I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 79 Chunin Exam (1)

"Hyuga Neji? He is your last chief student. He is known as a nerd in the Hyuga family. His mentor is Konoha's blue beast Mike Kay. His teammates are Rock Lee and Tian Tian. The whole team is good at physical training. Hinata Neji is good at soft boxing, and coupled with the guidance of the strong fist from Jonin Mike Kai, it can be said that he combines the two major physical skills of strong fist and soft fist. He is very powerful. He once worked with two teammates without guidance. As a jounin, he has completed B-level missions more than 30 times, and the three of them escaped unscathed every time. Their strength is amazing. They can be regarded as one of the strongest teams in this chunin exam. One." Kabuto Yakushi pretended to be surprised and acted very surprised. It was completely impossible to tell that he was a genius whose strength had reached the level of a Jonin.

Sasuke listened to Kabuto Yakushi's story with open ears. In fact, Sasuke had made many guesses about Hyuga Neji's strength, but every time he saw Neji, he overturned his conclusion because Neji's performance was better than his own. The guess was more powerful, and in the end Sasuke had to give up the useless guess. He listened to the information about Neji collected by Kabuto Yakushi, but in fact he no longer paid attention to this information. He understood that Neji's strength was far from what could be reflected in this information. It should be Neji's strength in daily life. He concealed something during the mission and never exposed it.

Neji looked at Kabuto Yakushi who was performing non-stop, and admired his patience. As Orochimaru's most important right-hand man, he could actually act with a group of genin, acting like a clown, completely pretending not to be an Oto ninja. It was really difficult for him to face a genin opponent.

The farce of a conflict between genin ended quickly. Morino Ihiki, the examiner of the first written test of the chunin exam, appeared on the scene. This was the head of the Konoha Torture Department. What he was best at was creating a tense atmosphere and creating The pressure forces the prisoner to collapse mentally and obtain the information he needs. He is a famous torture expert. For all genin, such an examiner will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of the exam, and he can be regarded as a devil examiner.

The first exam mainly tested the genin's intelligence gathering ability. The written test paper was deliberately made more difficult so that most of the candidates could not answer. Then a chuunin was arranged to mix in among the candidates to answer the questions, luring the candidates who took the exam to use themselves. The ability to collect intelligence is used to cheat, and the intelligence gathering ability of the candidates is tested. However, the first exam not only tests these, but also arranges many chunin to monitor the exams to catch the candidates cheating, which puts psychological pressure and tension on all candidates, so This is a comprehensive test of courage, intelligence collection and psychological quality.

Looking at the test questions in front of him, Neji couldn't help but nodded. It was indeed difficult for genin. Basically all the candidates couldn't do it. This was normal. After all, many ninjas didn't pay attention to theory and paid more attention to the improvement of strength, so basically In the entire examination room, only Neji and Sakura were able to answer the test questions. The other students could only find ways to use their own methods to collect information and cheat.

The cheating methods and past lives in the ninja world are really much more exciting. Watching the candidates cross the sea and show off their magical powers is a big show. Sasuke used the copying function of the Sharingan to copy the Chunin's movements and wrote the answers directly on his own test paper; Gaara used the Eye of Sand to directly peek at other people's answers; Yamanaka Ino used the family secret technique, the Heart Turning Technique. He directly controlled Sakura and copied Sakura's answers; Hinata used the perspective function of the Byakugan to copy the answers; only Naruto, a fool, really thought that this exam was about theoretical knowledge, and when he looked at the questions in the test paper, his eyes Confused, completely clueless.

Neji easily answered the test questions and directly used genjutsu to compile the answers into memories and send them to Li Xiaoli and Tiantian. The entire first test was completely without difficulty for Neji's team.

Ningji quietly waited for the end of the written test, watching the candidates being proctored one after another in anticipation of the arrival of the last question.

"The time is up, let's start the last question now!" Morino Ibiki looked at the half-empty classroom expressionlessly and announced his final test questions and requirements. For Ibiki, only nearly half of the people were eliminated. It was obviously a big mistake. Without his request, as a torture expert from the Konoha Torture Department, it would be really embarrassing if he couldn't even intimidate these genin candidates.

"Before announcing the last question, I will tell you the specific rules. If you answer this last question incorrectly, you will never be promoted to chuunin, and you can only be a genin for the rest of your life. If you have any doubts, you can give up answering the question now. , continue to prepare for one year and wait for next year's Chunin Exam." Morino Ihiki coldly announced this rule that many candidates think is extremely cruel.

"How can there be such a rule? None of the previous Chunin exams have such regulations!" Candidates who have participated in many Chunin exams immediately refuted Morino Ihiki's rules and were very dissatisfied with this rule.

"That's because the examiner is not me, otherwise there is no way a piece of trash like you could take the Chunin Exam again!" Ibixi stared at the examinee, his eyes exuding contempt and cold blood, as if he was expecting This candidate will try to answer the questions to see if he will never be able to advance to Chuunin and become a genin for life.

"I give up!" This candidate was completely overwhelmed by the mental pressure created by Morino Ihiki and gave up answering the questions. He got up and left with the other two teammates to prepare for the next Chunin exam.

"For those of you who have not given up, giving up now is a wise choice. There is no need to risk your ninja career and be a genin for the rest of your life just for a question!" Morino Ibihara kindly persuaded the candidates to give up, with a look full of sincerity. , it seems that a friend who has been with us for many years is trying to persuade us not to go all out and take such a big risk to take the exam. After all, we cannot become Chuunin this time, and there will be another time. There is no need to fight to the end in this exam.

"I give up!"

"I give up too!"

Candidates one after another could not accept the price of being a genin for the rest of their lives, so they chose to give up. People kept raising their hands, and people kept leaving the examination room. Morino Ihiki looked at the candidates leaving the room, and nodded secretly, feeling pressured by his own psychology. Once it takes effect, it seems that most of the candidates will be eliminated, so the number of candidates taking the following exams will be greatly reduced.

Neji didn't care about Ibiki's rules at all. All his attention was now on Naruto, wanting to see if he could still make a splash, interrupt Ibiki's inner oppression, and inspire all the candidates.

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