I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 32 Itinerary

"Asshole, what are you talking about? I am the captain of the mission. How can I be less reliable than a genin? Your safety depends on my protection. I am an elite jounin who has completed hundreds of missions!" Mike Kay immediately became furious. Rush to the employer.

"Teacher Kai, according to ninja rules, you are not allowed to have any disputes with your employer, let alone harm your employer!" Neji stepped in front of his employer and reached out to stop the furious Mike Kai.

"As expected. This kid with white eyes is more reliable! The one with thick eyebrows is completely unreliable!" The caravan uncle didn't care about Mike Kay's threats of rage and complained calmly to Mike Kay.

"Please don't try to anger a Jonin. After all, when you are in danger, they are the biggest guarantee for your life safety." Neji looked back at this uncle with a spirit of complaining, somewhat admiring his suicide attempt, but he was still kind-hearted. gave a word of advice.

"Oh, I know!" Looking at Neji's calm and emotionless eyes, the employer seemed startled, turned his head and looked behind him, and responded in a low voice.

"Let's go, we have to make up for the lost time!" The employer shouted loudly to the crowd in the caravan, still a little dissatisfied in his tone.

"Yes!" The entire caravan took action and moved forward slowly.

"Please invite some of you to get in the car with me." The employer's uncle extended an invitation to Neji.

"Thank you!" Neji thanked his uncle and pulled the reluctant Kai into the car.

"Thank you, uncle!" Xiao Li and Tiantian thanked him and then got into the car.

"Uncle, is this your first trip to the Kingdom of Wind? Have you always taken this route?" Neji asked his employer, his uncle, about the basic situation of the caravan.

"Our caravan has been traveling between countries, transporting special products from one country to other countries for sale. The price of the same goods varies greatly in different places. Excluding the costs of freight, labor, security, etc., we are just Earn some hard money. This is our seventh time going to the Kingdom of Wind. We always set off from the Kingdom of Fire and hire your Konoha ninjas to protect us. We take the same route every time, and the road is basically peaceful. , otherwise we wouldn’t have been taking this route.” Although the employer said he was making hard-earned money, the smile on his face still showed that their caravan was definitely making a profit.

Neji looked at the decoration in the car, which was full of luxury. There were silver tea sets on the table, and the carriage was covered with expensive blankets woven from the fine wool of goats in the Thunder Country Canyon. Two bamboo poles were hung on the wall of the car. Although the sword was sheathed, Neji observed carefully and found that it was obviously made by craftsmen from the country of craftsmen and was valuable. It was obvious that the transnational trade of caravans was extremely profitable, otherwise it would not be possible to decorate the carriage like this. luxurious.

"Then you must be very familiar with the route. Can you tell me what are the places that require special attention along the way?" Neji carefully understood the situation. He did not relax his vigilance because it was a C-level mission, nor did he relax because of his strong strength. arrogant.

Although C-level missions basically do not encounter ninjas and fights, it is not absolute. Moreover, Neji and his team's mission is an escort mission. It does not mean they are foolproof because of their strength. They must ensure the safety of the caravan's personnel and goods. , if goods are missing or personnel are injured, it will have a certain negative impact on the evaluation of the task.

Although Kakashi often says that ninjas who don't follow the rules are trash, and ninjas who only know that they follow the rules are worse than trash, but in every ninja village, putting the mission first is the biggest rule of the ninja village, and it is also the rule of every village. The mainstream values ​​of ninjas, because every ninja village relies on missions to feed a large number of ninjas and have funds to develop the village. This is why Hatake Sakumo was slandered by rumors because he failed the mission to save his teammates. , it was not until Hatake Sakumo ended his own life that the cause of the rumors ended.

"In fact, in the Country of Fire, it is basically safe and there is no danger. After all, the Country of Fire has a superior geographical location and the natural environment is suitable for farming, so there is a lot of farmland. The citizens can harvest a large amount of crops every year due to the superior natural conditions and geographical location. Although food requires a lot of taxes, you can basically eat enough, so the environment in the country of fire is basically relatively stable, with few bandits and the like." The uncle said with obvious envy and jealousy on his face. I am not a citizen of the Fire Nation, but I am very envious of the fact that the citizens of the Fire Nation live in such a rich place.

"But the situation becomes complicated when we arrive in the Kingdom of Wind. There are winds and sand all year round in the Kingdom of Wind, and it is hot and rainless. Therefore, most of the land in the country is desert and is not suitable for farming. Only a small amount of land near oasis can be cultivated. There is a constant shortage of land in the Kingdom of Wind. Water, so agriculture is underdeveloped, and many farmers do not have enough to eat, so many refugees have become bandits in the desert in order to have enough to eat. Although there are some bandits on the route we are taking, they are basically We have reached a tacit agreement with them in the past few years. As long as we pay some corresponding fees every time we pass by, we will not embarrass us. However, because there are fights between bandits every year, bandits in an area will change their owners, so this We need you to protect the safety of the caravan so that we can reach an agreement with the new regional negotiator."

The white-haired employer told Neji and the others without hesitation. After all, Neci and the others would know sooner or later. It was better to inform them in advance to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts that would ruin their caravan for so many years. All the relationships he had worked so hard to build were ruined. At that time, he had no place to cry.

"How can you reach an agreement with the bandit? Isn't that condoning the traitor?" The upright Xiao Li immediately asked the employer's uncle emotionally. It seemed that the uncle was not the employer, so he was going to eliminate harm for the people.

"Xiao Li, shut up!" Neci did not expect that Xiao Li would be so out of control, and turned to scold Xiao Li.

"Hmph!" Xiao Li curled his lips, with a face full of dissatisfaction. He held his shoulders with his hands and turned his head away from looking in the direction of Neji and his employer.

"I'm sorry, it's Xiao Li's first time out of the village, so he doesn't understand some of the rules. I didn't mean to offend uncle. Please forgive me!" Neci bowed and apologized to uncle for Xiao Li.

"Forget it, I've seen a lot of stupid young people like him. Once I see this kid more and mature, he will naturally understand our approach. If it is possible, no one is willing to spend a penny more. After all, the caravan Most of the people here earn their hard-earned money, so I need to ensure that they can go home safely." The white-haired uncle was not angry. He was well-informed and naturally knew how innocent and naive the newly graduated ninjas were.

"I understand that you are a responsible leader and have fulfilled your responsibilities to everyone in the caravan. The world is not black and white. It is wise to spend money to buy peace." Neji affirmed his uncle's approach. .

"Actually, I can understand that child's behavior, but this is the first time I have seen a mature and calm child like you." The uncle expressed surprise at Neci's reaction and behavior. 12-year-old children are rarely as mature as Neci. .

"There are exceptions to everything, right!" Ningji laughed it off. After all, he has been a human being for three generations, how could he still be as innocent as a child? After all, even in peaceful times there are all kinds of gray areas, not to mention the daily life of the ninja world. In a world where there is fighting, how can it be all black and white?

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