I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2838 Xiao Ruyi’s little plan reveals Jia Yucun’s true face

"Ah, it hurts!"

Xiao Ruyi just woke up from a dream, crying out in pain, her big eyes sparkling with surprise, and she said with great joy.

"Master Hou, are you really back?"

Xiao Ruyi already knew that Jia Chang was conferred the title of Marquis, so she called him Lord Marquis. She hugged Jia Chang's arm, and her pink face was a little red, which was because Jia Chang pinched it.

"I'm back, I'm taking you back home this time!"

Now that Jia Chang has opened a mansion, he will naturally no longer live in Rongguo Mansion, and wants to bring Xiao Ruyi back to Wu'an Hou Mansion.


A bright smile broke out on Xiao Ruyi's face, her eyes were bright and shining brightly, she was very happy.

"of course it's true!"

Jia Chang reached out and rubbed the bun on Xiao Ruyi's head, looking doting on her. He had long regarded this maid who had been with him since childhood as his sister and loved her very much.

Suddenly, Xiao Ruyi's smile faded, her round little face wrinkled up, and she said with some embarrassment.

"But. But, my body bond is still in the mansion, and it seems that I can't follow the Marquis to the Wu'an Marquis Mansion!"

Jia Chang chuckled, shook his head, and said to the worried Xiao Ruyi.

"You don't need to worry about this!"

Jia Chang turned his head and looked in the direction of Rongxi Hall. Although he taught Jia Baoyu a lesson today and offended Mrs. Wang, she still had the sense to send Xiao Ruyi's body deed to the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.

Xiao Ruyi packed up her things and followed Jia Chang back to the Wu'an Marquis Mansion. This mansion was carefully selected by Emperor Yuankang. It covers a huge area, and the Birong Mansion is no less generous. It is very grand and luxurious. , was originally the residence of a former Duke. After being restored by the Ministry of Works, it was given to Jia Chang in recognition of Jia Chang's military exploits.

Rongguo Mansion, Rongxi Hall.

Mrs. Wang's face was livid and full of resentment. Next to her stood a middle-aged woman. This person was from Zhou Rui's family and was Mrs. Wang's confidant.

"That bastard is really disgusting. He actually dared to put eye drops on Baoyu, which made the master very angry!"

Zhou Rui's family bowed and was cautious. She knew the temperament of the lady in front of her very well. On the outside, she looked kind and unconcerned. She was just like the Bodhisattva in the temple, but in fact she was vicious and cold-hearted. Viper. Moreover, the wife valued the second master Bao the most. Now because of Jia Chang, Jia Baoyu was in trouble, which made the wife hate the Marquis of Wu'an in her heart.

Zhou Rui's family looked embarrassed. She didn't dare to say bad things about Jia Chang. He was the Marquis, a big shot who could kill their whole family without a burial place if he was unhappy.

Mrs. Wang cursed for a long time, sighed, and said with some regret.

"That damn bastard, you should not have agreed to let him practice martial arts in the first place. I didn't expect that he would become such a bad guy!"

Mrs. Wang's eyes flashed with malice and cruelty, her face was livid, and she kept turning the beads in her hand, like an evil ghost Shura in hell, without any signs of compassion from a Bodhisattva.

The Zhou Rui family was frightened by Mrs. Wang's performance. They shrank slightly and did not dare to interrupt, like a quail.

"That villain, the white-eyed wolf, I heard that he brought back his former little maid?"

Mrs. Wang raised her eyes, glanced at Zhou Rui's house, and suddenly asked.

"Madam, Marquis Wu'an is bringing that girl Xiao Ruyi back to Marquis Wu'an's mansion!"

Zhou Rui's family was secretly envious. It would have been great if his daughter had been Jia Chang's maid back then. She would have reached the sky in one step and would have endless glory and wealth in the future.

"The girl's deed is still in the mansion. He is kidnapping the maid in the mansion. If I order someone to go to Shuntian Mansion and hand over a piece of paper, he will be carried away without food!"

Hearing this, Zhou Rui's family hesitated to speak, and the family scandal should not be made public. If the wife did this, she would really break up with Marquis Wu'an, and it would be difficult to end it in the end.

At this moment, Jia Zheng walked in with a bit of anger on his face. Today, Jia Baoyu's master resigned from him because Jia Baoyu insulted the saint's articles. He would not dare to teach such a rebellious person.

When Jia Zheng heard about this, he wanted to give Jia Baoyu a lesson, but was stopped by Jia's mother. He was very angry and had nowhere to vent.

Jia Zheng was sitting in the hall with a serious face. Suddenly he remembered something, turned to look at Mrs. Wang, and asked.

"You find out the body deed of Maid Chang'er and order it to be delivered to him. Since that girl has gone to Wuhou Mansion with him, the body deed should not be left in the mansion any longer!"

Mrs. Wang was stunned when she heard this, her mouth squirmed a few times, but she finally did not dare to tell her what she had just planned. She could only ask the Zhou Rui family to find out Xiao Ruyi's body deed and send it to the Wu'an Hou Mansion.

She finally understood Zhou Rui's family's decision to leave. After all, her arms could not twist her thighs. Mrs. Wang was naturally very famous in the Rongguo Mansion, but in front of Marquis Wu'an, she was nothing. After all, she could only play in the backyard. Show off your power.

In the Marquis Wu'an Mansion, Jia Chang looked at the body deed on the table with a slight smile on his face. He reached out to pick it up, then tore it into pieces and whispered.

"Even if she is sensible, she is just a housewife after all. She will never become a great person!"

Mrs. Wang is indeed majestic in the Rongguo Mansion, but she is not so good outside. The reason is very simple. Jia Zheng is just a fifth-grade official, and he is really nothing in the powerful Shenjing. There are too many people. I can't afford to offend him. If he didn't have the prestige of Rongguofu, who would put him in the eyes of a foreigner who is a member of the Ministry of Industry?

Of course, things are different now. Jia Zheng has a son of Marquis Wu'an, and his status in Shenjing City has greatly increased. Even the top dignitaries respect him. They don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face. Jia Chang's face.

At night, Jia Chang and Xiao Ruyi sat at the table. The table was filled with delicacies from the mountains and seas, all of which were good things that Xiao Ruyi had never eaten. The girl's eyes were wide open, and there was a faint sparkle flowing from the corner of her mouth, and she licked the pink and tender food with her little tongue. lips, looking at Jia Chang expectantly, and asked crisply.

"Master Hou, can you eat it?"

"Eat it!"

Jia Chang showed a doting smile, picked up the chopsticks and took a bite. Xiao Ruyi immediately took action, working hard, concentrating and ignoring other things.

"I have torn up your body bond. You will no longer be a maid, you will be my sister!"

Xiao Ruyi didn't know if she heard clearly, she just nodded, her mouth still bulging, fighting with all kinds of delicacies, her perfunctory attitude made Jia Chang speechless.

Until the end of dinner, Xiao Ruyi stroked her swollen belly contentedly and asked as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"Master Hou, my divine body contract is gone. Will there be any monthly rituals in the future?"

Xiao Ruyi's face was a little tangled. Although she was only a third-class maid, she still had five hundred dollars a month. That was not a small amount of money for her, and she felt a little distressed.

Jia Chang silently performed a performance and tapped his fingers heavily on Xiao Ruyi's forehead, causing the little girl to cry out and quickly cover her head with her chubby little hands.

"Little money fan, there is no more maid Yuexi!"

Xiao Ruyi raised her head unhappily, pouted, and said dissatisfied.

"Then I won't be your sister, and I'll be a third-class maid. That's five hundred dollars, and I can buy a lot of delicious food!"

Xiao Ruyi is not stupid, her little abacus jingles, her eyes are shining with golden light, she looks like a little money addict.

"Since you don't want to, forget it. Miss's monthly salary is five taels per month. This way I can save a lot of money!"

A flattering smile immediately appeared on Xiao Ruyi's face. She pulled her hands together and calculated how much delicious food she could buy with five taels of silver. Unfortunately, her brain capacity was too small and she couldn't figure it out clearly in the end, so she gave up. The little face came close to Jia Chang and said quickly.

"What I just said doesn't count. What's so good about being a maid? I definitely don't want to be one. It would be best to be the Marquis' sister!"

Jia Chang glanced sideways at Xiao Ruyi, with a bit of teasing on his face, and asked uncertainly.

"Isn't it difficult?"

Xiao Ruyi shook her head repeatedly, her eyes were already shining with golden light, her little face was full of smiles, and she said sweetly.

"Of course it's not difficult, I really like being the Marquis' sister!"

Five taels of silver, that's equivalent to my monthly income for three years. With so much money, no matter what I do as a maid, my little Ruyi is not stupid, and I can still settle the accounts.

"Then let's do this for now. Since you have become my sister, you will have to worry more about things in the house in the future. I will ask the housekeeper to give you a key to the warehouse. If you need anything in the future, just go and look for it inside!"

Jia Chang knew exactly what this silly girl was thinking and did not expose her. There was no mistress in the Marquis Wu'an Mansion, so it was natural for Xiao Ruyi, as his sister, to be in charge of the warehouse.

"Really, that's great, then I won't be like the second grandma from now on!"

Xiaoru has met Wang Xifeng several times, but she still has fresh memories of the majesty and dignity of this fairy concubine. In her little mind, Wang Xifeng is already the most majestic person in the world, and now she has become the person in charge of a warehouse. The great butler is so majestic!

Jia Chang ignored the little girl who was caught in fantasy, smiled, stood up and left, leaving little Ruyi sitting there with a silly smile on her face.

On this day, Jia Zheng sent a message asking Jia Chang to go back to Rongguo Mansion. Jia Chang didn't know what was going on. Faced with the summons of his cheap father, he still had to give some face. After giving Xiao Ruyi a few words, he went alone. Went to Rongxi Hall.

In the study, Jia Zheng is sitting behind the table, and Jia Chang is sitting below. There is another person in the room. This person is middle-aged, elegant and elegant, with a scholarly demeanor. He has a tall appearance, speaks well, has good facial features, and has a clean face. It makes people feel good at just one glance.

Jia Zheng looked at the middle-aged scribe with admiration and introduced him to Jia Chang with a smile.

"This is Jia Shifei. Your uncle asked me to find a job for him. I heard that there is a vacancy in Yingtian Mansion in Jinling. I wonder if you could help him get this job?"

Jia Zheng is a bookworm, he likes to be a scholar, he is polite to virtuous people, he saves the weak and helps those in need, he has a strong ancestral style; and Jia Yucun was greeted by Lin Ruhai, so he values ​​Jia Yucun very much, and he is different from him, and wants to serve Jia Yucun Seeking for the post of Yingtian Fu Yin, it is a fat vacancy, a fourth-grade official position, and I don't know how many people are watching. Jia Zhengli failed to catch it, so he wanted Jia Chang to come forward to help!

When Jia Chang heard this, a sharp look flashed in his black and white eyes, and he looked at Jia Yucun up and down. This was a white-eyed wolf. When Zhenshi helped him in his scientific examination, he was ungrateful and stood by when he saw the abducted Hong Ling. He is a cold and indifferent person, not worth cultivating.

"Oh? I wonder in what year Mr. Jia became a Jinshi, and why did he end up in this situation?"

Jia Yucun was originally from Huzhou and was born into a family of officials. However, by his time, the foundation of his ancestors had been exhausted, the population had declined, and he was the only one left. He wanted to go to Beijing to seek fame, but he had nothing to offer, so he had to temporarily settle down in the Hulu Temple in Gusu City and sell literature every day to make a living. Later, with the help of Zhen Shiyin, he had money to go on the road, passed the Jinshi examination, and was promoted to prefect. Soon after, he was dismissed from his post due to corruption and favoritism, and was hired to Lin Ruhai's family as Lin Daiyu's first teacher. He used his relationship with Lin Ruhai to get into Jia's family.

"Master Hou, Xiaosheng was a Jinshi in the second year of Yuankang, and he also served as a magistrate for two years, but his career has been ups and downs, and he has fallen to this day!"

Jia Yucun's heart suddenly rose. He felt that this Marquis was different from Jia Zheng. He was a powerful character. He mustered up his energy and dealt with it carefully. In his words, he avoided the important and ignored the easy, and was vague. It is not clear why he lost his position as prefect.

When Jia Chang heard the words, he chuckled, his face suddenly changed, he was as gloomy as water, his eyes were like a sword, and he stabbed Jia Yucun fiercely, which made him feel a sudden thought in his heart, and he heard Jia Chang's extremely cold voice.

"As far as I know, Mr. Jia was embezzled and bribed, neglected his duties and acted for personal gain. That's why he was removed from the position of prefect!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jia Yucun's face instantly turned pale, and his heart sank to the bottom of the sea. He did not expect that Jia Chang actually knew about his past, and he was afraid that he would be in vain this time.

Jia Chang no longer paid attention to Jia Yucun, but turned to look at Jia Zheng, who was a little disbelieving, and tried to persuade him.

"Master, if you want to find someone else's vacancy in the future, it's best to look more clearly. After all, you know what others know but don't know their hearts. If you help someone with bad character, you will be harming others and yourself, and you will cause endless trouble!"

Jia Zheng's face changed and his eyes fluctuated. He looked at Jia Chang and then looked at Jia Yucun. He had a great liking for this middle-aged scribe and did not believe that he was such a person. He said hesitantly.

"Chang'er, did you remember it wrong?"

When Jia Chang heard this, he knew that Jia Zheng was still determined. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showed an extremely confident smile, and said in a deep voice.

"Master may not know, but I have a photographic memory since I was a child. I have a great memory. As long as I read something once, I will never forget it!"

Jia Zheng was shocked when he heard this and looked at Jia Chang, full of disbelief.

Seeing this, Jia Chang took out a copy of "Spring and Autumn" from Jia Zheng's desk, handed it to Jia Zheng, and recited the contents of it, exactly, and even remembered which sentence was on which page and which line. Clearly.

Only then did Jia Zheng believe that Jia Chang really had a photographic memory. Although this "Spring and Autumn" is a must-read for scholars, there are very few that can remember it so clearly. It is indeed a memory that is extraordinary and cannot be achieved by ordinary people.

Jia Zheng looked at Jia Yucun disappointedly, sighed and said.

"Shi Fei, please go back first!"

Jia Yucun was extremely disappointed. Unexpectedly, the matter turned out to be unexpected. Jia Chang revealed his true face. Feeling humiliated and angry, he covered his face with his sleeves and left in embarrassment.

At this time, Jia Zhengzheng looked at his concubine with a complicated expression, with joy, loss, and regret in his eyes. He felt as if he had knocked over a condiment bottle, with mixed emotions. He spoke quietly after a long time.

"Back then you didn't want to take the imperial examination, but because of your wife?"

Jia Zheng was not a fool. Back then, Jia Chang's performance in ethnic studies was mediocre and he wanted to join the army at the border. He thought that Jia Chang had no hope of taking the imperial examination, so he planned a way out for him. Now it seems that Jia Chang is clearly a scholar. The performance is all about hiding clumsiness.

"Since Master knows, why bother asking again?!"

Jia Chang looked calm and there was no fluctuation in his eyes, as if what he was talking about was not his business.

"Why didn't you go directly to the decision maker?!"

When Jia Chang heard this, he chuckled, stood up, walked towards the door, stopped at the threshold, looked back at the embarrassed Jia Zheng, and said lightly.

"I'm afraid I have forgotten that at the beginning I was just a concubine in the house, and my status was not even as good as that of a servant. It's useless to find anyone!"

Jia Zheng's face froze and he was filled with shame. He really didn't pay attention to Jia Chang, a concubine, and never tried his best to train him. All his thoughts were focused on Jia Baoyu, the phoenix egg.

"Moreover, I, Jia Chang, am a natural genius and can make a difference wherever I go. The Rongguo Mansion is just a prison to me. As long as I leave, I will surely soar into the sky. Why bother waiting for the opportunity to take the imperial examination?!"

Jia Chang's words were extremely domineering and arrogant. He exuded a sharp edge and his powerful appeal made Jia Zheng stunned. He looked up at his bastard, the current Marquis of Wu'an!

Jia Chang looked at the shocked Mr. Cheap and walked away with a calm step and a calm demeanor that made people involuntarily feel awe.

But on the other side, Jia Yucun came out of Rongxi Hall and happened to meet Lin Daiyu, and he quickly greeted her.

"I've met Miss Lin!"

Jia Yucun was Lin Daiyu's first teacher. Lin Daiyu didn't dare to trust him, so she quickly returned the gift. Seeing Jia Yucun's face full of disappointment, she asked curiously.

"Sir, what's going on? Why are you so sad and frustrated?"

Jia Yucun smiled bitterly, and with a move in his heart, he said with added jealousy.

"I was recommended by Mr. Lin and wanted to find a job through the Rongguo Mansion. However, because Marquis Wu'an didn't like me, Duke Zheng sent me away!"

Lin Daiyu naturally knew about this. Jia Yucun came to Beijing with her for the purpose of seeking revenge. When she heard the result, her pretty face wrinkled slightly and she thought for a moment before comforting her.

"Sir, don't be anxious. I'll ask my uncle later for you. Wait for my news!"

Jia Yucun was overjoyed and bowed repeatedly before leaving Rongguo Mansion.

Coincidentally, Lin Daiyu was thinking about Jia Yucun, so she turned around and headed towards Rongxi Hall. She happened to meet Jia Chang, frowned slightly, stepped forward to stop Jia Chang, and opened her mouth to greet him.

"I've met Marquis Wu'an!"

Jia Chang was stunned when he heard this. This title was unfamiliar enough. This Xiaoxiang concubine seemed to have a lot of opinions on her, otherwise she would never call herself this.

"Sister Lin, why did Jia Chang offend you? Why are you so unfamiliar?"

Lin Daiyu lost her temper, her autumn eyes stared at Jia Chang's handsome face, flickered slightly, and said angrily.

"Mr. Jia is a talent recommended by my father. Why is Marquis Wu An so unkind to him and ruining his future?!"

Lin Daiyu felt that Jia Chang looked down on her father, which was why he was so angry. He completely forgot about his cautious principles and showed his sharpness.

Jia Chang looked at Lin Daiyu who was like a little hedgehog and found it interesting. It was different from the first time they met, and it made people feel more friendly. He said with a smile.

"Sister Lin, your appearance now makes people feel more friendly. At such a young age, there is no need to be so cautious. We are all a family!"

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