I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 832 The partial old Mrs. Sheng

After Li Zhan left, Mrs. Sheng stretched out her hand to signal Sheng Hong and his wife to sit down. After thinking for a moment, she spoke to Sheng Hong.

"You know better than I do about Zhan'er's situation. His family has no property and life is difficult. If Hua Lan marries her in the future, she will definitely suffer some hardships in the first few years. She will definitely not be as wealthy as ours!"

Sheng Hong nodded, he naturally understood this matter, but a man can't just look at the present. Li Zhan has a bright future, and he will definitely be rich in the future. There is no need for a wealthy family. Some people will marry their daughters to him. To put it bluntly, if If Li Zhan was not favored by the Sheng family, the Sheng family's family background would not be able to recruit such a good son-in-law.

Wang Ruofu frowned. At first, she only thought about Li Zhan's bright future, but she forgot that Li Zhan was still a pauper, and her daughter Hualan would still have to endure hardship when she got married. She was a little unhappy, but at this time she was also I know that it is a good marriage for Hua Lan to marry Li Zhan. I can only say that there is no best of both worlds in the world.

Mrs. Sheng glanced at the frowning Wang Ruofu with displeasure and warned.

"After Zhan'er and Hua Lan get married, you should stay less involved in their family affairs and don't act like an elder. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

There was a trace of grievance in Wang Ruofu's eyes. He, the mother-in-law, was threatened and warned by Mrs. Sheng before she became the mother-in-law. It was really unfair.

"Mom, what did you say? No matter how confused I am, I am still Hua Lan's mother. How can I not feel sorry for her!"

Mrs. Sheng's displeasure subsided slightly when she heard this, and then she patiently explained to Wang Ruofu.

"Just remember this. Zhan'er looks kind, but he has a resolute temperament and is not a person to compromise. If you really piss him off, Hua Lan might be in trouble if you are caught in the middle!"

Although Wang Ruofu didn't think Li Zhan was the resolute person that Mrs. Sheng said, he didn't dare to refute and could only nod in agreement.

However, Sheng Hong felt a chill in his heart. He felt that Li Zhan's temperament was not only perseverance, but also a little cold and refined, and he didn't care about anything. If such a person was angry, it would be shocking. He took Old Mrs. Sheng's words to heart.

Mrs. Sheng didn't care whether Wang Ruofu took her warning to heart, sighed, and then said to Sheng Hong.

"Hualan is your eldest daughter, and she is going to marry Zhan'er, so you should prepare a generous dowry to avoid having to live a hard life after getting married!"

Sheng Hong and his wife had no objection to this. Their initial plan was to marry Hua Lan to the eldest son of Earl Zhongqin, so in order for Hua Lan not to be looked down upon, they prepared an extremely generous dowry.

Seeing that none of them had any objections, Mrs. Sheng continued.

"Zhan'er is getting married now, and it is no longer convenient for him to live in the mansion. I plan to hand over some of my properties and fields to Zhan'er, let him start his own family, and move out of Sheng Mansion. I can't let outsiders laugh at him for coming to the house. son in law!"

Sheng Hong was shocked. He had completely forgotten about this matter. If his old lady hadn't reminded him, something big would have happened.

No matter what era, a son-in-law who comes to the house is looked down upon by others, because the normal rule in a patriarchal society is for a woman to enter the man's house, but "inside the door" does the opposite, so she is scorned by society from the beginning. The State of Wei, which was the first to dominate during the Warring States Period, looked down upon the son-in-law who came to the house. King Anli of Wei stipulated that it was forbidden to grant land and homesteads to the bride-to-be. Son-in-laws who served in the army were different from other soldiers. They were not given any meat to eat, and could only eat one-third of the food of other soldiers. During the war, their husband-in-law was allowed to be the first to charge and serve as "cannon fodder." By this time, the social status of the son-in-law had improved slightly, but he was still looked down upon by others.

"Hualan is my granddaughter. I should have added something to Hualan's dowry, but for Zhan'er, I can only be a stingy old lady for once. I will no longer add to Hualan's dowry and keep everything. Give it to Zhan’er!”

“My mother is thoughtful and it’s all up to my mother to make the decision!”

Sheng Hong nodded in agreement, feeling that Mrs. Sheng was very thoughtful and there was nothing wrong with doing this. Mrs. Sheng would even give Li Zhan more assets.

Wang Ruofu thinks so. Mrs. Sheng was a bit biased. Even if she needed to give Li Zhan some assets, Hualan was Mrs. Sheng's granddaughter after all, so she didn't give up any money. Those who didn't know it thought Li Zhan was Mrs. Sheng's grandson.

It's a pity that Wang Ruofu couldn't hold up his arms and thighs, so he didn't dare to refute his mother-in-law, and his officials had already agreed. What else could he say? No matter how many opinions he had, he could only swallow it and hold it in his stomach.

Sheng Hong and Wang Ruofu returned to Wei Ruixuan, and Wang Ruofu complained.

"My mother is really too partial. I don't know why she thought she was marrying her granddaughter-in-law!"

Sheng Hong glanced at his wife who was thinking in vain, felt a little headache, and explained helplessly.

"What do you know? Mother does this not all for the sake of Hua Lan. The better mother treats Zhan'er and the more she treats Zhan'er, Zhan'er will treat Hualan twice as well because of her mother!"

Wang Ruofu thought for a while and then understood Mrs. Sheng's intention. He was impressed and relieved his dissatisfaction.

In the Song Dynasty, major marriage events required a total of four procedures: Nacai, Naji, Nazheng, and Yingying.

However, compared with the prosperous Tang Dynasty, some new customs have also appeared. Due to the relatively developed commodity economy, the practice of marrying wives and exchanging funds began to appear when discussing marriages. Matching a daughter-in-law is a blind date. The man and the woman agree on a date and meet each other. If they like each other, they put a gold hairpin in the woman's hair, which is called "hairpin." To "suppress the shock".

Tongzicai means that in addition to the names and birth dates of both men and women, the family property status is also stated in the intermarriage book. The performance of marriage lottery is very obvious. Before the wedding, the man will send pollen and other things to "usher the marriage", and the woman's family will decorate the new house with curtains, quilts and the like, which is called "making a house."

When welcoming the bride, the groom leads a float or a sedan to the bride’s house, and the wedding begins with a sedan. It is also customary for the bride to ask for auspicious money and wedding wine after getting into the sedan chair. When the bride arrives at the groom's house, she comes down and performs the practice of "throwing beans" for good luck. After the bride enters the wedding hall, there is another activity of "paying homage to the bride." Newlyweds hold hands with the "Tongxinknot", which was called "holding scarf" in the Song Dynasty. The newlyweds first hold a scarf to worship heaven, earth and ancestors, then enter the bridal chamber and the husband and wife pay homage. After paying homage, the newlyweds sit on the bed and perform the ritual of "spreading the tent" and "closing the bun". The bun is when the newlyweds each cut a strand of hair and form a concentric knot as a token of the wedding.

After that, there are rituals of removing flowers and fanning fans until the candles are extinguished. During the period when the candles are extinguished, the guests, old and young, can play pranks and make things difficult for the newlyweds. This is the predecessor of our current "bridal chamber".

The wedding was not over until the newlyweds paid homage to their parents-in-law the next morning.

Please support me, because I am an office worker, and it is really hard to update so much every day. I have to write two chapters before going to work every day, and I have to write until about 11 o'clock after work. Plus going to work, it is really hard to write I'm totally confused! !

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