Chapter 745 Black Widow

Abner Clarence looked at Mephitus with a respectful face and was very satisfied with his knowledge of current affairs. He was not willing to kill Mephitus directly and kept the Lord of the Hell Dimension. On the contrary, it was more intimidating to other dimensional masters. As for whether Mephitus was resentful or not, he didn't care at all.

"Your true body is not allowed to come to the earth, and your clone is not allowed to harm any earthly creature!"

Abner Clarence directly put forward his conditions. He knew that this simple contract could not restrain Mephitus from harvesting souls. The devil was best at exploiting loopholes in the contract, but he was not willing to force it too much.

Mephitus carefully thought about Abner's proposal and thought that the conditions were not harsh for him, but it would be more restrictive and cumbersome to harvest souls in the future, so he could accept it.

Mephitus's scarlet eyes rolled several times, and countless conspiracies and intrigues flashed through his mind. He looked embarrassed and wanted to bargain.


Abner's face turned cold, and the cold light in his eyes was strong. A magic sword shining with golden light appeared in his hand again. He looked at Mephitus's body with an unkind expression, and his eyes were like a blade glaring at Mephitus' body. There was a chill.

Mephitus' expression changed dramatically, he smiled, and quickly changed his words, fearing that Abner would slash him with his sword if he was too late.

"I promise, I promise! There's no need to do anything anymore!"

Abner then glanced at Mephitus hesitantly, slowly released the magic sword in his hand, and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, if you don't eat the toast, you'll be punished with a drink!"

Mephitus didn't seem to hear Abner's sarcasm, his expression remained unchanged, and he didn't care about face at all.

Abner and the Ancient Master once again stepped out and returned to the earth. Abner sneered, looked at the masters of the major dimensions who were spying on the earth, and said disdainfully.

"Everyone is welcome to come to Earth as a guest in the future. As the host, I will definitely entertain you warmly!"

The cold light in Abner's eyes showed that his words were not just words. The Lords of all dimensions looked at the mage on the earth from a distance and sighed. They were destined to return in vain this time. They did not expect that although Ancient One They were about to die, but a more powerful legendary mage appeared. In a short time, they were helpless against the earth.

Abner and the Ancient One Master calmly watched the masters of the major dimensions snooping outside the earth slowly retreating, leaving only Dormammu in the dark dimension. Abner paid no attention to the Dormammu who had begun to invade the earth. Mam, because he is Strange's whetstone and stepping stone. Only when Doctor Strange is really unworthy, Abner will take action.

The two Abners stood on the tallest building in the Big Apple City, overlooking the City of Angels and the City of Sin. Abner slid his finger and a portal opened. Abner kicked him in and returned to There was only a lingering sound left in his villa.

"Goodbye, respected Master Ancient One!"

Master Gu Yi's face remained calm until the portal closed, then he murmured.

"Thanks, Abner!"

Ancient One felt sorry. Abner seemed to have expelled the masters of the major dimensions easily, but he also exposed his existence to the eyes of the other party. Because of the request of Master Ancient One, Abner He has provoked a large number of enemies. You must know that each of these dimensional lords is extremely difficult to deal with. Even the Ancient One only used the magic circle arranged by the earth to barely maintain the peace of the earth.

The Ancient One took one last look at the Big Apple City before her soul left this place. She still had some things to tell Strange, the next Supreme Mage.

Not every great person leaves grandly, but often quietly. As the guardian of the earth, Ancient One Master has protected the earth from the invasion of dimensional demons for five hundred years. It can be said that he is famous. , but few people on earth remember her achievements, and her death was also silent.

Of course, this kind of silence is only an aspect of the mortal world. Abner witnessed with his own eyes the thrilling feeling after the Ancient One left. If Strange hadn't been constantly using the Eye of Agamorro to reset the world cycle, many people would have been stunned. Mamu fell into the trap of the time loop, and the earth was swallowed and digested by Dormammu.

Strange has lived up to the expectations of the Ancient One. Under the constant cycle of death, he has grown up visibly with the naked eye. Although his current strength is still far behind that of the Ancient One, he is still enough to cope with the crises facing the earth today. After all, each The Lord of the Great Dimension has been frightened by Abner and does not dare to come to the earth in person. At most, he will cause some small troubles.

"Bang bang bang!" On the boxing ring, the sound of punching gloves kept coming. Tony Stark was training his skills with sweat. Since his identity as Iron Man was exposed, Tony Stark He entrusted the day-to-day management of the company to his girlfriend Pepper Potts, and he devoted himself to developing the Mark armor series, training his fighting skills, and exercising his body's reflexes and physical strength.

Ever since Strange successfully defeated Dormammu, Abner has put down his worries and started doing nothing again. Today, he was invited by Tony Stark to come to the boxing gym with him.

Abner was naturally not interested in this kind of pediatric fighting skills. He yawned out of boredom. Looking at Tony Stark sweating profusely on the stage, he sighed. He didn't expect that Tony Stark, a playboy, wanted to Being a superhero also requires hard work. He has to set aside one day every week to train his fighting skills. Although he is protected by the Mark armor, if he has some basic fighting skills, it will be easier for him to control the armor.

Tony Stark wiped the sweat from his forehead, stopped, and casually took off the full set, signaling Happy, his sparring partner, to take a break and train.

"Why don't you go up and play for a while?"

Tony walked to the edge of the stage and looked at Abner who didn't want to move at all and couldn't help but ask.

"Forget it! You know me, I'm not suitable for such a rough sport!"

Abner lied without changing his face, pretending to be weak.

Tony Stark took a look at Abner's slender figure, and found that he did not have the thick muscles of Europeans and Americans. He shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"You should also exercise more!"

"Let's talk about it later!"

Abner waved his hands indifferently, then suddenly a trace of surprise flashed across his face, and he turned his head to look at the opposite side.

"Tony, you need to sign these documents!"

Pepper Potts walked over, followed by a beautiful black-haired girl holding several documents. She had flaming red lips and was particularly sexy and charming, attracting Tony Stark's attention.

Tony Stark waved his hand, showing no interest in the daily management of the company. He pointed at the beautiful girl and said to Pepper.

"You can handle these little things by yourself, but I am short of an administrative secretary, so I need her!"

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