I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2837 Jia Baoyu used his big move angrily, and Jia Chang’s evil spirit was completed

Jia Zheng patted Jia Chang's shoulder twice, his expression slightly excited, his eyes full of pride, his lips trembling, and his voice trembling when he spoke, showing how excited he was.

Jia She on the side was different, with a face full of impatience. He had made an appointment with someone to have wine and have fun together, but now his happiness was delayed because Jia Chang returned home.

Jia Lian was standing behind the two of them at this time. His face was as white as jade and he was very good-looking, but his face was a little pale and his eyes were black and he looked like he was over-indulging. However, he was very enthusiastic about Jia Chang and had a bright smile on his face. In front of Jia She and Jia Zheng, he had no role to speak and was just a welcome tool.

As for Jia Baoyu and Jia Huan, the two young masters of the Jia family, they ran away crazy without knowing where they were and did not come out to greet them.

Jia Chang walked into the main gate greeted by Jia Zheng and others. The soldiers behind him stayed outside the second gate. They were heading to the Hall of Rongxi.

Jia Chang and Jia Zheng and others talked about their killing of enemies in the north. The fierce fighting and thrilling war were very ordinary in Jia Chang's mouth, just like eating and drinking, and there seemed to be no danger. The idiot Jia Lian on the side was ready to join the army at the border and come back with a title.

Fortunately, Jia Lian still has some sense. He knows that he is timid and rich, and cannot bear that kind of hardship, so he gives up this impulse.

After chatting for a while, Jia Zheng finally spoke and gave instructions to Jia Chang.

"When you return to the mansion, you haven't met the old lady yet. She and the sisters and brothers are still waiting!"

Jia Chang nodded, his expression calm, and he felt inexplicable in his heart. When he was in the mansion before, he had never visited Jia Mu alone. He could only see her once during the New Year and festivals, and he never said anything and never let her go. In Jia Mu's heart.

Nowadays, Jia Chang traveled across the northern border, made military exploits, became a prince, and became a new noble in the court. Even Emperor Yuankang relied heavily on him, and his status was very different. Even Jia Mu, who only had Jia Baoyu's phoenix egg in her heart, had to devote herself to it. Wait for him.

"Zengguang Xianwen" writes that the poor live in the busy city and no one cares about them, and the rich live in the mountains and have distant relatives. These words reveal the harshness of the world, and even a family is no exception.

Jia She and Jia Zheng walked in front, while Jia Lian was a few steps behind. Jia Chang was the youngest among them, but he walked in the middle of Jia She and Jia Zheng, and was the center of the group. This fully demonstrated the gap in status. .

Jia Mu's residence is Rongqing Hall, which has five rooms. It is not far from the main hall of Rongguo Duke's mansion. Even if she comes on foot, it won't take long. A little girl came to report in advance.

"Old lady, the second master, the eldest master, and the fourth master Chang have stopped at Rongxi Hall. This time is coming!"

After hearing the little girl's words, everyone in the room couldn't help but become silent, and all looked outside the Rongqing Hall, with different and complicated expressions.

Among the people in the house, Lin Daiyu had never met Jia Chang, and everyone else had met him several times. However, except for Tanchun, the others did not have a deep impression of Jia Chang and had not had much contact with him. They only vaguely remembered that Jia Chang was quite tall and very tall. He can eat, but he is a foodie.

Lin Daiyu's expression moved slightly, and there were ripples and waves in her crystal-clear water-like eyes, which made Jia Baoyu's eyes wide open.

"I don't know what kind of person this Marquis Wu'an is. I have often heard my father praise him for his talents as a general. He is the most outstanding person in the Rongguo Mansion. I think that the Jia family will rely on him to support him in the future!"

Although Lin Ruhai had never met Jia Chang, he had seen Jia Chang's deeds many times from the imperial palace newspaper. He was amazed by his courage, martial arts, and military skills. 1,500 cavalry attacked an army of 20,000 soldiers. Such crazy things , not everyone dares to do it. People with high skills are bold, and they are really the champions of the day.

To be honest, the stories about Jia Chang are so amazing outside. Even in restaurants and teahouses, there are storytellers who turn Jia Chang’s deeds into storybooks. Every time he tells the story, the number of customers is overwhelming, and he has become the idol of many young men and countless young girls. The dream lover!

Jia Baoyu came back to his senses, with a bit of disgust on his face, and whispered bad things about Jia Chang to Lin Daiyu who was beside him.

"Jia Chang is a common man with a low salary, and his eyes are always on economic career. Sister Lin, you will definitely not get along with him!"

Lin Daiyu has been in the mansion for a long time now, and she also understands Jia Baoyu's temperament. He is a wealthy and idle man, with no worldly thoughts in his eyes, only romance, hates economic career, saints' articles, and looks down on motivated people, but he doesn't know what he says The romantic, romantic, poetic and picturesque scenery was obtained by what he called a common man, Lu Zhe, who fought with swords and guns.

Lin Daiyu just nodded lightly and said nothing, so as not to offend Jia Baoyu. Her eyes flickered slightly and she still looked towards the door.

After a while, a little maid spoke again outside the door and said in a crisp voice.

"The old lady, the eldest master, the second master, and the marquis are here!"

At this time, all the women in the room held their breath and looked towards the door. The heavy curtain was lifted, and a young man walked in along with Jia Zheng and others.

Today, Jia Chang is not wearing military armor, but is wearing a Confucian shirt. He is elegant and handsome. He does not look like an invincible general who roams the battlefield and is known as the killer of living champions, but more like a knowledgeable and talented general. Scholars are astounding.

Several ladies, ladies and maids in the room stood up one after another, not daring to sit down. Jia Chang was a Marquis of Wu'an conferred by the imperial court, and his title was higher than that of Jia She, a first-class general.

Jia Mu was the only one sitting in the room. Firstly, she had a high imperial edict, and secondly, she was old and her legs and feet were inconvenient, so she didn't move, but she just sat more upright.

Lin Daiyu stood in the crowd and quietly looked at Jia Chang's appearance, with a sense of surprise in her autumn eyes.

Jia Chang is different from Jia Baoyu in that he has a red face and white teeth, and is suave. He has a heroic appearance, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, a nose as bold as a hanging nose, and a majestic body. His eyes have a high-spirited and sharp edge that no man in the family has ever had, and his posture is as tall as a man. Song, his temperament is even more outstanding. When he looks around, he brings out a kind of spirit that is invincible on the battlefield. Deep in his starry eyes, he also brings out a little bit of dust, and a bookish aura that cannot be covered by a cover.

"Sure enough, she has great style and looks!"

Lin Daiyu's eyes flashed with surprise, and she secretly admired him in her heart. He was a little different from the Marquis Wu'an she imagined, a little more elegant and handsome, and a little less rough and savage.

Tanchun's expression also moved slightly, his fingers stirred, and he looked at the young man who had said that he had been silent for three years, feeling inexplicable in his heart.

"He is indeed different from the others in the mansion. He is heroic and ambitious. In just a few years, he has made great achievements and successfully escaped from the birdcage of Rongguo Mansion!"

"The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars up to 90,000 miles. If the wind stops and comes down, it can still win over the water. People in the world are cold when they see my extraordinary tune and hear my great words. Father Xuan is still afraid of future generations, and his husband has not yet But young and young.”

"This poem by Li Bai is extremely appropriate to describe him!"

The little maids serving in the room couldn't help but glance at Jia Chang a few more times. Their faces were red and their hearts were trembling, as if a deer had broken in.

Jia Chang glanced at everyone, his expression was calm and his eyes were gentle, but it made people feel an inexplicable majesty. His heart sank, as if he was being targeted by a tiger, and his body froze, a little frightened.

Jia Chang calmly withdrew his gaze, took a few steps forward, bowed, and shouted to Jia Mu who was sitting above him.

“My grandson has met his grandmother!”

Mother Jia had a kind smile on her face. Although she liked Jia Baoyu the most and had never paid attention to Jia Chang, she had to pay attention to the current Marquis of Wu'an and said very happily.

"Get up quickly, come to me, and let me take a good look at our Qilin'er in Rongguo Mansion!"

Since Jia Chang was granted the title of Marquis, many old friends and relatives have visited the mansion one after another and praised Rongguo Mansion for its successors and good teachings, which made Jia's mother very proud.

The two houses of Ning and Rong have been in decline since the death of the previous generation. They even left the court and became a marginal existence. Jia Mu knew full well that the house only relied on the previous scenery and love to live on. That’s all.

Now that Jia Chang has been granted the title of Marquis, he has once again brought Rongguo Mansion into the ranks of powerful officials, and has become a force that cannot be ignored in the Wuxun Group. Many people have asked Jia's mother about Jia Chang, and they want to marry him.

These days, marriage depends on the orders of parents, and according to the matchmaker, as Jia Chang's grandmother, Jia's mother can naturally make the decision.

Fortunately, Jia Mu was not completely confused. She never agreed to the engagement. After all, Jia Chang was no longer the transparent person in the palace, but the Marquis of Wu'an. He had a distinguished status and amazing power. It was not something that Jia Mu, an old lady in the palace, could easily control. of.

Wu'an, not everyone can get this title. The last person to get this title was Qin Guo Bai Qi, who was the murderer of millions. Jia Chang was named the Marquis of Wu'an by Emperor Yuankang. It was Jia Chang who slaughtered the Jurchen tribe. , is a murderer. For this matter, there was a quarrel in the court for a long time. Many people impeached Jia Chang for being too bloody, contrary to the saint's way, lacking benevolence, justice and morality, and should be convicted.

Emperor Yuankang was furious when he heard this and demoted several of his envoys to the border, asking them to tell foreigners about the benevolence and righteousness of saints and see if the scimitars in their hands were obedient.

Jia Chang chuckled in his heart, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes, "Qilin'er, this statement is quite new. Isn't that the kind of evaluation only Jia Baoyu can get? He, a bastard in the family, cannot afford it."

Although Jia Chang was complaining in his heart, he had already walked up to Jia Mu and asked the old lady to take a good look. After all, he ruled the world with filial piety, and he would not go against the old lady as long as it did not involve issues of principle and bottom line.

Mother Jia was getting older and her eyes had long since aged. She squinted her eyes slightly and looked up at Jia Chang. Seeing that he was so heroic and sharp, she couldn't help but nod secretly. This reminded him of her husband, who was so energetic back then. Eerie.

"Okay, okay! Sit next to me and let me love you!"

Jia Mu stretched out her hand to hold Jia Chang and asked him to sit on the right hand side. This was Lin Daiyu's position. Naturally, on the left hand side was Jia Mu's precious egg, her heart's content.

"Don't stand still, please sit down!"

Jia Chang was not polite and sat down directly. His style was neat and without humility. He was worthy of being a warrior on the battlefield. Lin Daiyu on the side blushed slightly and sat next to Jia Chang. Others also sat down one after another.

Jia Chang's eyes turned slightly, his eyes were like stars, bright and bright, he looked at Lin Daiyu beside him, and said slowly.

"This sister looks unfamiliar, but she is my aunt's sister!"

Jia Chang is the same age as Lin Daiyu, but is a little younger, so he calls Lin Daiyu his sister!

Upon hearing this, Mother Jia turned her head and glanced at Jia Chang, then fixed her eyes on Lin Daiyu and said with a smile on her face.

"Isn't she your aunt's daughter? You have never met her before. Please stay closer to her in the future!"

Jia Chang nodded when he heard this. At this moment, he thought narrowly in his heart, if he could imitate Jia Baoyu and say, "I have seen this sister before," everyone would be stunned.

Fortunately, Jia Chang couldn't afford to lose that person. He couldn't be as frivolous as Jia Baoyu. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, shook his head and said with a smile.

"This is natural, the old lady doesn't need to worry!"

Lin Daiyu's face was slightly red. There was some ambiguity in Jia Mu's words, which made the little girl feel shy, but she also understood that she was overthinking. She nodded slightly and her voice was as clear as a gurgling mountain stream.

"Grandma said so!"

When Jia Baoyu on the other side saw this, he felt jealous and suddenly quit. He took out a piece of beautiful jade from his arms, threw it to the ground hatefully, and shouted loudly.

"What a piece of shit, I don't want it anymore! I'll smash it and you're done!"

Jia Baoyu's move shocked everyone in the room and stood up one after another. Jia's mother looked anxious and shouted loudly.

"Quickly pick up this lifeline and see if it's damaged!"

Jia Chang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the commotion in the room playfully. He cast his sharp gaze on everyone. In an instant, a powerful pressure enveloped the room. Time seemed to have stopped. In an instant, everyone stopped exclaiming and moving, dumbfounded. Looking at Jia Chang blankly, he felt extremely scared.

Jia Chang stood up and walked to the piece of psychic jade. He bent down and picked it up calmly. As soon as he took the psychic jade, a burst of creation energy poured into his palm and entered his body along his arm. Jia Chang sighed slightly. Stunned.

This breath of creation is extremely pure, like a stream entering the acupoints. Some of the closed and narrow acupoints opened one after another and continued to expand. Star marks were lit up one after another. They were bright, magnificent, mysterious and vast. The energy in Jia Chang's body The aura continued to grow and surge, but in just a short moment, it reached its peak.

A silver light flashed in Jia Chang's eyes, bright and dazzling. He felt carefully, seventy-two stars shone, and connected to form a formation of Earthly Evil. It was extremely mysterious, exuding faint terrifying fluctuations and terrifying power.

"I didn't expect that I would have such an opportunity. The earth evil spirit has been perfected, but it has saved a lot of effort!"

Jia Chang stood up slowly, lowered his head and looked at the psychic jade in his hand. The beautiful jade was held in his palm, and he saw it was as big as a bird's egg, as bright as a bright cloud, as smooth as a crisp, and wrapped in five-color patterns.

Jia Chang turned over the psychic jade, and there were four big characters engraved on it, "Don't lose it, don't forget it, the immortal life will be prosperous". It is very mysterious, and one can tell it is a treasure at a glance.

"It's a rare thing. If you don't want it, I'll take it!"

As soon as these words came out, Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang's expressions changed, their eyes were sharp, and they looked at Jia Chang in surprise and doubt.

"This can't be done. This piece of jade is Baoyu's lifeblood. You want his life!"

Mrs. Wang's face was gloomy and uncertain, her eyes were fixed on Jia Chang, and the handkerchief in her hand was almost torn, showing coldness and anger.

Jia Chang smiled when he heard this, threw the psychic jade to Jia Baoyu, and said nonchalantly.

"Just kidding, I can't afford such a noble item!"

"Being born with a jade in his mouth, he is extremely noble. Do you really think that the royal family does not exist? It means that the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty are generous, otherwise the Rongguo Mansion will not have a good life just because of this!"

As soon as Jia Chang said these words, everyone turned pale in an instant. Jia's mother was even more surprised and confused. Jia Zheng's expression also changed drastically, revealing panic, and he asked quickly.

"Where did you start with this?"

Jia Chang glanced at the anxious cheap man, with a bit of carelessness on his face, and walked towards the door. Everyone followed him with their eyes. Jia Chang stopped at the door, looked back at the people with different expressions, and said sarcastically. said.

"Being born with a vision, that is the treatment only a saint can receive!"

"How dare Rongguo Mansion publicize such fatal things? I'm afraid life is too comfortable and life is impatient!"

Jia Zheng's face changed, mixed with green and red, his eyes flashed with fear, he suddenly looked at the psychic jade in Jia Baoyu's hand, and said angrily.

"Today I will destroy this scourge to prevent the family from suffering!"

Suddenly, the room was in chaos, and Jia Mu yelled and shouted angrily.

"What are you trying to do? It's Baoyu's lifeblood. If you insist on smashing it, it will kill Baoyu and I won't live either!"

Jia Zheng suddenly froze in place, not knowing what to do, and just muttered.

"It would be better for him to die alone than for the whole family to be buried with him!"

"Let me see who dares?"

Jia Mu stopped sitting upright at this time and stood in front of Jia Baoyu, protecting the trembling phoenix egg behind her.

Jia Chang watched the excitement and asked Jia Baoyu to use his ultimate move. He really thought that he would pamper him, but when he saw that he was at an impasse, he slowly spoke.

"Fortunately, my second brother is indifferent to worldly affairs and regards his career as dirt. He is just a rich and idle man, so he is fine!"

"With the commotion happening today, I won't stay any longer and will go back home first!"

Jia Chang smiled, turned around and left. He did not leave Rongguo Mansion directly, but went back to his original courtyard first, where there was a little girl waiting for his return.

Lin Daiyu looked strange, glanced at everyone, and smiled secretly in her heart.

"This Marquis Wu An seems to have a bad personality and likes to laugh at people's jokes!"

"I even look down on Jia Baoyu and am a little bored!"

Lin Daiyu had a pure heart and naturally saw that Jia Chang did it on purpose, just to teach Jia Baoyu a lesson. At the same time, she felt a little stern in her heart and made up her mind. She must be careful about Jia Baoyu making such a fuss again in the future. Now She was living under someone else's roof, but she couldn't withstand such hardships. Only people like Jia Chang could not be afraid.

Jia Chang's courtyard is still the same as in the past, with the same vegetation and old friends.

Jia Chang stepped into the house. A little girl with a round face was sitting in front of the window and taking a nap. She was sleepy, with her arms supporting her head. Little by little, her head suddenly tilted and was about to hit the table.

Jia Chang rushed forward, stretched out his right hand to hold the little girl's head, and said to the maid who woke up.

"But you're awake?"

"Fourth Master?! Am I dreaming again?"

Xiao Ruyi looked at Jia Chang in a daze, stretched out her hand and pinched Jia Chang's arm hard. It didn't hurt at all. She was indeed dreaming.

Jia Chang couldn't help but smile. The girl was still as confused as before. She reached out and pinched her little face gently and said with a smile.

"Does this hurt?"

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