I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 744 Shocking Different Dimensions

Abner naturally didn't know about the conversation between Phil Coulson and Nick Fury after he left, and he didn't care about Phil Coulson's gaze. He understood that as long as he didn't do anything that would be outrageous to both humans and gods, S.H.I.E.L.D. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. This is the power and charm of money. In this country where money is paramount, the people who cannot be offended the most are not politicians and high-ranking officials, but the super-rich, and Abner Clarence happens to be one of them.

After returning to the villa, Abner looked at the empty room and couldn't help but smile helplessly. Since his girlfriend Maria Hill became the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., she has become even busier. Sometimes the two of them don't see each other for a month. In the past, he could only rely on his mobile phone to communicate with each other. Therefore, sometimes Abner did not want to stay in this unpopular villa. Most of the time, he lived in the company's building, or devoted himself to the laboratory, conducting research. He is doing some secret research, which is not enough for outsiders.

Abner Clarence opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of drinking water, sat down on the sofa boredly, and quietly watched the discussion about Iron Man on TV, passing the lonely time in his boudoir.

The night slowly fell, and the moonlight fell in the courtyard, reflecting on the smooth ground. Abner Clarence stood alone in the center, looking a little lonely. He was quietly waiting for someone to arrive. This might be A final farewell between them.

"You came?!"

Abner Clarence looked at the ancient mage with golden light in front of him with a complex expression. He was dressed in a monk's robe that had not changed for thousands of years. His face was extremely calm, without any fear of imminent death, and even after some relief. of joy.

"You have really had enough of life, so you have to die so urgently, and you choose to die at the hands of Casillas. Don't you think this is a bit of a joke?"

Abner Clarence didn't understand why the ancient master had become weary of the world and wanted to die in just five hundred years. It was not like he had never experienced immortality in the mythical world. In the world of three lives and three lives, he Even after hundreds of thousands of years, he still has a young and energetic mind, without any world-weariness.

"Abner, everyone has their own destiny and mission, and my mission has been completed. I should leave according to the arrangement of fate. This is the final result for the earth, and Strange can grow up quickly. , take up the responsibility of the Supreme Mage!"

The Ancient Master has used the Eye of Agamorro to follow the timeline countless times and deduced the possibilities. Only leaving at this time is the best solution, both for Strange and the earth. It's a good thing. She has long been tired of guarding the earth day after day for five hundred years. It's time for her to rest and hand over the burden to her younger generations.

The corners of Master Gu Yi's mouth opened slightly, and a soft smile bloomed, making people feel warm. There was expectation and hope in his eyes. His soft eyes looked at his most outstanding disciple quietly in front of him. With his presence, he Some of the worries that were still there can be completely put aside. Even if Strange is unable to cope with the next crisis, the earth has Abner as insurance and will never be reduced to an existence that is arbitrarily slaughtered by other dimensions and forces.

"I'll leave it to you while Strange is growing up. I hope you can shock those people!"

The purpose of the Ancient Master's trip was, firstly, to say goodbye to Abner, and secondly, in the hope that Abner could create a quiet space for Strange to grow up, so that he could face Doma alone without any interruption. Well, no other forces will intervene.

Abner nodded, he could not refuse his mentor's request.

The Ancient One Master and Abner Clarence turned their attention to other dimensions one after another, and finally unanimously turned their attention to the hell dimension. The smell of sulfur slowly filled the tip of their noses, making them frown in disgust. , decided to operate in the hell dimension first.

Abner looked at the hell dimension that was full of deceit, corruption, blood and death. A golden sword appeared in his hand. He waved the sword towards the hell dimension. A line of swords was like the Milky Way reflected in the eyes of the Lords of many dimensions. , like a bolt of lightning that penetrated the hell dimension, attacking straight to the deepest part of the hell dimension.

The demon Mephisto, who had been sleeping, was awakened by the sudden danger. With a pair of devil's horns on his head, his eyes were filled with anger and he let out a shrill roar. He was drowned by the sword light that filled the sky, and a burst of anger filled his eyes. The sound resounded throughout the hell dimension, causing all devils and demons to focus on where the Lord of Hell, the Devil Mephisto, was.

"Gu Yi, you are going too far!"

The sword light disappeared, the devil's horns were broken, and his whole body was covered with wounds torn by the sword energy. Black blood continued to remain, forming a pool of blood at Mephisto's feet. His miserable appearance would All the dimension masters were shocked.

Although the original Ancient One Master was famous in many dimensions and frightened all the dimensional lords who coveted the earth, he never took the initiative to attack the dimensional body. At most, he blocked the arrival of the dimensional lords. Outside the earth, agreements have been reached with many dimensional masters, and the true body is not allowed to come to the earth.

All the dimensional masters have learned about the impending death of the Ancient One Master, and are paying attention to the changes in the earth. They will wait until the Ancient One Master leaves to carve up this fat piece of earth. Among them, the most active ones are the Dark Dimension Dormammu and The difference between the two Mephistos in the hell dimension is that Dormammu has already begun to invade the earth in his true form, while Mephisto only came to the earth in his avatar, causing trouble on the earth and wantonly harvesting the souls he likes. .

Abner joined hands with the soul of the ancient master to descend to the hell dimension. Smelling the rotten smell of sulfur, Abner shrugged his nose in displeasure, frowned his sword eyebrows, and scolded with a frosty look on his face.

"I am Abner Clarence, the wizard of Karma Taj. If Mephitus refuses to accept it, I will beat you until you do!"

Mephitus was originally surprised as to why Gu Yi had so much strength. How could he take the risk and invade Hell when he was already dying, but he didn't expect that it was someone else.

Mephitus sensed the breath of Abner Clarence, his pupils shrank, his heart trembled, and he put away all his anger and dissatisfaction. The breath of the mage in front of him gave him a feeling of fatal danger. , unfathomable, and his strength far exceeds that of the Ancient One. He never thought that there would be such a being on earth. He was also unlucky enough to crash into an iron plate, becoming an existence that would scare the monkeys.

"Master Abner Clarence, if you have any requests, just tell me and I will agree!"

The devil is the cunningest and most aware of current affairs. Since he can't defeat him, he will naturally admit defeat without any regard for face.

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