I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2941 The Holy Fetus is born, bloody brain core

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A sound similar to the beating of a heart came out from the stone body of heaven and earth. It was clearly audible and formed a sound wave visible to the naked eye, vibrating the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth. These extremely violent spiritual energy of heaven and earth seemed to have received some order and instantly became It was gentle and gentle, swallowed by the stone body of heaven and earth, and made a gurgling sound like drinking water, as if a person who had walked in the desert for a long time encountered an oasis and greedily drank the clear source of life.

There is a clear light shining in the stone embryo of heaven and earth. An embryo is breathing and beating, giving people a feeling of strong vitality. Countless spiritual energy is the nutrition needed for the development of the embryo. It is swallowed by the embryo and begins to grow bigger and bigger visible to the naked eye.

The vegetation on the entire mountain was affected and began to grow wildly. However, in just a few days, the entire mountain was covered by vegetation. From a distance, it became a green mountain, with green mountains like black and a spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Like the mist in the mountains, the energy here is too dense and rich. If an ordinary person lives in this mountain, he will be over-nourished by the rich energy. Over-nutrition is sometimes far worse than malnutrition. If severe, it will cause excessive pressure on the internal organs and endanger life.

Originally, the most dangerous thing in the deep mountains and old forests was not the wild beasts, but the poisonous insects. There were countless poisonous insects lurking in every corner you could not think of. Just one bite would be fatal and required antidote for treatment. But this At that time, there was a spiritual thought permeating the green mountain, and no matter could block it. Under the influence of these thoughts, all the poisonous insects died. The dense corpses of poisonous insects were scattered all over the mountain, looking extremely terrifying and ferocious.

Ninety-nine returned to unity, the stone fetus of heaven and earth suddenly exploded, and a pink baby jumped out. This was the holy fetus. The entire body was composed of spiritual power and energy, exuding powerful pressure, like a huge nuclear reactor. , the energy spreads outward, enough to affect and change the surrounding environment.

As soon as this holy fetus was born, two golden lights shot out from the eyes, penetrating the endless space, and taking in all the scenes that happened in Qubo Star. He was born with celestial vision, and the holy fetus had seals on its hands that looked like lotus flowers. , holy and solemn, the appearance of the holy fetus is almost exactly the same as Jiang Tao. The whole thing is a shrunken Jiang Tao, with majesty and compassion shining in his eyes, his small mouth moves slightly, and a huge and majestic sound resounds throughout the mountain peak.

"I'm here to ask. Wu Yu said, the clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle!"

The cave collapsed directly, and a figure walked out of the flying dust. His figure was as tall and straight as a mountain. Jiang Tao looked indifferent and detached from the world. After more than two months, he finally formed a holy fetus and entered the womb. In the realm of breathing, his mind blended with heaven and earth, comprehending the will of heaven, and intertwined with each other. A deep imprint was engraved in his heart. The extremely powerful spiritual power pulled the aura of heaven and earth from the second dimension into the third dimension, and was swallowed by the Holy Fetus. into the belly.

Jiang Tao's physical strength has greatly increased at this time, and his vitality has exceeded 20, which is comparable to a strong person in the realm of divine breath. Generally speaking, after entering the fetal breath, the second level is mind breath, and the highest vitality is 20.

After entering the fetal breath realm, spiritual power has a calculation method, dimensional units. However, the power of the human mind is less than the fetal breath, and the frequency cannot be expressed, so the intensity cannot be calculated. According to the intensity of spiritual power, people can also produce a certain amount of spiritual energy when they absorb it. The monks who first enter the realm of fetal breath absorb spiritual energy every day, which is approximately equivalent to the energy intensity contained in one gram of spiritual stone, which is 1 dimensional unit, while Hunyuan breath is about 20 dimensional units.

Jiang Tao is born with strong spiritual power. Today's spiritual power can absorb about 20 dimensional units of spiritual energy every day, which is comparable to a Hunyuan breath strongman. It provides him with powerful energy resources, which makes his physical fitness and vitality rapidly improve, and he can be more powerful. Quickly break through the fetal breath realm and enter the realm of sitting and forgetfulness.

A strong person in the realm of forgetfulness can forget his body, abandon his intelligence, get rid of the shackles of body and wisdom, and become one with the great road. In fact, it is what the Buddha said: no self, no one, no sentient beings, no lifespan.

If a person cultivates to the state of sitting and forgetting, his powerful mind can be integrated with the trajectory of the planet, nature and man will become one, and things and me will be forgotten. The body is no longer a body, but a planet. With vast and powerful blessings on the body, almost people have endless magical powers, and it is easy to have a vitality of over 100. Because their bodies are part of the void where they live, and with every move they make, they can absorb the power of the universe for their own use. In the blink of an eye, the situation changes and snow covers the mountains and rivers.

It can draw energy from all dimensions, which is endless and completely different from magical powers. Dimensions are called caves by Easterners, planes by Westerners, and dimensions or multiverses by modern science. The power of magical powers is limited, and if you use it even a little, it will be exhausted. However, the power of the dimension is unlimited. Once promoted to Zao Wang, as long as a little mental power is used, the power can be extracted from the dimension, forever endless.

The magic weapon refined by the monks in the realm of forgetfulness directly uses the gravity of the entire planet for tempering. This type of magic weapon will also have some characteristics of the unity of heaven and man. Masters who forget the world can create space items, which are space folds that have not been developed by technology.

In the realm of forgetfulness, you can condense a small world within your own body to store energy. The Peak of Forgetfulness can condense countless small worlds and then turn them into runes. When the runes are condensed into laws, they will become holy.

Jiang Tao walked to the side of the cliff, looked at the rolling clouds and mist, stepped out, stood up out of thin air, found a direction, and flew away in an instant. Now he can be regarded as an extraordinary saint, possessing many wonderful methods, such as flight.

Jiang Tao didn't know how long he had been flying. He saw many wooden houses appearing on the land in the distance, deep in the dense jungle. They were very huge, but very rough. They were tribes of primitive people. The tribes were connected into one piece. Huge place to live.

There are primitive people on Qubo Star. Jiang Tao has known this for a long time, because humans on Earth have not yet conquered the entire Qubo Star. He doesn’t know why. Maybe it is because wormhole jumping requires huge energy. Maybe there are people on Qubo Star. Something dangerous.

Jiang Tao observed carefully in the sky and found that this tribe of primitive people was very large. The humans coming and going were very tall, often as high as two meters, wearing animal skins, carrying wooden sticks, and even had no metal weapons.

But the people of these tribes are extremely powerful and have strong physical strength. When an adult man of a tribe goes out to hunt, it is not a problem to hunt down a few armored beasts with bare hands. He can knock out the armored beasts with one punch. This vitality is at least 1.3 to 1.4.

"Sure enough, it is somewhat similar to the records in the textbook. There are primitive people on Qubo Planet, with an average height of two meters and extremely strong physical fitness. Among them are tribal wizards who have terrifying psychic powers and can control wild beasts. The primitive tribes fight and kill each other. , sacrifice the opponent's warriors under the sacred tree, and water the fruit with blood and brains, you can obtain the bloody brain core fruit, which can be regarded as a holy item in the tribe and create a wizard..."

Jiang Tao clicked on the chip and looked through the information on Qubo Star. There were records about the primitive tribe. Qubo Star was isolated from the world and it was impossible to access the Internet. However, everyone downloaded Qubo Star when they came. A lot of information to make it easier to survive.

Originally, it was impossible for a tribe of primitive people to live around the area where the battleship sent the students for training. However, Jiang Tao had already entered the realm of fetal breath and could fly. He had already left the trial range for an unknown distance, and it was very difficult to encounter a tribe of primitive people. normal.

Jiang Tao looked at a big tree in the center of the primitive tribe. This tree was filled with densely packed fruits, all of which were blood-colored fruits that were as big as brains.

"Blood-colored brain core!"

Blood-colored brain cores are also sold on the black market in Xinghua City. One is worth 5 million star yuan, and few people can afford it. This thing can greatly enhance the brain's endocrine system, and it can also strengthen brain cells, which is good for the spirit. Strength helps a lot and is something that many hypnotists dream of.

A hypnotist can hypnotize two or three clients into deep sleep a day. If he takes a blood brain core, the number of hypnotists he can hypnotize will double, and the success rate and efficiency will even increase.

Jiang Tao's purpose here is these blood-colored brain cores. Now he needs heavenly materials and earthly treasures to enhance his spiritual power, which can allow him to step into the realm of divine breath faster. At the moment when the holy fetus is formed, he activates the heavenly eye. , locking the location of this primitive tribe.

Suddenly, wuwuwuwu, a horn sounded. Groups of primitive people escorted another group of slaves. There were hundreds of them. They walked under the big bloody tree, and then beat the slaves to death with sticks and chopped them with stone axes. Open the head, bury the brains and blood under the tree, and then start to kneel down and pray devoutly.

Whoosh, whoosh, a huge bird landed in the sky, more than ten meters long. On the back of the bird sat a wizard. The wizard landed and entered the big house next to the holy tree, leaving only ten people behind. Many warriors with vitality comparable to Jiang Liu guard the Blood Brain Core Sacred Tree.

The wizard is the leader of the primitive tribe. He has psychic powers, can hypnotize enemies, and can also control wild beasts. This kind of person is a well-deserved leader. However, the hypnosis techniques of these primitive tribes are too inferior and cannot be compared with the earth. There is no systematic research, so they have very few wizards and no low-level hypnotists.

People in primitive tribes who can become wizards are all powerful people who have reached the state of concentration. People who are below the state of concentration cannot become hypnotists because they do not have systematic hypnosis techniques.

Primitive people have pure souls, and the spiritual power of every wizard is very strong. In addition, they have blood-colored brain cores to take. Jiang Tao must be more careful. After all, every strong man who enters samadhi is a terrifying and invincible figure.

Jiang Tao's spiritual power spread and merged into the world. His spiritual thoughts emitted invisible fluctuations, permeating the primitive tribes. Countless warriors began to feel tired, their eyelids were fighting, and they were extremely heavy. It seemed difficult to resist the temptation of sleep. Slowly He closed his eyes and fell asleep on the ground.

Jiang Tao's spiritual power far exceeded that of ordinary meditative masters. These tribal warriors who had not yet entered the meditative state were unable to resist the hypnosis of Jiang Tao's spiritual power and fell into a deep sleep one after another.

Jiang Tao then landed on the ground, and the extremely powerful spiritual power invaded the big house in the middle. The extremely tyrannical spiritual power directly defeated the wizard's mind, destroying it, and did not give the strong man who had entered meditation a chance to react. It's hypnotic.

"The spiritual power is good, and they have actually entered the realm of great concentration. However, their vitality is a bit weak, only about 1.7 at most. Their cultivation system is not perfect, and their actual combat power is far inferior to that of the human federation!"

Jiang Tao took back his spiritual power and walked under the holy tree. With a thought, twenty-seven blood-colored brain cores fell into his hands. There were more than forty blood-colored brain cores on this holy tree. Jiang Tao Not all were taken away, but some were left for the primitive tribes.

“Everything must be done, but a glimmer of hope must be left!”

Jiang Tao got what he wanted and didn't stop there. He flew into the void and disappeared into the primitive tribe.

After Jiang Tao left, the wizards and warriors of this primitive tribe came to their senses. Seeing that most of the blood-colored brain cores were missing from the sacred tree, their expressions changed drastically, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes. They were able to remain unnoticed. The strong man who hypnotized the entire tribe did not kill anyone in the tribe and left a part of the blood-red brain core. It was a stroke of luck. They all knelt down under the sacred tree and prayed devoutly.

By a stream, the water was gurgling and crystal clear. Jiang Tao sat on the ground with his bare feet in the stream, enjoying the natural peace and tranquility of the world. From time to time, he threw a red blood-colored brain core into his mouth. People are like a Bagua alchemy furnace, swallowing up the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and turning it into real fire, refining the heavenly materials and earthly treasures into elixirs, and completely absorbing them.

Jiang Tao narrowed his eyes slightly, with a faint smile on his face. Feeling the increase in spiritual power, an extremely refreshing and comfortable feeling rippled in his heart. This feeling of rapid improvement in mental power will be addictive. If you have not reached the state of samadhi, , will inevitably produce mental hallucinations, cause damage to the brain, and cause the state to retreat instead of advancing.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky had dimmed. Jiang Tao absorbed and refined the last blood-colored brain core, clapped his hands with satisfaction, put on his shoes, stood between heaven and earth, held his head high, and murmured.

"The blood-colored brain core is indeed useful. My spiritual power has been increased by 2.7 dimensional units. A blood-colored brain core can increase my spiritual power by 0.1 dimension. It seems that I need to patronize other primitive tribes. After all, I am Duan Shui Master. I can't We must treat everyone equally and be fair and just!”

Jiang Tao was such a person with positive energy. He escaped into the air and flew towards a primitive tribe again.

In the following days, Jiang Tao visited more than a dozen primitive tribes in succession. He repeated his old tricks and hypnotized the people of the primitive tribes. He obtained hundreds of blood-colored brain cores and refined them all, doubling his mental power. , comparable to a strong man in the realm of forgetfulness.

"It's almost time. It's time for me to go back. This Qubo Star trial has been fruitful. It's really my blessed place!"

Jiang Tao felt that the effect of the blood-colored brain core on improving his spiritual power was minimal. He shook his head and headed towards the place designated by the army, preparing to return to Earth.

It was a large plain, and many students gathered together on the plain. And above the sky, a large ship was floating, seemingly waiting for the students to arrive.

Jiang Tao didn't want to show his ability, so he landed quietly outside the plain, and jumped quickly. When he arrived on the plain, he found the students from Xinghua City. He looked around and saw that everyone's strength had improved, and the outstanding ones were like Jiang. Li's vitality has increased by about 0.4, to about 1.7. It seems that he has also gained a lot. Others, such as Xue Ling, have also reached about 1.2, which is a big improvement.

At this time, the battleships began to move in the sky, and huge sonic booms were heard.

"The time has come. All students, get ready and don't move. The battleship will conduct energy transfer!"

Halos descended from the battleship one after another, and all the students were restrained by the halos. Jiang Tao felt it for a moment, and he could easily get rid of this restraining force, but there was no change, and he was allowed to be restrained by this force. Pulled into the interior of the battleship, Jiang Tao then lay on the metal bed with the cover closed, and a voice came from his ears.

"The wormhole jump begins...countdown, ten, nine...three, two, one!"


With a loud noise, the battleship rose into the sky. An extremely powerful energy burst out, twisting and tearing the void, forming a stable wormhole passage. The huge Taigu battleship got into it, disappeared on the Qubo Star, and returned. Into the deep sea of ​​the earth.

The battleship rushed out of the sea, the hatch opened, and many aircraft came in to pick up the students one by one. Jiang Tao took the aircraft to the square of Jinghua City Middle School.

The principal had been waiting in the square for a long time. When he saw that the students of Xinghua High School had almost no losses, a smile appeared on his face.

"Everyone is here except Jiang Liu. Where are the others?"

The principal looked at everyone, with a look of confusion on his face, and asked.

Jiang Tao's expression was indifferent, his eyes were gentle, and he spoke slowly.

"Killed by me!"

As soon as these words came out, the principal was dumbfounded and looked at Jiang Tao in disbelief. Jiang Liu was not a small person. He was from the Jiang family of the Sun and Moon Group. If Jiang Tao killed Jiang Liu, it would definitely have a huge impact.

Jiang Tao looked at the worried principal and said casually.

"Principal, there is no need to worry. Qu Bo Xing is a place outside the law. No one can use the law to punish me. As for the Sun and Moon Group, they will not go to war for an ordinary kid like Jiang Liu. At most, Jiang Liu and I will be in trouble. !”

There was a bit of a wry smile on the principal's face. At this point, he had no choice but to do anything. Moreover, this was a personal grudge between Jiang Tao and Jiang Liu, and he could not intervene. He could only put aside his worries for the time being and said to the students.

"Go back to Xinghua City first. The next step is to test your vitality and make the final sprint. In twenty days, there is the exam of Xingkong University."

Everyone had just returned from an alien planet and had not yet recovered from the fatigue of the journey. They were shocked when they heard the news and became nervous again. The Starry Sky University exam is a fate-determining exam. In comparison, this trial is just child's play. .

A few hours later, the flying car had arrived in Xinghua City and landed directly at Xinghua Middle School. The principal looked at the tired students, was very considerate, and immediately announced the disbandment.

"You go home and rest first to recuperate before taking the test."

Jiang Tao and Jiang Li were walking on the campus road. Jiang Li looked at Jiang Tao worriedly and asked.

"Does it really not matter if you killed Jiang Liu? Jiang Zhenyue is not someone to be trifled with. After all, he is a senior executive of the Sun Moon Group and is responsible for the Earth business!"

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