I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 727 MIT’s Gemini

After Abner's strength was exposed, he also asked the ancient mage to enter the Supreme Mage's private library. There are many kinds of magic books collected by the Supreme Mage in the past, including not only white magic, but also many magic books. Abner Clarence has benefited a lot from black magic and forbidden magic. It took Abner a full year just to study the magic knowledge, which can be said to be a great improvement in strength.

Since then, Abner has been regarded as a legendary mage with profound knowledge, far beyond the comparison of great mages like Wang and Modu. Even the Ancient One dare not say that his knowledge and research on magic can surpass Aibner. Buna.

Abner also asked the Ancient One for the Eye of Agamoro, which is the time stone, to study the laws of time in this world. The Ancient One also generously lent it to Abner for a full month. Abner has gained a lot, and the gains are not enough for outsiders. Anyway, even the powerful soul of the ancient mage cannot sense the changes in Abner's strength, and from now on he can no longer pass through the Eye of Agamoro in time. The existence of Abner was observed online, which surprised the ancient master.

Abner Clarence and Maria Hill spent their last school year at St. Paul's Middle School. The graduation season finally came, which made Maria Hill a little disappointed, but both of them are people with perseverance. The kind of nympho who is obsessed with love and can't extricate himself, so after an intimate holiday trip, he accepted the fact calmly. Anyway, Harvard University and MIT are very close, only separated by a river, they can be reached by walking in 20 minutes. Students from each other's colleges or even two universities can choose each other's courses, which is a great relief for them.

Since entering the two top colleges in the beautiful country, the two of them have inevitably spent less time together. After all, in such colleges and universities that bring together geniuses from all over the world, it will naturally take a lot of time to achieve good results. Fortunately for Abner Clarence, although Maria Hill has a high IQ, she has not yet reached the level of a top genius, so she inevitably needs to work hard to study.

Even in the world-famous school of MIT, Abner Clarence is a well-known genius. Unlike St. Paul's High School, everyone here respects geniuses with the greatest respect. Sports stars who have attracted much attention in the past No longer popular, Abner Clarence's excellence has made all the teachers and professors in the college believe that he is a genius whose future achievements will definitely be no less than that of Tony Stark, who is already the chairman of the Stark Group. Abner gradually became one of the twin stars of MIT who could stand alongside Tony Stark. This matter reached the ears of the arrogant Tony Stark, and he rarely expressed it in media interviews. Dissatisfied, thinking that Tony Stark is unique and no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Abner Clarence received a lot of media attacks for this, but Abner has always ignored the matter and allowed outsiders to criticize and ridicule him. Instead, it was his girlfriend Maria Hill who criticized Tony Stark was extremely dissatisfied. Using his family's influence in the military, Stark Group encountered a lot of obstacles, causing Justin Hammer's Hammer Group to pick up a lot of orders. Of course, the military was among them. The reasons for not wanting the Stark Group to dominate, plus the fact that Justin Hammer of the Hammer Group is far less arrogant than Tony Stark. Although the technology of weapons is not as good as that of the Stark Group, they are cheaper. That's why the military was asked to hand over the order to the other company.

Strangely enough, although Tony Stark was extremely dissatisfied with Abner Clarence being compared to him in the media, he still extended a helping hand and took the initiative when Abner Clarence started his own business in his senior year. The first capital was invested in Abner Clarence's business venture, giving Hill Group the start-up capital for development.

That's right, the name of the company founded by Abner Clarence is Hill Group, in order to express his feelings for his girlfriend, which moved Maria Hill very much. Maria Hill learned the news that night Just a crazy night with Abner Clarence, it can be said that Abner Clarence enjoyed the tenderness of his cold girlfriend.

Hill Group is different from Stark Group. Stark Company's main business is the arms business, and the most important thing is high-precision technology, while Hill Group's business tends to bring technology into people's daily lives and improve people's lives. The quality of life, smartphones, electronic games, smart homes, new energy vehicles, etc., in just five years, has developed into a leading large group, and its impact on the lives of people around the world has exceeded the Stark Group. As the second largest shareholder of Hill Group, Tony Stark received a huge return on his investment, accounting for about 30% of all his assets.

Of course, Tony Stark is still a little disdainful of Abner Clarence using his intelligence in these places, but for the sake of money, he can only complain in private and dare not Posting these inappropriate remarks in public will, after all, arouse distrust of the Hill Group from the outside world. If there is internal strife among shareholders, it will cause huge fluctuations in the share price of the Hill Group. These are Tony Stark's The money is the capital that allows him to live in the Big Apple.

Naturally, Tony Stark would not be so stupid. Instead, he constantly advocated in public that Abner Clarence was a genius who could rival him. He recognized the title of MIT Gemini and became a member of the Hill Group. Continue to make its own contribution to the rise of the stock price.

It is precisely because of the playboy Tony Stark, the darling of the media, who cheers for and protects the Hill Group that the smooth development of the Hill Group is possible. The development process of Abner Clarence in the Hill Group It is not that there were no acquisitions and obstacles from those financial giants and oligarchs, but in addition to Abner Clarence's own response, Tony Stark definitely also contributed a lot, otherwise how could Abner Clarence allow it? Tony Stark became the second largest shareholder of the group and had already diluted and reduced his shares.

In fact, Tony Stark can be regarded as Abner Clarence's noble man. Although they are not students in the same class, there is some age difference. As Abner's senior, Tony Stark has established a scholarship for Abner Clarence. Abner spent the most embarrassing time as a student and invested in him when he started his business. Therefore, it can be said that the relationship between Abner Clarence and Tony Stark is both a competitor and a friend. Although they rarely appear together in public at the same time, in private they are bad friends who often make fun of each other.

Working three times a day is really tiring! I feel pressure as soon as I open my eyes. I have more than 6,000 words waiting to be written. I can't rest and relax for a day, and my grades are not as good as last month. I am a little unmotivated. I can't work so hard next month, so it's better for me to lie down. , I really admire those tentacle monsters, they are simply inhuman!

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