I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 31 Leaving the Village for the First Time

Neji looked at the serious expressions of Kai and the others and understood that Konoha was the most precious home in their hearts and a holy place that no one could destroy. Even relatives, friends and lovers would never allow them to cross this bottom line.

"Ah, I understand. I will not take the initiative to destroy the peace and stability of Konoha. This is my promise. Although I don't have any ninja or dreams, it is my principle to do what I say." Ning Neji turned his head and stopped looking at Kai and the others. His tone was a little informal, but Neji was serious in his heart. He already had a good impression of Konoha, and he had lived here for so many years. It was his home in this world. . Not to mention, Hyuga Hizashi originally died to protect the village, so what Neji said was absolutely sincere, and this was his promise.

"We believe you." The three said in unison.

"Konoha's night is really beautiful!" Tiantian sighed, not only because of tonight's existence, she had never felt Konoha was so moving.

"Yes, it's really beautiful!" Several people agreed and looked at it quietly.

"In view of the fact that everyone's recent task completion has been almost perfect, I took on a C-level task yesterday, so I gave everyone half an hour to prepare the necessary items. We will gather at the gate of the village in half an hour. ." The smoke rose, and Kai instantly appeared in front of Neci and the others. Kai was still the same as before, wearing green tights, thick eyebrows and the same watermelon head. As soon as he opened his mouth, his white teeth instantly blinded everyone around him.

"Really, Teacher Kai!" Xiao Li was very excited.

"Great, I finally don't have to continue doing D-level missions!" Tiantian cheered and spun around in a circle.

"Are you finally leaving the village? It seems quite interesting!" Although Ningci is no longer afraid of anyone in the ninja world, he has never left the village and has never thought of leaving the village. The first time traveler is an otaku.

"Hurry back and prepare. Everyone will gather in half an hour." Kai urged, looking at the excited people.

"Yes!" Xiao Li and Tiantian responded, jumping away.

Neji stayed where he was, standing there motionless and silently, not going home to prepare.

Kai looked at Neji strangely, "Neji, why don't you go back and prepare? Are you already impatient to leave the village?"

"No, I'm just ready." Neji reached into his arms and pulled out a seal scroll, shook it forward, and motioned for Kai to take a look.

"Take the necessary items with you. Neji, you are indeed an excellent ninja. You already have all the qualities of a ninja!" Kai praised Neji loudly, with an exaggerated expression, his right hand raised flat, and his thumb raised upwards. , Neji quickly closed his eyes, but still felt a bright light flashing in front of his eyes, which was Kai's teeth reflecting the sunlight.

In fact, Neji did not prepare supplies just for the mission. It was just that he lacked a sense of security in the ninja world and prepared the worst for everything. In order to prevent himself from falling into a desperate situation, he prepared sufficient supplies with him, including ninjas. Tools, medicine, food and water.

Of course, Neji would not directly admit that he was preparing because of his insecurity, which would make his character collapse directly in front of Kai.

Mike Kay and Neji waited for nearly an hour before they saw Xiao Li and Tian Tian appear. Looking at the huge packages hanging on Xiao Li and Tian Tian, ​​Neji frowned.

"Idiot, idiot! We left the village to perform a mission, not to move. What are you doing with so many useless things!" Kai suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Li and punched Xiao Li directly. On his head, Xiao Li touched his head and sat down on the ground. A big pink bump bulged directly on Xiao Li's head.

"It hurts so much!" Xiao Li rubbed the big bag and painful tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

The man next to him was so frightened that Tiantian threw away the package in his hand and pretended as if nothing had happened.

"Teacher Kai, this is my first time out of the village, so I brought everything I need with me!" Xiao Li explained.

"Throw away everything except the weapons. You are already half an hour late. Your employer must be impatient with waiting. You don't want to fail the mission before it even starts!" Kai glanced around the group and asked loudly.

"I will never let my mission fail." Xiao Li threw away the giant package in his hand, his fighting spirit ignited, and his firm attitude was evident.

"Are you kidding? How could I let that happen? I want to become a great female ninja like Tsunade-sama." Tenten also reacted fiercely.

"Although I don't care about this, it would be too embarrassing if the mission failed because of being late!" Neji also made his attitude clear.

"Very good, then let's go!" Mike Kay took the lead and walked towards the gate of Konoha Village.

"Zitie, Izumo." Kai greeted warmly.

"Kai, this is your first time taking a student out of the village!" Zitie took the task book from Mike Kai and handed it to Izumo to register the information, while he chatted with Kai.

"Yes, this is Hyuga Neji, Rock Lee and Tenten. They are all excellent ninjas and students." Kai proudly introduced the three Nejis to Izumo and Zite.

"It seems that Kai, you are very satisfied with your students!" Zitie said with a smile.

"Of course, they are all my dearest students and subordinates!" Kai admitted with pride on his face.

"Okay, here, Kai wishes your team success in their mission!" Izumo returned the task book to Mike Kai.

"With your good words, my team will definitely complete the mission perfectly." Mike Kay took the mission book and accelerated towards the outside of the village in an instant.

"Follow up, Xiao Li, Tiantian!" Neci followed closely, reminding his teammates.

"I've been waiting for a long time. I'm Mike Kay, the leader of this mission. You can just leave this mission to our team. Hahahahahahaha!" Mike Kay saw his employer and gave him a slap in the face without waiting for him to complain. The boastful and familiar movements blinded everyone.

"Not to mention being late, the leader of the Jonin is still a watermelon head with thick eyebrows, huh? There is a younger guy with thick eyebrows over there, so does Konoha take our mission seriously? Why does it send such an unreliable person? Are there a lot of ninjas to protect us?" A white-haired old man who seemed to be the leader of the caravan complained directly, completely losing confidence in Kai's performance.

"Don't worry, although Mr. Kai may seem unreliable, he is the elite jounin of Konoha after all. You should know that the jonins of Konoha are strictly selected." Neji walked to the front of the team and calmly talked to the caravan. Host communication.

"Furthermore, your mission is only a C-level escort mission. The probability of encountering a ninja is extremely small. With a jounin like Mr. Kai participating in the escort, you don't have to worry about your safety at all!" Neji told the owner of the caravan his conclusion.

"Children among ninjas seem to be more reliable than adults!" The uncle of the caravan looked at Ningji who was talking in front of him, glanced at Kai who was still laughing there, and gave Kai a critical and hurtful sentence. Not big, but extremely insulting. Kai lost his voice immediately after hearing it.

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