I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 89 It’s hard to let go and feel sad!

Naruto had been unhappy with Neji for a long time, and hoped that Hinata could teach Neji a lesson. He did not consider the strength gap between Hinata and Neji at all, and just encouraged Hinata blindly.

"Yeah!" Neji glanced at Naruto who was jumping up and down on the second floor, as if a cold light flashed and completely suppressed Naruto's arrogance.

Naruto restrained his movements unconsciously, shrank down, and unconsciously touched his head, thinking of Neji's violent fists, and seemed to be able to recall the pain of the big bump on his head.

"Hinata, come on anyway!" Naruto seemed to have noticed the gazes of the people around him, and he didn't want to lose face, so he had the courage to shout to Hinata, but his bravado made people laugh.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata's originally timid expression became determined. Naruto's encouragement was a great encouragement to Hinata.

Hinata came to stand in front of Neji step by step. She was no longer timid at the beginning. She opened her hands in a soft fist posture, showing a posture of going all out.

"Ahem! Are you two players ready?" Moonlight Hayate looked sick, holding his chest tightly with his right hand. Neji was really worried that he would cough out his lungs and die suddenly on the spot.



Neji and Hinata were both ready. This was the only showdown between the Hyuga clan and the branch clan in this Chunin exam, which aroused the enthusiasm of everyone present.

"What a pity, the outcome of this game was doomed from the beginning!" Mike Kay looked at Hinata opposite Neji and sighed with regret.

"Don't be a little girl. Hinata may not lose to Neji. Although Hinata is usually very timid, as long as she strengthens her determination, I believe she will burst into glory!" Yuhi Kurenai, as a female jounin, The competitive spirit is stronger than that of male ninjas, and as Hinata's mentor, she firmly supports her students.

"Red, it's different. That boy Neji is a real genius, so Hinata doesn't have any chance at all!" Kakashi raised his head and turned his attention away from the book, coming to the same conclusion as Mike Kay.

"There is no comparison. Who knows the result will not be unexpected, just like someone's student won a tooth by luck!" Yuhi Hong turned her enchanting figure to the side and glanced at Kakashi with a look of reluctance. He was very aggressive and seemed to still be resentful of Naruto defeating Kiba with a single fart.

"Haha!" Kakashi pretended to be an ostrich in embarrassment and could only laugh. He did not expect that Naruto's duel would turn into a farce.

"Start!" Moonlight Hayate waved his right hand and directly announced the start of the game. He stepped back and gave up the field to Neji and Hinata.

"Actually, I tried to learn the clan's soft fist skills very early on, but I just couldn't find an excuse." Neji looked at Hinata, thinking of Hizashi's voice and appearance in his mind. Although Hizashi always had a cold face in front of Neji, Neci could feel the heat and love hidden in Hizashi's eyes.

"Although I respect my father's choice and don't resent it, as a son of a human being, I still have a hard time letting go!"

"So use all your strength and let me see if it is worth it and if it makes sense to protect the Zong family that we have to sacrifice our lives for."

"Brother Neci, I'm sorry!" Hinata seemed completely frightened by Neci's words and apologized timidly again.

"Don't say you're sorry. Use all your strength or your determination. Let me see if my father's sacrifice is worth it. I don't want his life to be exchanged for just a timid family member, but for a man with great abilities." A ninja who is responsible and responsible."

"Use your full strength, or you will die!" Neji threatened Hinata, his eyes seemed to be full of coldness.

"Hinata, don't be scared, teach him a lesson!" Naruto's voice echoed in Hinata's ears again.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata raised her head and glanced at Naruto again.

"I understand, brother Neji, please give me some advice!" Hinata opened her eyes and made a soft fist stance. She moved her left foot forward and arched her right foot back slightly. Her eyes and face were filled with emotion. Awareness and determination.

"Soft Fist, Thirty-two Bagua Palms!" Hinata didn't wait for Neci to take action, and took the lead in attacking Neci. She moved quickly with her feet, and her hands frantically pointed at Neci's meridians like rain hitting bananas.

Neci nodded secretly. Although Hinata's soft fist skills were not high, her foundation was still very solid. He also put on the soft fist posture and faced Hinata.

"Two palms!"

"Four palms!"

"Eight Palms!"

. . . . . . .

"Thirty-two palms!" Hinata's clear voice sounded in the field, her figure kept moving around Neji, and she went all out with every attack, using all her strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!" Although Hinata's attack was done with all her strength, for Neji, both the strength and speed were still too light and too slow. Even Neji did not need to resist and would not be injured, but in order to stimulate Hinata's potential was also due to the unforgettable emotions in his heart. Neci still used soft fists to intercept Hinata. Every shot Hinata made was blocked by Neci's accurate soft fists. There seemed to be two people in the field. There was a battle, but in fact, Hinata knew that all her attacks had been intercepted.

The unique skill of the Hyuga family, the Soft Fist, has always been the strongest offensive technique of the Hyuga clan. No one has ever used it as a defensive technique, but today, whether it is Hinata on the court or Hinata off the court, Everyone has seen that Rou Fist is no longer a pure attack technique in Neci's hands, but a set of physical techniques that combine offense and defense. It is completely beyond the rules of Rou Fist. Maybe Hinata can't understand it yet, but she just feels that Neci's The Soft Fist is very powerful, but as the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hinata has been studying the Soft Fist all his life before he can understand Neji's Soft Fist accomplishments.

"Neji! Hizashi, your son is really a genius. Has the blood of Hyuga Tennin reappeared in the branch?" Hinata Hizashi watched Neji gradually become lost in thought, with shock and amazement still on his face.

"Is this all your strength? Are all the clans protected by the Hyuga branch so vulnerable?" On the one hand, Ningci's words were still stimulating Hinata's potential. On the other hand, Ningci felt that his own The depth of spiritual awareness in the spiritual world is gradually emitting light, bit by bit sweeping away the ashes and garbage hidden deep in my heart. It feels like I am divided into two people, one of whom is constantly venting his dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. Unforgettable emotions and even some details that he didn't remember were being unearthed. On the other hand, Ningji's inner spirit became more pure and comfortable, the light of his soul became more dazzling, and the contradictory sense of tearing filled Ningji. Second-rate.

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