I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 800 Two sides are one

After Abner's analysis and help, Maria Hill already had a deep understanding of Nick Fury's plan, and also understood the internal undercurrents in SHIELD, although some things were not actually solved. , but she is confident. She only needs to stabilize SHIELD at this time and watch with a cold eye. Maria Hill believes that with Nick Fury's ability and the strength of the Avengers, she will be able to uncover the hidden secrets. Shadows within S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maria Hill actually had no idea that as long as she asked one more question, Abner Clarence could directly tell her what the problems were within SHIELD. Unfortunately, Maria Hill mistakenly thought that Abner Clarence didn't know, so he didn't ask.

Abner Clarence looked at his girlfriend who had regained her composure and confidence at this time. With Maria Hill's shrewdness, this time the problem must have been solved, and there was no need for him to talk too much. Two.

"Who are you?"

Captain America has been living in an apartment arranged by SHIELD since he woke up. He may have been sleeping for too long, so he likes to go out and exercise every day. When he just returned to the room, he did not turn on the lights in the room. He stood carefully at the door, locked the door, stood proudly, looked calmly and calmly at the window in the darkness, and asked in a deep voice.

Captain America has the ultimate physical fitness of a human being. Even if the man in the dark is very careful and does not leave any clues in the room, his slightly heavy breathing and chaotic heartbeat still cannot escape Captain America's sensitive ears. , he noticed a person hiding at the window as soon as he entered the door, but he was not clear about the other person's purpose for a while, so he did not act rashly.

A figure that almost blended into the night slowly walked out from behind the curtains. He walked to the sofa with some difficulty and sat down slowly. His breathing seemed to be heavier. This simple movement did not seem to be easy and gentle for him. After feeling the pain in his body, he opened his mouth and said weakly with his neat white teeth so conspicuous in the dark room.

"Captain, it's me!"

Although the voice was weak, it was still full of calmness and depth, and the tone was unhurried and calm.

Captain America's ability to recognize voices is far beyond ordinary people, and his memory is amazing. These are the instincts given to him by the super serum. He recognized the owner of the voice at once.

Captain America still remained calm. He pressed his back against the door and quietly put his ear to the door. He listened carefully to what was going on around him. He lowered his voice and asked incomprehensibly.

"How did you end up like this? The media is reporting that you are dead! If I hadn't seen you, I wouldn't have believed you were still alive!"

"I almost died, but I only escaped by luck!"

Nick Fury was extremely resentful. He thought of the retarded system of his exclusive car. The bullshit air-conditioning system was running well. If he hadn't been lucky enough to escape the pursuit, the bullshit air-conditioning system would have at most ensured that his body would not be killed in a short time. It just rotted and stinked over time. Thinking of this, Nick Fury couldn't help but want to complain about Tony Stark, who helped him upgrade the car's intelligent system. It was really gimmicky and of no practical use.

"We are old teammates. You are in such a panic this time. It seems really thrilling!"

Steve Rogers and Nick Fury were both members of the Howling Commandos back then. They were sharp knives on the battlefield of World War II. They stabbed the enemy where they hurt every time and made great achievements. Steve Rogers back then He is the captain of the commando team, and Nick Fury is his subordinate. The two are comrades with a real life-long friendship, so they are very familiar with each other.

Nick Fury seemed to be having trouble supporting himself. He leaned back to save some energy. He had just completed the operation and removed the bullet from his body. He was still suffering from huge pain because the seriousness of the matter was far away. It was beyond his expectation, and he didn't dare to delay and stop, so he could only come to see Captain America in person and ask him for help.

"I was really careless this time. The bullet almost pierced my heart!"

Nick Fury reached out and touched his chest wrapped in thick gauze, revealing a wry smile. As the king of agents in the dark night, he was actually parasitized and developed by his enemies in his own organization. He was unknowingly He was kept in the dark for decades. This was simply the greatest irony. He slapped Nick Fury hard on the face. Even with Nick Fury's cold and hard-hearted nature, he couldn't help but burst into anger.

"Who is the other party?"

Captain America frowned and looked at the vague figure on the sofa in confusion.


Nick Fury gritted his teeth and spoke again with some frustration.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. too!"

Nick Fury added another sentence. Even with his ability, he cannot tell which people in SHIELD are agents of SHIELD and which people are affiliated with SHIELD, or have two different identities. It is impossible to distinguish. No longer coming out, the two have long been entangled with each other, and they are basically two sides of the same body.

"How is that possible! Hydra was eliminated seventy years ago and disappeared with the death of Red Skull!"

Steve Rogers' tone changed slightly. His biggest enemy in his life was Hydra, so he was deeply impressed by this extreme organization and knew how difficult they were. Now he heard that SHIELD and Hydra actually There was another involvement, and I was very angry.

"After the war, in order to cope with the arms competition, SHIELD recruited many Hydra scientists. From that time on, Hydra took root within SHIELD and developed with the help of SHIELD. Today, There is no distinction between them!"

Nick Fury felt a little regretful at this time. He did not take this matter to heart back then and relaxed his vigilance. Now that Hydra has such strength, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

"In that case, what's the use of you looking for me? I'm just an old man abandoned by the times!"

Captain America was a little disappointed. He didn't expect that SHIELD would be so unwise. It was so stupid that the scientists who recruited Hydra were digging their own graves.

"Captain, I need your help, and there is no more suitable person than you!"

Nick Fury rarely showed a hint of weakness in his tone. Captain America did not understand at all that he had a terrifying influence under decades of official propaganda. The people of the United States all grew up listening to his stories. , admire him very much, and only his unparalleled appeal can complete his plan.

"Since you believe me, I can give it a try. Now tell me your plan!"

Captain America Steve Rogers is a person who takes the overall situation into consideration. Even if he is angry, he will not let his anger affect his judgment. Now that Hydra has appeared, it will definitely cause trouble. He will never allow such a thing to happen. .

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