I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 80 Chunin Examination (2)

"Me too!"

"Me too!" People kept leaving disappointed, with hatred and helplessness on their faces. Seeing the people who kept failing walking out of the door of the examination room, Naruto's psychological pressure doubled. He didn't answer a single question in his test paper. If he answered the last question wrong, Sasuke and Sakura would have no choice but to be genin for ten thousand years like him, constantly thinking about the serious consequences of the matter, and Naruto would be more worried, but he still didn't want to give up, he didn't want to give up , conflicting psychology, and strong pressure made Naruto's whole body tremble.

"Why? Naruto, why don't you raise your hand?" Sakura looked at the shivering Naruto in front of her, her mind full of doubts, and she desperately hoped that Naruto would choose to give up, even if he failed this exam. It's better than being a genin all your life.

"Long Suo, in order to become Hokage, I have the consciousness to make any effort!"

"Beyond the Hokage, and then let everyone in the village recognize my existence!"

Sakura recalled Naruto's longing and optimism when he talked about his dream, and was puzzled by Naruto's choice. Since he wanted to become Hokage, he couldn't be a genin all his life, so why didn't he choose to give up?

"You always say like a fool that you want to become Hokage. I'm sorry, Naruto, I don't want your dream that seems unattainable."

Sakura looked at Naruto not far in front of her, who was struggling and hesitating, but unwilling to give up. Sakura's face gradually became firm, and she slowly raised her hand in relief.

"Completely shattered here." Sakura's right hand had just been raised to her head, and Naruto in front finally made a move.

Naruto slowly raised his trembling hand. Sakura put her hand down in surprise. Sasuke and Hinata were both shocked. Is Naruto finally planning to give up on this exam?

No matter how slow he raised his arms, they would still reach the highest point. Naruto gritted his teeth tightly, and his conflicting psychology could be seen through at a glance.

"Ibiki, this guy understands people's hearts best. What he's best at is using psychological pressure to control people's spirits and make people show their inner weakness!" Bearded Asuma Sarutobi, Yuhi Kurenai, and Kakashi The examiner who was talking to Mike Kay about the Chunin Exam was secretly worried about his students. It was not a good thing to meet such an examiner who was good at torturing people's hearts.

"Don't underestimate me, I will never give up!" The trembling right hand suddenly straightened the five fingers, swung it down heavily, and slapped it hard on the examination table, making a loud "bang" sound. , all the candidates who were in conflict and hesitation in the examination room woke up. Everyone's attention turned to Naruto, to this boy who looked thin but made a surprising decision.

"I accept the test. Even if I can only be a ninja for the rest of my life, I will become Hokage to show you! It's no big deal!" Naruto gritted his teeth and said his determination, practicing his ninja way. It's not him to shrink back. style of.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Naruto held the edge of the table with both hands, stood up slowly, pointed his right hand at Morino Ibiki, and issued his challenge. No difficulty could make him look nervous. Some of the taller, thinner ninjas flinched.

"He is indeed the most unexpected ninja, with an amazing will." Neji looked at Naruto who looked enlightened and nodded secretly. No wonder Naruto has achieved his later achievements. Although his own talent is one thing, this The will is indeed amazing and admirable!

"I'm afraid that guy didn't consider us at all and acted on his own initiative!" Sasuke complained about Naruto's choice seemingly disgustedly, but his eyes showed satisfaction. He was a standard arrogant person. Even if he didn't admit it with his mouth, his body and expression were full of enthusiasm. Very honest.

"Yes, you are such a big idiot!" Sakura looked at Naruto who was full of passion and fighting spirit, and she was really affected by Naruto's speech.

"I ask again, this is a life-related choice. It's still too late to regret it." The scars on his face looked particularly majestic with Morino Ihiki's words.

"I won't go back on what I said. This is my way of ninja! Naruto didn't care at all about the so-called threat of being a genin for life, and replied firmly and forcefully.

"Hmph, you funny kid, you wiped away those people's insecurities."

"There are still 78 people, more than I thought. If we wait any longer, the result should not change." Morino Ihiki slowly took a few steps forward and looked at the examination room because of Naruto's declaration. , the candidates who became determined again were a little surprised. They could only glance around at all the chunin who were invigilating the exam. Seeing them all nodding, Morino Ihiki understood that this exam can be said to be over, and there will be nothing more difficult to do. There were waves.

"The determination is good! Then I announce that for everyone here now, the first exam will be held." The words paused for a while, and Ibixi walked back to the podium and stood still, raising his head.

"Passed!" A satisfied smile leaked out. In any case, candidates who can persevere until they are declared qualified are considered outstanding. Morino Ihiki did not hesitate to smile and sent blessings to all candidates, hoping that they will succeed in the exam. If you can perform well in the next exam, you can strive to become a chuunin as soon as possible.

Everyone was stunned, never expecting such an ending. The pencil that Naruto was holding tightly fell from his hand. With great determination, he would participate in the last game even if he could be a genin in his life. There was no more test, and he passed. Naruto immediately clenched his fists. He passed the first test. It was really great.

"The so-called tenth question is to see whether you can hold on to your original intention, stick to your own way of tolerance, and not be swayed by difficulties and unknown challenges when making choices about your life. So you are qualified and you are all excellent. Genin, you can stick to your inner choice!" Ibiki took a deep look at Naruto who was giggling. He didn't expect that the tense and uneasy atmosphere he had worked so hard to create would be destroyed by this kid. It was really shocking. Surprised.

"Bang!" The glass of the window shattered instantly, and a ball of black cloth instantly spread out in the classroom. A woman wearing a fishnet outfit, with a hot figure but a big personality appeared in front of Yibixi instantly.

"It's not the time to be happy yet, I am the examiner for the second round of the Chunin Examination, Anko Mitarashi!"

"Next, let's go. Come with me in the next game!" With exaggerated movements and inexplicably passionate appearance, it's no wonder Mitarai Anko is considered to have a very similar personality to Naruto.

"Ibiki, why are there so many people?" Mitarashi Anko looked back at Ibiki, a little confused as to why there were so many candidates left.

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