I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 88 Hyuga Showdown, Clan Family and Branch Family

"So that's it, we are actually the disciples of the Fourth Hokage!" Sakura said excitedly. Obviously, compared to the third generation and the unseen Jiraiya, Sakura, as a woman, naturally prefers the young Fourth Hokage. , not to mention that the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was a young boy, handsome and sunny, and he had a very high prestige and reputation among the villagers of Konoha.

"So Sakura, you admire the Fourth Hokage more!" Neji looked at the excited Sakura, a little funny. The Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is really popular among female ninjas, but as the Fourth Hokage, Naruto The orphan actually looks very similar to Namikaze Minato, but the influence of his clothes and beard makes it difficult for people to associate him with him.

"Actually, there is a person in Konoha who looks very similar to the Fourth Hokage when he was a child. If you like the Fourth Hokage, you can see more of him." Neji suddenly had a bad idea and revealed a little bit about Naruto. secret.

"Who is it?" Sure enough, Sakura's eyes lit up instantly, and she was obviously very curious and wanted to get to know him.

"Ah, this person is actually very familiar to you, he is Uzumaki Naruto!" Neji stared at Sasuke and Sakura closely, wanting to see their reactions when they heard the news.


"Impossible!!!" Both Sakura and Sasuke looked shocked, especially Sakura who shook her head quickly, obviously unwilling to believe the news and very unwilling to accept this fact.

"You may not have carefully observed Naruto's appearance. You only looked at him based on your impressions over the years. You have never thought about it. In fact, Naruto is a very handsome blond guy! It's just that his dressing up has affected his appearance. Appearance and mental outlook." Neji imagined Naruto wearing the god robe. He really looked very similar to Namikaze Minato. His appearance and personality made people feel warm, just like... Their shiny blond hair.

"Really?" Sakura was a little doubtful. She really couldn't believe that Naruto was a handsome guy like Neji said, but she still knew something about Ningci. She knew that Ningji basically couldn't joke. There was a certain basis, but the impression Naruto had made on her was so deep-rooted that Sakura couldn't believe it.

"Okay, the danger has been resolved, so it's time for me to leave. I hope you can enter the next round of exams smoothly!" Ningji had finished chatting and successfully achieved his goal, so he was ready to leave , he and Xiao Li Tiantian have been separated for three days, so he needs to reach the central tower as soon as possible to meet them.

"Wait a minute!" Sasuke suddenly stopped Neji from leaving. Obviously, he still had something to ask Neji.

"What is your relationship with Uchiha Itachi? You said you owe Uchiha Itachi a favor and need to save me once, and why?" Sasuke looked excited, clenched his hands tightly, his face turned red, obviously Very concerned about Neji's answer.

"I owe Senior Itachi Uchiha a favor, and I promised him to take action when you are in danger. As for Senior Itachi Uchiha's intentions, I don't care, and I don't care, but I believe this needs to be thought and discovered by yourself. Sometimes the truth is often hidden in the details." Neji looked back at Sasuke without stopping, answered Sasuke's doubts with a hint of meaning, and left the place in a flash.

"Is the truth hidden in the details? How can there be any truth? Isn't the truth obvious!" Sasuke lowered his head in despair and muttered to himself, a little confused. In the end, he seemed unwilling to believe it and shook his head violently to deny himself. speculation.

. . . . .

"How about it, no accidents happened in the past three days!" Ningji quietly came to the tower and walked behind Locke Li and Tiantian.


"Ningci!" Xiao Li and Tiantian looked back and were a little surprised to see Ningci.

"Have you finished handling your matter? Did it go smoothly?" Tiantian asked.

"It's been processed, it went smoothly!"

"That's good, we don't have anything going on here, it's just that staying in the tower is a bit boring!" Tiantian pursed her lips. Obviously, it is very annoying for girls to have to stay in such a closed tower. matter.

"It's almost five days, so just be patient." Neji stretched out his hand to comfort Tiantian and looked at Xiao Li next to him. Forget it, with his thick nerves, he didn't need comfort at all, and in No matter where or what the surrounding environment was, it would not delay Xiao Li's youthful cultivation, so Neji didn't waste any more words.

. . . . . .

"The time has come. The second round of exams is now over. Congratulations to everyone here for successfully passing the second round. But don't be happy too early. Since there are too many candidates for promotion, the preliminaries will now begin and we will continue to eliminate some people. The remaining ones can take the third round of exams one month later.”

"The format of the qualifiers is a one-on-one duel. As for the list of duels, a list of two people will randomly appear on the screen. These two people are the opponents!" The examiner pointed to the big screen behind him with his right hand and announced the selection method for the opponents of the qualifiers. .

Neji secretly complained in his heart. Although the opponents were randomly matched, they were not controlled by humans. Of course, he was still a good comrade if he saw through it without telling it. Neji still understood this truth. Naturally, he would not raise objections foolishly, and Konoha as a Even if the organizer operates in secret, he will only favor his own people. As a vested interest, Neji will not object.

Each duel has ended. There were very exciting battles in the process, and there were also ridiculous results. For example, Naruto actually defeated Ya with a fart. It can only be said that Naruto is worthy of being the proud man of heaven. Unexpected The number one ninja could actually win through such outrageous means.

Hyuga Neji vs. Hyuga Hinata, Neji's name appeared on the screen. Looking at the list of duels, Neji was sure that it must be a secret operation, otherwise how could the two Hyuga clans become opponents by coincidence.

Neji instantly appeared on the field without making any unnecessary movements. He just waited quietly for Hinata to appear. Xiao Li and Tiantian did not help Neji to cheer him up. As Neji's classmates and teammates, , naturally until what Hinata Hinata means to Neji, it was the kidnapping of Hinata Hinata, the eldest lady of the clan, that caused the death of Hinata Hizashi. It can be said that Hinata was the source of Hizashi's death. Regardless of whether it was Hinata's subjective wish or not, Xiao Li also rarely became quiet, and he and Tiantian could only watch silently.

"Brother Neji!" Hinata muttered to herself nervously and guiltily as she looked at Neji in the audience.

"Come on Hinata, teach that stinking white-eyed boy a lesson!" Naruto stood on the second floor and shouted loudly for Hinata.

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