I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 798 Tony Stark screwed up

Chapter 798 Tony Stark screwed up

Tony Stark had a look of remorse on his face and inserted his hands into his hair, which was as messy as a bird's nest. At this time, Tony Stark's hair was dry and messy, completely lacking the smoothness and smoothness of the past.

Abner Clarence took another sip of red wine and gave instructions directly in the room without saying anything.

"Merlin, you have the right to search for traces of Ultron on the Internet, and force him out of the network, so that he can become a truly independent artificial intelligence life!"

Abner Clarence is an artificial intelligence expert. He naturally understands that Ultron, as an artificial intelligence, is only really difficult to deal with on the Internet. Instead, he has become an independent life form. It seems to have evolved, but it has With a fatal flaw, as long as his body is destroyed, his existence can be eliminated. This is also the law of balance in the world, where there are gains and losses.

"As you wish, sir!"

Merlin's image appeared in the room again. This was the virtual imaging system. He was wearing a black tuxedo, like an old butler in the British aristocracy. He bowed respectfully to Abner Clarence, and then slowly He retreated and disappeared into the room, searching for the whereabouts of Ultron on the Internet with all his strength, and completing Abner Clarence's instructions and orders.

Abner Clarence is not worried at all about whether Merlin can defeat Ultron on the Internet. To put it bluntly, even Tony Stark, a genius, would have a hard time competing in artificial intelligence. After all, Abner has accumulated experience in several worlds. He created artificial intelligence in a world of only thirty years old. Today's Merlin coding and algorithms are naturally more advanced than the original artificial intelligence created in the past, with strict logic. , without any loopholes, it can be said to be strong artificial intelligence, completely surpassing Jarvis and Ultron.

Abner Clarence walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the living room with a wine glass in hand, looking down at the rough sea water under the cliff. The waves hit the cliff one after another, and the waves hit the hard rock and shattered into pieces, but the next step The tide of the waves came again, washing away the ancient and hard rocks one after another. Abner's clear eyes flashed through the changes in this sea area for thousands of years, and he saw that all the cliffs were because of the sea water. It was washed away. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have known that these hard cliffs were caused by the continuous impact of waves for millions of years.

Tony Stark naturally didn't know the state of Abner Clarence at this time. He was surrounded by guilt, regret, anxiety and fear. The all-powerful Iron Man in the outside world took off his Mark suit. He is just an ordinary flesh-and-blood body, with the same emotions and desires, as well as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and is no different from all other living beings.

What Tony Stark regrets at this time is that his arrogance and recklessness led to the disappearance of Jarvis. Jarvis was not only the first artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark, but also the person who relied on Tony Stark. Tucker's feelings for Jarvis, the old butler of the Stark family.

Tony Stark lacked the company of his parents when he was a child. Howard Stark was busy all day long because of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Stark Group. He was eventually killed by the Winter Soldier who had unsealed Hydra, so Tony Stark. When Clark was a child, his most accompanying person was the old butler Jarvis. After Jarvis passed away, Tony Stark named the first artificial intelligence he created after Jarvis as a thought.

The reason why Tony Stark is so arrogant and reckless in wanting to create artificial intelligence is also clear to Abner Clarence. Tony Stark is afraid. Deep in his heart, he is filled with fear and uneasiness. It eats away at Tony Stark's heart, leaving him in a state of restlessness every day. This is the sequelae of the battlefield.

At the end of the Kirita invasion of Earth, Tony Stark sent a mushroom bomb into space alone, and almost died in the dark void. If there was no fear, it would be impossible. This war of alien invasion of the earth filled Tony Stark with a sense of crisis, so he rushed to build an army of armors on a large scale to protect the peace of the earth. Unfortunately, he made a mistake. Ultron The birth ruined all this.

Although Abner knew that Tony Stark had a serious mental illness, he did not intend to interfere. He understood that Tony Stark was a person who wanted to save face. As a friend, Abner respected Tony Stark himself. The choice is not to interfere too much in Tony Stark's life under the guise of doing his best.

"Sir, you have noticed the traces of Ultron. He is now in Sokovia, Eastern Europe. I am trying my best to drive him out of the virtual world of the Internet!"

Merlin appeared in the living room again, reporting on the completion of his mission to Abner who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window admiring the sea view.

Sokovia is a small mountainous city in Eastern Europe. Tourism is Sokovia's most important economic source. Some peaks are covered with snow all year round. Residents are concentrated in the Aosta Valley. The climate is a typical Alpine climate, with cold winters and cool summers. It is a popular resort for summer escape and winter skiing.

Merlin's report woke up Tony Stark, who was trapped in self-blame and regret. After he learned the whereabouts of Ultron, he immediately stood up and hurriedly expressed his gratitude to Abner Clarence. He left the villa with a quickening pace. He wanted to personally correct the disasters and mistakes he had made.

"Thanks, Abner!"

Abner took two steps to the door of the villa, looked at Tony Stark's figure leaving in a hurry, and sighed. This blow caused great psychological trauma to Tony Stark. , and even caused Tony Stark to change his political views drastically, go too far, and take the initiative to sign the Sokovia Accords.

This agreement was born out of the fact that governments around the world were terrified of the Avengers' sheer power, coupled with the fact that they were unregulated and basically wreaked havoc on cities around the world while performing defense missions.

After the Lagos bombing, governments around the world could no longer tolerate the Avengers' reckless behavior, so the Security Council introduced the agreement, requiring members of the Avengers to identify themselves to the government and accept government supervision. , and can only take action with the permission of the government.

The Sokovia Accords were approved by 117 countries in the world, including Wakanda, the country where Black Panther is located. The Sokovia Accords led to the split of the Avengers, with Captain America Steve Rogers and Iron Man Tony Stark officially breaking up, which ultimately ended with the disbandment of the Avengers.

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