I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3335 Red, Fool, let there be light!

"I want them!"

Ilsi Hall's voice was a little vague, but it contained a will that could not be violated. Her eyes were sharp, which made Klein's muscles tense. He felt heavy pressure and didn't know how to speak.

After a moment of silence, Klein reacted. He looked into the depths of the gray fog space, passed through the light gate, and saw the hanging cocoons, which were shaking gently. Different souls were wrapped inside. Some were black, some were yellow, and some were white. Some wore jeans, some held mobile phones, some wore bright clothes, and some had beautiful facial features. They exuded vitality, but their eyes were closed.

Among them, three cocoons had been broken open, and the inside was empty. They were shaking gently, which was particularly conspicuous. These three broken cocoons, one represented the goddess of the night, Aman Nisis, one represented Emperor Roselle, and the last one represented Klein himself.

Klein's face changed slightly, his brows furrowed, and all kinds of thoughts emerged in his mind. His brown eyes were full of suspicion as he stared at Ilsey Hall. The biggest secret hidden in his heart had been discovered, which made him extremely uneasy. He suppressed his emotional fluctuations and asked cautiously.

"Do you know my origins?"

"As an omniscient and omnipotent being, the fog of history can no longer obscure my vision. There is no secret in this world that can be hidden from me!"

"You, the Goddess of Night, and Emperor Roselle are all survivors who walked out of this light gate. Even the ancient sun god is a survivor of the last era!"

"You are all the backups prepared by the Lord of Mysteries for his own resurrection, but some accidents happened in the middle. He completely fell and could only rely on the remaining will of the extraordinary characteristics and the source castle machinery to resurrect according to the plan. He has lost control of the development of things!"

Ilsi retracted his gaze, and the sharpness around him was restrained again. He leaned back on the back of the chair, looking particularly relaxed and lazy. He half-squinted his eyes and stared at the doubtful Klein with a smile, and spoke.

"This is also a good thing for you. If I take over these survivors of the last era, I can just destroy the Lord of Mysteries's layout. As long as you can suppress His will to revive in your body, the Lord of Mysteries will never come back!"

Klein took a deep breath and showed a heartbeat on his face. His fate had long been arranged by the Lord of Mysteries, and the price was secretly marked. This made him feel extremely heavy pressure. Now that Ilsi Hall has intervened, it is a great thing for him and has greatly reduced the pressure on his shoulders.

"How do you want to arrange them?"

Ilsi chuckled. He knew that Klein agreed to his request. His low voice sounded in the ancient palace.

"Just hang it like this for now. I will naturally make an arrangement for them in the future!"

Ilsi's eyes moved again, penetrating the endless space and landing on the dead and weird Western Continent. When he is promoted to the beginning, he will unlock all the source substances sealed in the Western Continent and restore the vitality of this ancient continent. These survivors of the last era will just be thrown over.

"Since the deal has been reached, I will help you reverse time, fool history, and help you complete the Fool's Godhood Ceremony!"

After saying that, Ilsi Hall raised his right hand and gently grabbed Klein's body. Klein's fate, consciousness, anchor, and the extraordinary characteristics of the Sequence 1 Mysterious Servant belonging to Zaratul were all grabbed out and condensed into an avatar, leaving only the original body in the original place. The body contains the extraordinary characteristics of the Curtain of Fate and the will of Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun to revive.

A gleam of light flashed in Ilsi Hall's eyes, and a crack appeared in the void. The black Star Staff fell into his palm. He waved the staff, and countless gems lit up. A stream of light flew out and shot into Klein's body. Countless black symbols appeared on the surface of his body, constantly twisting and swimming, sealing the wisp of Tianzun's will that was reviving.

"I will send this clone of yours back to the last era, so that you can leave traces in the past history and help you complete the miracle of fooling history!"

Ilsey Hall waved the Star Staff in his hand again, and countless transparent insects emerged from the void. The insect body had twelve segments, forming a gray-white disk in the void. The disk was divided into twelve scales. Two long and short hour hands reversed, moving the long river of time. Before Klein's clone could open his mouth to speak, it began to become transparent and distorted, as if it had turned into a historical image, and was pushed into the gap of history by a powerful force. It came to the Fourth Era and fell into a deep sleep, leaving traces in the trajectory of history, becoming an ancient and mysterious existence.

The long river of time continued to flow, and Klein's clone went downstream and entered the Fifth Era, and began to gradually recover, until one day, he suddenly woke up and summoned Miss Justice Audrey Hall and the Hanged Man Alger Wilson, opening the curtain of fate. Time completed a closed loop at this moment, and history was completely fooled.

A moment later, Klein's clone appeared in front of Ilsey Hall again. Confused memories emerged in his mind, and he had a splitting headache. He kept hitting his head with his right hand, trying to alleviate this contradictory feeling. After a while, he completely digested the confused memories. A look of shock appeared on his face, and he looked at Ilsey Hall with even more awe.

"Thank you for your help, Your Majesty. I have completed the ritual of fooling history!"

Ilsie Hall nodded calmly, stood up from Miss Justice's chair, her figure gradually became illusory, merged into the void, and disappeared.

"You have completed the Fool's promotion ceremony, and the deal is over! If you want to attack the Sequence 0 Fool and resist Amon, you must kill the ancestors of the Antigonus family and get the last Sequence 1 characteristics. !”

"But he has gone crazy. The will of the Heavenly Lord in his body has been revived. The two spirits have merged into one. If you swallow one of his extraordinary characteristics, the will of the Heavenly Lord in your body will surely revive faster and more violently!"

Klein nodded slightly, his face solemn but extremely determined. The ancestor of the Antigonus family was the last obstacle on his path to becoming a god. He had to kill him and devour the last Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic before he could be promoted to the Sequence 0 Fool.

Backlund, Queens District, Thordrak Palace.

In the palace hall, Audrey is wearing a crown. The huge sapphire is as pure as the ocean. She has blond hair and blue eyes, and her facial features are exquisite and perfect. He is sitting on the throne. Countless crimson light spots seep out from the spiritual world and merge into his body. , a crimson characteristic shone with aura, and a slightly illusory crimson flag condensed behind it. It flew automatically without wind, making a hunting sound, and fluttered in the void.

The loyal golden retriever dog Susie lay at Audrey's feet, staring at the red flag. The audience pathway characteristics in her body became extremely quiet, and all extraordinary abilities were silenced. The red flag fluttered, suppressing the extraordinary. ability.

"What a terrifying characteristic, Audrey's strength has become stronger again!"

Susie opened her mouth, and an invisible wave came out, barely vibrating the air, and the girl's clear and sweet voice came out.

Audrey seemed to be awakened by the golden retriever's words. She slowly opened her eyes as pure as emeralds. The red light flashed away. He slowly stood up and walked down from the throne. He walked up the stairs and stood in the center of the hall, looking out and taking in everything that was happening in the Loen Republic. A majestic look appeared on his face and he muttered in a low voice.

"The time is ripe, and the reform has achieved great results. The extraordinary characteristics in my body have been condensed and completed, and I can hit Sequence 0!"

"But before that, I need to arrange the inheritance of the throne!"

"My elder brother has already ascended the throne of God and rarely walks on the ground. Now I am about to hold the throne high and ascend to the star realm. Only my second brother Louis is left, and he can only inherit the throne!"

Audrey withdrew her gaze, looked up, and seemed to see the palace of knowledge above the gray mist. She made up her mind and shouted to the outside world.

"Call all members of the House of Lords and military generals for discussion!"

The Secretary-General of the Palace appeared in response, took down Her Majesty's request, and notified all MPs and generals of the meeting.

On the peak of the Honakis Mountains, a dilapidated and overgrown ancient palace is shrouded in mist.

Klein traveled through space and landed here. He pressed the polite button on the top of his head and snapped his fingers. The peak suddenly became extremely dark, and illusory stars condensed and dotted the surrounding environment. This place and The stars are grafted together.

Klein didn't hesitate any longer and walked to the main entrance of the ancient palace with his marionette and clone. A marionette bent his back, stretched out his hands, and slowly pushed the heavy stone door.


The door opened slowly, making a harsh friction sound. The door was dark inside. After Klein's marionette and clones entered one after another, he slowly passed through the door and stepped into the palace.

The darkness swayed slightly, and the surrounding scene changed. Buildings appeared all around, figures walked on the streets, and voices sounded, suddenly becoming extremely noisy.

These figures ignored Klein, Secret Puppet, and clones, and went to different places on their own, talking to each other about various things. The colors of them and those buildings are dim, almost black and white, like an old photo from the depths of history that suddenly comes to life, like a scene in the pores of history or a real dream.

Klein strolled through the town, walking along the rising streets. The closer he got to the heights, the more majestic the building dimensions became. Huge stone pillars stood up, supporting the exaggerated dome.

The scenes around Klein are also constantly changing, showing the birth of a baby, the growth of a child, the ignorance of youth, the troubles of adulthood, the pressure of middle age and the sadness of aging.

As Klein went deeper, he began to see the deaths of town residents. These corpses were lying quietly on the bed, as if they were just sleeping.

Klein kept walking, and when he was about to step out of the town, the dead residents got up from their beds, walked out of their homes, and also headed towards the highest point.

A city of the dead stands at the highest point, as if it is the final destination of all life, a country where souls sleep forever.

Klein frowned slightly. In his spiritual vision state, he could clearly see that at the moment when the townspeople were about to die, the threads of their spiritual bodies floated to the highest peak, and were controlled by an unknown mysterious being, becoming The marionette controlled by the other party.

"The City of the Dead, the Secret Puppet Town, this was the original Kingdom of Night!"

The land of the living and the city of the dead are adjacent, and there is no distance between life and death. All the dead have become the secret puppets of the ancestors of the Antigonus family.

A look of understanding appeared on Klein's face, and he climbed to the highest point step by step, entering a magnificent palace.

In the depths of the palace, a figure sat upright on a huge stone chair. He rested his elbows on the armrests and leaned his head against the back of the chair. He looked quite young, with half-white long hair. His eyes were darker than those of the mysterious servant Zaratul, and contained an indescribable vicissitude. His facial features were regular, and his cheeks had tufts of coarse black hair like wolf hair. He looked old and young, rational and crazy, giving people a very contradictory feeling.

This was the ancestor of the Antigonus family, the Sequence 1 mysterious servant. Because of the revival of the will of the Heavenly Lord in his body, his status even exceeded that of the Angel King, equivalent to half a fool. His eyes were half open and half closed, as if he was sleeping.

In the hall, corpses with simple or gorgeous clothes were hanging, like a forest growing backwards, swaying gently in the wind. The atmosphere was weird and cold, exuding an ominous breath.

"This ancestor of the Antigonus family actually entered a state of eternal sleep, using this method to suppress the resurrected will of the Heavenly Lord in his body and get rid of madness and loss of control!"

"Everything I just saw was the dream of the ancestor of the Antigonus family. This is one of his most beautiful memories in the past!"

Klein looked at the half of the Fool on the huge stone chair, revealing a sigh of emotion, empathizing with him. They were all vessels for the resurrection of the Heavenly Lord and paid a huge price for the gift of fate.

Klein put his hand on his chest and solemnly saluted Antigonus. Then he straightened up and raised his head. A complex and mysterious illusory mark appeared between his eyebrows. This mark was like a strange light gate stained with a little blue and black, constantly emitting a faint gray mist around.

Klein stretched out his right hand, as if he wanted to hold the body of the ancestor of the Antigonus family in his palm. He quickly closed his five fingers, twisted his wrist, and began to steal Antigonus' identity, destiny, and self-awareness.

Klein kept trying to steal but failed. After all, the ancestor of the Antigonus family was already above the status of an angel and was considered half a god. Even though he had entered a dormant state and did not resist, it was still not easy to succeed.

Klein tried countless times, and suddenly felt that something invisible in his eyes had separated from Antigonus and floated towards him. In front of him appeared a long river with countless tributaries that was difficult to describe in words.

The illusory river continued to flow forward, submerging one tributary after another, and making all the tributaries return to the main trunk. This illusory river was a symbol of fate, and there were many different images, such as the wheel of fate and the snake of fate.

Klein took in the identity, fate, and self-awareness of the ancestor of the Antigonus family. His body began to undergo tremendous changes. Sometimes he was Klein Moretti with black hair and brown eyes, sometimes he was Antigonus with long half-white hair and thick black wolf hair on his face, and sometimes he was a mysterious man wearing a dark black cloak that made it difficult to see his face and constantly extending slippery tentacles to the side.

At this moment, Klein's thoughts were confused and his mind was unbalanced. He could only barely maintain some of his self-awareness, and was shaky under the impact of the other two mental storms. His body began to collapse bit by bit, and the sound of prayers and praises rang in his ears. These anchors intertwined with each other, forming an illusory image of a fool, who also joined this war.

Klein struggled to resist the impact of the two mental forces of the Antigonus family ancestor and the Lord of Mysteries. His thoughts became more and more confused, and he was about to completely lose his self-awareness. A ray of light shone from his body, and countless black symbols climbed onto the surface of his body, constantly twisting and interweaving, forming a magic net, sealing the Lord of Mysteries' spirit and causing it to fall into a deep sleep.

Klein was overjoyed, his thoughts began to function, and his cognition was mostly restored. He began to suppress the spirit of the Antigonus family ancestor, gradually stabilizing his state, and his body once again turned back to the appearance of black hair and brown eyes.

After Klein woke up, without any hesitation, he extended a series of transparent and slippery tentacles from his body, tightly wrapped around the body of the ancestor of the Antigonus family, and began to seize the 1 extraordinary characteristic of the sequence 1 in his body. An illusory mask engraved with strange symbols flew out of the body of the ancestor of the Antigonus family and merged into Klein's body.

At the same time, at the top of a mountain somewhere in the God-Forsaken Land, a crack appeared in the void, and a middle-aged man walked out. He was wearing a simple white robe and had a thick golden beard. Behind him was a thick shadow with five heads. A huge cross appeared above his head, and a shadow curtain appeared.

Adam merged with the shadow of the five heads, but before he completely merged, he looked up at the starry world twisted by power and symbols, with a solemn expression and shouted in a deep voice.

"I am one, and I am also ten thousand. I am the beginning and the end."

Adam's eyes suddenly became illusory, and a sea that seemed to contain all colors and possibilities appeared around his body. He raised his hand and grasped the silver cross pendant hanging on his chest.

Suddenly, a blazing but illusory sun jumped out from above Adam's head. On the left side of his body, lightning, strong winds, waves and other symbols intertwined, turning into a phantom overlooking everything. On the right side of his body, a white tower rose from the ground, covered with brass eyes.

These powers and symbols, pushed and oppressed by the chaotic sea, were thrown into Adam's body one by one, and the shadow behind him also merged into it.

The tide of the chaotic sea that embraced all colors and all possibilities began to rise. Adam's body swelled and turned into a huge light and shadow that connected the sky and the earth. He walked on the chaotic sea, raised his hand and pointed to the star realm, and his vast and majestic voice resounded throughout the world.

"I say, let there be light!"

The entire star world became bright in an instant. Shadows no longer existed, and secrets no longer existed. A huge, terrifying and hideous face almost stuck to a transparent barrier, staring at the real world. There were many cracks on the initial barrier, and it seemed that it could not block these outer gods of the starry sky for too long.

The three major kingdoms of God emerged and turned into patches, blocking the light. In one kingdom, the sky was bright, the glory was eternal, and it was full of flowers; in one kingdom, there were countless figures of knowledge fairies shuttling between them, opening books one by one; in another kingdom, there were violent storms, lightning and thunder, and the endless sea that never stopped.

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