Xicheng District, Ningwu City, a hidden place on the edge of the Nanjiang River.

Ye Han silently calculated in his heart while sorting out the contents of his suitcase.

“Ten books of various martial arts cheats, of which the trench coat man provided two, and the other eight were all from the Sancai Martial Arts Hall…”

“Then there is 28.5 million in cash, which has all been filled with Goldfinger…”

“There are also some gold and silver jewelry, some bank cards, the value is unknown…”

“Finally, it’s the title deeds… This thing is actually the most valuable, but unfortunately, the head of the household above is Luo Qitian, and there is no way to make a move! ”

“But overall, today’s harvest is still very huge, and it can barely make up for my mental loss!”

“Moreover, being able to get rid of the cancer of the Three Talents Martial Arts Hall is also a practical thing for the people…”

After checking the harvest, Ye Han hid things other than the cheats, and then took a good bath in the Nanjiang, and finally changed back to his original appearance, avoided the camera, and quietly returned home.

Originally, Ye Han’s mood was quite good, but when Ye Han returned home, restored the bent steel bars on the window, then closed the curtains, and sat on the bed.

But his whole person suddenly fell silent.

In one night, he killed hundreds of people in one go, even if it was just self-defense, even if he killed a good person, but Ye Han still didn’t feel very good in his heart.

After all, that’s more than a hundred lives.

If such a thing is placed in the earth world, I am afraid it will become a big news in the world.

And even in this world, if it is publicized, it must shock the world.

“Killing is protecting life, cutting karma is not beheading people!”

“The murderer will always kill!”

“Eliminate evil and purify!”

“Cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and grows!”

“Hitting a snake does not die, but is bitten by a snake!”

Ye Han silently thought something in his heart, thought for a while, and suddenly laughed: “I’m entangled here so much to do, people want to kill me, I can’t stand still, let people kill.” ”

“If you dare to do something to me, you will have the consciousness of death!”

“My behavior is, at best, overly defensive!”

Thinking of this, Ye Han rubbed his face vigorously, and then took the change of clothes and walked into the bathroom.

He first took off all the clothes on his body from the inside out, and then rubbed them with his hands, crumpled them all into powder, and threw them into the sewer to wash away.

Then he stood under the shower and carefully washed every inch of his skin.

Although Ye Han suffered some injuries when facing the second master’s pistol before, that small injury had been completely healed as early as when he ran the “Reduction Pile”, and it didn’t take a few seconds from beginning to end.

At this time, standing in the bathroom, facing the light of the bathroom, no matter how carefully you look, you can’t see a trace of scars.

“This time, it’s still quite dangerous!”

“The most important thing is that the second master is too insidious, what kind of sleeve gun he plays, and if you encounter someone with big sleeves in the future, you must be careful!”

“Then there is the trench coat man, fortunately, the blood key attracted only the trench coat man alone, although the [Forging Bone Realm] is also a little difficult to deal with, but the villain still succeeded in killing him!”

“But in general, today’s action is still too reckless! If it was a Grandmaster of the [Molting Realm], it would really be finished. In other words, if the second master’s pistol is a little more powerful, and he gets some kind of gun like the Desert Eagle, then he will also be miserable. ”

Thinking of this, Ye Shen couldn’t help but be afraid for a while.

“When the wind is good, that’s all, with attack and speed, it’s enough. But in case of any accident, you have to rely on defense to save your life! ”

“This time, if I hadn’t had the Iron Shirt, maybe I would have really succeeded by that second master’s conspiracy.”

“It seems that next, you have to find a way to get the “Little Donkey Kong Piles” cheats as much as possible, and then cultivate the “Little Donkey Kong Piles” and “Donkey Kong Piles” together to great consummation.”

“At that time, the “Iron Shirt” of the great consummation, the “Little Donkey Kong Pile” of the great consummation, plus the “Donkey Kong Pile of the Great Consummation”, even if you really encounter a more powerful firearm, you don’t have to worry too much.”


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