I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 601 Return to Qingcheng Mountain

At this point, everyone finally finished the assassination, packed up and headed off.

Many Yongzhou officials were originally waiting outside Hengshui City. Although they did not wait for Xu Fengnian, Xu Fengnian himself came to the door. Naturally, they were polite and polite. Xu Zongjia did not dare to be interested. He just arrived with Li Chungang and others who had prepared in advance. He rested in the house and did not want to see these common people.

The group of people also rested in Hengshui City for a few days. During this period, Xu Fengnian used a knife to draw every day, drawing on the ground that he saw those clouds, talismans, and seals on the talisman. This also fully illustrates Xu Fengnian's memory. Excellent, almost photographic.

Of course, Xu Fengnian did this not because he wanted to change his career to become a Taoist priest, but because he discovered from Li Chungang's swordsmanship that his swordsmanship was really rough. In order to prioritize and control freely, he deliberately practiced swordsmanship like this, hoping that As soon as you can reach the point where you can move the knife at will, it would be best if you no longer have any thoughts of priorities.

During this period, Jiang Ni finally had the idea to secretly learn the cloud talisman painted by Xu Fengnian. However, Xu Fengnian thought that it was because of Jiang Ni that he was able to see the sword armor take action, so he did not reveal it. It was just the cloud talisman on the talisman armor. Even if Lu learns it, it will be of little use. After all, Jiang Ni doesn't know any internal skills.

Xu Fengnian even used a sword as a sword to imitate Li Chungang's sword style, especially the one-sword Immortal Kneeling. Unfortunately, it was always almost impossible and only left a few holes in the ground. He gave up in disappointment.

Jiang Ni saw Xu Fengnian secretly learning sword moves so shamelessly, and his sense of justice was overwhelming. He transformed into a heroine in the world and ridiculed Xu Fengnian.

"Shameless, stealing lessons!"

Xu Fengnian ignored this little maid. After all, the other party also secretly copied the cloud patterns she drew. I really don't know how she had the face to accuse him. After all, the two of them were just laughing at the same time.

When the two of them left the yard, noisily, Li Chungang appeared on the spot. Looking at the hole left on the ground by Xu Fengnian's last stab, he couldn't help but feel pity for his talent.

"Learn the seeds of swordsmanship well, why bother to learn how to practice swordsmanship like that of a rough man? It's such a waste of your whole body!"

Li Chungang even had the idea to find some opportunities to give Xu Fengnian some advice in the future. It would be best if he gave up the idea of ​​practicing swordsmanship and gave up swordsmanship practice as soon as possible.

Qingcheng Mountain has sixty-four peaks, large and small, and the peaks surround it like a city. The ancient trees are green all year round, and there is a lot of greenery, so it is named Qingcheng.

There are three wonderful scenic spots in Yongzhou. The easternmost one is the "Westward Sword Pavilion", which is said to have been struck by a sword from the east. It is the most dangerous. The southern one is said to have a saint riding an ox and Kuimen Pass, which is unparalleled in majesty.

Then there is this famous Taoist mountain blessed place where a King of Qingcheng was born. It was originally a cave on the Nine Dou Rice Road. The palace owner of Qingyang Palace who was given the title of King of Qingcheng by the old emperor was actually a Taoist priest from the Longhu Zhengyi Sect. , it can be regarded as a dove occupying the magpie's nest, expelling all the popular Jiudou Mi Road, leaving only one Qingyang Palace to dominate. Therefore, the green and stretching Qingcheng Mountain is now less popular every year. It is much deserted than other famous mountains. It is actually different from Qingcheng Mountain. The famous name doesn’t live up to it.

Misfortunes never come singly because there are fewer visitors, but there are more grass bandits who have taken over the mountains as kings. A group of stragglers are wandering around, and they are kings together with the King of Qingcheng. It is very troublesome for the government to kill them, but there are old people in the mountains who pay a lot of money. Even if the hunters were willing to take risks and lead the way, they would often fail. After several twists and turns, the county guard saw that the master of the Qingyang Palace was not grateful. Unless the dignitaries who came to Qingcheng Mountain to explore the scenery after being full were unfortunately robbed and sent troops into the mountain under pressure, ordinary people in danger would be ignored.

Qingcheng Mountain is famous for its foggy weather, and the twilight becomes particularly heavy within half an hour of entering the mountain. When Xu Fengnian traveled around the world, he had heard about the reputation of the fifth cave in Qingcheng Mountain, so he and Lao Huang had been here before. It was a pity that they had just arrived. This place was stopped and robbed by a group of robbers. Before the robbers revealed their number, Xu Fengnian rode half a mountain on a bay red horse. Lao Huang was followed by the sword box and ran half a mountain. Xu Fengnian I never noticed anything strange about Lao Huang. In the end, if Xu Fengnian hadn't been hung up by a branch and stopped by the robbers, he might have been able to run the entire mountain.

Fortunately, the group of robbers also knew the current affairs. They only took one hundred taels of silver notes from Xu Fengnian's net worth. They did not dare to touch other items such as secret books and did not hurt anyone. But how did they know that Xu Fengnian was a shameless person? Like a guy with thick city walls, he not only refused to leave, but instead relied on the other party. He shamelessly scraped for food for half a month. In the end, the bandit leader was so angry that he kicked Xu Fengnian down Qingcheng Mountain.

Xu Fengnian was particularly sad to revisit the old place. He once again came to a dilapidated Taoist temple that he had visited before. Lu Qiantang hunted some game in the mountains, among which only pheasants were the most favorite of Xu Fengnian.

"This chicken grew up eating ginkgo fruits from the mountains. It is called ginkgo chicken. The meat is tender and tender, with the sweet aroma of ginkgo fruits, which makes people have endless aftertaste. You will know when you taste it, of course, provided that I don't eat it all!"

There is a clear spring behind the Taoist temple. Qingniao and Jiang Ni are packing game there. Qingniao even teaches Jiang Ni, who often burns food, how to control the heat. Xu Fengnian sits in the Taoist temple and meditates with his eyes closed, practicing Qigong. Actually, Li Chungang was lying on the highest step with his legs in the air, with a picked bluestone pillow under his head. Only Xu Zongjia put a cattail futon on the ground, which was not dusty, and just waited quietly for Xu Fengnian's praise. After the ginkgo chicken is ready, enjoy the delicious food.

When all the ginkgo chicken was roasted and just delivered, several people gathered around to taste the game.

There are hare, wild deer, and ginkgo chicken, each grilled with golden skin and shiny oil, making people mouth-watering, and the aroma of meat is overflowing. It makes everyone who has not eaten for a long time move their index fingers, feeling that they can eat all the delicious food alone. .

As the leader of the team, Xu Fengnian naturally divided the Ginkgo Chicken into several points. The first ones were given to Li Chungang and Xu Zongjia. After all, these two people were different from the others. Then it was the turn of Xu Fengnian and the others, and finally Shu Sha and Lu Qiantang, everyone had no objections. After all, they knew their own status. This is the order of human society. Everyone has a scale in their heart. They have a clear understanding of their status and do not know how to do it. If you do something that goes beyond your status, you are asking for trouble.

Xu Zongjia ignored the others and just enjoyed the ginkgo chicken he got. He tasted it carefully. The chicken was tender and tender. Although it was roasted, it was full of juice when he took a bite. When he chewed it carefully, his mouth was full of fragrance and sweetness. It is extremely smooth and tender. No wonder even Xu Fengnian, who has tasted all kinds of delicacies in Beiliang Prince's Mansion, cannot forget this delicious taste.

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