I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2940 Gather the spiritual fetus of heaven and earth and kill Jiang Liu on the spot

"Look, there are many students from Jinghua City High School over there! I'm afraid there are more than 300 people!"

Xue Ling whispered, and a large group of students came from a distance. The overall quality of this group of students is obviously higher than that of other middle schools. Everyone is full of energy and has a look of disdain. They look down on students from other schools at all.

In fact, for these students who are able to come here, they are all the top students in each city. Everyone has their eyes set on the top. They are not convinced by each other and are competing with each other. Even students from the same school have conflicts. .

"Jiang Liu actually got together with the gang from Jinghua City High School?"

Among the more than 300 students at Jinghua Middle School, Jiang Liu was at the front. He was talking and laughing with a man who was obviously the leader of the students, and the students behind him could only follow.

"That is the number one student in Jinghua High School, named Yu Muhua. His vitality has reached 1.5. He is the son of a big boss in Jinghua City."

Xue Ling was very well-informed and had already collected a lot of information on the outstanding students in the schools in Thirty-Six Cities, so she told Jiang Tao.

"Yu Muhua and Jiang Liu seem to have a good relationship."

"Jiang Liu is a direct descendant of the Sun and Moon Group. Even Yu Muhua needs the essence of the Sun and the Moon. The Sun and Moon Group has long been in contact with the bosses of Jinghua City. This is normal!"

Jiang Tao looked away indifferently. All the students in Thirty-Six City combined were not enough for him to fight with one hand. There was no need to take it to heart. His only purpose in participating in the trial this time was to take advantage of Qu Bo Xing's strong energy. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth formed the holy fetus and broke through the realm. If the spiritual energy of the earth was not too thin, he would have entered the realm of fetal breath.

Boom! Suddenly a black shadow fell from the sky, and the ground shook. It was a man wearing a mecha. This was a Zhongwu sonic mecha. If it were used against the best of these high school students, a hundred of them would be killed within ten seconds. die.

Of course, except for Jiang Tao, whose vitality has now reached double digits, tearing up mechas by hand is a routine operation, which is child's play and not worth mentioning.

The helmet of the mecha opened automatically, and a soldier with a square face appeared, with a majestic look, cold eyes, and an iron-blooded aura on his body, and he said to everyone.

"Hello, fellow students, I am Wang Changshan, commander of the highest group army in Jinghua City. Everyone of you understands the situation this time, so I won't say anything more. Now everyone, follow me to the wormhole jumping base on the sea."

Boom! As Wang Changshan finished speaking, a battleship appeared in the sky. The battleship was suspended out of thin air and did not land. Instead, many small aircraft appeared on it and flew to the ground. Each aircraft can carry dozens of people. Start picking up all the students into the battleship.

In about half an hour, Jiang Tao arrived on the battleship in a small aircraft. This battleship is four kilometers long and two kilometers wide. As soon as you enter it, you feel completely isolated from the outside world and enter an independent world. He and Xue Ling sit together. The seats are huge metal beds that can lie flat or Meditate. There is a large screen in the front, and you can see the situation outside the entire battleship.

"This battleship is called the Taikoo. It is made of high-tech rare alloy mixed energy compression, so that it can withstand the power of wormhole jumping. It is said that the cost per square meter is tens of millions of stars."

As the eldest lady of the Xue Group, Xue Ling has access to much more information than Jiang Tao. She also has some information about this battleship and introduced it to Jiang Tao.

"The construction cost per square meter is tens of millions of stars?"

Jiang Tao couldn't help but be surprised. Ten million stars per square meter, this ancient battleship was so huge, and the cost was simply astronomical.

"Of course, warships that can perform wormhole jumps are priceless treasures. This is also my first time to jump through wormholes. This is a great human power."

"Look, we have now arrived at the wormhole jump base, in the deep sea!"

Wow, the huge warship plunged into the water and began to dive deep. You can see the deep sea scenery on the big screen, which is blue. On the seabed, a huge building launcher stands tall and almost endless. Countless underwater robots are busy The spectacular sight of homework makes people's hearts feel inexplicably shocked, which is awe of the power of science and technology.

"Entering the wormhole jumping base, everyone lies down on the bed. When the wormhole jumps, people's thinking will stop moving. The soul is in a state of suspended animation. People with a vitality below 1 cannot withstand the power of the wormhole jump and will be extremely Weakness, even death!”

"The planet we are heading to is Qubo Star. It is similar to the Earth. It is also full of oxygen and water and has various kinds of life forms, suitable for human survival. However, it is ten times larger than the Earth. Inside the planet, there is a strange energy that surrounds the entire planet. , so that the gravity of the planet is similar to that of the earth, and the laws of universal gravitation are also applicable to this planet."

Suddenly, a sharp warning sounded, and the battleship was in a jumping state. Jiang Tao was already lying on the bed, and suddenly a cover came down and completely covered him.

"Wormhole jump, countdown, 10, 9... 3, 2, 1! Jump begins!"

Boom! Jiang Tao immediately felt a huge shock in his heart. His whole body seemed to begin to twist and his vision was completely blurred. Suddenly his consciousness completely disappeared and seemed to be torn into many particles.

In the depths of Jiang Tao's spirit, the fighting and victorious Buddha in gold jade cassocks, with a solemn treasure, holding the immovable seal in his hand, a look of joy in his warm and compassionate eyes, and a majestic and vast voice that shook the whole world, heaven and earth. Be still for it.

"I shall perish!"

As soon as the words fell, the cassock on the victorious Buddha turned into the true fire of the sun and the cold flames of the taiyin, refining the six-foot-long golden body. The Buddha died, and the world was sad. An inexplicable sadness filled the whole world. The Buddha's Dharma disappeared, leaving only The next piece of heaven and earth is a stone body. It stays there quietly and remains unchanged through the vicissitudes of life.

During the wormhole jump, part of the huge and invisible energy seemed to be absorbed by Jiang Tao's body and integrated into the spiritual fetus of heaven and earth. A wisp of vitality emerged from it, and invisible fluctuations spread out. Between heaven and earth The sadness disappeared in a flash, and a feeling of life was inexplicably born, and the emotions of joy and excitement rippled between heaven and earth.

Wormhole jumping is the highest technology in the human era. Human beings obtained the technology from the big ships of alien planets. It took a hundred years of research to finally master this heaven-defying technology. Therefore, they found many planets with resources, thus making the entire species His life has been strengthened, he has left the earth and sailed towards the vast universe.

Each wormhole jump requires huge energy support. This energy is not nuclear energy, but a higher-tech energy. It is condensed into a substantial existence using a base on the seabed, the wormhole is opened, and then the teleportation array is started.

There are cosmic coordinate points in the vast starry sky. Wormholes use energy to interfere with the dimensions of space, causing short-term jumps. Otherwise, it would be a planet hundreds of thousands of light years away. It would take hundreds of thousands of years to fly at the speed of light. Only It can be reached in a short time only by relying on wormholes.

The wormhole theory has been proposed by humans three hundred years ago. Unfortunately, it is just an idea and cannot be realized. With humankind's own technology, it may not be possible for thousands of years. If it were not for the space battleships descended from the sky two hundred years ago, It has changed the history of mankind. Humanity is still trapped on the earth and cannot enter the starry sky at all.

Wormhole jumping is also extremely dangerous, and there is no chance of making any mistakes. Any slightest mistake will be distorted by the huge energy of the wormhole, causing people and battleships to completely disappear into the depths of the vast sea of ​​​​stars, and even disappear into the material world, turning into the tiniest thing. atoms, no trace left.

Under the sea, in the huge base, suddenly, the energy wavered, and all the seawater began to surge, causing huge waves and tsunamis.

Didi didi! Countless sirens rang out.

"What's going on? Why is the energy overflowing? There seems to be something absorbing a large amount of energy from the wormhole jump. What on earth is this?"

"Danger, danger, extreme danger!"

"Hurry up and deliver the spare energy, otherwise the wormhole will be slightly distorted and the entire battleship will turn into dust."

"Oh my God, what on earth is absorbing the energy of wormhole jumping? This energy is consumed by the entire Jinghua City for ten years. Unless the wormhole jumps, there is nothing that can be absorbed."

"Now is not the time to discuss what went wrong, but to activate backup energy immediately."

Deep in the wormhole base, there was a sudden earthquake, and the seawater gathered into a huge vortex. A burst of energy was emitted, breaking through time and space. Deep in the seabed, a wormhole slowly opened, maintaining stability again.

The people deep inside the battleship were completely unconscious, and no one knew that they almost turned into cosmic particles and disappeared into the material world forever.

After an unknown amount of time, time became meaningless in the wormhole jump, and a soft sound resounded.

"The wormhole jump is over. You have arrived at Qubo Star. Please do not take action yet. You must lie quietly for an hour to familiarize yourself with various skills of the body and mind. Nutrient fluid will be sprayed on you in the cabin for conditioning."

Zizzi, a burst of cool mist sprayed out from the cabin. Jiang Tao opened his eyes. This wormhole jump had a huge impact on him, allowing him to gain huge energy. After fighting and defeating the Buddha, he finally returned to his origin and transformed into the world. The spiritual fetus gives birth to the prototype of the holy fetus. As long as enough spiritual energy of heaven and earth is absorbed on Qubo Star to provide it with nutrients, it will be ripe and mature, and the holy fetus will be successfully formed and completely enter the realm of fetal breath.

An hour later, the cover on the metal bed was opened. Jiang Tao jumped slightly and stood on the ground. He felt that his body was light and his mind was flexible, as if he had been reborn.

"Well, the vitality has increased by two or three points, which is better than nothing!"

Almost all the energy swallowed by Jiang Tao during the wormhole jump was absorbed by the heaven and earth spirit fetus, and only a very small amount remained in the body. Therefore, Jiang Tao's vitality did not increase much, and it could only be regarded as a side benefit.

"Dear students, there was a small problem when the battleship was jumping, but it has been solved. We are now landing on the Qubo planet. Next, you will be released to this planet. This planet has oxygen and water. , suitable for human survival. You don’t need to wear a space suit. After you get down, our battleship will jump back again. A hundred days later, the battleship will jump again and appear here, which means that you will be on the other side of the starry sky, Living alone and helpless for a hundred days is a great test for your souls. Fight hard, young men."

Wang Changshan's face appeared on the big screen, with a serious expression and majestic eyes, and he spoke slowly.

As soon as the words fell, the students' bodies were wrapped in a halo of energy, and then ejected out of the battleship. After a long time, they finally found their feet on the ground. The battleship above their heads suddenly jumped and disappeared.

All the students in the trial were ejected to the ground, and were left alone on this unknown planet. On the other side of the starry sky, here, looking at the vast sea of ​​​​stars, you can't even see the earth.

At this moment, everyone felt homesick, isolated, and extremely melancholy.

The location where everyone is located is a virgin forest, with endless trees, tall trees, and giant trees thousands of meters tall. It is much more lush than on the earth, and there are some small insects and plants that are completely different from those on the earth. The knowledge on earth cannot measure this alien planet at all.

Jiang Tao withdrew his gaze from looking at the environment. It was time to get down to business. He looked at the location of the Jinghua High School students. He looked at Jiang Liu with an extremely cold look on his face. As soon as he moved his steps, his figure appeared in front of Jiang Liu. in front of.

"You actually came to participate in this trial? It's great. On this Qubo planet, there is no human law. I will kill you today, but even an ant dares to go against me and wants to deal with it. My family is really overestimating themselves!”

There is no immortal in the trial. In this kind of trial on an alien planet, even if Jiang Tao kills Jiang Liu in public, he will not be punished by law when he returns to Earth, because Qubo Planet is not a planet where human laws apply. Two hundred years ago, on the high seas, no matter what illegal things were done here, they would not be punished by the law.

"Master Jiang, what happened? Did you have a problem with him?"

Yu Muhua, the number one person in Jinghua City High School, walked up and looked at Jiang Tao with a solemn look on his face. He knew Jiang Liu's strength and was not weaker than him. Jiang Tao dared to speak so wildly. He must be very powerful. .

"It's none of your business, just stay here!"

Jiang Tao glanced at Yu Muhua, and the powerful spiritual power impacted Yu Muhua's mind. He groaned, his face turned pale, and his eyes showed horror.

Jiang Liu's heart sank. He knew that Jiang Tao was stronger than him. Faced with Jiang Tao's sudden attack, he didn't expect it at all. He didn't expect Jiang Tao to be so decisive and decisive. He didn't care about the Sun and Moon Group at all and wanted to kill him. .


Jiang Liu did not dare to sit still and wait for death, so he took the lead and struck with a punch that sent air flying in all directions. Ghost Fist! Hell of ghosts and gods. This move is like a prison punch, and with a slight movement, it seems like many demons from hell are crawling out. People with a slightly weaker mental will will have hallucinations and be scared to wet their pants.

This is the mystery of B-level martial arts. Meditation combined with boxing can lead to a trance and a punch that is like a god. The enemy will indeed have mental hallucinations, and the will will completely collapse before the punching wind arrives.

Jiang Liu's vitality is strong and his will is extremely sharp. His sudden attack was like a humanoid Gundam. The ground shook violently, the earth cracked, and many rocks were kicked up. He aimed a quick attack at Tao.

"You dare to show off your trivial skills in front of me, you can go and die!"

Jiang Tao's face was cold. He didn't care about Jiang Liu's strength, but he had to kill him for some reason. Jiang Li was also in this trial. If Jiang Liu was left alive, it would be a great blow to Jiang Li. Threatening, he needed to strike first to allow Jiang Li to participate in the trial with peace of mind.

Jiang Tao slowly raised a hand, stretched out a finger, cut through the void, and lightly touched Jiang Liu's eyebrows. A force vibrated, destroying Jiang Liu's brain.

Suddenly, the light in Jiang Liu's eyes dissipated, his eyes dimmed, his fist stopped in front of Jiang Tao, his mouth opened and closed, and he spat out his last words.

"How could it be so fast?!"

Jiang Liu found it difficult to understand. Jiang Tao was obviously the backhand. She could see every move clearly. According to his calculations, his fist should have hit Jiang Tao first, but the result was unexpected. Jiang Tao's The finger first touched his eyebrow.

"Your spiritual realm is too weak and you are affected by my spiritual power!"

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Jiang Liu's eyes, and the last thought came to his mind. It turned out that he had already entered trance and had not lost unjustly.

Jiang Liu's body leaned back and fell to the ground. The first casualty of this trial on Qubo Star appeared. He died not in the hands of the natives of the alien planet, but in the hands of his classmates who participated in the trial together. This result shocked everyone. A sense of crisis surged into their hearts, and they had a clear understanding of the danger of this trial.

After Jiang Tao killed Jiang Liu, he glanced at his elder brother Jiang Li, nodded slightly, stepped on his feet, and with a flash of his body, he entered the primeval forest and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Yu Muhua's face changed slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. Jiang Liu's strength was not weaker than his, but he died so easily. He had to stand up for Jiang Liu just now. He really didn't know whether to live or die.

Qubo Star is ten times larger than the Earth, but the gravity and various environments on the planet are similar to those of the Earth. It is very mysterious. This is because there is an energy inside Qubo Star that radiates out and changes the entire state of the planet.

This energy is temporarily called the aura of heaven and earth by scientists in the elite area. All animals born on the planet are more or less contaminated with it, making them much more powerful than species on the earth. Moreover, this aura of heaven and earth is It will be absorbed by the human body and change the essence of life, but ordinary people cannot absorb it, and even masters who have entered meditation have difficulty absorbing it. Only those who have reached the realm of fetal breath can absorb it.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is actually similar to the essence of the sun and moon on the earth, but it is much richer in nature, and more powerful and violent. Even masters in the fetal breath realm must be careful when absorbing it. Masters from the elite area once came to Qubo Star to practice. But while practicing, the body suddenly burned and then turned into ashes.

In a towering mountain, with dense jungle and dark environment, Jiang Tao walked alone in this uninhabited land, found a wide cave, killed a giant wolf-like creature inside, and took it for himself.

Jiang Tao sat on the floor with his five hearts upward. His mind gradually fell into silence. His whole thinking, breathing, thoughts, and spirit fell into a state of suspended animation. Only the cells still maintained breathing. This was a kind of internal breathing. Not through the mouth and nose, but every cell in the body turns into a respiratory system, swallowing up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on Qubo Star.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Suddenly a strong wind blew around him, and countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth invisible to the naked eye swarmed in, poured into Jiang Tao's body, and merged into the spiritual fetus of heaven and earth, and a wave of creation that gave birth to life spread.

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