I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3048: Dharma Eye Hidden, Opening Up the Pure Land

"The three truths are in perfect harmony, the ten realms are mutually intertwined, one thought is three thousand, and the meditation is perfect!"

In the main hall, the crystal clear and pure Buddha light bloomed from Ji Boyi's body, like a truly enlightened Buddha. Behind his head, circles of pure holy light were shining continuously accompanied by bursts of Zen chanting. With. Countless Sanskrit words that are vague but contain the Buddha's path are scattered from the pure halo of light, turning into a stream of light rain that makes the mind clear.

In Ji Boyi's sea of ​​consciousness, the twelve Buddha's words turned into twelve rounds of Buddha's light, just like the twelve Buddhas who turned the place where they stood into a pure land.

Between the interlacing and fusion of the twelve pure holy haloes, a blissful being can obtain clothing by thinking about clothes, and obtain food by thinking about food. Everything is naturally sufficient, and there is no greed at all. All the good people love each other, and there is no anger at all. All sentient beings, forever After hearing the wonderful Dharma, my heart is happy and I understand it, and the "Saha World" with no fundamental delusion appears faintly, as if it is far away from hundreds of thousands of billions of Buddha lands, and I will be reborn in the pure land of bliss.

Zen Master Lingyou stared at Ji Boyi with emotion. He couldn't explain what he felt in his heart. There was a bit of piety on his face. His eyes were fixed on the Pure Land of Paradise behind Ji Boyi's head, as if he was seeing his lifelong pursuit. The crystal light appeared again in the cloudy old eyes, and he raised his head involuntarily. No one understood the old monk's sadness, and he could not show it to others. He needed to be strong alone.

"Amitabha Tathagata, together with Avalokitesvara, the great power has arrived, countless Buddhas, hundreds of thousands of bhikkhus, a great assembly of voice-hearers, countless heavens, palaces of seven treasures... Ninth level of rebirth, nine levels of lotus flowers!"

Master Lingyou's voice was like sunlight, deep and solemn, and at the same time revealed the most devout belief. A mysterious power passed directly into Ji Boyi's sea of ​​consciousness, causing a huge shock and lifting Ji Boyi's mind from the void. The Dharma Realm was shaken again, and a large hand seal appeared in his mind, which made him feel helpless.

"Nine-grade Seal of Rebirth, why did I understand another Mahamudra?"

Ji Boyi looked at Zen Master Lingyou cautiously and was ready to help him, fearing that the old monk in front of him would not be able to withstand the blow and would vomit blood and fall to the ground again.

"You don't have to look at me like this. The Nine-Rank Seal of the Rebirth was taught to you by me using the True Dharma Eyes. I hope you can carry forward the Wei Yang Sect's tradition in the future!"

It is the eye that illuminates the universe and contains all things. According to legend, Sakyamuni Buddha gave the Dharma Eye to his great disciple Kassapa at the Lingshan Dharma Assembly. It was the founder of Zen Buddhism and the beginning of the heart-to-heart teaching of Buddhism.

The nine-level seals of rebirth are the strongest inheritance of Miyin Temple. The nine seals from the upper-level rebirth to the lower-level rebirth are based on the ninth-level rebirth in the "Avalokitesvara Sutra". They are based on the sins of Buddhist practitioners and practice. , divided into nine levels of printing.

There are nine levels of past lives, and there are nine levels of Pure Land in the Ultimate Bliss, and nine levels of chanting the Buddha's name, so Amitabha also has the distinction of nine levels of Amitabha, and the specific manifestation is the nine levels of past life seals, so it is also called the nine levels of Amitabha Seal, which was the Nanyue Buddha in those days. The seal deed that Patriarch Huairang received when he first entered meditation was regarded as the secret method of suppressing the Weiyang sect and was passed down from generation to generation.

Zen Master Lingyou taught this Mahamudra style to Ji Boyi, and his meaning was obvious. He chose Ji Boyi as the successor of the Weiyang Sect. This is also a decision made by Zen Master Lingyou after careful consideration. Ji Boyi's performance is really amazing. He is born with wisdom and amazing understanding. He is like a son of Buddha who came into the world. He will definitely achieve extraordinary things in the future and can carry forward the tradition of Wei Yang Sect.

"Thank you Master for teaching me the Dharma!"

Ji Boyi bowed and clasped his hands together with a very respectful attitude. It was extremely difficult to use Zhengfayanzang. Even Zen Master Lingyou had to spend most of his mana to do it. What's more, the Dharma Eye Store is the last secret method passed down by Zen Buddhism, and any eminent Zen master can only use it once in his life.

When a Zen monk performs it once, he can turn the Buddhist principles he and the great monks of previous generations have understood into heart seals, and pour them all into the sea of ​​consciousness of the descendants. Once they make the wrong choice, their lineage will be lost in history and will be cut off from this generation.

The reason why Zen Buddhism can become more and more powerful is not only that the Sixth Generation Patriarch is indeed a wise and wise monk with profound Buddhist teachings, but also because of the secret method of the Heart Seal hidden in the Dharma Eye. The Buddhist wisdom of generations of ancestors has been accumulated. Once it is turned into one's own strength, it will last for several reincarnations, and the magic power will instantly increase to an incredible level.

What's more, Buddhism is the most important inheritance. The understanding of generations of eminent monks can be directly instilled into the minds of descendants in this way, which is simply unbelievable.

What Ji Boyi inherited is the inherited heart seal of the Weiyang Sect, which is the accumulation of Buddhist teachings and principles from four generations of Patriarch Nanyue Huairang, Zen Master Mazu Daoyi, Baizhang Huaihai, and Zen Master Lingyou. As long as you can understand one tenth of it, you can go to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and achieve fruition.

"I wonder which level Master has reached in cultivating the nine-level Seal of the Past Life?"

Ji Boyi carefully understood the mystery of the ninth-grade seal of the past life, and his eyes flashed with a faint glint, crystal clear, like fine glass, and he asked.

"My lifelong practice, coupled with the accumulation of the heart seal inheritance of the three ancestors, I have only comprehended the eighth level. Now I will teach it to you, and I hope that my disciple can reach the final first level."

Zen Master Lingyou had high hopes for Ji Boyi, his eyes were full of expectation, and he spoke slowly.

Ji Boyi suddenly felt a heavy pressure falling on his shoulders. He had just joined the Miyin Temple and was selected to be the next successor of the Weiyang Sect. This was really beyond his expectation. Unexpectedly, I have to say that Zen Master Lingyou was so courageous that even Ji Boyi was moved by him and moved his heart.

Ji Boyi has received the heart seal inheritance of the Wei Yang Sect. Although he has just entered Buddhism, he is already able to become a disciple. All the Buddhist principles that Zen Master Lingyou can teach have been handed over to Ji Boyi. In the future, he only needs to practice step by step. That’s it, whatever your success is, it all depends on self-enlightenment.

In the Miyin Temple, there is a Zen room that has not been opened for two years. At first, the monks didn't care. After all, monks like them occasionally comprehended a mysterious thing in the Buddhist scriptures and stayed in seclusion for ten days. Half a month is the norm, occasionally even several months. But this junior fellow apprentice named Fa Hai has been in seclusion for much longer than everyone imagined.

The willow tree at the door of the Zen room has gone through several reincarnations, from swelling in the wind to drying up its branches. The long, thin and withered leaves are piled up in the courtyard, but it exudes a vigorous vitality.

Prime Minister Pei Xiu heard about this and sent several letters asking about his children. Even the current emperor Xuanzong inquired about this matter. After all, Ji Boyi became a monk on behalf of the prince and had great merit.

For this matter, Zen Master Lingyou, who had not left the main hall of Miyin Temple for a long time, went to the imperial capital Chang'an in person to explain. After meeting Pei Xiu and Xuanzong, Zen Master Lingyou also held several Dharma meetings in Chang'an. While promoting the Dharma of Zen Buddhism, he also spread the news that Ji Boyi was a disciple of Buddhism throughout the world.

As the prime minister of the dynasty, Pei Xiu was an honest and upright official. He wrote many prefaces to Buddhist classics. He was praised by Xuanzong as a true Confucian and as a great scholar in Hedong by Zen Buddhism. As his eldest son, Ji Boyi won the first prize at a young age, was named a Hanlin scholar by the emperor, and became famous throughout Chang'an. A few years ago, because the prince was ill for a long time, Pei Xiu personally sent his son to become a monk, which earned him the favor of the royal family.

"The great scholar from Hedong has a son of virtue and virtue, and he is the number one scholar in the Hanlin Academy. He is sent to Buddhism, and he achieves great things and becomes a Buddha on earth!"

This verse suddenly spread throughout the Tang Dynasty after Zen Master Lingyou left Chang'an. From the royal family to the children in the market, everyone knew about the prime minister's son, Master Fahai. Ji Youyi has already been talked about by countless eminent monks in Zen Buddhism before he even started teaching.

Ji Boyi has been in seclusion in the Zen room for three years since he accepted the heart seal inheritance from Zen Master Lingyou. In the meditation room, he made the Shi Wuwei mudra with the palms of his hands facing outward, his right hand upward, and his left hand downward. Then he flexed the thumbs and the tips of the ring fingers of both hands to make the mudra of the next life.

Ji Boyi's mind power changes with the handprints, communicating with the void legal world. An almost endless power pours into his body. Between his palms, bright golden light shines, reflecting on Ji Boyi's body, setting off his treasure. Solemn, a force that seemed to be convincing spread out with the light, and a large relic appeared above the head, filled with white light, clear and clear.


Suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar call came from outside the meditation room. It matched the central seal of Ji Boyi's sea of ​​consciousness, awakening him from his deepest meditation.

A pair of Buddha's eyes slowly opened, their eyes were warm and flowing endlessly, as if they penetrated the wall of the house and saw the skinny old monk in the main hall.

Ji Boyi slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, which condensed into lotus flowers. He stood up and stood up. His whole body glowed with crystal clear light. He took one step forward and appeared in front of Zen Master Lingyou.

Zen Master Lingyou felt a prying gaze. Before he could react, a handsome young monk appeared in front of him. He couldn't help but take a breath and calmed down his excitement before speaking. said.

"Good disciple, congratulations on your enlightenment of clairvoyance and divine foot power! You have fully mastered the true teachings of our Weiyang Sect, and you are ready to become a disciple!"

There are six magical powers in Buddhism. After cultivating them, you can gain six kinds of superhuman and free powers.

Heavenly Eyes refers to the ability to freely see the pain, joy, life, and death of all living beings and all forms. It was originally called Heavenly Eyes Wisdom, also known as Heavenly Eyes Wisdom, or Heavenly Eyes Wisdom.

Shenzutong means that any thought of wanting to live can be achieved without any hindrance and without losing concentration. The body and mind are like illusions, there is nothing but myself. Those with spiritual abilities can turn their illusory minds into their own wisdom and use them to save sentient beings in other places. It is also called Ruyi Zutong, Divine Realm Wisdom Tong, and Divine Realm Wisdom Tongtong.

Ji Boyi bowed respectfully to the skinny old monk in front of him, looked indifferent, and asked.

"I wonder why Master called me?"

Ji Boyi has been practicing in seclusion for three years, and his Buddhist practice has reached an incredible level. Even Zen Master Lingyou can't see his depth. If there is nothing particularly important, he will never disturb his practice.

"Disciple, my good friend Sima Tutuo came to seek me as my teacher a few days ago. He found a treasure land in the south that is very suitable for building a great temple and gathering people to practice. I want to find a blessed disciple to inherit it. I recommend you. , are you willing to go?"

The inheritance of Zen Buddhism is very unique. Each generation of successful disciples will generally leave the master's monastery to establish their own school. For example, Huairang, the founder of the Weiyang sect, went to Nanyue after becoming a disciple of the Sixth Patriarch Huineng. Mazu Daoyi, the eldest disciple of the Weiyang sect, inherited the Huairang lineage and founded the Huairang Hongzhou sect of Nanyue. He was the first to open the sect. One generation spread widely throughout the world and had far-reaching influence. It echoed the Stone Sect under the Qingyuan lineage and made Zen Buddhism flourish all over the world.

As soon as Mazu Tao sat down with the three great masters, Huaihai established a jungle system in Baizhang Mountain, established a meditation hall, and established Baizhang Qinggui, which transformed Buddhism from the previous quiet practice to a large-scale open mountain gate, laying the foundation for the spread of Buddhism throughout the world in the later period. The most solid foundation.

Baizhang Huaihai sat down, and the two Zen masters, Lingyou and Xiyun, were the most famous. The former founded the Weiyang Sect in Weishan, and the latter established the Linji Sect in Huangbo Mountain.

Now that Ji Youyi has learned all the true inheritance of Lingyou, and Buddhism and Taoism have reached the stage of becoming a disciple, it is time to go out and create his own lineage.

"I wonder where it is?"


"Master, take care, my disciple is leaving!"

When Ji Boyi heard this, his heart moved. He knew that this place was destined for him, it should be Jinshan Temple. He bowed to Zen Master Lingyou, took a step forward, and a white lotus appeared under his feet, supporting Ji Boyi's body, and his whole body shone brightly. , the Buddha's light was pure and clear, and then his figure disappeared. Only the Buddha's light illuminated the entire Miyin Temple, the whirling pure land, the infinite scenery, reflected the void, and fascinated people. The monks in the temple were dumbfounded, with pious faces, bowing and reciting the Buddha's words.

"Namo Amitabha!"

"In the Saha world, lotuses grow at every step, the body is as clear as the mind, and the magical power is hidden!"

Zen Master Lingyou had a look of joy on his face, looking at the Pure Land of Bliss in the void, he also clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

Zhenjiang is located on the edge of the Yangtze River, with mountains behind it and the river facing it. The situation is dangerous. It is a place to guard the river, so it is named Zhenjiang. This place is at the junction of the north and the south, with great landscapes and beautiful scenery, and there is no shortage of talents from generation to generation. It was the capital city where Sun Quan established his political power during the Three Kingdoms period. It was also the hometown of Emperor Wu Liu Yu and the hometown of the peerless twins Xiao Qiao.

Ji Boyi had everything going as he wished. He had crossed the river and arrived at this small island in the river. The power of thought surged out and swept across it. Everything about this mountain island was reflected in Ji Boyi's sea of ​​consciousness.

It turns out that this is a high mountain, named "Jinshan Mountain", standing majestically on the south bank of the Yangtze River. The mountain is majestic and the scenery is magnificent. When you climb up and look down, you can see the vastness of the Yangtze River. Later, due to the flooding of the river, this mountain became an island in the river and was called It is called a hibiscus in the river.

When Ji Boyi walked to the top of Jinshan Mountain, he saw undulating hills and towering ancient trees; there were many mounds on the left and right, standing shoulder to shoulder, like a guard array; in front of him there were dams and fields that looked like the sea, and there were many mountains and rivers.

"It's just a pity that the spiritual energy is relatively thin and there are few people there, so it is not a good place for practice."

Ji Boyi followed an inspiration in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and came to a ruins in Jinshan. It turned out to be a dilapidated and decaying temple. Standing in front of the broken Buddha in the barren mountain, with a thought in his mind, fate came into play, and he already understood the relationship. orifice.

The ability to know destiny, also known as the ability to stay and stay, can know the destiny of oneself and all sentient beings in the three realms and six paths for hundreds of thousands of lives and what they have done.

This temple was first built during the reign of Emperor Ming of Jin Dynasty. It was also called Zexin Temple when it was first built. It's a pity that with the passage of time and three Buddha kalpas, it has already declined. The previously accumulated mind power and spiritual energy has not dissipated. Master Kanyu once did this to lock the faith, mind power and earth energy energy gathered during the Zexin Temple period into the Jinshan spiritual veins.

Ji Boyi is a great master in Feng Shui and Kanyu. He saw the spiritual vein seal here at a glance, and the method to unblock it immediately appeared in his mind. He only needed to use the magic formula to release the deeply locked spiritual veins. Recreate a pure land.

The Buddhist Pure Land method is infinitely mysterious. Taking the Miyin Temple as an example, Zen Master Lingyou used the golden body of Sakyamuni in the main hall as a suppressing Buddha, gathering the energy of the earth's veins within a hundred miles, and the belief power of all living beings has already included the entire Miyin Temple. In your own state of mind, become your own pure land.

Anyone who steps within a hundred miles of Miyin Temple will be noticed by Zen Master Lingyou. In this pure land, Zen Master Lingyou can even see through every thought in the hearts of mortals. No matter who mentions his name, he will instantly know it, which is comparable to his mind.

His mind is one of the six magical powers of Buddhism, and he can know what is in the minds of all living beings in the three realms and six realms.

Ji Boyi carefully looked at the terrain and spiritual veins of Jinshan Mountain. The Yangtze River is the channel for dragon veins to enter the sea. Jinshan Mountain towers high in the river, just like a place where a real dragon rises up to breathe. Between exhaling and inhaling the dragon's veins, most of the spiritual energy has been locked up by Jinshan's spiritual veins. What Ji Boyi needs to do now is to release the spiritual energy accumulated over the past thousand years and use the pure land method of Buddhism to transform the entire The golden mountain transforms into its own pure land.

Pure land refers to a pure land, a majestic land, that is, a majestic place where pure merits reside. Sakyamuni Buddha showed his enlightenment and his great original wish was to purify the world, hoping to transform the filthy land of Saha into a pure land. To put it simply, Sakyamuni hoped to cover the entire human world with his own pure land and realize the dream of a Buddhist kingdom on earth. This is also the highest achievement of the Buddhist pure land method.

"Suppose you are not born in heaven. In the future world, under the Longhua Bodhi tree, you will also find something worthwhile. Aim for the Supreme Way. When you say these words, countless people will rise from their seats. They will bow to the feet of the Buddha and bow to the feet of Maitreya. They will circle the Buddha and Maitreya Bodhisattva a hundred times. Qianza. Those who have not yet attained the Tao..."

Ji Boyi uttered the mantra of the Pure Land. There was a bright, round relic suspended above his head, which was as big as a bucket. As soon as he opened and closed his mouth, he spit out dozens of mysterious Sanskrit words that contained the meaning of purity. He was The relics absorb the white light. Gradually, the Buddhist chants spread throughout the deserted Jinshan Mountain, and the spiritual veins hidden deep in the mountain seemed to be shaken and awakened from a thousand-year slumber.

The light of Shariputra condensed into a bright and deep ray, penetrated the deep mountain rocks, and began to lift the seal imposed on the spiritual veins. A vast and boundless spiritual energy rushed out from the seal that had been opened, and it was so rich that it almost made Ji Ji The relics of the game could hardly bear it.

"It's amazing. This treasure land of blessings is probably no worse than the ancestral home of my Zen sect."

Ji Boyi's expression changed slightly, and he began to activate the Pure Land method. The relics on the top transformed into blue-white lotus flowers, and the Buddha's light was brilliant, absorbing this spiritual energy that was so rich that it could be suffocating.

A subtle golden light shone from the ground under Ji Boyi's feet. The originally withered grass blades were stimulated by this and turned into emerald green. Some dead dead trees pulled out green buds and leaves, and the golden light continued to expand. , before you knew it, the ruins had enveloped the entire Zexin Temple. (End of chapter)

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