I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 797 Peter Parker of the Lonely Star

Chapter 797 Peter Parker of the Evil Star

"To be so cruel to a young and beautiful girl is simply insane!"

A joking voice sounded from the top of the building, and Abner Clarence, wearing the robe of the Karma Taj wizard, appeared quietly. He was still wearing the mask of the Faceless Man and walked lightly to Peter Parker. In front of him, he looked down at Peter Parker lying on the ground, shook his head and said.

"The internal organs are bleeding, it looks like the injury is serious!"

Green light appeared in Abner Clarence's hand, he waved it casually and threw it on Peter Parker's body.

Before Peter Parker could react, he felt an itch from the wound on his right leg and internal organs. The pain lessened and the wound was healing quickly. But in the blink of an eye, Peter Parker jumped up on the ground with a look of surprise on his face. His hands kept touching his body, which made Abner Clarence feel chills.

"how did you do that?!"

As Spider-Man, Peter Parker is definitely a talker. He is completely different from his usual silent appearance. He dances around and asks questions around Abner Clarence, which makes Abner have a headache.

Abner Clarence uses medical ninjutsu. The Marvel world is the strangest world that Abner Clarence has ever experienced. The laws of the world are extremely tolerant of the power of various systems. There is no Conflict, so the power that Abner Clarence has practiced in previous worlds can be used without any obstacles in this world, so he can use medical ninjutsu to treat Peter Parker's injuries.

Abner looked at Peter Parker, who was noisier than a swarm of flies, pointed at Gwen Stacy and George, and said to divert the trouble away.

"You are sure you still want to waste time with me. Your little girlfriend and future father-in-law are still in danger. If you don't hurry up, you can find another girlfriend tomorrow!"

Peter Parker suddenly froze in embarrassment, his head mechanically turned behind him, looking at Dr. Lizard who was constantly attacking the magic shield, his expression suddenly changed, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes again, and he opened his mouth to ask again.

Abner Clarence was too lazy to tangle with Peter Parker, who had become very verbose, and simply dodged and disappeared in front of Peter Parker.

A trace of contemplation flashed across Peter Parker's face, and he picked up the hood on the ground again, and then rushed towards Dr. Lizard to stop him from continuing to do evil.

Abner looked at the two people who were fighting together again, and then removed the magic shield and watched the battle to avoid another accident.

Seeing Peter and Gwen spraying the antidote reagent they made through the launcher throughout the Big Apple City, Abner Clarence left the place quietly, ignoring the constant shouts of temptation. Is he still Peter Parker?

To be honest, although this battle is much smaller than the Kirita invasion of the earth, it is even more dangerous. This is a biochemical crisis. Although the transmissibility of the serum is not as strong as the zombie virus of the Umbrella Company, But if Dr. Consner's conspiracy succeeds, tens of millions of citizens in the Big Apple City will suffer and become monsters that are neither human nor ghosts.

Spider-Man Peter Parker is an existence like a lone star. His parents died when he was young and he was raised by Ben Parker and Aunt May. However, as he gained extraordinary abilities, his uncle Ben Parker died. Due to an accident, Aunt May was left alone to take care of him. Every girlfriend he talked to later had something unfortunate happen to him. It was a tragedy that made Abner Clarence wonder whether Peter Parker was really dead. Hard, overcoming all those close to him.

Abner Clarence also curiously observed Peter Parker's luck and made a prediction for him, but luckily, he can only say that it was all accidents and coincidences, and there was no innate destiny. The first time Abner Clarence personally saved Gwen Stacy's life, it should have changed Peter Parker's fate to a certain extent. That is, now that Abner has transcended the timeline, otherwise I am afraid that the world's Development is about to be deflected and a new parallel world will be formed.

Time is like water, always passing by quietly. After helping the cute young couple, Abner Clarence returned to his simple life, disappeared from everyone's eyes, and enjoyed himself peacefully. Living life.

The seaside villa in Big Apple City stands on the cliff as before. As soon as you open your eyes, you can see the endless sea. The bright sunshine shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows and prints some mottled shadows on the ground. Abner. Clarence was lying comfortably on the sofa, with a glass of red wine on the small table beside him, reading a book of poetry in his hand, enjoying a leisurely and comfortable life.

Suddenly there was a hurried knock on the door. Abner Clarence calmly put the bookmark on the poetry collection in his hand, then closed the book, picked up the wine glass next to him, took a sip carefully, and then He spoke.

"Merlin, please come in Tony!"

As a leader in the field of intelligence, Abner Clarence's villa is naturally controlled by the artificial intelligence Merlin. In the past, because Merlin needed to hide his existence, it has never been used directly. Now Abner Clarence is already in God. Merlin's existence was revealed in The Shield, so there was no need to hide it.

Abner Clarence sat upright on the sofa and looked at Tony Stark who walked in with anxious and chaotic steps. Tony Stark looked haggard and annoyed at this time, and his body was The suit is disheveled, his face is tired, and the beard around his lips is messy and has not been trimmed. It can be seen that Tony Stark is in a very bad state at this time.

Tony Stark strode up to Abner Clarence, looked at the red wine on the table in front of the sofa, slowly poured himself a large glass, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, as if to vent his heart. He opened the door, took a deep breath, and sat down on the sofa. His bloodshot eyes stared at Abner Clarence, who was still calm and lazy, and he asked for help with difficulty.

"Help me, Abner!"

Abner Clarence looked at Tony Stark in front of him. He knew that he didn't need to say anything more, just listen quietly and nodded.

Tony Stark clasped his hands together tightly, digging his nails into his palms as if he was thinking about organizing his words. He lowered his head for a while before continuing to speak.

"I am indeed an asshole. I am arrogant and ignorant. I always think I can handle everything. I am impulsive and conceited!"

Looking at Tony who kept belittling himself, he already understood the purpose of Tony Stark's trip, and he still listened patiently to Tony Stark's complaints and vents about his failures.

"I messed up everything. I didn't maintain the most basic respect of a scientific researcher, and I didn't listen to your advice. I created an artificial intelligence life that wanted to destroy the human world. Now things are out of control, but I can't find it. His traces have been found, I hope you can help me!"

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