I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2828 Wang Wenzhen joins, Qingjun side

The Yunzhou delegation came to Beijing. They were domineering and arrogant. They proposed four peace conditions and forced Dafeng to agree.

First, Dafeng pays an annual tribute of 500,000 taels of silver and 600,000 pieces of silk to Yunzhou, which will take effect immediately after the peace talks.

Second, Emperor Yongxing was asked to issue an edict to declare to the world that the descendants of the Ji family in Yunzhou were also orthodox in the Central Plains. It was Wuzong who rebelled and rebelled and conquered the world.

Third, it requires Dafeng to cede territory to Yongzhou, Yuzhou and Zhangzhou. In this way, Yunzhou occupies the land of Dafeng's five states, nearly half of the territory, and its power will expand rapidly and will no longer be pacified.

The fourth condition is better, but it requires handing over Jianzheng's weapon refining manual, which is nothing to Dafeng and is acceptable.

If Dafeng agrees to these conditions and recognizes the Yunzhou Qianlongcheng lineage as the orthodoxy of the Central Plains, it will inevitably upset Dafeng's people. If he agrees to compensate for money and silk, he will definitely drain Dafeng's financial resources. If he agrees to cede three continents, Yunzhou will rebel. The army will become completely powerful and will no longer be able to be contained.

Every condition is harsh. If agreed, the consequences will be more serious than Dafeng's defeat. For a time, the government and the public were shocked, there were a lot of discussions, and the public was excited, but Emperor Yongxing turned a blind eye and still preferred to seek peace. At most, he would bargain on some conditions and then discuss it, which disappointed all the court officials.

In the palace, a figure walked through the door and came to the study to visit the chief minister Wang Wenzhen.

"Mr. Xu, you stayed behind closed doors to thank guests for so long, and why did you suddenly come to visit me today?"

Wang Wenzhen frowned, picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Her attention was entirely focused on the figure next to her, and she did not dare to relax at all.

"You also know my character. I'm straight forward. I won't beat around the bush with you, Mr. Wang!"

Xu Zisheng went straight to the point, ignoring Wang Wenzhen's vigilance and said in a deep voice.

"I'm only here for one thing. I want to force Emperor Yongxing to abdicate. Do you agree or oppose it?!"

Xu Zisheng's words were so shocking that Wang Wenzhen was inexplicably frightened. The tea in her mouth spurted out and soaked her clothes, making her extremely embarrassed.

"Are you crazy? Can you speak out about such a big thing at will?"

Wang Wenzhen looked at Xu Zisheng speechlessly. If he hadn't had a criminal record, he would have thought it was a joke.

"What's the matter? This isn't the first time I've done this. I've killed emperors before and forced Emperor Yongxing to abdicate. It's not worth mentioning!"

Xu Zisheng curled his lips and looked disdainful, which made Wang Wenzhen feel dizzy. Of course he doesn't care that you are a sub-sage. Even if His Majesty knew about it, he couldn't do anything to you, but I am just a scholar with no power. Although You are the chief minister of the cabinet, but you have no military power in your hands. Life and death, honor and disgrace all depend on the emperor's whim.

"Master Xu, I'm begging you, please keep your voice down, my whole family can't stand the torment!"

Wang Wenzhen showed an ugly look on her face, and begged in a low voice, whoever is rebelling would come to visit openly and openly, without first ventilating, testing and testing, and just forcing the emperor to abdicate. He is simply a madman.

"Hey! What a coward!"

Xu Zisheng sneered disdainfully, looked at Wang Wenzhen who was extremely troubled with contempt, and continued.

"Whether you agree or not, I have already decided this matter. You can't stop it and there's nothing you can do about it, so why bother?!"

"You also know the virtues of Emperor Yongxing. He is determined to negotiate peace. He doesn't care at all about Dafeng's 600-year-old foundation. He only thinks about the dragon throne under his own ass!"

"If Dafeng really agrees to Yunzhou's peace terms, then the building will really collapse and it will be irreversible!"

Wang Wenzhen's expression moved slightly, with a hint of approval on his face. The chief minister was also a principled person, so he naturally knew that Emperor Yongxing's approach was undesirable and would plunge Dafeng into a bottomless abyss from which there would be no return. The power of heaven.

"Since Emperor Yongxing cannot be the great monarch of Dafeng, then replacing him with a courageous and capable monarch will be a good thing for Dafeng, the world, and the people!"

Wang Wenzhen sighed and understood in her heart that now that the Great Fengjian was falling, no one could stop Xu Zisheng. As long as he made up his mind, Emperor Yongxing would definitely not be able to secure the throne. Thinking of this, he compromised and said quietly.

"Master Xu, which prince do you plan to support? Prince Yan!"

Wang Wenzhen took a deep breath. Since he couldn't stop it, he would join. He also had to consider the whole family. Anyway, he was completely disappointed with Emperor Yongxing and was holding a fire in his heart.

"No, Prince Yan and Emperor Yongxing are evenly matched. Even if he ascends the throne, he will never be a promising monarch. I choose Princess Huaiqing!"

Xu Zisheng picked up the tea cup, lowered his head and took a sip, and said casually.

Wang Wenzhen's expression was dull, her eyes were dull, and she looked at Xu Zisheng in disbelief. Did he hear it right? Princess Huaiqing was the princess. There was no precedent for a woman to be the emperor since ancient times.

"You're not kidding?"

Wang Wenzhen asked uncertainly, retreating in her heart. I don't know what the rebellion was. Don't ask me. I'm old and my ears don't work well. I didn't hear anything.

"I never joke, so what about women!"

"Princess Huaiqing is outstandingly talented, courageous and brave, and is better than all the princes and princesses. It is most suitable for her to be Emperor Dafeng!"

Xu Zisheng's words are very reasonable. If Princess Huaiqing is a prince, Wang Wenzhen directly expresses his support without saying anything. But the other party is a woman. This is a big problem. He needs to weigh the pros and cons.

"Master Wang, you don't need to hesitate. Now the trend has been established. Even if you oppose it, it will not help. Both the Wei Party and the Wuxun Group have chosen to support Princess Huaiqing, and I am in charge. What do you have to be afraid of?" ?”

When Wang Wenzhen heard this, he took a deep breath. Although he knew that Xu Zisheng would not fight an uncertain battle, he was still frightened by this formation. This was already a sure victory and it didn't matter whether he supported it or not.

"In that case, why did you come to me?"

"It is easy to force Emperor Yongxing to abdicate, but stability after that is the key, so we need you, the chief minister who has been in the court for decades, to stabilize the government!"

Xu Zisheng didn't hide anything, spoke openly and honestly, and spoke extremely candidly.

Wang Wenzhen nodded, and it was almost as he guessed. She took a deep breath, frowned and looked at Xu Zisheng, and asked for confirmation again.

"Have you really thought about it?"


Xu Zisheng answered without hesitation, without any wavering or hesitation.

"In that case, I did it!"

Wang Wenzhen knew that Xu Zisheng was now the patron saint of Da Feng. Now that he had made up his mind, he could only choose to support it.

Wang Wenzhen rang the bell next to her desk, and the official pushed the door open, bowed and asked.

"What are your orders, Master?"

"Go and invite Grand Scholar Qian, Sun Shangshu, Zhao Shilang... they come."

Wang Wenzhen reported six or seven names in a row, all of whom were the backbone of the royal party.

Xu Zisheng nodded with satisfaction, stood up, raised his hands and said.

"I'll take my leave now!"

Three days later, the negotiations between Yunzhou and the imperial court ended, and the peace talks officially came to an end. Regardless of the attitude of the government and the opposition, Emperor Yongxing was determined to seek peace, and the matter was already a done deal.

Although the terms of the peace negotiation have been changed, they have not changed much. The first condition has basically remained unchanged. Starting from this year, Dafeng will pay tribute of 500,000 taels of silver and 600,000 pieces of silk to Yunzhou every year. What has changed is that in the first year, only 150,000 taels and 300,000 pieces of silk need to be paid in tribute, and all must be paid back in the second year.

The second condition has not changed at all. The Dafeng court must immediately send a report to the yamen in various places, recognizing that the Yunzhou lineage is the orthodoxy of the Central Plains, and post a notice to inform the world.

The third condition was that Dafeng ceded Yuzhou and Zhangzhou and kept Yongzhou. Because Yongzhou was close to Kyoto City, no matter how cowardly Emperor Yongxing was, he would not dare to cede Yongzhou to Yunzhou. He was really digging his own grave.

Emperor Yongxing didn't take the fourth condition seriously at all and agreed directly. He sent people to Sitianjian to get Jianzheng's weapon refining manual, which was completed very easily.

Outside the city gate of Kyoto, six horses galloped over. They were wearing cloaks and riding fast horses, roaring through the city gate. Entering the city gate, the speed of the horses slowed down sharply. The leader reined in his horse and looked back at the city wall. His face was stiff and expressionless, as if it were carved out of stone. Jinluo Yang Yan, the watchman, was the adopted son of Wei Yuan.

After the massacre in Chuzhou, Yang Yan stayed there. The imperial court appointed him as the commander-in-chief of Chuzhou and the commander of the capital of Chuzhou. Even after Wei Yuan's death, he stayed in Chuzhou and never returned to Beijing.

"Calling all brothers lurking in the capital, waiting for orders."

Yang Yan turned his head, looked at the subordinate on the left, and ordered in a deep voice.


The subordinate clasped his hands in his fists, then grabbed the horse's reins, pulled it gently, separated from the team, and galloped towards another road.

Yang Yan moved his eyes and looked along the spacious main road in the direction of the palace, feeling extremely excited.

"It will definitely succeed this time, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the adoptive father's last wish!"

In the palace, the backbone of the royal party gathered together, surrounding Wang Wenzhen, with solemn expressions on their faces, talking in low voices, with a sparkle in their eyes.

"We must not agree to Yunzhou's conditions, otherwise we will be Dafeng's sinners, and we will be infamy for thousands of years in the future!"

"That's right, so we must bring order to the chaos and restore the power of the gods, and we will never allow His Majesty to act like this!"

"Is everyone ready?"

"Everything is ready, the curtain can only be raised!"

Wang Wenzhen nodded, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, all this is for Dafeng's 600-year-old foundation. I hope you all can work together!"

"Don't worry, Lord Chief Assistant, it's our duty to do the right thing!"

The backbones of the Royal Party looked firm and spoke in unison.

In the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, Marquis of Wu'an Xu Shijun was sitting on the main seat. Sitting below were the Duke, Marquis, and Earls. They all followed Xu Shijun's lead and looked at the leader of martial arts with evil spirits on their faces.

"Brother Xu, the brothers have already made arrangements. Just wait for an order to control all the troops in Kyoto City!"

"So, thank you all brothers. Since my daughter-in-law wants to sit on that dragon chair, I, the father-in-law, can only help her. I put aside my old face and ask all brothers for help!"

"Brother Xu, what are you saying? Isn't your matter our matter? Now Yong'an Marquis is the Confucian sub-sage. If Princess Huaiqing ascends the throne, he can flex his muscles and lead Dafeng to reorganize the country. , the little Yunzhou rebels are nothing, not worth mentioning!"

"That's right, Your Majesty is too cowardly and narrow-minded. He is afraid of Marquis Yong'an and would rather cede territory and pay compensation than negotiate for peace. He has completely disgraced Dafeng!"

The Wuxun Group was very dissatisfied with Emperor Yongxing, a cowardly monarch. They were so frightened that they lost sleep and food and ceded territory to pay compensation after just losing one Qingzhou. This was simply too embarrassing. If it had been the Battle of Shanhaiguan twenty years ago, wouldn't he have He has to surrender directly and become a vassal. Such a monarch is really unable to convince the public.

At Mao o'clock the next day, when the sky was dark, the civil and military officials walked through the east and west side gates in an orderly manner and crossed the Jinshui Bridge. The officials of the capital were waiting at the Danbi, steps and square, and the princes entered the Jinluan Hall.

Today's morning meeting was held specifically for the Yunzhou mission. More than twenty negotiators wearing Yunzhou official robes entered the Jinluan Palace, high and mighty, with the strength and pride of victors.

Emperor Yongxing sat on the throne, and after a few casual conversations, he asked people to exchange documents.

"Thanks to your Majesty and your lords' hospitality, I am very happy to be on this trip."

The leader of the Yunzhou mission bowed to Emperor Yongxing and bowed to all the princes with a smile on his face. In the Jinluan Hall, all the officials looked ugly, pretending not to see the mockery and wanton arrogance on his face.

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a loud boom and the sound of artillery coming from a distance, followed by the sound of intensive drums coming from the direction of the palace gate.

Emperor Yongxing was horrified, and the Yunzhou envoy's face was also full of panic, and a bad premonition was vaguely in his heart.

"Go and see what's going on."

The personal eunuch of Emperor Yongxing was ordered to retreat. He stepped out of the Jinluan Palace and looked down at the square outside the palace. The officials below were in chaos and looked anxious. Some of the palace guards rushed to the palace gate and some rushed to the Jinluan Palace to protect His Majesty and the princes.

"Your Majesty, something bad has happened! The rebels are coming in, and they are shouting Qing Junzi!"

Emperor Yongxing looked fiercely at where the royal family members were, and was stunned. Prince Yan was there. Logically speaking, Prince Yan should not be here at this moment. Could it be that it wasn't him?

All the princes and princes also looked at Prince Yan with strange eyes. There were several martial arts practitioners in the clan who quietly moved closer to Prince Yan.

If there is anyone in the court who can rebel, it is probably the prince born of the Queen Mother. No one understands the principle of catching the thief first.

Prince Yan was also confused. He had done nothing. He was suspected of him no matter what. Although he was not willing to let Emperor Yongxing sit on the throne, he thought about committing a rebellion, but he did not have enough strength and did not dare to act rashly. Today, he really It’s not him!

It's just that these royal family members didn't notice the expressions of the civil and military ministers. They all looked at each other, calm and calm, as if they didn't care about the commotion outside.

Outside the palace gate, figures flashed. The first one to rush in was Yang Yan, followed by two golden gongs, some silver gongs, bronze gongs, and even the Royal Forest Army, Feather Forest Guards, Imperial Sword Guards, etc. The members were very complex, and their arms There is a piece of red silk wrapped around them.

These people held bloody swords and surrounded the princes, clans, and nobles in the palace.

"Yang Yan? It's you!"

A county king recognized him, was surprised and angry, and yelled angrily.

"Rebellious ministers and traitors, if you dare to do something rebellious, aren't you afraid that your nine clans will be punished?"

Emperor Yongxing suppressed all his emotions, maintained the king's composure, stood up to support the case, glanced at Prince Yan, then looked at Yang Yan and others, forced himself to be calm, and asked.

"Who is your master?"

At the same time, the two clan members, one on the left and one on the right, restrained Prince Yan. Seeing Yang Yan and several Jin Luo appear, anyone with a discerning eye will know who is behind the scenes. These Wei Yuan's gang members had originally supported the fourth prince.

At this time, the fighting outside the palace stopped, and the winner seemed to be decided. There were still sporadic sounds of artillery and drums in the distance, but they were not intense, and the situation was under control.

"There is no need to embarrass Brother Fourth Emperor, this matter has nothing to do with him."

A cold and sweet voice came. Princess Huaiqing, dressed in a plain white dress with a graceful figure, crossed the threshold and walked in.

Emperor Yongxing was stunned. He didn't expect that this rebellion was actually led by her, and he said angrily.

"Huaiqing? What do you want to do? Answer me, what do you want to do?!"

Emperor Yongxing slapped the big case hard, his momentum was high, and he was extremely angry. He had never taken Princess Huaiqing to his heart, and he did not expect that he would fall into her hands.

Huaiqing walked step by step under the throne, looked at Emperor Yongxing, his tone was calm, his voice was majestic and direct.

"Brother, please abdicate!"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the hall, and you could hear a needle drop.

"You? Huaiqing!"

Emperor Yongxing seemed to have heard a big joke. He put his hands on the case, looked down at the rebellious imperial sister, and roared loudly.

"Do you know what you are doing!!"

Emperor Yongxing did not look at Huaiqing again, but looked at Yang Yan and others, and angrily said:

"Are you crazy enough to accompany a woman in rebellion? How many heads do you have to cut off? Can she succeed? Ask all the princes in the palace, who will support her. Ask the people in the world, who will support her, a female prostitute? generation."

At this time, the first assistant Wang Wenzhen silently came out of the queue, bowed and said loudly.

"Your Majesty, please abdicate!"

Then Qian Qingshu, the cabinet scholar, Zhao Chuanfang and others came out, bowed and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, please abdicate!"

The censors of the left capital, the censor of the right capital, and the six ministers of the Duchayuan came out at the same time and said in unison.

"Your Majesty, please abdicate!"

In an instant, countless officials in the main hall came out, bowed and shouted in unison.

"Your Majesty, please abdicate!"

The number of people in the palace accounted for 80% to 90% of the people in the palace. Only a small number of officials looked blankly at this scene. When they came to their senses, they did not dare to hesitate and came out one after another and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, please abdicate!"

At the court, this was the first time that all civil and military officials worked together to force Emperor Yongxing to abdicate.

Emperor Yongxing's face suddenly froze, and then slowly turned pale. He stared blankly at the officials bowing in the palace, his lips trembled, and he murmured:

"Crazy, you are all crazy!"

On the royal family side, the princes and county princes were all at a loss. Only Prince Yan was ecstatic and trembling with excitement.

"Are you all crazy? Accompanying a female prostitute to go crazy, who gave you the courage? Don't try to be quick, or you won't achieve anything."

"There are so many members of the royal family that they can quell the rebellion with just one shout from above. No one will support a woman."

Huaiqing folded his hands on his lower abdomen, looked majestic, and said coldly.

"Take him down and let him write an edict of abdication."

Yang Yan led several silver gongs and strode forward towards Emperor Yongxing who was sitting on the throne.

"Don't be presumptuous!"

The palm eunuch opened his arms and stood in front of Yang Yan and the others. His face turned slightly pale, and he spoke harshly and shouted loudly. (End of chapter)

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