone and avoided by everyone, it was still deeply remembered by many people.

should be.

Strange, it seems that I haven't seen her for a while.

I heard that he is planning to go abroad or something, the man said, shaking his head again: Not necessarily, it is also said that he is sick and going to recuperate.

So she came to the principal's office today, is she here to go through the formalities and prepare to go abroad? Or is she coming back to cancel the leave and continue the class?

That's hard to say.


The two gradually walked away, Gu Xi withdrew her attention, continued to bury her head, stared at her toes, and waited for Gu Shao at the door.

Standing alone in the corridor, he looked a little lonely.

Finally, Gu Shao came out.

Let's go.

Huh? Gu Xi came back to her senses: Are you ready?

En. Gu Shao nodded.

Gu Xi noticed that he was holding a document bag in his hand, and was a little curious.

what is that?

Some things you didn't put in the file at school. Gu Shao explained. This is what the principal asked a teacher to find for Gu Shao just now. It contains copies of some awards that Gu Xi won in competitions on behalf of the school during his school days, as well as some excellent works and compositions used by the school for display.

Gu Shao didn't have time to see it in the future.

For a moment, Gu Xi couldn't think of anything that was not in the file that was still in school, so she nodded in a daze, and followed Gu Shao's pace.


However, Lin Xi didn't know that after returning to the classroom, the two passing students told the rest of the class about seeing her.

It wasn't a big deal at first, but because of Lin Xi's 'celebrity' effect, this incident caused a lot of discussion among the students.

It happened to be the end of get out of class time, and seeing Gu Shao and Gu Xi leaving, many people poked their heads into the classroom to look.

Hey, it's really that Lin Xi.

Is she leaving again?

Could it be that you want to transfer?

Everyone discusses.

Soon, the attention of these people shifted from Gu Xi to Gu Shao.

The person next to Lin Xi is her parent? Someone pointed in Gu Shao's direction and said in surprise.

From the beginning of school to the present, Lin Xi's parents have never shown up, and even the parents' meeting, Lin Xi's parents have never come to hold a meeting.

As a result, the parent of the first grade has become a legendary existence.

At this moment, seeing an adult next to Lin Xi, everyone was unavoidably curious.

It looks like it is. Someone muttered.

It's amazing... I almost thought Lin Xi didn't have parents anymore.

How is it possible, maybe they are abroad or something, but then again, I feel that Lin Xi's parents seem to have a lot of background.

Regardless of his demeanor or posture, Gu Shao didn't look like an ordinary person.

That car is a customized version, it's definitely not a mass model, and you see, that license plate is not available to ordinary people.

Several people in the conversation looked at each other.

Woc, Lin Xi's parents shouldn't be some big shots.

Don't tell me, I can't see it clearly, but I really think that person looks familiar, as if I've seen it in some reports.

A person next to him nodded: Obviously, otherwise, you see, the headmaster sent him away in person.


Several people discussed and gradually quieted down.

Everyone thought of one thing at the same time: the rumor on the forum back then.

Why is Lin Xi's background not good? Looking at it now, isn't it just a blatant rumor?

It is also nonsense to say that Lin Xi had an improper relationship with the owner of the printing shop, used this to obtain the test papers, and cheated to get a high score.

Seeing the principal's polite face towards Lin Xi's parents, nodding and bowing, it is estimated that if Lin Xi really wants to get the test papers, he will directly put out his backstage to go to the principal to get everything he wants, and use that. A method that sounds ridiculous?

What's more, in the countless exams, tests, and competitions that followed, Lin Xi also proved with facts that she doesn't need to cheat if she is a top student.

Hey, it's all because of that rumor-monger. Someone said with emotion.

Yeah, I don't know what's going on. The school didn't find out the person who spread the rumors, which made me think those rumors were true.

... Several people chattered in unison.

In fact, the truth has long existed, but at different times and in different positions, others have different choices of whether to believe it or not.


Lin Anxin was also in the crowd.

At this moment, the classmates with her were also talking about Gu Xi, but the content of the discussion had already moved to other things.

That should be Lin Xi's parents, do you know An Xin? Someone turned to ask Lin Anxin.

Lin Anxin shook her head.

She actually met that person, that day, at their house, but she didn't want to talk about it.

Seeing this, the person next to him nodded, thought of something, and suddenly laughed: Let me just say, someone said that you and Lin Xi are relatives before, I laughed so hard.

Another person also echoed: Yes, I was scared to death at that time.

Lin Anxin remained sullen and did not speak.

——Although Lin Xi came out from the same place with her every day and went to school together, Lin Anxin didn't want others to know that Lin Xi was her older sister.

Therefore, when arriving at the school every day, Lin Anxin would ask the driver to stop at a place farther from the college in advance, and let Lin Xi get off first, and then the driver drove to the school gate, and she got off.

In this regard, the family did not object.

Later, when rumors surfaced that Lin Xi's reputation was bad, Xu Jiaofeng and the others agreed with Lin Anxin's actions.

Even later, they deliberately let the two go to school separately.

The reason was that Lin Xi's bad reputation would affect Lin Anxin.


It was speculated that the two of them were relatives because Lin Anxin took a big assignment that Lin Xichu had done in the first year of junior high school to cope with the business, but it was discovered that she had left out the name of a place and hadn't changed it.

After that, she and Lin Xi were seen coming from the same direction.

So there is such a guess.

And at that time, it happened to be the time when the rumors about Lin Xi spread the most fiercely and he was excluded by the whole school.

After knowing this, Lin Anxin denied the relationship between the two without even thinking about it.

It was originally a incidental melon without a hammer, but Lin Anxin denied it, so no one continued to pass it on.

However, I don't think the rumors are really credible. I look at Lin Xi's house and it seems to be doing well.

That is to say, it seems that her parents seem to be very powerful.

The two people next to them discussed, completely oblivious to Lin Anxin's extremely ugly face at the moment.

Lin Anxin looked at the direction in which the car was going and said nothing, but her hands tightly grabbed the corner of the school uniform, her eyes were full of hatred.

——She has hated Lin Xi since she was a child. At home, Lin Anxin is better than Lin Xi in everything, so she cannot accept that Lin Xi is better than her in one thing.

However, Lin Xi's grades are better than hers. Although he is not in the same grade, Lin Xi can always get the first place every time, and she can only be ranked in the middle and upper ranks even though she tried all kinds of tutoring methods.

This also made Lin Anxin hate Lin Xi even more.

After knowing that Lin Xi was not the biological child of their Lin family, Lin Anxin was indeed happy for a while, but soon she couldn't be happy again - the man who claimed to be Lin Xi's biological father seemed good, and even his father seemed to treat him Very apprehensive.

How could this be, Lin Xi was born to be her foil, trampled under her feet. She doesn't allow Lin Xi to be better than her in anything, not even his family background!

Thinking in her heart, Lin Anxin's expression gradually became more distorted.


Here, at this moment, Gu Xi doesn't know what kind of influence she has brought to others.

Anyway, everything in this school has nothing to do with her.

Sitting in the car, seeing the school gate gradually moving away from her, Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and raised the corners of her mouth again.

Leaving from school, the air has become fresh.

On the side, seeing Gu Xi's appearance of being relieved from the cage, Gu Shao silently commented counseling, but the expression on his face became softer inadvertently.


arrive home.

At night, Gu Xi was lying on the bed, and suddenly couldn't fall asleep.

After staring blankly at the ceiling for a while, Gu Xi finally jumped out of bed, walked out of the room, and started wandering around the living room doing nothing.

At this time, Gu Shao was working overtime in the study to process several research and development proposals handed in from below.

In the past few days, he went to Zhangjia Village, registered for Gu Xi's household registration, and went to school to go through school transfer procedures. Gu Shao didn't go to the center, so some work was left behind.

Hearing trivial movements outside, Gu Shao stopped writing and raised his head.

Then I saw Gu Xi wearing pajamas, wandering past the door of the study like a ghost.

Gu Shao frowned, and stopped Gu Xi.

Gu Xi, who was stopped, was taken aback, and called out in a low voice: Dad


Why haven't you slept yet? Gu Shao asked in a deep voice.

Uh, I'm thirsty, so I came out to get a glass of water. Gu Xi pointed in the direction of the kitchen and explained.

She couldn't tell Gu Shao that she thought she would go to a new school tomorrow, and then couldn't sleep for no reason.

Seeing that Gu Shao had a straight face and said nothing, Gu Xi felt a little guilty, and asked in a low voice, Dad, do you want some water?

Before Gu Shao could answer, Gu Xi consciously ran into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water, and then poured Gu Shao a glass of water.

Gu Xi took the water and carefully moved it to the study.

Seeing Gu Xi dawdling, Gu Shao's temples twitched: Are there land mines on the ground?

Gu Xi carefully put the water glass in Gu Shao's hand, said Good night, Dad, and turned around to run away.

At this moment, Gu Shao called Gu Xi to stop.

Sit there. Gu Shao pointed to a chair in the study.

Oh. Gu Xi moved there obediently.

Why don't you go to bed so late? Gu Shao asked.

Just... It means that I am thirsty to drink water.

Before Gu Xi could say this, Gu Shao asked again: Are you afraid because you are going to a new school?

Gu Xi was taken aback for a moment: ...

Oh, that's right to the point.

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