I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 600 One Sword Immortal Kneels

Li Chungang was disappointed when he saw no other talisman appeared. At this moment, the water armor stood up unsteadily and wanted to continue attacking the team.

Xu Zongjia glanced at Li Chungang, and there was a hint of joking in his expression, which aroused Li Chungang's desire to win.

Li Chungang bowed and walked out of the carriage, and took the paper umbrella in Qingniao's hand. Qingniao was already a second-grade little grandmaster, but he had no power to fight back. His delicate body trembled involuntarily and he did not dare to move rashly.

"Since you are hiding and won't come out, I will destroy the water armor first and see how you use your best water grinding skills in the future!"

Li Chungang stepped on the carriage, holding a paper umbrella, like a flying bird, over Shu Sha's head, and stepped on the water armor who had just struggled to stand up again in the mud. The water armor struggled desperately, his head Continuously lifting up, Li Chungang tapped his toes again, moved his body slightly upward, and once again stepped on Shui Jia's head, crushing it severely into the mud. Shui Jia's body continued to twitch. Trembling, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but shudder. I don't know whether it was because the spring rain was too cold, or because he was shocked by Li Chungang's cruel behavior. Only Xu Zongjia had a smile on his lips, He didn't feel anything at all. After all, he didn't need to be exposed to the rain, and he wasn't afraid of Li Chungang's methods. It was difficult for him to feel fear.

Li Chungang put away the paper umbrella in his hand, used the umbrella as a sword, and slowly moved up. The rain in the sky was rolled up by the sword umbrella, forming a huge tornado, which made everyone's clothes rustle. This tornado Exuding sharp sword intent, pure and grand, everyone felt a strong crisis, and cold sweat broke out on their skin. The old man muttered silently.

"One Sword Immortal kneels down!"

The water sword, which was even more majestic than the Qinglong Chusui just now, pierced the water armor on the ground, and exploded with a bang. The struggling water armor received the blow without any reaction, and lay directly on the ground, with water droplets scattered everywhere. Deep holes shot out from the surrounding area, causing Shu Xian on the side to turn pale with fright. His beautiful face was no longer beautiful, only a look of embarrassment remained.

Xu Zongjia nodded slightly. From this sword, it can be seen that Li Chungang is indeed worthy of the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor. The sword intention is unparalleled, pure and grand, and he is an existence that can be discussed.

Xu Fengnian once again closed his eyes and carefully observed this sword move in his mind. It was endlessly mysterious, both the sword intention and the sword move were exquisite. The more he savored it, the more obsessed he became, making him reluctant to return to his senses for a long time.

"Xu boy, what do you think of my sword?"

Li Chungang seemed to have regained some of his former grace, his body was full of the edge of a swordsman, and he did not shy away from the rising fighting spirit in his heart. His eyes were filled with blazing flames, and he stared at Xu Zongjia with wide eyes.

Xu Fengnian woke up immediately after hearing the words, and felt a little anxious. Why do these two people seem to want to draw their swords and fight? This is not possible. They are all his backers, but there cannot be internal friction. Xu Fengnian opened his mouth and said two words. As a buffer, I hope it can avoid internal friction in the team.

However, Xu Zongjia stretched out his hand to stop Xu Fengnian's words, and took two steps forward. The rainwater under his feet turned into lotus flowers, and Xu Zongjia's figure appeared directly beside Li Chungang, shoulder to shoulder with him. And stand.

Li Chungang's pupils shrank slightly, his eyelids drooped slightly, there was a trace of shock on the corner of his mouth, his voice was hoarse, and he spoke bitterly.

"Shrink the ground into an inch, grow lotus flowers at every step, what a good trick, what a magical power! This little trick of mine is really embarrassing!"

Xu Fengnian wiped her eyes and stared blankly at the aqua lotus flower at Xu Zongjia's feet. Unable to control her surprise, she murmured to herself.

"Technical work, really technical work, this kid can't be the reincarnation of a god or a Buddha!"

Originally, His Royal Highness would add a reward after performing technical tasks, but perhaps because he was afraid of Xu Zongjia's magical power, or more likely because he was afraid of offending this reincarnated god and Buddha, this sentence was stuck in Xu Fengnian's throat, and he couldn't say it no matter what. Not coming out.

"Senior Li's swordsmanship is naturally superb, but unfortunately he has karma in his heart and his cultivation has been reversed. It is a pity that he cannot live up to the realm of swordsman. However, seeing the two styles of swordsmanship of senior today is a little comfort!"

Xu Zongjia did not deny Li Chungang's swordsmanship, and even felt regretful that Li Chungang was not living up to his full glory.

Li Chungang nodded silently. He naturally knew that his current state of mind was lacking and it was difficult to achieve perfection. The gap between him and Xu Zongjia was too big. It was just that the fighting spirit had been deeply buried in his heart and he had not taken action for a long time, so he could not control the excitement in his heart, and Xu Zongjia showed off.

Li Chungang opened the paper umbrella again, silently returned to the carriage, and spoke to Xu Fengnian who was in a daze.

"The water armor is dead. If you act quickly, you can still see some of the mysteries of the red armor. If the puppet in the armor dies, the knowledge of the ghost-drawing talismans on the red armor will also be gone."

Xu Fengnian reacted immediately and hurriedly ran to the water armor. He squatted down and looked at the Sanskrit words on the armor. He couldn't help but scratch his head. He was only half-experienced and couldn't seem to see anything.

Xu Zongjia was also observing this set of talisman armor attentively. With his knowledge, he could naturally recognize the Sanskrit inscriptions on the armor. Moreover, with his ability, even if he had never seen this set of talisman armor, he could create a set of talisman armor that was comparable to the red talisman. The armor worn by Ye Hongting, the first person, is just unnecessary.

The armor on the head of the red-armored man had been shattered by a sword, but the seal-engraved patterns on the red armor were exquisite. The armor was engraved with Taoist Sanqing talismans and Buddhist Sanskrit mantras. Xu Fengnian looked at the big hole in his chest and knew that it had been engraved by Li Chungang. Destroyed by his sword intent, he also saw some secrets, so he had to use the Spring Thunder Knife to pick up the red-armored arm and watch carefully. Just looking at Xu Fengnian, he couldn't help but frowned and asked with some doubts.

"The person in this armor seems to have been dead for many days. How could it be like this?"

"You have finally figured out something. The person in this talisman is like a puppet. Naturally, he has been dead for a long time!"

Xu Zongjia finally spoke, and Xu Fengnian couldn't help but cast her eyes on him, hoping to get some advice.

"Longhushan never cares about whether the talisman has the correct shape or not, but only seeks to make it through. If there is Qi, it will be spiritual. Look at the cloud pattern and pine texture of the ancient seal script on the arm. It is the most famous cloud seal script in Longhu Mountain. It is the "Zhengyi Sutra" "The secrets in " are repeated over and over again, up to seven levels. Unfortunately, it is not the eight-level Zixiao Yun seal. Obviously the maker is not skilled enough and the quality is not good enough. This nine-square grid talisman is different, it comes from Gezao Mountain. In "Lingbao Moving Mountain Sutra", the difference can also be seen in the writing skills of the Qi Master. As for the image of Tianzun on the left leg, it is the unmistakable Maoshan Talisman Ribbon. The methods of esoteric Buddhism come from the Heart Sutra!"

Every time Xu Zongjia introduced something, Xu Fengnian looked in one direction, obviously cherishing Xu Zongjia's advice. Unfortunately, the talismans on the armor gradually disappeared. As Li Chungang said, even the corpse in the armor gradually turned into ashes.

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