I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3336: Intercepting the Outer Gods, the Gods Fight

A bright and violent sun was above the kingdom of God. The violent and hot sun fell, wantonly destroying the rules and defenses of the three kingdoms of God. Flowers withered, books burned, the ocean receded, the kingdom of God was in a mess, and countless mysterious and strange symbols were erased.

Adam controlled part of the origin of the Chaos Sea, forcibly merged the two paths of the Hanged Man and the Visionary, and became half of the Old Sun. With his own strength, he suppressed the three true gods, the Eternal Sun, the Lord of Storms, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. He seemed to have recovered his peak state and became the ancient sun god who suppressed the gods.

However, the three true gods were not easy to mess with. They began to exert their powerful powers one after another, and the scene in the kingdom of God changed dramatically.

Osekus, the Eternal Sun, was handsome, sunny, and full of vitality, like the scorching sun across the sky, hot and bright. He was covered in a pure white robe, had short golden hair, and held the Book of Contract and the sun-like golden ball in his hands. The golden ball in his hands shone brightly, and countless gorgeous flowers bloomed again. There was a miniature sun condensed in each stamen. These countless small suns intertwined and plunged into the depths of the kingdom. A dazzling golden sun rose, shining with a scorching light that could illuminate the entire star realm, and fiercely crashed into the scorching sun suspended above the three kingdoms of God.

Herabergen, the god of knowledge and wisdom, wore a hood, revealing his mouth, wrinkles and white beard. He held an open book in his hand, with an eye symbolizing omniscience on top. He looked old and harmless. The book in his hand was open, and the omniscience eye overlooked the kingdom of God. An invisible wave spread, and the knowledge fairies opened all the books. Endless mysterious symbols flew out of the books, arranged and combined in the void, forming a pure white tower. On the tower body, brass eyes opened one by one, as if they could see through all the secrets in the world, exuding an omniscient and omnipotent aura. Rays of light shot out from the eyes, converging into a terrifying beam of light, rushing out of the kingdom of God and bombarding the scorching sun.

The Lord of Storms, Leodro, was wearing black armor, stepping on the waves, surrounded by storms, with lightning on his back, holding a trident, with a majestic look, a violent and impulsive personality, like a strong wind sweeping, surging waves, dancing lightning, exuding the breath of destroying everything. He was the emperor who controlled the ocean and the overlord who controlled the sky. He waved the trident in his hand, and the wind, lightning, dark clouds, and rainstorms gathered in the boundless sea, like the end of the world, with a huge momentum and a terrifying scene. Under the deep and turbulent sea, a light suddenly lit up, carrying infinite power, breaking through the surging waves, setting off a frenzy that could drown the world, rushing out of the kingdom of God, and sweeping towards the scorching sun in the star realm.

Above the gray fog, the building of the Hall of Knowledge was magnificent and solemn, shining with a blazing white light. Ilsi Hall walked out of the hall, and a bronze throne appeared behind him. He sat down slowly, holding a staff symbolizing arcane magic in his hand. Countless gems were inlaid on the staff, crystal clear, pure and bright. Countless complex and mysterious symbols emerged inside the gems, which were arranged in combination to form a terrifying magic arcane. If it erupted, it would be enough to destroy the world and reshape the world.

"The Ancient Sun God has finally returned completely. Adam has completely merged with the real Creator, initially controlled the Chaos Sea, accommodated two extraordinary paths, and possessed the power of transcending the sequence, which is not weaker than his heyday, and can compete with the goddess of the night, Aman. Nisis!"

After several epochs of planning and accumulation, the Ancient Sun God finally returned again, regained half of the power of the Old Days, and even began to impact the Old Days, becoming above the sequence.

At the end of the Third Age, the Ancient Sun God planned to be resurrected at Sasriel in the Giant King's Court immediately after being assassinated, first taking back the uniqueness of the Hanged Man and three copies of the Sequence 1 Beyonder Characteristics, becoming a Sequence 0 True God again, and then initially controlling the Chaos Sea, awakening the Angel of Dreams Adam, returning to the main body, and forming support.

If the plan goes well, the Ancient Sun God can use the Hanged Man's herding ability and the Visionary's means of separating virtual personalities to control the uniqueness of the three paths of the Sun, the Reader, and the Sailor, and each of the Sequence 1 Beyonder Characteristics, so that he can be infinitely close to the Old Days in terms of status and strength, and maintain a minimum level of stability.

The reason why the Ancient Sun God did not directly embrace the Chaos Sea and accommodate the uniqueness of the three paths and the Beyonder Characteristics of the Sequence was that he did not want to be promoted to the Old Days and become the pillar of the universe in that era, which would allow the God who had just fallen to revive in His body, lose himself, and become the container and carrier of the revival of this omniscient and omnipotent one.

The plan of the Ancient Sun God was to first master the extraordinary characteristics and other materials required for promotion, and then complete the last few steps when the doomsday was approaching, and become a pillar with self-awareness in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, man's plans are not as good as God's plans. The resurrection arrangements of the Lord of Mystery and God had unexpected situations, causing the situation to get out of control, and they have not returned yet. The plan of the Ancient Sun God also had an accident. The angel kings under his seat betrayed and shared his divine corpse. He could only be resurrected in Adam, and the real creator was born in the corpse.

"Adam used the two paths of Visionary and Hanged Man as the foundation, and initially mastered the Chaos Sea. He wanted to use this to impact the position of the Lord of the Star Realm, which has the least risk and is relatively easier, and be promoted to become an old pillar, above the sequence!"

Countless symbols flashed in Ilsi Hall's brown eyes, and the gold-rimmed glasses reflected the bright light, which saw through Adam's details and plans. A faint smile appeared on his face, and the hand holding the Star Staff was ready to move, as if he wanted to stop it.

"Adam is attacking the Lord of the Star Realm at this time, fighting in the Star Realm, without any concern whether this will break the initial barrier, allowing the Outer Gods in the Starry Sky to rush into the real world, causing the doomsday to come early. It's a bit too selfish and indifferent!"

Ilsi Hall's eyes penetrated the gray-white mist and looked at the Outer Gods in the Starry Sky outside the invisible barrier. A huge and ferocious face was pressed against the initial barrier, and there was madness and weirdness in his eyes, watching the battle in the Starry Realm, as if he couldn't wait to break through the barrier and descend into the real world, bringing destruction and death to all living beings.


The endless starry sky was extremely dark, filled with endless whispers that echoed throughout the universe. The Fallen Mother Goddess, the Mother Tree of Desire, the Primal Hunger, the Son of Chaos and other outer starry sky gods were ancient and strange. They were shrouded in black mist, exuding an ominous aura. An extraordinary characteristic polluted everything around them, even the void became abnormal, polluted by the terrifying characteristic. Countless slippery tentacles danced from the void, each tentacle had a layer of thick yellow mucus on the surface, covered with scarlet eyes, flashing crazy eyes, passing through the gaps in the original barrier, and were about to pollute the creatures in the real world and transform them into monsters.

"I still need a little time to completely integrate the characteristics of different worlds, become the first, and become the master of the world. At this critical juncture, any human, extraordinary person, god, and star god must be honest."

"I am here, and the gods are silent!"

Ilsi Hall raised his right hand, and the countless gems inlaid on the black staff shone with a bright light. A stream of arcane magic shot into the star world and merged into the initial barrier. The cracks on the barrier began to shrink and gradually disappeared, blocking the gaze and strange breath of the star gods, preventing the real world from being polluted.

Adam's huge light and shadow walked on the deep sea of ​​the Chaos Sea, showing his divine power, fighting against the Lord of Storms, the Eternal Sun, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom alone. The entire star world was reflected in his indifferent and majestic light golden eyes. Around him, rays of light dragged flames and fell from heights, illuminating the entire God-forsaken Land, turning the northern and southern continents into daylight.

At the same time, a figure jumped out of the Church of Bones, wearing a pointed soft membrane on his head and a crystal-polished lens on his eye sockets. He merged into the void like a shadow and came to the Star Realm. He held a gray-white slate in his hand. The slate recorded the potion formulas and promotion rituals of 22 extraordinary paths. The text was ancient and mysterious, exuding the breath of vicissitudes of time. This was not the first blasphemous slate, but the second blasphemous slate condensed after the fall of the ancient sun god. It also had incredible power, far exceeding the level 0 seal, comparable to a god.

Amon looked down at the blasphemous slate in his hand, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The mottled ancient slate was thrown directly, fell from the Star Realm, and hit a mountain in the Misty Sea.

This mountain penetrated the endless darkness, majestic and majestic, with no end at the bottom, like a continent. The blasphemous slate was accurately inserted at the top of the mountain, transforming into an illusory sea of ​​all colors.

Endless fog dispersed, and Amon's sight revealed the main peak of the Hornachis Mountains, the ancient and dilapidated palace on the top of the peak, and Ilsi, who was rapidly transforming in the palace.

Amon's figure expanded wildly, and the classical black robe on his body was like a sky curtain, covering the entire mountain. He opened his mouth, aimed his huge mouth at the ancient palace on the top of the peak, and was about to swallow it into his stomach.

Suddenly, a vague and hazy figure appeared. He was wearing a layered but not complicated black long skirt, dotted with countless stars. His figure was as huge as Amon's now. Between his ribs and waist, he grew a pair of arms covered with dark black short hair, but he had a beautiful and gentle face covered with a thin black veil. His eyes seemed to condense the night sky with stars, which made people feel peaceful and uncontrollably fearful. Two of his hands dragged a long sickle, and the other held a bird-shaped gold ornament. The remaining arm was empty, as if holding up an invisible existence.

"Goddess of Night!"

Amon's face changed slightly, the crystal lens reflected bright light, forcing back the darkness around him, and his figure retreated.

The Goddess of Night floated on the top of the main peak of the Hornachis Mountains, which symbolized the astral world. Her two empty arms were raised, holding up a group of almost invisible mist, covering Amon's real body, making it impossible for him to escape.

The dark giant sickle in her hand quickly became virtual, as if it had turned into a non-physical coffin made of thick black mist. The almost invisible misty world was stuffed into the coffin, and all movements stopped instantly, as if they had died at the same time.

Countless transparent insects emerged from the void. Their bodies had twelve segments, forming a gray-white disk in the void. The disk was divided into twelve scales. Two hour hands, one long and one short, reversed. The time of the entire world began to flow backwards. The foggy world flew out of the black coffin. The foggy world dissipated, and Amon's body appeared again opposite the goddess of night.

The expression of the goddess of the night remained unchanged, her starry eyes were like the cold stars shrouded in the night, dazzling and dazzling. She raised an arm again, and the bird-shaped gold jewelry shot out an orange-red dusk light, which fell on the gray-white disk. Mottled marks began to appear on the surface of the disk, and an aura of death and decay began to spread.

"Click! Click! Click!"

Cracks appeared on the gray-white disk, and the two pointers began to break. The insects of time died one by one and disappeared into the void. Time flowed again, and the misty world spread, covering Amon again. He must be dragged into a black coffin to completely seal this Sequence 0 error.

Suddenly, the main peak of the Honakis Mountains at the feet of the Night Goddess collapsed. The scene was horrifying and horrifying, as if the end of the world was coming. One after another, python-like black tentacles extended from somewhere in the star realm.

There is an eye on the top of these tentacles, which may be closed or open. Everything they see will turn into gray stone in an instant, and objects directly touched by the tentacles will twist and stretch out. The limbs and heads become larger or smaller women, women with beautiful appearance.

As the grayness spread rapidly, these tentacles rushed towards the ancient and ruined palace crazily, towards Klein who was about to accommodate the characteristics of the Fool's Path.

"The original witch, Chick!"

The eyes of the goddess of the night moved slightly, her hazy and dreamy figure rippled slightly, and surprising words spat out from her full, crystal-clear lips.

Countless witches of different sizes brought destruction to the collapse of all things. The entire main peak of the Honakis Mountains began to change in the direction of the giant stone ball. The dilapidated outer walls of the ancient palace collapsed, leaving Klein without cover. was exposed to the star realm.

Black tentacles like pythons rushed into the palace, and were about to wrap around Klein's body, assimilating him into a twisted existence like a witch.

Above the gray mist, Ilsi Hall, the Star Staff in his hand bloomed with endless star brilliance, and the silver-white light shrouded him inside. A series of magical and terrifying arcane magics continued to blast out, blocking the outer gods of the starry sky. Outside the star realm, countless ferocious tentacles, poisonous snakes, and branches flapped wildly, shattering the rays of light. The intensity of the battle between the two sides far exceeded that of the gods, and there was no time for him to care.

Ilsie Hall once again raised the black staff. Countless gems bloomed with dazzling brilliance. Countless complex and strange symbols overflowed and merged into the deepest part of the void. They mobilized the rules of the world and blasted towards the fallen mother goddess. , Mother Tree of Desire, Primordial Hunger, Son of Chaos and other starry sky outer gods, forced the huge existences back, and countless murmurs sounded sharply in the starry sky, full of anger and madness.

Ilsi Hall looked down at the star world, and his sight fell on the main peak of the Honakis Mountains. He took in the battle situation in full view. His eyes moved slightly, his upper and lower lips moved slightly, and an invisible sound wave was transmitted to a god in the star world. within the country.

"Bethel Abraham, it's your turn to take action!"

"The great gate of ten thousand doors, the guide to the endless starry sky, the key to all mysterious worlds!"

There are voices of praise everywhere in the kingdom of God. Mr. Men, who looks like a middle-aged man, has many overlapping gates in his body. He has a stern face, and his hair is void black, mixed with a small amount of white hair, and has a pair of ripples. With blue eyes, the overall image is like the vampire duke in folklore. He stood up and stared at Amon, who was shrouded in the foggy world. A stern look flashed in his eyes, sharp and sharp, and he said coldly.

"Amon, you took advantage of me that day and wanted to steal my destiny and take my place. I will make you pay the price today!"

Before he finished speaking, portals appeared in the dilapidated ancient palace on the main peak of the Hornakis Mountains, layer upon layer, filling the entire void, forming an impregnable defense that firmly protected Klein in the middle.

The black tentacles with eyeballs on the tops, like pythons, were blocked by these doors. They were raised, constantly beating the illusory light door, and the light door either cracked or opened.

Gates of light emerged one after another, and were destroyed one after another. These black tentacles and gates of light attacked each other, falling into a stalemate, and no one could do anything to the other.

At the moment when the four gods were at an impasse, the illusory transparent mask in Klein's body began to gradually melt away, and an illusory figure of the Fool appeared behind him, surrounded by black fog, making it difficult to see the specific appearance. .

Figures appeared one after another in the palace, with different images. Some were men wearing postman uniforms, some were ordinary birds, and some were creatures so small that they were invisible to the naked eye. The number reached hundreds or even thousands. The empty hall suddenly became empty. It became crowded.

These figures all wear a monocle made of crystal ground on their right eye sockets, a pointed soft membrane on their heads, and a cunning smile on their lips, looking at Klein. These are all clones of the Sequence 0 error Amon.

These clones opened their mouths at the same time, spitting out words that ordinary people could not understand. These words were intertwined together to form a terrifying and crazy murmur, which gathered in Klein's ears, trying to pollute his spirit and interfere with his... attention.

In Klein's mind, Amon's murmurs echoed crazily, like a sharp blade, piercing his spirit and tearing apart his mind. These serial-level rants could not do any harm to the past Klein. Influence, but at this time it is at a critical moment, containing the extraordinary characteristics of the last Sequence 1 Mysterious Attendant, and the spirit is in a delicate and fragile state of balance.

A single straw could be the last weight that breaks the camel's back, let alone Amon's mumbling, which contained countless information and characteristics, disrupting Klein's mental balance and causing confusion in his self-awareness. Even the dormant will of the Celestial Lord began to revive again, wanting to seize His body.

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