I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 764 Odin’s provocation and compensation

Seeing that Odin had put away his momentum, Abner Clarence also gradually restrained his own momentum. He slowly lowered his figure and stepped on the splendid palace floor. Abner Clarence curled his lips in disappointment. , knowing that this battle could not be fought, he was very bored now, and finally found an excuse to have an attack. He hoped to have a battle with Odin, the overlord god king, to relieve his loneliness. After all, he had the dragon-slaying skills, but How sad that there is no dragon to slay.

But what Abner Clarence didn't expect was that Odin was old after all, and had lost his former boldness. Maybe he was a qualified god-king at this time, but he was no longer that. He is the overlord of the universe, and his minions have been put away. The first thing he considers when doing things is to weigh the pros and cons. He has lost his edge and spirit, and is only left with the peace of mind and kindness.

On the contrary, Odin glanced at Abner Clarence. Unexpectedly, this young mage was no longer aggressive, knew how to advance and retreat, and did not act impulsively. It would be great if Thor could be as mature as him, then He could pass on the title of God King to him, so there was no need to spend so much time training him.

Odin put away Gangnir, sat on the main seat, and motioned for Abner Clarence to take a seat.

Abner Clarence sat bored in the guest seat, a little listless. Odin's compromise made him withdraw his fighting spirit, and he was a little depressed.

"You still don't know how to call me sir?"

Odin now had a bit of a master's demeanor and asked politely.

"Abner Clarence!"

Although Abner was not very happy, he was not angry because the other party gave in, so he could only speak patiently.

Odin nodded and asked curiously.

"Master Abner, are you the new supreme mage recognized by Karma Taj?"

Although Odin asked this question with his mouth, he had already clearly determined in his heart that Abner Clarence was the newly recognized Supreme Mage.

Abner Clarence looked even more miserable, with drooped eyelids, and replied lifelessly.

"I'm not, Strange is. It's just that before Master Ancient One passed away, he asked me to take care of Strange for a few years until he grows up!"

Odin's eyes sparkled, and he was even more shocked. He didn't expect that Abner was not the new supreme mage. Does that mean that the earth will have two overlord-level masters in the future? The rise of Midgard is already unstoppable.

"That's such a pity. I didn't expect that Abner is so powerful that he can't inherit the position of Supreme Mage!"

Although Odin's words were meant to compliment Abner Clarence, but more importantly he wanted to sow discord between Abner and Strange, hoping to arouse the imbalance and jealousy in Abner's heart. As if Loki was not convinced by Thor, the two mages in the atrium had an internal conflict, which was like fire and water. After all, a powerful atrium is not in Asgard's interests.

Abner Clarence finally raised his eyes, glanced at Odin with a half-smile, and joked.

"Although Ancient One wanted me to succeed the Supreme Mage before, I have always been lazy, so I am unwilling to take over the position of Supreme Mage. There is no need to say these provocative words of the God King, they are off-putting!"

"If the God King has this intention, he might as well worry more about his two sons. After all, the God King's life is running out, and the two princes may have to fight endlessly for the position of the God King. Otherwise, the God King will Why would the king exile Thor to Earth!"

Odin's heart sank, and he became more afraid of Abner Clarence. He didn't expect that the other party could see his current state at a glance, and he knew the situation in Asgard well. If Luo It would be great if Ji could be as indifferent to fame and wealth as the Abner mage in front of him, and not care about gains and losses. Loki's intelligence and Thor's bravery can definitely make Asgard more powerful.

Odin's expression became a little gloomier. Although Loki was not his biological son, he had raised him for thousands of years as if he were his own and loved him very much. Now that brothers are fighting and killing each other, how can he not make this god-king sad?

"Now that Master Abner knows it, I won't hide it. Thor, I hope to let him practice in the atrium to prepare for inheriting the throne. Asgard is willing to pay some compensation for this!"

Odin finally talked about today's business, his face straightened, and he laid out the conditions.

"And when people from Asgard arrive on Earth in the future, they will contact Karma Taj in advance. Otherwise, they can be regarded as illegal immigrants, and Karma Taj has the right to deal with it!"

Odin took a big step back and started negotiations with great sincerity.

Abner Clarence finally put aside his careless attitude and became interested. He nodded and agreed with what Odin said. If Odin hadn't slapped him in the face this time, he would never have done it. Noisy broke into Asgard. After all, he was the talker of the earth at this time. Asgard threw people to the earth without his consent. He really didn't take him seriously. He must Only by reacting can we deter those who have evil intentions towards the earth.

As long as Strange grows up, he can let go and leave everything to Strange, the big bastard, and be too lazy to worry about these troubles.

"Okay, I wonder what compensation the God King is willing to pay this time?"

Abner Clarence is actually very interested in Asgard's magic. After seeing the magic of Hogwarts and Kama Taj, he now wants to learn some of the mysteries of Asgard's magic.

Odin thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Mage Abner can choose any treasure from my treasure house as compensation for my apology!"

Odin traveled across the universe and plundered many treasures from other civilizations, such as the Eternal Fire and the Ice Box, and even the Space Gems and Reality Gems of the Cosmic Cube. However, he sensed the danger and sealed them. The existence of the earth can be regarded as diverting trouble to the east.

Abner Clarence thought for a moment. For him now, the treasures in Odin's treasure house are really unattractive. If there are space gems and reality gems, Abner can also study the contents contained in them. The laws of the universe have helped him improve his realm, but now that the two gems are on the earth, he naturally looks down on the other treasures in the Asgard, which are far less attractive to him than the magic of Asgard.

The foundation of Asgard's magic is runes. This magical rune was obtained by Odin at the cost of one eye. It is a treasure bred in the spring of wisdom under the World Tree. It has a magical side. Abner Clarence has long coveted this.

"I agree with everything else. I just hope it can be changed as compensation. I want to learn Asgard's magical knowledge!"

Odin frowned. Although Asgard's rune magic was obtained with his right eye, he was not proficient in it and taught it to his tribe. After all, although Asgard's magic is magical, it is It's still not as good as their divine bodies, but Odin can accept this condition.

Odin weighed it for a moment, nodded in agreement, and said in a deep voice.

"All magic books in Asgard are open to Master Abner, but the period is only one month!"

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