I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 801 Both jade and stone are destroyed

Captain America and Nick Fury talked all night long in this dark apartment, discussing plans to deal with Hydra. Before it got dark, Nick Fury had quietly disappeared into the apartment.

Captain America has not changed at all since meeting Nick Fury. He numbs his hidden enemies and maintains his old habits. It seems that he has never seen Nick Fury and lives in an orderly manner in his own circle.

Privately, Steve Rogers noticed that there were some strangers around his apartment, who were secretly observing and monitoring him. Obviously, although Nick Fury's trick of cheating death played a certain role, his opponent still maintained We must be vigilant and vigilant, and our monitoring of the Avengers has not been reduced at all because of Nick Fury's death. In Hydra's view, although the Avengers are a sharp blade, they are also a source of great instability. Factors that pose a huge threat to Hydra's dominance of the world.

Nowadays, Hydra still wants to use the Avengers, so it simply monitors the whereabouts of the Avengers and does not take drastic measures.

Abner Clarence was not interested in the overt and covert struggle between SHIELD and Hydra, nor did he care about the affairs between the Avengers. During this period, he discovered that due to his enlightenment of the three Infinity Stones, his spiritual power The three lines of law formed in the world have undergone some wonderful changes.

In the spiritual world, the three threads of laws that exude aura gradually move closer to each other, and the ends of the threads are tightly entangled together. As time goes by, they gradually become a rope of laws. These three different laws merge. For the sake of oneness, they penetrate each other and are indistinguishable from each other.

Abner frowned and looked at the rope of law that emitted three kinds of light: green, yellow, and blue, giving people a serious sense of incompleteness. Abner also understands the reason. There are six Infinity Stones, and he has only comprehended three of them so far, so he feels incomplete. In the future, he can collect the other three gems, comprehend them, and fill them up to perfection. It is clear what this rope of law actually represents.

The magical changes that occurred in the spiritual world made Abner Clarence suddenly become more interested in the Infinity Stones. He remembered that the Dark Elf's most precious treasure, the Reality Stone, was also sealed on the earth, and he immediately began to search for it.

It is a pity that the internal situation of SHIELD is unpredictable now. He needs to protect Maria Hill in the Beautiful Country to ensure that she will not be harmed. He cannot escape for a while and can only wait until SHIELD is disbanded. Set off to search.

The space carrier is an aerial fortress that S.H.I.E.L.D. spent all its finances to build. It was originally planned to build three ships. It is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s biggest trump card. It is equipped with various new advanced weapons and can carry out global precision strikes.

"I am Steve Rogers. Please believe me. All agents belonging to SHIELD stay where you are and don't move. If there is any movement, then they may be Hydra agents. Please attack them together!" "

The voice of Captain America Steve Rogers rang out from inside the space carrier, and for a moment there was a commotion in SHIELD. But then everyone did not dare to move rashly and stood still, eyes constantly scanning all their colleagues around them.

An agent is an extremely insecure person, highly vigilant, and has a hard time trusting someone. Even if that person is a colleague with whom he gets along day and night, they may still be an undercover agent of the enemy, so they all obey Captain America Steve at the moment. Rogers' suggestion to stay put shows how deep Captain America's influence is on the people of the United States. This kind of influence is something that Tony Stark, who is at the height of his power, does not have.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were tense and constantly on guard. Although the weapons in their hands were hanging down at this time, everyone knew that as long as someone made any abnormal move, he would be beaten directly by his colleagues around him.

Even so, there are always Hydra agents who want to escape, because they understand that to stay where they are is to sit and wait for death, because Captain America must be trying his best to distinguish the SHIELD agents from Hydra. At that time, it was really hard to fly.

In SHIELD's main archives, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye Clint Barton knocked down all the surrounding guards. Because they didn't know whether they were the enemy or not, they didn't kill them, they just shot them. faint.

Hawkeye Clint Barton glanced at the protective door in front of him. The complex and safe confidentiality measures made him scratch his head. If he was asked to kill people, it would be very simple for him, but if he was asked to do it, it would be very simple for him. Complicated things would kill him.

Black Widow Natasha swayed to the door and inserted a hard drive. The display screen in front of the door showed countless garbled codes, constantly invading the system of SHIELD's archives.

"Before I came here, I asked Tony Stark, and he gave me this. I believe I can crack the system and open the door soon!"

Natasha noticed Hawkeye's surprise. After all, the two of them were evenly matched, so how could they not know the details of the other party? How could they master such sophisticated technology?

Hawkeye heard Natasha's explanation and nodded clearly. He had absolute trust in Tony Stark's computer technology. After all, he was an existence that could create artificial intelligence robots. If such technology could not handle this small... The door to the archives is simply a fantasy.

"Click, ding!"

There was a mechanical sound, and the door to the archives room finally opened. Hawkeye stepped forward and carefully pushed the door open, while Natasha dodged and entered inside. The two of them had performed many tasks together, and they cooperated skillfully and seamlessly. But what puzzled the two of them was that there was no guard force in the archives room. This was simply unreasonable.

There must be a reason for everything to be strange. The two of them looked at each other, became more alert, and slowly rushed towards the console of the archives, holding the weapons in their hands tightly. Their goal of this trip was to kill S.H.I.E.L.D. All files are open to the public, so you need to get all the information in the archives console. Only in this way can SHIELD be disbanded. If SHIELD is gone, then the Hydra that parasitizes within SHIELD will naturally no longer survive. Space, this is the decision made by Nick Fury, and he will die together. He completely ignores that SHIELD is his own strength and his life's hard work. There is no entanglement, and he is calm and rational. He is worthy of being the king of agents.

"You are finally here, come in!\

,"A cold voice sounded, causing Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton to tremble. They looked at each other in disbelief. Someone was waiting for them here. How is this possible?

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