I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2829 Huaiqing ascends the throne, and the Confucian sage brings auspiciousness

Emperor Yongxing's face turned as white as snow, his body went limp, and he fell weakly on the dragon chair. Yang Yan unceremoniously picked up the ninth-five-year-old man and pulled him towards the back of the palace, preparing pen, ink, paper and inkstone. , and asked Emperor Yongxing to write an edict to abdicate.

"Huaiqing, well done!"

Prince Yan took a deep breath and broke free from the restraints on his left and right. His chance had come. His sister was so powerful. She had already taken care of everything before he even took action. He walked up to Princess Huaiqing and reached out for her. He put his hand on Princess Huaiqing's shoulder, wanting to express his appreciation for her.

Princess Huaiqing raised her head, looked at him coldly, and said in a deep voice.

"Fourth brother, you are not qualified for this throne!"

After saying that, Princess Huaiqing turned to look at the royal family, princes, and princes, and said coldly.

"I want to be the emperor!"

"Whoever opposes it, who agrees with it!"

Prince Yan's hand froze in mid-air, and he stared blankly at the sister in front of him, suddenly feeling extremely strange.

The royal family members were also stunned. The most senior King Li stood up, holding a cane in his hand, staring at the eldest princess with his cloudy eyes, his face suddenly changed color, he was furious, and he yelled loudly.

"What did you say?"

Princess Huaiqing looked calm, looked directly at the eldest uncle in the royal family with cold eyes, and said calmly.

"I want to ascend the throne and proclaim myself emperor. Who agrees and who opposes!"


The crutch in King Li's hand hit the floor hard, he stretched out his trembling fingers, pointed at Princess Huaiqing, and asked angrily.

"You bastard, do you know what you are talking about? If you are a mere prostitute who wants to ascend the throne and become emperor, who will obey you! I think you are obsessed with power and have been blinded by your reason. If you ascend the throne, how can you obey the public? At that time, someone will definitely take the opportunity to rebel, and Dafeng will die faster, and I will never accept it!"

Emperor Yongxing abdicated, and King Li could tolerate it. Turmoil in the current situation will always be accompanied by changes in power. Emperor Yongxing could not retain the throne because of his incompetence.

As long as the successor is a royal prince with upright roots, there will be no problem. Huaiqing was a member of the royal family, but she was a princess and a female, how could she claim to be emperor?

The princes and princes started talking one after another, some sighing, some slapping their legs and angrily scolding madmen, and they were very emotional.

Prince Yan seemed to see an opportunity, waved his hand, and comforted the royal family members.

"Everyone, please be patient. I'm here to advise Huaiqing!"

"Huaiqing, Fourth Brother knows that you have always had ambitions, and you will never give way to women. Fourth Brother promises that I will give you an opportunity and space to display your ambitions. As for ascending the throne and becoming emperor, please don't mention it again. That is, we agree." I don’t agree with it either, and everyone in the world doesn’t agree with it either.”

Princess Huaiqing looked cold and stared at her brother with cold eyes. She was so majestic that Prince Yan instantly felt an invisible pressure coming on her. Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she remained silent. Her face turned blue and red, and she was ashamed and angry. Doping.

"Who said a woman can't be emperor? It's never happened before, so let me set the precedent for all generations!"

King Li sneered when he heard this and said sarcastically.

"Even if you ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor, will you be able to secure the throne?"

"Of course, if you have the cultivation of a second-grade Hedao warrior, you can secure the throne! I can even kneel down and beg you to ascend the throne!"

Princess Huaiqing was calm and calm, and said calmly.

"It is true that I do not have the cultivation level of a second-grade Hedao martial artist, I am only a fourth-grade artistic conception martial artist, but my fiancé is a first-grade Yasheng!"

King Li and others were stunned for a moment. They had forgotten such an important figure. No wonder Huaiqing could get support from the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. It turned out that this Confucian sub-sage was behind it.

Prince Yu's expression changed. He took a step forward, stared at Princess Huaiqing with stern eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

"He supports your ascension to the throne and proclaims himself emperor?"

Princess Huaiqing still had great respect for this imperial uncle. After hearing this, she nodded slightly and spoke.

"Otherwise, how could I get the support of so many people!"

When King Yu heard this, he looked thoughtfully at the Wuxun Group. Wu'an Marquis Xu Shijun nodded slightly, understanding in his heart, he bowed and saluted.

"I am willing to support His Highness to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor!"

The forgotten and independent figure also appeared in King Li's mind. He sighed. Now that the matter has come to this, what else can he do? Although he was reluctant in his heart, he still lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"I am willing to support His Highness to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor!"

When other members of the royal family saw this, they didn't know that the situation had been decided. They all bowed and saluted and said in unison.

"I am willing to support His Highness in ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor!"

It was now approaching noon, and the riots from the palace to the imperial city were completely calmed down. All the masters in the imperial army were suppressed. Among the twelve guards who were loyal to Emperor Yongxing, all those who could persuade him to surrender were all persuaded to surrender, and all the die-hard loyalists were killed.

In the Jinluan Hall, all the princes, nobles, and clan members gathered together. Princess Huaiqing was elegant and elegant. She stood in front of the throne, overlooking the ministers in the hall, and her voice was cold and sweet.

"Since the beginning of winter, the cold disaster has been raging, and the people are in dire straits. The governance of Yongxing has been unfavorable, so that the people have resentments and rebels have arisen. He knows that he is not worthy of his position, wants to abdicate in favor of talents, and entrusts the country to me. Do you have any objections? "

Except for the Yunzhou envoy, all the princes, nobles and clan members in the palace bowed their heads and shouted.

"Your Highness is so virtuous that he can take on this important task."

The next day, it was bright and clear, and the drums and music in the palace were singing in unison, performing a magnificent music. The enthronement ceremony was extremely complicated. First, the Minister of Rites led the ministers to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth for the new monarch. After the ceremony, the new king dressed in mourning clothes to worship his ancestors in the Taimiao Temple.

After these two steps are completed, the enthronement ceremony begins. The Minister of Rites, led by the officials of the Ministry of Rites, went to the Temple of Heaven, the Altar of Agriculture, and the Imperial Ancestral Temple to inform the gods and the spirits of previous emperors that the new emperor was about to succeed to the throne. After returning, the ceremony and music were performed, and the majestic bells echoed outside the Jinluan Hall.

In the East Palace, Huaiqing, served by the ladies, put on a large fur hat. The structure of this kind of uniform is extremely complicated, consisting of a crown, a middle single, a large fur coat, a xuanyi, and a henshang. Gun's crown is adorned with gold ornaments and twelve beads hanging from his head. The top is painted with six patterns: sun, moon, stars, mountains, dragons and Chinese insects. The lower garment is embroidered with six chapters: algae, fire, rice, Zongyi, Fu, and Fu. There are twelve chapters in total, so it is also called Twelve Chapter Clothes.

The eldest princess wore a thin application of pink and white, and her long eyebrows were highlighted, highlighting her heroic spirit. She was originally a cold and noble woman, but now she was wearing twelve chapters of clothing and a twelve-pointed crown on her head, and she felt luxurious and majestic. There was rarely such a domineering woman in the world.

"Your Highness, the time has come!"

An official from the Ministry of Etiquette walked in, bowed his head, did not dare to look up, and reminded.

Huaiqing, surrounded by palace maids and eunuchs, left the East Palace and headed to the Golden Palace amid the sound of bells and drums. After walking across the Jinshui Bridge and across the square, I looked towards the Jinluan Hall in front of me. I could vaguely see the lofty throne in the magnificent hall. She chuckled, full of domineering, stepped in, walked to the steps, stood in front of the throne, waved her sleeves, and sat on it. From then on, she was the emperor of Dafeng, the leader of a country. Jun!

Under the guidance of officials from the Ministry of Rites, all civil and military officials entered from the Meridian Gate, crossed the Jinshui Bridge, and stood on both sides of the royal road in an orderly manner according to their official positions. Then, Wang Wenzhen, the first assistant, took out the imperial edict of enthronement, handed it to the Minister of Rites, who carried it to the bottom of the steps, and then handed it to the Secretary of Rites, placed it on a cloud disk, and sent it to the eunuch of the Rites Bureau.

Dressed in a red python robe, the Chief of Ceremonies and the eunuch in charge of the eunuch bowed to take the cloud plate and read out the edict to the officials.

"The edict said: "In the past, Emperor Gaozu, Long Feiji River, swept the districts and counties, arrived at Jingshan in the east, and sent instructions to Buddhism in the west. The sound of benevolence and righteousness shocked the world, wiped out the stubborn diseases of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and restored the health of the world. During the six hundred years, the world was at peace, and the emperor's glorious achievements were restored. My brother Yongxing used his concubine's capital to inherit a great cause. He was unfilial by nature, ignorant and weak. He did not respect his ancestors at the top and did not love the people at the bottom. He flattered and rebelled against the party, which made people and gods angry. I am a woman, blessed by the heaven above, and the spirit of my ancestors. I have been ordered to face dangers and bring heroes and virtuous people to my left and right. Today, the ministers of civil and military affairs and all the ministers and ministers have jointly urged us to advance, respecting me as the emperor and taking charge of Guizhou and Li. Following the public's request, Mian ascended the throne as emperor on January 17 and named him Huaiqing. Once the great ceremony is completed, everything should be carried out in conjunction with common government. "

After the reading was completed, all civil and military officials on both sides of the royal road knelt down and shouted loudly.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

The cry was like a tsunami, deafening. On the throne, Huaiqing looked down at the officials and ruled the world.

In the Yong'an Marquis Mansion, Xu Zisheng stood on the roof, looking at the palace, and clearly saw the new monarch who was ruling the world. His eyes moved slightly and he spoke loudly.

"The new king has succeeded to the throne, and the whole world congratulates him. The cold winter has receded, the mulberry trees are ripe, and the whole world has a good harvest!"

As soon as the words fell, immeasurable righteousness rose into the sky, poured into the void, spread, and fell into the territory of Dafeng. In an instant, the cold winter turned into warm spring, flowers bloomed, and grains matured, just like the golden autumn. The four seasons rotated in an instant. After that, Dafeng survived the cold disaster, had a good harvest of grain and grass, and the national power soared.

Huaiqing stood up suddenly, a ripple flashed in his cold eyes, and he was a little worried. Although Confucian words and laws can change the laws of heaven and earth, there is a price to pay. Even if Xu Zisheng is a first-grade sub-sage, such a large-scale change The great climate makes it difficult to withstand the backlash.

"The auspiciousness has fallen from heaven, and I wish to congratulate Your Majesty!"

All the civil and military officials bowed down one after another to express their congratulations.

The people of the world originally had some objections to the ascension of a woman from Huaiqing to the throne. Now, seeing this auspiciousness, they all fell to their knees in awe.

Later history books record: In the first year of Huaiqing, on January 17, the empress ascended the throne. The Confucian Lesser Sage congratulated him, saying that the four seasons in Dafeng were turning, flowers were blooming, mulberries were ripe, and the world was prosperous. The people of Dafeng were overjoyed, and they knelt down in the streets and shouted long live.

Xu Zisheng withdrew his gaze, looked into the distance, looked calm, and said.

"The internal problems have been solved, it's time for me to take action to solve the external problems!"

After saying that, Xu Zisheng disappeared into Kyoto City in a flash.

Alantuo, the stronghold of Buddhism in the Western Regions, is the most powerful sect in the world. There are three first-grade Bodhisattvas, several Arhats, and countless Vajra monks. Originally, there were four first-grade Bodhisattvas. The Jialuoshu Bodhisattva was killed by Xu Zisheng before.

Xu Zisheng stood in the void, looking down at the Buddhist holy land, and said loudly.

"Confucian Xu Zisheng came to pay homage to the mountain and invite all Bodhisattvas and Arhats to meet him!"

Bodhisattva is a first-grade monk, Arhat is a second-grade meritorious person, and the third-grade Vajra is simply not in Xu Zisheng's eyes, so he never mentioned it.

Guangxian Bodhisattva, who controls the Dharma of Great Reincarnation and the Dharma of Great Kindness and Compassion, is a young monk wearing red and yellow cassocks. He looks like he has not yet reached his crown, and his face is immature. His eyes were kind and compassionate, as if he loved everything in the world. He guarded the Zen forest all year round and never left Alan Tuo.

Dharmaji Bodhisattva controls the Dharma of great wisdom and the Dharma of the Medicine Master. He is an old man, with a senile appearance, cloudy eyes, and a decrepit appearance. However, he is the wisest man among the Buddhist Bodhisattvas, with great wisdom and a respected status.

The Glass Bodhisattva controls the Dharma of practitioners and the colorless glass Dharma. This is a Bodhisattva in white. Her skirts are layered and trailing on the ground. Instead of shaving off all the troublesome hairs like Buddhist monks, her black hairs are scattered randomly and are stroking in the wind. She has typical characteristics of the Western Regions, with three-dimensional facial features and rare glass-colored eyes. Dressed in white, chic and uninhibited, he captivates the country and the city. She is barefoot and has a pair of jade feet that do not disturb any dust. She is also the only woman among the Buddhist Bodhisattvas.

A passionate arhat has no fruit status. This skinny old man held flowers in both hands, sat cross-legged and lowered his head. His white eyebrows drooped down to his cheeks, and there was a mole between his eyebrows.

Save Arhat and kill thieves. The old monk was skinny, with dark skin and wrinkles on his face. His skinny body was wrapped in a wide cassock, which made him look a bit funny.

Xu Zisheng looked at the top Buddhist masters standing in the void in front of him, nodded slightly, looked solemn, and said in a deep voice.

"I am here today just to suppress Buddhism and show the majesty of Buddhism!"

"I only have one move, if you can take it, I will spare your life!"

After saying that, Xu Zisheng didn't give Buddhism a chance to speak at all. He stretched out his right hand and pressed it down gently. The awe-inspiring righteousness filled the space between heaven and earth. The vast, majestic and sacred energy gathered into a giant palm that covered the sky and the sun. , this palm was bigger than Mount Alanta, slowly falling downwards, and endless pressure enveloped the Buddhist Bodhisattva and Arhat.

The expressions of the three first-grade Bodhisattvas and the two second-grade Arhats changed drastically, and the invisible pressure fell. They could not maintain their figures at all and fell straight towards the earth.

"Excellent Confucian Sage!"

Faji Bodhisattva has extraordinary wisdom, and the turbidity is instantly clear, flickering with flames. This is the fire of wisdom. Two dharma images appear behind him, the wisdom dharma image and the medicine master dharma image. The two dharma images are about a hundred feet high. They form seals with their hands and strike towards the sky.

Guangxian Bodhisattva was shocked and pale, and the Dharma of Great Samsara and the Dharma of Great Compassion and Compassion appeared behind him. The Buddha's light was bright, holy and solemn, and he made seals with his hands. He also struck the sky, trying to prevent the giant palm from falling.

The pretty face of the Glazed Bodhisattva is pale with no trace of blood. He pinches the Dharma seal in his hand, and the image of the practitioner and the colorless glass Dharma appear. The sky and the earth are pale and silent, as if everything is frozen. The two Dharma statues raise their arms at the same time, like giant gods holding up the sky. .

The two Arhats shouted loudly, and the Arhat Dharma appeared at the same time. Their iron fists bombarded the giant palms falling from the sky, and they went all out. Their golden bodies were dazzling, their muscles expanded, and their essence was deep and strong. Their physical bodies were not weaker than those of martial artists of the same realm.


The giant palm was unstoppable and fell with a crash, knocking the three Bodhisattvas and the two Arhats into the depths of the mountain. Cracks appeared on the surface of the mountain. Countless rocks rolled down and the earth shook, creating a scene of world destruction.

Xu Zisheng lowered his head, feeling the breath below, shook his head slightly, and said with some regret.

"It's a pity that only one Glazed Bodhisattva escaped the disaster by displaying the Dharma of the Practitioner. All the other Bodhisattvas and Arhats perished, and Buddhism has declined since then!"

Xu Zisheng's words must be fulfilled. Since he has decided on a move, it is a move. Even though Liuli Bodhisattva was now seriously injured and escaped, he did not pursue him and turned around to leave.

Endless awe-inspiring righteousness poured into the depths of Alan Tuo, obliterating the image of the Great Sun Tathagata, and there was a miserable cry. It was the Buddha's residual thoughts, which were wiped out by the awe-inspiring righteousness. The entire law of heaven and earth in the Western Region was shattered, because of the Buddha's residual thoughts. It has become one with the heaven and earth of the Western Region. Only by smashing all the laws of this world can the remaining thoughts of the Buddha be eradicated.

At the main altar of Jingshan, the headquarters of the Wushen Sect, Xu Zisheng stood on the altar, gazing at the statue of the Confucian saint. There was a super-level being sealed inside, the Wushen, the second super-level human race, and the god believed in by the Wushen Sect.

Xu Zisheng's eyes penetrated the seal and saw the super-class being in black robes. He sneered and reached out to strike hard. Wuwen Haoran penetrated the seal with great force and directly hit the Witch God sealed inside.


The Witch God suddenly opened his eyes, shuddering in his heart, and had a premonition of extreme danger. Blood overflowed from his body and turned into spells, trying to resist the coming danger.

A fist caught the eye of the Witch God and was irresistible. It directly shattered the bloody spell and hit the body of the Witch God. The artistic conception that wiped out everything was born and crazily destroyed the body of the Witch God.

"Ah! Super Martial God, how is that possible?!"

The sound was shrill, ghastly and bloody. The whole body of the Witch God collapsed and turned into a stream of blood. It was wiped away by this fist and completely ceased to exist.

Xu Zisheng received his fist, sneered and murmured.

"You have been hunting first-grade warriors and did not allow the birth of a martial god in the world. Now that you die under my fist, it is considered karma!"

Xu Zisheng turned and looked at the old man behind him, Salun Agu, the great wizard of the Wushen Sect. He was holding the magic whip in his hand. After Jian Zheng died, this treasure returned to his hands again.

"If you can make an oath not to set foot in the Central Plains in this life, I can spare your life!"

Sarun Agu felt that the aura of the Witch God had completely dissipated. His old face was full of awe, and he slowly knelt down on the ground, raised his right hand, and swore an oath.

"Salen Agu, the great wizard of the Witch God Sect, has sworn that he will never step foot further into the Central Plains again in this life. If he breaks his oath, he will suffer the backlash of the curse and will perish forever!"

After that, he cut his left wrist with his finger, and blood gushed out and turned into a series of curses, integrated into the body, and turned into a restriction. If he steps into the Central Plains in the future, he will be killed by this blood curse.

"You are wise!"

Xu Zisheng's cold gaze withdrew from Salun Agu's face, and his figure flashed and disappeared again.

"Excellent Martial God, invincible in ancient and modern times!"

Salun Agu sighed, with a complicated look on his face, stood up slowly, turned around and left Jingshan. Since the Witch God no longer exists, Jingshan is naturally no longer the headquarters of the Witch God Sect.

In the Abyss of Southern Xinjiang, a mountain made of flesh and blood was huge and terrifying. A row of vents on its back spewed out dark green smoke, lingering in the sky, forming dark green clouds. Sticky shadows flowed from the bottom of the mountain of meat. In this gloomy forbidden place, there is a statue of a Confucian saint standing. There are cracks on the statue, which seems to be broken. This is a symbol that the Gu God is about to break its seal.

Xu Zisheng stood above the statue, looking down into the depths of the abyss, and saw a pair of eyes full of wisdom, as if he could see through the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and the ancient and hurried years, vicissitudes and evil. (End of chapter)

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