I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 728 The Visit of the Supreme Mage Ancient One

Abner Clarence is currently at his villa on the coast of Big Apple City, preparing dinner with his girlfriend Maria Hill, sharing the sweetness between the couple.

Abner hugged his girlfriend tightly behind Hill, and the two started cooking tonight's meal together. Abner lowered his head to smell the fragrance of his girlfriend's hair from time to time, and gave his girlfriend a peck on her pretty face. Maria Hill turned back and gave a gentle smile.

The two have been dating for 9 years since middle school. They have not encountered the seven-year itch that ordinary couples talk about. The two have always been inseparable and respectful to each other. After all, both of them are wealthy owners with successful careers. After eliminating the trivial worries of ordinary people, there will naturally be no conflicts.

Abner's villa is actually not far from Tony Stark's beachside villa, and the two of them can be considered neighbors.

This is also the reason why Tony Stark took the initiative to invite Abner.

At first, Abner Clarence disagreed. Who didn't know that Tony Stark would be a troublemaker in the future and took the initiative to publish the address of his villa, which resulted in it being bombed by an enemy helicopter? After one pass, which almost cost him his life, Abner didn't want to be a neighbor with this proud and poisonous guy, but he couldn't defeat Tony Stark and finally compromised.

Because Abner Clarence has been studying, apart from Maria Hill, a cold and beautiful girlfriend, his only partner is Tony Stark, who can barely be regarded as a friend. Although the two of them are There is some age difference, and they fight each other whenever they see each other, but they still regard each other as their friends.

"How are you in the army now? Is it going well?"

Abner and Hill sat across from each other, enjoying the food they made together tonight and chatting about each other's current situation. Maria Hill has entered the military since graduating from Harvard University and has long since become a S.H.I.E.L.D. An agent of the Bureau, of course, different from field agents such as Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, and Phil Coulson. She is an administrative manager. Although she has not yet become the deputy director of SHIELD, But he is already a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a strong competitor for deputy director. At the age of only twenty-six years old, he has already reached a position that many people find difficult to reach in their lifetime.

In fact, Maria Hill and Nick Fury have different positions. Nick Fury is more at the mercy of the Security Council, while Maria Hill represents the beautiful country. The interests of the country, so the two often have conflicts of interest. This is also the reason why Maria Hill can become the deputy director of SHIELD in the future. It is an important chess piece used by the beautiful country to check and balance the power of Nick Fury, and it is also the reason why Maria Hill can become the deputy director of SHIELD. After Nick Fury stepped down, he took over the position of director of SHIELD.

S.H.I.E.L.D., as a covert department that specializes in handling special security incidents in the world, is still unknown. Even Maria Hill, a senior agent, needs to keep the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. secret, so she has not communicated with Abner has spoken about the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., and has always lied about being in the military's special forces.

Maria Hill held the knife and fork and divided the filet mignon on the plate, handed it to Abner, then took the steak in front of Abner in front of her, lowered her head and continued attentively. He was busy and spoke.

"It's going pretty well. It won't be long before I get promoted again. Then I'll be even busier and we'll have much less time to see each other!"

Maria Hill, who was concentrating on cutting up the steak, seemed to be unwilling to lie to her lover, so she kept her head down and did not see the thoughtful look on her boyfriend Abner's face, otherwise she would definitely find out about her boyfriend. I have already known about my career.

"Congratulations to you, you are getting promoted again. When the time comes, we must celebrate!"

Abner pretended not to know that he was happy for his girlfriend's promotion. He swallowed the steak on the knife in one gulp. The tender and juicy steak exploded with juice. Abner was very satisfied with his girlfriend's craftsmanship tonight and nodded frequently to show his appreciation. .

When Maria Hill saw this, her smile was as bright as a flower. She was no longer as cold as she was in SHIELD. If Phil Coulson and Clint Barton were allowed to see such a gentle side of their iceberg-faced colleague, , I’m afraid even my jaw will drop in shock.

Maria Hill has the reputation of a cold devil within SHIELD. She is ruthless towards her enemies and extremely harsh towards her subordinates. She is unsmiling and unsmiling, which makes everyone fear her. This is also Maria Hill's nature. And deliberately, in a special department like SHIELD, if you can't suppress the arrogant soldiers under your command, no one will listen to your orders no matter what you do.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Maria Hill also put the steak into her mouth, her cherry lips moved slightly, and she responded gently.

Although she was extremely strong at work, she never got angry or angry in front of Abner Clarence, and she never gave him a look. It can be said that she is obedient and extremely gentle. Of course, Abner also loves her very much. The two are regarded as divine companions. Maria Hill is extremely grateful to meet Abner in this life. He is Maria Hill. My last warmth in this world.

For Maria Hill, who had lacked family warmth since she was a child, Abner Clarence was her greatest attachment and concern in her life. She was also the only lover in her life, and the only person who could melt the coldness in her heart.

As an agent, Maria Hill has seen too much darkness and conspiracies in the world, so it is inevitable that her heart is filled with a lot of negative emotions and her view of the world is extremely cold. Only when she sees Abner will she put these negative emotions into perspective. With all the trash gone, it can be said that Abner is her best spiritual elixir.

Suddenly, the candlelight dinner between the two was interrupted by an uninvited guest. The burning candle stopped and the entire space and time seemed to be frozen. Maria Hill's chewing food also seemed to be pressed. After pressing the pause button, only Abner Clarence was not surprised at all and continued to enjoy the tender and delicious steak. This was a delicacy that his girlfriend had finally found time to make. It could not be wasted. He did not raise his head to look at the steak. An uninvited guest in monk's robes.

The thin, bald woman in monk's robe was also silent, patiently tolerating Abner Clarence's rudeness, and quietly looked at Abner enjoying the food alone, until Abner wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. Grease, then slowly spoke.

"Abner, long time no see!"

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