I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 765 Border Town

Abner Clarence has been studying rune magic in Asgard for the next period of time, and has gained a lot. The magic of Asgard has its own uniqueness, especially the magic runes. Wen, which was more useful to Abner Clarence, allowed him to enchant some weapons. Combining the magic alchemy of Kama Taj and Hogwarts, he created some magic weapons and some magic scrolls. , of course most of the materials are provided free of charge by Odin.

Abner Clarence casually threw what he had gained during this period into the space ring he had just created. This magic ring looked inconspicuous, but it made use of Hogwarts' space folding technology and Kamatai. Ji's mirror space magic is stably created using runes. It not only opens up a stable internal space, but also enhances the affinity of magic and stabilizes the control of magic. It also has a huge impact on the power of magic. The amplifying effect can be regarded as an alternative magic ring and wand, and the materials used are even more unusual. Abner Clarence owed Odin a favor for this, and asked Odin for a branch of the World Tree, and Tempering with the eternal fire and the ice treasure box can be said to be Abner Clarence's highest achievement in magical creation. It is definitely a magical artifact.

After Abner Clarence packed up his achievements, he bid farewell to Odin. After all, he had accepted Odin's gift, so he naturally wanted to return to Earth to look after Thor in case anything happened to Thor. Not a good ending.

Odin looked at Abner who was leaving, a look of deep admiration flashing in his eyes. This period of getting along with him made him deeply realize the terribleness of this mage. He was hungry for knowledge, had wisdom far beyond ordinary people, and was meticulous. With his thinking, calm personality, and deep state of mind, he can be described as a flawless strong man. This kind of person can only be a friend but not an enemy. I hope Thor can establish some close connections with each other during this trip to the atrium, which will help him in the future. Asgard definitely has its benefits.


There was a sound of rapid footsteps, Odin stepped into the divine coffin, closed his eyes again and entered the divine sleep, and released Gangnir in his hand.

A thin man wearing green armor stepped into the hall and came to the coffin. He looked at Odin who was sleeping. His narrow eyes that used to be full of cunning now showed cowardice and admiration. .

Loki had a complex look on his face, with resentment and desire in his heart. He resented that he was not the son of Odin, but the son of the King of Frost Giants, Raul, with a lowly bloodline flowing through him. He also hoped that he could gain Odin's recognition by destroying the Frost Giants. .

Loki suppressed the weakness in his eyes, leaving only ruthlessness and determination. He opened Odin's coffin, held the eternal spear Gangnir beside Odin, and took a deep look at the aging Odin. , then he closed the coffin and strode out of the palace, his steps heavy and firm.

Odin opened his left eye and stared blankly at Loki who was leaving. A trace of guilt and sadness flashed across his face. Loki's every move was part of his plan. It was his careful planning that pushed Loki step by step into where he is now. To the point where Loki was forced to become the whetstone for Thor to ascend the throne. He also watched Loki grow up. Although Loki was not of his blood, he was raised by him. He felt somewhat guilty and disturbed.

In the Mexican border town, Abner Clarence stepped out of the portal and looked at the sparsely populated western town in front of him. He couldn't help but sigh at the desolation and roughness of these areas. Hearing the sounds of drinking and fighting coming from the town, He shook his head helplessly. During this period of time in Asgard, he concentrated on research and had no time to pay attention to mundane things, which made him somewhat separated from the fireworks of the world. Abner Clarence frowned slightly, getting used to the noise of the world, and once again I found a tavern and walked in.

"any drinks?"

The shop owner is a typical burly white middle-aged man, dressed very simply, a pair of jeans, a simple white vest, revealing his strong arms and blue tattoos covering his arms, a rosy nose, a red tip of his nose, and a full face of whiskers. The service attitude is extremely poor. It can be seen that the shop owner must have been in the underworld when he was young. In addition, there are few outsiders in the town and the source of customers is stable, so there is no need for attentive service, as long as it can provide the residents of the town. Just affordable drinks.

Abner Clarence looked critically at the noisy environment around him, looked at the relatively clean wine table and wine utensils, frowned and said.

“Just a beer!”

The shop owner didn't mind that Abner was spending too little, so he turned back to the bar, took a glass of 3 liters of draft beer, and placed it directly in front of Abner. The splashing beer foam dripped on the wine table. He turned around and went to greet other guests.

Abner Clarence frowned and looked at the beer foam splashing on the table. He shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly. It seemed that he was really out of touch. Now he was so picky. He adjusted it a little. In this state of mind, Abner calmly raised his glass, took a swig, and drank half of the glass.

Although the shop owner was greeting other customers, he still looked at Abner Clarence from the corner of his eye. You must know that the town has not seen strangers all year round. Since a magical hammer fell from the sky a month ago, adventurers from all over the world and outsiders poured into the town one after another, all rushing for the hammer that could not be lifted. Although they had their own agendas, they did bring a prosperous economy to the town, and even the tavern was open for business. The income has soared, and one month is almost equal to a year's income in previous years.

Although the shop owner has met many strangers, he still pays more attention to Abner Clarence. He can sense the other person's extraordinary nature, and there is a faint sense of oppression in his body. This is the majesty of someone who has been in power for a long time. . When he first met Abner, he was a little dissatisfied with the environment, but now he quickly adapted to it. He couldn't help but secretly sigh, it was indeed beyond the reach of others, and he was even more attracted by Abner Clarence's booze. Couldn't help but walked over.

"You came here for that hammer too?"

Although the shop owner asked Abner, he was somewhat certain in his heart. After all, if it weren't for the hammer, who would be in this deserted land.

“Isn’t that what everyone is here for?”

Abner did not deny it. Although he came here to prevent Thor from having an accident on Earth, there was no need to talk to the shop owner about this.

The shopkeeper frowned and took a deep look at Abner, feeling unsure in his heart. Abner was too calm and still reminded him kindly.

"No matter why you came here, I advise you not to take advantage of that hammer. It has become a forbidden area and is controlled by the officials of the beautiful country!"

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