I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 833 The Sheng family returns to Beijing

Li Zhan and Hua Lan's marriage was finally settled. They exchanged their birth dates, which was the so-called financial exchange. Of course, because Li Zhan had no money at the time, he simply wrote down his birth dates.

Within a few days, Li Zhan took the property given by Mrs. Sheng, left the Sheng Mansion, started his own household, and lived in a house in Yangzhou City. After a series of busy work, Li Zhan finally became a couple with Sheng Hualan. Husband and wife, after marriage, they can live in harmony and respect each other as guests.

The couple didn't stay in Yangzhou for long, so they returned to Bianjing together. Fortunately, the property given by Mrs. Sheng included a property in Bianjing City, otherwise they would have to rent a house in Bianjing City. live.

The Hanlin Academy was established in the early Tang Dynasty. It was an institution dedicated to the palace. It housed talents in literature, classics, divination, medicine, monks and Taoism, calligraphy and painting, and chess. They accompanied the emperor on banquets and entertainment. It was collectively called the Hanlin Academy and was not an official official office.

After the late Tang Dynasty, the Imperial Academy evolved into an important institution specializing in drafting confidential edicts, and was known as the "Emperor's Private". Those who serve or have served in the academy are called Hanlin officials, or Hanlin for short. After the Song Dynasty, it became a formal official position and was in line with the imperial examination. Regardless of their political status, Hanlin scholars have always been the highest-status group of scholars in society in all dynasties and generations. They gathered the elite among the intellectuals at that time and had a superior social status. Zhang Jiuling and Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty, Su Shi, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, etc. in the Song Dynasty were all members of the Imperial Academy.

Being selected into the Hanlin Academy is called "Point Hanlin" and is a very honorable thing. Hanlin bachelors are not only committed to the inheritance of cultural and academic undertakings, but also actively participate in politics and discuss government affairs. From the imperial examination to the Hanlin, and from the Hanlin to the court, this is the life ideal of the scholar-bureaucrats in the imperial examination era, and it is a manifestation of the Confucian theory of "promoting excellence and benefiting the world".

The Hanlin Academy was an aristocratic yamen, and it didn't have much to worry about. Most of the time, it was drafting internal edicts for the emperor, giving lectures at banquets, writing essays and history, inspecting history books, and recording books. Hanlin bachelors accepted the edicts and Hanlin bachelors were the third rank. , did not hold other positions, specialized in internal affairs, and served as an adviser to the emperor. Prime ministers were mostly selected from Hanlin bachelors.

Because Li Zhan was good at calligraphy, and the turmoil about his place in the imperial examination deeply impressed the officials, Li Zhan was considered a favorite. He was often recruited by officials to draft imperial edicts. He was very proud of himself and had a smooth career. .

Three years passed in a flash, and Sheng Hong's three-year term had expired. In addition, Sheng Hong was very good at being an official and a good person. He had many political achievements and had many good friends with local gentry and officials. He received an excellent score in the performance appraisal and was transferred back. After arriving in Kyoto, he was promoted to the fifth rank of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and was mainly responsible for the restoration of the Qing Dynasty.

Originally, Sheng Hualan thought that her father's political achievements were good, and she thought that he could at least enter popular yamen such as official offices and household offices. Unexpectedly, he ended up in the relatively deserted yamen - Gongfang. Sheng Hualan Yu didn't understand Sheng Hong's choice.

Li Zhan understands Sheng Hong's thoughts, because the official family in the capital is already old, has no children, and the position of the reserve is unknown. If he goes to a popular yamen, it will be troublesome if it involves seizing the legitimate son. It is better to live in a deserted place. The Yamen will wait and see before talking.

After serving as an official in Bianjing in the past few years, Li Zhan often visited the inner court, so he had a very clear view of the court situation at this time. King Yan and King Yong were the most popular candidates for the heir at this time, and they fought fiercely. Li Zhan thought that King Yong was older and had more children, so he was more important to the official family. The official family was more inclined to pass on the throne to King Yong. However, because King Yong was not his son after all, he never made up his mind. , allowing King Yan and King Yong to fight.

The final result of the fight between the two kings was that King Yan saw that the situation was unfavorable in the future, so he joined forces with the Rong family to rebel and surrounded the palace. The officials had no choice but to write an edict to Zhao Fuquan, the royal family member closest to Bianjing. By making him the crown prince and letting him lead troops to the capital to escort him, he was able to gain the throne for nothing.

Li Zhan was satisfied with Sheng Hong's political sensitivity. Although Sheng Hong was often confused about matters within the family, he was very clear about the disputes in the political arena and would not risk causing a big disaster. They like to play it safe, are neither humble nor overbearing when facing their superiors, and are good at dancing. Although such people will not become rulers, they can still flourish in the officialdom.

Moreover, Sheng Hong and Mr. Lu, Minister of Industry, met very late and got very close to each other, and they got together within a few days. Regarding this, even Li Zhan had to admire Sheng Hong's interpersonal skills. Every boss was very satisfied with him.

When Shengfu returned to Beijing, Li Zhan and Sheng Hualan greeted him at the pier, but they did not go to Shengfu to celebrate together. This was not because Li Zhan did not want to, but because he had no time to spare at the time. In addition, Shengfu had just returned to Beijing and had many things to do. So we never got together at home.

Now Li Zhan has been in Kyoto for three years and has already been promoted. He has become a bachelor's degree scholar with a rank of Cong4. His duties are in charge of the imperial edicts, historical annals, and literary and Han affairs. He is responsible for examining the system, correcting texts, and preparing for the emperor. The consultant is two levels higher than the current Sheng Hong and has a bright future.

On this day, it was finally Li Zhan's turn to take a rest, and he took Hua Lan and his wife back to Sheng Mansion.

There were strict regulations on holidays for officials in the Song Dynasty: New Year's Day, Cold Food Day, and Winter Solstice were seven days each; Shangyuan, Zhongyuan, and Summer Solstice were three days each; Beginning of Spring and Tomb-Sweeping Day were one day each, and there were three menstrual holidays each month, making a total of sixty-eight days in the year. There was also a special rule in the Song Dynasty that government offices at all levels would "seal" to stop working on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month every year and go home to celebrate the New Year. You have to wait until the 20th of the first lunar month of the following year before returning to work. In this way, the holidays enjoyed by officials in the Song Dynasty throughout the year were actually ninety-eight days.

"Grandson meets grandma!"

"Son meets mother!"

"Daughter-in-law meets mother!"

Li Zhan and Hualan first went to Wei Ruixuan to visit Sheng Hong and his wife, and then they went to Shou'an Hall with Mr. and Mrs. Sheng to pay their respects to Mrs. Sheng. Hualan and her daughter left and returned to Wei Ruixuan, leaving only Li Zhan and his wife. Sheng Hong chatted with the old lady.

Old Mrs. Sheng has not changed much in the past few years. Her body is very strong and she has a smile on her face. She greets Li Zhan with a flurry of greetings, which makes Sheng Hong look a little jealous.

Li Zhan looked at his rosy-faced grandmother, feeling very happy and asked Mrs. Sheng.

"I heard that Minglan is now being raised by my grandmother. Why haven't I seen her today?"

After Li Zhan came to Beijing, Mrs. Sheng of Shouan Hall felt a little lonely without Li Zhan. It happened that Mrs. Wei died under Lin Sushuang's plan just like in the original work. Sheng Minglan was left alone and helpless, so she was lucky to be saved. Sheng Minglan was raised in Shou'antang, which could be regarded as taking over from Li Zhan, giving Old Mrs. Sheng something to rely on again.

"She is preparing a meal in the kitchen at the moment. She has no other advantages, but she is good at cooking. You should eat at my place later and have a good taste of that girl Minglan's cooking!"

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