I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 6 Daily life at Ninja School

"Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of the various components of energy controlled by the human body. It is the energy source for performing ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu."

"How is chakra refined? It is formed from the 130 trillion cells in the human body. It is formed by combining the physical energy absorbed cell by cell and the spiritual energy exercised through many practices and accumulated experience. Therefore, the body is a The foundation of ninja, and whether a person has ninja talent is determined by physical qualifications. For example, Neji is a member of the famous Hyuga clan. His physical fitness and special Byakugan blood succession limit innateness make him more qualified than ordinary people, and more With the talent of a ninja, it is easier to become a strong person."

In order to explain the lessons more vividly, Teng Yuanzhi took Ningci as an example. In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on Ningci. Everyone wanted to see if there was really such a big gap between Ningci and himself.

Neji's face was expressionless, not showing any signs of uneasiness. In the past two years, due to the title of nerd, he had become accustomed to everyone's curious gazes, and he had become accustomed to such probing and appraising gazes.

"Don't civilians have the chance to become strong? No, the Fourth Hokage was born as a commoner and became a Hokage. So I hope everyone can work hard to practice and become a powerful civilian like the Fourth Hokage. ninja."

Teng Yuanzhi is a teacher with rich experience and knows how to grasp the psychological state of students. He easily mobilized everyone's fighting spirit by following the example of the Fourth Hokage.

"I will definitely become as strong as the Fourth Hokage!"

"I will become the Fifth Hokage!"

For a moment, all the students felt as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, full of enthusiasm. They responded to the teacher’s expectations one after another.

Only Ningci was still quietly sorting out his notes, completely separated from the noise of the classroom, but no one noticed. This is a small technique developed by Ningci using a combination of illusion theory and mental power, which can make people Inadvertently ignoring his presence.

Don't underestimate this inconspicuous technique. This is a technique that Neji created based on the Aburame clan's natural weak sense of existence and his own inspiration and talent.

Although it is not aggressive, it can control the intensity of its own magnetic field and weaken its own sense of existence. It can play a great role in tasks. It is difficult to learn without extraordinary spiritual talent.

If you look at the knowledge content of Ninjutsu alone, it can be compared to B-level Ninjutsu, and the difficulty of training has even reached the level of A-level Ninjutsu.

Neji has created quite a few tricks like this.

But basically they don't have any names, and they are all auxiliary skills and passive skills.

For example, the breath concentration technique to cover up one's own chakra, and the amplification technique to improve one's own perception.

A simple common sense course on the ninja world was spent amidst the noise of the students. For children from civilian families who have just come into contact with the knowledge of the ninja world, this is simply another world, making their moods ups and downs, as if they have completed it. A big adventure.

But this level of knowledge is a bit childish for Neji. Fortunately, Neji himself came to the ninja school and didn't intend to learn any new knowledge.

The significance of the six years in Ninja School to Ningji is to gain space for himself to grow, and to cover up his own abnormalities, so that he has enough time to learn and grow. When he graduates, he can rely on his own strength to gain a foothold in the Ninja world. You are sure to escape unscathed from anyone you face.

Time always passes by inadvertently, and three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Basically all the children have extracted chakra, learned simple use of chakra, and learned the use of simple ninja tools.

Today, Mr. Fujiwara arranged the first assessment, including the use of ninja tools and practical lessons. This is also the time to test whether the children have ninja talents. After all, ninjas grow by fighting, and they can only be shown in actual combat. Only then can your own value be valued, and teachers will also focus on cultivating it.

"The first item is Ninja Tool Throwing. Everyone starts the assessment according to the queue."

"I will definitely get ten points!" Matsushita Inoyuki was very confident. He didn't think about failure at all. He shot the shuriken at the target with ease.

"Ding Ding Ding" fired three times in a row. Although they all hit the wooden target, they were all obviously in the surrounding area.

"3 points, 2 points, 5 points, a total of 10 points." Fujiwara announced the result without any joy.

"Damn it, how could it be like this!" Panasonic, who could not accept the result, was very disappointed.

This result also made the people behind him nervous.

"5 points, 4 points, 6 points, a total of 15 points."

"6 points, 4 points, 4 points, a total of 14 points."

. . . . . .

One failure after another made Fujiwara Shi's face darken.

"Next, every day"


"Swish, swish, swish." In the blink of an eye, three shurikens landed on the wooden target, each one hitting the red heart.

"Full marks, very good!" Fujiwara Shi's face turned rosy instantly, and even his voice was an octave higher, even a little harsh, showing his excitement.

"Hyuuga Neji, get ready."

"Swish, swish, swish!" The same voice, the same perfect score, even faster. Neji suppressed the speed and strength of his shots, but would not miss them intentionally. After all, he represented not only himself, but also the Hyuga clan. Honor, if his performance is not as good as that of civilians, he believes that it will definitely be more eye-catching than winning first place. This is not in line with his original intention of hiding himself.

For Neji, proper performance must be excellent, and it is also a kind of hiding, which is more in line with people's understanding of him, so as not to attract anyone's attention.

"Full marks!" Fujiwara Shi took Neji's perfect marks for granted. After all, he was a child of the Hyuga clan, and it was normal for him to be better than children of the same age.

With the shuriken test completed, the next step is the practical lesson.

The scene of the actual combat class was simply terrible. Three months of study did not mean that the children had made a qualitative improvement. They just had a little chakra increase speed and strength. The freshmen who did not even know the most basic three-body technique, in a duel with There is no difference between normal kids fighting.

The unsuspecting winner of the entire practical course was Neji. He didn't even need to use any ninjutsu or taijutsu, just simple speed and strength. Neji won the title of chief student, and he didn't show any trace of Neji at all. of excellence and strength.

But Neji will not feel bored at all. After all, everyone starts from a low level of strength. Although basically his classmates except Tiantian and Xiao Li, the ceiling for others in their future ninja careers will be chuunin. But this does not make Neci look down on his classmates. After all, there are more than just ninjas in the ninja world. Everyone has their own value and should be recognized. This is not hypocrisy, but a kind of tolerance, a reflection of the pattern and mind.

When you are below others, you must respect yourself; when you are above others, you must respect others.

The title of chief student is a dispensable title for Ningci, but for others, it means that Ningci is the best among his peers. Every student has some respect for Ningci, no longer Treating Neji as a simple nerd is the simplest value in the ninja world. Strength represents strength, and one must maintain the most basic respect for the strong.

I work overtime to update, ask for votes and favorites, for no other reason than to gain a sense of recognition and increase my writing motivation.

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