I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 5 Missing opportunities every day

Neji watched the Third Hokage's speech in the audience, and listened to the preaching of the Will of Fire that was completely boring to other children.

But who knew that during the Warring States Period, the Ninja God Senju Hashirama and the Ninja Shura Uchiha Madara came up with the Will of Fire in order to end the war, prevent their children from going to the battlefield again, and allow their relatives to live in a peaceful world. This seemingly boring Will of Fire promoted the establishment of the Ninja Village and ended the chaos of the Warring States Period.

No matter how commonplace or cliche it is, Neji still has respect for the Will of Fire proposed by Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

This is not hypocrisy, this is respect for the strong people who change the world with their dreams.

After all, these new generation of ninjas can be said to be the beneficiaries of the Will of Fire. He couldn't imagine that if he lived in the chaotic era of the Warring States Period, when human lives were at a loss, it would be difficult for him to survive with his own talent. After all, that era did not give seedlings a chance to develop and grow.

Neji applauded seriously, looking at the old Hokage Sandai and his shoulders weighed down by the heavy Konoha. Although in his previous life, some people had many malicious speculations about Sandai. , but that’s just standing and talking without backache, and more of a conjecture.

The third generation may not be such a perfect Hokage, but he is definitely a competent Hokage. He may have some actions that are not so reasonable, but they are definitely to safeguard the overall interests of Konoha. There is no doubt about this.

Hiruzen Sarutobi is not as sinister as he imagined. The shadow of the five great ninja villages is the ceiling of the ninja world. Even if he is not a good old man, he is definitely not a selfish person. He has the heart of the ninja village. Otherwise, he will not be a selfish person. No matter how good you are, it is difficult to become the shadow of a village.

If you look at why Danzo cannot become Hokage, you will understand. It is difficult for someone with excessive selfishness to gain the recognition of most ninjas and become a Kage.

Sandai looked at the children below who were applauding scatteredly, and at their restless and perfunctory expressions. He knew that the children did not take anything he said to heart, but he was not angry at all. This was exactly what Huo As a manifestation of his will, the children stay away from war and live in care.

The third generation would rather that these children never need to understand the will of fire. Understanding means that they have experienced painful wars, and they urgently hope that they will understand this earlier. After all, Konoha now needs the birth of new power. He is already old and can still support it. How many years?

The third generation walked towards the audience with heavy steps, and inadvertently glanced at the children. When he saw the recognition on Neji's face and the covered forehead, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Is this the child of Hinata's separated family?" He secretly noted the child's appearance.

"Well, are you observing me?" Neji felt the glance of the third generation. With his current spirit, as long as someone is looking at him, he can easily sense it and even distinguish the emotions contained in the sight. Sometimes Ningji For the first time, I thought that maybe with the development of his strength and body, he could mentally reach the sincerity of the prophet Cicada.

"Now we're going to divide the classes into different classes. I'm going to read out the names. Please pay attention." The ninja teacher just now started the class placement process again. In fact, there are no tests in the ninja school. Except for some special reasons, the class placement is also random.

"Matsushita Inoyuki, Class 1."

"Koizumiharaya, Class 1."

. . . . . .

"Every day, one class."

"Hyuuga Neji, Class 1."

"Rock Lee, Class 1."

. . . . . .

"Ningci-kun, we are in the same class and we will be classmates from now on. Please give me your advice!" Tiantian's face was full of joy and she bowed solemnly to Neci. It was obvious that she was still full of curiosity about Neci.

"Please give me more advice!" Neji responded formally, without being dismissive or perfunctory.

If nothing else happens, Tiantian will be his most important teammate in the future besides his family, and he will be someone who can depend on each other for life and death.

Neji and Tenten broke away from the crowd and walked to the classroom together. They opened the door and looked at the messy environment in the classroom, as if a hundred cicadas were chirping in the summer.

Ignoring other people's gazes, Neji chose a seat by the window and sat down. Only then did he carefully observe this classmate who had no impression of the original Naruto.

Except for one Xiao Li, there seems to be no one who can be named. There are neither ninja children nor civilian children with outstanding talents. No wonder they have no sense of existence in the original work.

"Bang" a cloud of smoke rose, and a teacher wearing a green ninja vest suddenly appeared on the podium, and the whole classroom fell silent instantly. It can be seen that this teacher is very experienced and knows how to shock students of this age group.

"I am Shi Fujiwara, and I will be your teacher from now on. What I like are obedient students, and what I hate are students who don't strive for progress. My dream is to train a Hokage, and I hope it will be one of you. The above introduction Finished, it's your turn next, let's start from the first one." Fujiwara stared at Matsushita Inoyuki, who was sitting in the first row by the window.

"My name is Matsushita Inoyuki. I like saury and hate octopus. My dream is to taste all the delicacies in the ninja world." Matsushita Inoyuki's dream is very characteristic of a 6-year-old child.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

"I'm Locke Li, you can call me Xiao Li... My dream is to be recognized by everyone through hard work." Xiao Li still doesn't have the passion for the future, but it has begun to show signs of success.

"I am Tenten... My dream is to become a great female ninja like Tsunade-sama."

"I am Hinata Neji. I have nothing to dislike. I like reading. My dream is to be able to read quietly all the time." Neji did not say any lofty ideals such as becoming a Hokage, nor did he say anything amazing about breaking the family separation system. words.

Neji understands that in the ninja world, only his own strength is the foundation of everything, and learning book knowledge is the shortest way to promote his rapid growth.

The life in the ninja school did not have a big impact on Neji. He may understand the basic knowledge taught in the ninja school more deeply than these teachers.

Although he spends less time reading in the clan every day, he has already read less than half of the books. For the remaining books, the 6 years of Ninja School were enough for him to read all the books in the collection, so he used the time in Ninja School to sort out the material notes he had recorded, and improved and upgraded the inspiration in them to improve his ability. Knowledge base and solid foundation.

"Neji, what are you looking at? You are so absorbed in it that I have called you several times." Pushing Neji's shoulder, Tenten stretched his head curiously and looked at the notebook in front of Neji.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm a little fascinated. This is my reading notebook, which records my understanding of what I read. Do you want to read it?" Neji didn't care at all that the knowledge in this notebook is precious to many ninjas. existence, he sent it to Tiantian’s eyes without any hesitation.

"Ah, it's a notebook, forget it, I hate reading!" Tiantian, who had no idea how precious this notebook was, lost interest without hesitation, turned around and started playing with others.

"What a pity!" Although Ningci didn't care about sharing this knowledge with Tiantian, if she didn't cherish the opportunity, he wouldn't remind her. After all, knowledge is not that cheap.

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